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19112986 No.19112986 [Reply] [Original]

Essential books for learning how to draw PLEASE spoonfeed me

>> No.19112993

Drawing is 95% innate talent.

>> No.19113019

There's an entire board for this, retard

>> No.19113035

Drawing is 100% hard work. Believe me I tried reading the meme books like Bridgeman and Loomis and they DO NOT HELP. It is cool looking at how other people do shit but it's not going to help you get better unless you're already good and can change styles on a whim.

Some beginner art courses might teach you what the best pencil to buy is and how to sharpen it but you can look up that shit on youtube.

>b-but what about college
Only good for peer review. You don't need it if you're objective and enlightened enough.

>> No.19113609

Can't even read a goddamn sticky OP? ngmi

>> No.19113665

You're right, but no one wants to hear this. I draw a little as a hobby, and follow some artists I like online, and the one thing they have in common is that they draw basically anytime they can. People get good at drawing because they enjoy it so much that they'll spend 14 hours a day drawing and not even think about it. Some of them were naturally good, some of them were not, but after just a few years drawing nonstop they were all the same. Passion/determination is the true source of talent. Most people think they'd like to make cool drawings, but they don't actually like drawing itself.
I do think that books and courses can help, but if you're spending more than 5% of your time on them you'll get diminishing returns

>> No.19113721
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, Drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is alright but I'd skip Perspective Made Easy and start with How to Draw instead.

>> No.19113735
File: 450 KB, 1120x1556, Drawing II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's another one.

>> No.19113815
File: 7 KB, 203x248, 3E5C21C0-0BA3-4EF9-A493-22D926A55081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two helped me a lot
Here is something that helped me a lot min19.


I couldn’t draw for shit, after this I started to have a better hand. My drawings went from “wtf is that” to “oh I see it now, it’s us”

>> No.19113864

/i/ btfo

>> No.19113912
File: 45 KB, 417x259, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing less than papa Vilppu. Sit at his feet for as long as you can, and absorb everything that he knows.

terrible recommendations. Why was Vilppu not included?

>> No.19113944
File: 667 KB, 3333x1875, 1618420114585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking /lit/ how to draw

>> No.19114158

you dont learn it from books

>> No.19114188


>> No.19114205

nuh uh, its
ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

>> No.19114208

that lady's spin loke like a fucking chickwing sans meat. wtf is that indent in the middle?

>> No.19114232

ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name.
Six hundred percent knowledge and desire
Ten thousand ten thousand seven thousand six thousand five hundred nineteen
Seven thousand ten thousand ten thousand three thousand twenty-nine ten thousand
Eight hundred a hundred a hundred fifty twenty forty-nine hundred seven thousand one thousand five thousand ten thousand sixteen hundred seventeen eighty thirty-eight
Sixty-six fifty a hundred twenty ninety fifty forty two hundred seventy thirty
Seven hundred forty
Thirty-six twenty-nine eighty forty-nine eighty forty forty-nine eighty forty-nine eighty forty-nine fifty forty
Seven hundred to ninety nine eighty eighty forty (I am going to show that I know the three points), forty-five thirty-three eighty-three eighty-three
Thirty-two ninety eighty forty-three eighty-three eighty-three ninety twenty ninety seventy twenty-nine eighty
A few months of practice
Ten hundred fifty (or better) forty-two ninety.
Two thousand seven hundred eight hundred fifteen thousand six thousand five thousand six thousand five thousand fifty thousand eighty-seven
Eight hundred sixty-one eighty-one eighty-one eighty-one eighty-one eighty-one eighty-three ninety-eight
one eighty-one eighty-one ninety-one eighty-one ninety-one ninety, ninety-one eighty-one

>> No.19114279
File: 1.13 MB, 498x498, pepe-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rewatching his figure drawing lecture series
>"A friend of mine... well.. student... Sheldon... starts the figure with the eyes"

>> No.19114314

Started doing these before and then realized I don't like drawing

>> No.19114349

Honestly, books suck ass for drawing. Even drawing on the right side of the brain or whatever the fuck it's called. It all sucks. All resources for drawing suck ass, actually. There's no tried and true method to learn to draw.

I think you should nail down perspective first because that's something that can actually be learned and understood on a mathematical, objective level. Don't get too deep into drawabox (it's a program created by an autistic idiot who sucks at drawing), but it's a good starting place.

A big part of drawing is just nailing down the underlying geometry of what you want to draw. If you're able to draw shapes in perspective, you can draw nearly anything.

But once you're done with perspective and geometry, just start fucking drawing. Observe stuff and draw. No books can help you after that, it's all practice. Learning some gesture shit helps too if you wanna draw people, but that's a whole clusterfuck of shitty resources that aren't straightforward at all.

>> No.19114389

Ignore this retard OP just feel the form

>> No.19114418

>feel le form xD

>> No.19114427


>> No.19114650 [DELETED] 

I'm in the camp of aspiring retards who are trying to learn how to draw.
This is probably true and it kills me because drawing doesn't come naturally to me, I don't exactly have to force myself to do it but I do have to make some effort to pick up the pencil, my problem is that I have no idea if drawing just isn't for me or if I'm just currently in a fucked up enough state that I can't focus on anything regardless because there is literally nothing that comes naturally to me, even brainless leisure activities require me to make an effort to engage in. Vegetable mode. I have passion in my life but only for the imaginary world in my head, I would do anything to have motivation. I feel like this is a common problem with the current generations, I wonder if it was at the same level for previous generations.

>> No.19114688

stop being mean

>> No.19114718

doesn't mean sh*t coming from a fag like u

>> No.19114990


>> No.19115056

/ic/ says keys to drawing is AIDS and I agree.

>> No.19116168


>> No.19116175


>> No.19116179

The lady is extremely thin. The two strips are her spinal erector and the indent seems to be due to thinness, because there is actually no bone there in anyone's skeleton. I agree it's very oddly contorted and I'd be surprised if it was true to life

>> No.19116188

How to Draw is way too advanced and complicated for a complete beginner. Start with Perspective Made Easy, OP.

>> No.19116190

just steal some cans of spray paint and go out writing

>> No.19117422


Indeed: >>/lit/thread/S18606919