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19116352 No.19116352 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19116355

Now read them.

>> No.19116361

Don't do this. Keep the books pristine OP.

>> No.19116366

I'm also reading the Greeks between chapters of the Count of Monte Cristo.
Now going to read the Symposium. What am I in for?

>> No.19116373

>What am I in for?
I imagine you're in for some greek philosophy and platonism but I'm no expert.

>> No.19116392

You're in for gay sex.

>> No.19116404


"Entire greeks".

At least get a fair idea of the pre-socratics and Socrate or you'll find things in both Plato and Aristotle you won't understand.

Plato especially seeks to conciliate Parmenides and Heraclitus (Parmenides says world is fixed, immuable, Heraclitus says the world is constantly changing). Heraclitus will also be a source for Hegel much later which is the most known representant of the German Idealism.

So it's important to at least know a bit of the pre-socratics. Platon and Aristotle build on them.

>> No.19116494

Yeah, you're right I also got a nice presocratic anthology

>> No.19116501

Symposium is a bunch of drunk fag chads discussing love without a 4Chan lit board to post on, prity much what life was like pre www, worth a read and shows not much has changed post www, apart from now people are sat alone without social skills, but the bullshit keeps a rolling.

>> No.19116516

Tu peux aussi acheter les présocratiques en Gallimard folio. Tu es en L1 philo ?
Attention à ne pas tout lire d'un coup en croyant que tu absorbes du savoir. Il faut s'efforcer de réfléchir avec l'auteur.

>> No.19116523

French editions mog

>> No.19116529

How do they put all their works in just one book?

Platon cover is really pretty tho.

>> No.19116548

french publishers know how to make practical books, unlike anglos who produce gigantic bricks even for short novels

>> No.19116564

They just decrease the font size so no one can read it.

>> No.19116582

En double licence droit philo ouais, mais je les acheté parce que c'est surtout un bon investissement

>> No.19116594

>un bon investissement
tu vas les revendre plus cher? lol
ces éditions sont trop grosses, illisibles, mieux vaut les livres de poches ou les pléiades.

>> No.19116600
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>everyone calls him Platon
>even greeks call him Platon -- Πλάτων, Plátōn
>anglos call him Plato
What the fuck?

>> No.19116608

Bah non
c'est surtout qu'après je n'aurais plus à racheter de livre d'eux quoi
En plus je les ai pris avec le Pass Culture donc benef

>> No.19116613

because of accents i guess, anglos would call him "platuun" like the word platoon kek

>> No.19116619

Attention à bien protéger la couverture molle du Platon pour que ça vieillisse bien. Si t'es à P1, rejoins le discord !

>> No.19116625

>donc benef
t'as pas des cours d'économie?

>> No.19116630

Merci mais je suis à la Catho haha

>> No.19116642

Je disais benef dans le sens que je les aient eu gratuitement, une bonne affaire quoi

>> No.19116662

I've got Plato in the one-tome English edition, they just use thin paper.

Sweet. Does the Aristotle edition contain dubia?

>> No.19116671

Real men say Playdoh. Doesn't surprise me that french fags say Platon with a nasal vowel at the end.

>> No.19116673


>> No.19116694

Attention l'ICP c'est un peu une blague, va falloir que tu travailles sérieusement si tu veux entrer dans un master correct.

Le posteur plus haut sous-entendais que tu as employé le mésusage très actuel du mot investissement. C'est une aberration émanant des consommateurs auto-proclamés avertis. Le bénéfice c'était d'obtenir l'argent du pass culture, dépenser c'est juste dépenser.
Belle acquisition néanmoins, j'ai les deux volumes aussi. Il parait que les traductions d'Aristote publiées par Vrin sont plus faciles à lire. Mais je suis un fétichiste des gros volumes anthologiques. Mon royaume pour un Quarto Gallimard...

>> No.19116706

Ok, tu peux en dire plus sur ce que t'entend par le fait que ce soit une blague (tu m'inquiètes un peu mdr)

>> No.19116726

What do you mean by dubia ?

>> No.19116747

Dubia? What's?

>> No.19116751

You mean they use paper so thin you can see the text 5 pages ahead, like the entirety of Pleiade. Hatu, I spit on you, Oussama.

>> No.19116758

Fuck, I was pretty sure that's a real word. I meant the works of doubtful authorship.

>> No.19116761

No you brainlets, Anglos call him Plato because that's what the Romans called him and it came into English via Latin.

>> No.19116775
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>> No.19116780

Lel, I thought it was a variant of 'ligma', and was trying to ruin the joke. Dubious is probably what you mean; maybe dubia means something in latin or something lmao.


Check em

>> No.19116785
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Cute attempt. Check THESE.

>> No.19116790
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Plato in one book was bad enough. I don't even want to think what the paper and font is like if the frogs managed to condense Aristotle into one book.
I'm not even sure why you'd want the complete works of Aristotle. Who is autistic enough to read all the extremely outdated biology?

>> No.19116801

Je n'ai pas eu plus de contact direct avec l'ICP qu'une fréquentation régulière du quartier pendant quelques années. Deux camarades doctorants y ont enseigné quelques semestres pour se faire un peu d'argent. Ils m'ont surtout rapporté la démotivation des étudiants, arrivés là parce que refoulés ailleurs. Un moyen pour leurs parents de leur payer un diplôme. Mais bon, nous sommes partials à l'égard de l'enseignement public. Si tu es motivé et que tu passes tes samedis à lire plutôt qu'à poster sur 4chan, tu devrais tout de même bien t'en sortir.
Je te recommande surtout de travailler le premier tome de Méthodologie philosophique de Philippe Choulet, chez PUF. Et d'être particulièrement assidu au TD de méthodo, qui est la pierre angulaire de ces études.

>> No.19116821

Je suis d'accord avec toi (une grande partie des étudiants sont effectivement des récalés des Sciences Po). Après je juste voulais montrer mon acquisition (je vais pas vraimen sur 4chan, je savais pas ou le poster). Mais Merci pour tes conseils chef, bon courage pour la suite.

>> No.19116838

>3 failures

>> No.19116947


>> No.19117501

Les pleiades sont top. A mon avis, car la couverture est en vrai cuir. J'adore les couvertures en vrai cuir.

>> No.19117590

Zoumeur de merde

>> No.19117630
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>> No.19117654

>still nothing
Fucking hell you incels need to have dubs

>> No.19117658

check em

>> No.19117686

I don't know how it is like in France but in Sweden there are rarely any notes or commentary, except for the translators foreword which will mostly consist of explaining various translation choices. For example my copy of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason does not have any notes(beyond his own notes). The difference between this and the average English translation is massive.

Although fitting all of Plato into one book seems a bit excessive, I wonder how small the font is.

>> No.19117748


>> No.19117849

little books>big books

looks uncomfy to even hold.

>> No.19117864

Get the tome on the presocratics too and you would literally have the entire beginning of western philosophy

>> No.19118166

Tu vas pas vraiment sur 4chan mais tu sais que lit c'est aussi là qu'on cause de philo? J'ai des doutes.

Tu es un prof, ou a minima doctorant? J'avoue que je me demande si c'est fréquent des français de ce niveau d'étude qui fréquente ce board.

>> No.19118177

Check these digits

>> No.19118258

check these digits

>> No.19118262

>bought the complete works of aristote
>didnt buy any aristotle

>> No.19118330

This. complete presocratics, complete plato, complete aristotle.
Every man who doesn't want to be brainlet should do this.

>> No.19118335

I'm from Greece and don't see My Diary (desu) in there

>> No.19118566

Disons que j'avais du temps pendant l'été

>> No.19118662

Its actually Platón the russians preserved the pronunciation from original greek via orthodoxy

>> No.19118682

Spaniards call him Platon

>> No.19118689

I declare no digits for anyone else

>> No.19119733

I have the Plato book and I find his translation of logos to mean "definition" to be very irritating to read.

>> No.19119750 [DELETED] 

The font is alright, but the pages are so thin you can read the words from its back AND the page underneath.

>> No.19121328

Socrates lecturing his buds about why you shouldn't use condoms and Alcibiades getting shitfaced.

>> No.19121338

I only read the Germans