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/lit/ - Literature

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1910920 No.1910920 [Reply] [Original]

ignore the tripfags

ignore the trolls

spend less time on /lit/ and more time reading books

Good day.

>> No.1910927

I agree, OP.

This deserves to be stickied.

>> No.1910930

>ignore the tripfags
why would you ignore the most intelligent posters on this board?

>> No.1910941

Sound advice, OP.

Only if more people lived by it.

Anyway, I'm off to go read a book instead of degenerating and putting holes in my brain by staying on this board longer than 15 minutes.

>> No.1910953

>Implying they aren't simply the most self-centered numbskulls on 4chan

>> No.1910959

>ignore the tripfags

>> No.1910961

I would be interested in hearing a tripfag's arguments on what possible other reason is there to become a tripfag apart from the obvious (being an attention whore).

>> No.1910964

why do you need an argument

>> No.1910967

god you are such a baby
>wawaawaa stop being attention whores i dont want you to be you are so stupid be like me

>> No.1910973


Where did I imply I had a problem with people being attention whores?


Because there must be a reason why some people use trips while most don't. Is there some other reason behind it than attention?

>> No.1910977

imagine the following:

a large quantity of strangers are put into a room, under the pretext of a chance to get to know people. After maybe ten or twenty minutes, groups of people that recognise each other and share similar interests group together and talk to each other, as human nature is wont to do. These are tripfags. The large quantity of stragglers are left to themselves. Now, imagine that the majority of these stragglers are resentful over this, they feel cheated over the fact they have been left out, and their inability to express themselves to others, to get to know the other stragglers, for whatever reason , leaves them resentful of those that could. These are the anons. You see it all the time IRL. Except most people have to deal with it and get to know people, on 4chan you don't, you can just do the easy thing and cry about it.

>> No.1910981
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>> No.1910988


>under the pretext of a chance to get to know people

Why do you think that is the pretext of 4chan? There's a reason 99.9% of discussion boards on the internet are identity based, including the one Moot came from, but 4chan is not one of them.

>you can just do the easy thing and cry about it.

I'm not crying I'm interested in it.

>> No.1910990



>> No.1911008

>ignore the tripfags
This, dear god this! You tripfags are disgusting.

>> No.1911009

Great advice man. Fuck you tripfags, I strayed from this board for a while because of all the bullshit.

>> No.1911016
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The only thing anons recognize is the need of trips to inflate their sense of self importance, to feel pride by putting a signature in posts of usually average quality. You could just as easily share your interests while remaining anon.
This of course doesn't mean you cannot still trip but your need to hide your underlying intentions brands you a hypocrite.

>> No.1911017

4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. This is a modest enough statement of purpose of the board. One can post anonymously, and there is a strong culture to influence one's preference regarding that choice, or one can post under an assumed identity. I don't believe this fully does justice to the clear-as-day fact that communities develop, thrive and diminish on sites like these, whether they be anonymous-based or identity-based. I have seen a varying core of recognisable, contributing members on a wide variety of boards, changing communities that work within and outside of the confines of their board. meet-ups, for example. Video-game streaming sites that have a culture based in and owe their viewership to /v/. moderators themselves represent a community on this and other sites. Now, this is not something you can see for yourself if you browse onto a board for 10 mins every two weeks or so, it's something you come to realise when you've invested a little time in a board to see its general workings, the personalities that frequent it and so on. None of that is learned overnight, or capable of being learned if you have don't have any interest in investing yourself to that extent with the community (hence, summerfarts and the like).

>> No.1911024

But then how does one converse with a fellow friend? Ever think maybe Tripfags have a repour and that they may have someone who's opinion they trust more than others. So if said tripfag was anon, maybe others would be less willing to give things a try?

>> No.1911031


In summary:

>If I make enough shitty posts people will have to pay attention to me

- Deep&Edgy!pSkjEcB9sQ

>> No.1911037

>tldr; tripfag thinks he's so important that we will all read his longass post

>> No.1911048
File: 45 KB, 322x337, Sarammff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Longass post.
>~200 words
>Long ass post
This is the worst post I've read in a while.

Also, complaining about having to read on a board aimed at people who enjoy reading...

>> No.1911053

ok so can we just declare this the official thread for all arguments relating to the positive or negative nature of tripfags so the rest of us can attempt to talk about books or something in every other thread without it devolving to a completely tangential flame war please

>> No.1911055

I am undoubtedly the greatest tripfag on this board.

>> No.1911059

>implying the whole thing wasn't total crap that could easily have been rewritten down to a sentence or two

We read well-written things, not a lot of bullshit.

>> No.1911060


>> No.1911061

This implies a lot of things. For example that the trip is already using argumentum ad verecundiam to support his posts instead of concrete logical arguments. This alone should deter people from respecting him.

>> No.1911066

>I'm smart because I'm using latin

>> No.1911068

he's not even using it properly either

>> No.1911071

>I'm smart because ad hominem
also 2deep4u and so on and so forth

>> No.1911078

proving the point

>> No.1911087

>implying it isn't stupid to dress up arguments with an ancient language
>implying I was even commenting on the argument itself

>> No.1911099

Good advice, OP. A pity everyone in the thread is doing the exact oposite.

>> No.1911104

You can always google things you do not understand, we have not stated any special set of rules for the language used.

>> No.1911157

>Implying I should have to google shit when everyone here already understands the English language and everything we want to tell each other can be written in the English language

>> No.1911195

Have fun not understanding my argument then. I didn't impose on you to read it or comment on it. Furthermore your attack against the author and not the argument itself demeans you and I thus I wouldn't care less about your opinions.

>> No.1911222


>> No.1911253

I feel like I'm the only person around here who actually reads.

>> No.1911272

Am I the only one who reports every single post D&E makes?

>> No.1911639

why hasn't this been stickied yet?

>> No.1911659

OP here. Just back from a day of reading outside. I am disappointed that people have not been able to ignore the tripfags/trolls ITT. It's really not that hard.

You can never win an argument with them. Every time you respond to their posts, you automatically lose, no matter how skilled your argument is and no matter how stupid the tripfag's logic/poor trolling skills are.

1. Filter the tripfags
2. Hide the stupid threads
3. Read books
4. ??????
5. Profit.

>> No.1911699

imagine the following:

a large quantity of strangers are put into a room, under the pretext of a chance to get to know people. After maybe ten or twenty minutes, groups of people that are starved for attention begin to publicly fellate one another.. These are tripfags. The large quantity of stragglers look upon this behavior with revulsion. Now, imagine that the majority of these stragglers are resentful over this, they feel disgusted at these self-aggrandizing whoremongers who continually make off topic threads about themselves, sometimes with only a thin reference to a work of literature or author in a flaccid attempt to remain nominally on topic to the forum. These are the anons. You see it all the time IRL, albeit the offending parties are often removed forcibly from a venue, either by the owners of law enforcement officers, as such behavior is not only repugnant but also illegal in civilized and polite society. You can often see such screeching at the returns counter of most major retail outlets or swearing revenge upon the staff of a local bar as they are being forcibly ejected.

>> No.1912927


>> No.1912932
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>> No.1912935

>spend less time on /lit/ and more time reading books

Spend less time on 4chan, who get their money from ad views.. sure, the mods will go for that.. dumb ass.

>> No.1912949


>> No.1912979


>> No.1913009

>you suddenly realise all the /lit/ mods are tripfags
>it all makes sense now

>> No.1913022
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for a moment you're in a room filled with people. Many (perhaps all) of these people are taking a gigantic shit on the carpet of the room. The room smells terrible, and the stench is making you wretch and choke. The air is thick with the smell of digested food, and you can't move, because the floor is covered in a think layer of human excrement.

Now, a Tripfag appears, people know his name. He walks to the centre of the room, removed his pants and squats. A solid mass of faeces slides slowly out of his anus. It makes a wet thud as it hits the ground.

The room falls silent, in a mixture of disgust and shock, someone speaks. "What the fuck!? That bastard just took a dump in our room"

Another says "What do you think you're doing, shitting all over our room?

The whole room joins in, insulting and abusing the Tripfag for shitting in their room. And all this time not a single person stops defacating for even a single second.

it's a metaphor

>> No.1913032

this is so gross i wish there was something other than defecation that was used to prove the point not that i don't agree with it it's just gross imagery

>> No.1913033
File: 615 KB, 928x720, fix'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw that girl the only thing I could think was
>God she would be fucking cute if her eyes weren't so far apart

>> No.1913034

Should I feel ashamed for being attracted to a women who clearly has inbred genes? I mean, look at the spacing between her fucking eyes.
I guess this solves the mystery on why I always pop a boner when I'm around my cousins.

>> No.1913039

she's not inbred
she's an albino asian

>> No.1913040

Who are all these anons arguing with?

>> No.1913043

Well.. Those asians better work on making more albinos, because they look just like my cousins.

>> No.1913057

I now like you brownbear

>> No.1913085

I wish I had me a cute asian, or white-asian mongrel. We'd read books all day and listen to music, then take walks in the park, I'd buy her an Ice Cream cone and we'd share it. Then we'd go see the ducks, then hit an art exhibit and go to hip cafe's at night and listen to the hipsters read their poetry. Life would be grand.

>> No.1913086

It's copypasta

>> No.1913094

imagine the following:

suddenly you find yourself in a room full of strangers. before you even appeared, they seemed to all find their like. some apparently find enough to like. while you mutter to yourself, they pretend they have names.

>> No.1913118

Good idea OP. I've been procrastinating about reading The Castle for at least a week.

>> No.1913131

I have seen the tripfags in their TC room, and they were terribly sensitive and stupid.

tiny [remove] chat.com/ [remove] litclub

>> No.1913134

copy pasta he created
>doesn't know brownbear is wakingjuno

>> No.1913141

I challenged these idiots to a debate, but they ignore the challenge every time. The one time in which someone did agree to it -- the chap called 'Brownbear' -- he did not even turn up in the TC room I'd created. These people are pathetic and dim-witted.

>> No.1913149
File: 23 KB, 170x170, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe people wouldn't reject you if you had a tripcode so that we could tell who you are when you're posting~

>> No.1913152

>challenge them to a debate
>somewhere other than 4chan

And was the loser going to commit seppuku?

>> No.1913493
File: 39 KB, 640x419, angelika_kaufmann_blindband_max_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore the trolls
>spend less time on /lit/ and more time reading books
>ignore the tripfags
Does not apply to every tripfags. Ignore just the shit tripfags.
Small example: you shouldn't ignore Deep&Edgy; you could easily ignore Brownbear.

>> No.1913713


please link to the post on greenoval where you created the room.

i said yes to your debate repeatadly

>> No.1913935

pathetic virgin detected

she's cute because of her eyes

>> No.1914013

My fuckin thoughts exactly