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19105111 No.19105111 [Reply] [Original]

Jacobin Magazine is today the premier magazine of the "Bernie Left" and the Democratic Socialists of America. Since 2017, they have come under attack for purging many of the original writers who captured the essence of left-wing populism -- defending white working people, pushing back against identity politics -- and trading them in for liberal interventionists, embrace of "antifa" and anarchist voices, open borders activists, and "sex worker" advocacy.

Research into the 990 forms of the Jacobin Foundation Ltd and some of the organizations giving them grants may provide clues explaining the abrupt change in Bhaskar Sunkara's editorial line. According to a 2017 990 form uncovered by National Justice, the Annenberg Foundation gave the Jacobin $100,000 dollars. The organization writes checks to numerous Jewish and Zionist causes, as well as a wide variety of pro-immigration and gay lobbies and legal pressure groups. Walter Annenberg, the foundation's namesake, was a Wall Street speculator turned media mogul. He used his money to aid Israel's war effort during the '67 conflict and was known for backing various ethnocentric endeavors. A six figure check from the Annenbergs to an ostensibly socialist, anti-Zionist publication raises eyebrows, to say the least. Another significant Jacobin donor, the Jewish Communal Fund, cut the magazine a $70,000 check alongside an infinite list of pro-Israel causes.

>> No.19105113

While Jacobin reported a total revenue of $1.5 million in 2018 mostly from program services, these two organizations provided a substantial amount of their grants and contributions. The Annenberg Foundation provided almost half of Jacobin's grant money in 2016 ($219,861), while in 2017 the JCF's money provided almost 70% of the free cash in this column ($107,301). Not bad! According to sources who spoke to National Justice on condition of anonymity, the editor's promise to pay them $50 dollars for their articles never materialized. It is not clear if this practice continues to this day.

Political magazines are rarely profitable and not all can afford to pay their writers, but the Jacobin does not appear to have money problems. According to their latest IRS filings, they have set aside $576,019 in bonds, equities, and ETFs so that they can play the stock market. In the same year, Jacobin's Sunkara had the money to purchase the British Tribune, which George Orwell once worked for as an editor. Sunkara immediately fired all of its loyal employees with a pitiful severance package that compensated them for only 70% of their wages.

The prestige-purchase is a mirror image of Will Chamberlain's costly take over of Ronald Reagan's favorite magazine Human Events, which Chamberlain then proceeded to turn into a crappy gamergate blog. Sunkara's latest venture is to employ The Young Turks' Ana Kasparian and Majority Report's Michael Brooks for a weekend podcast. It's unlikely either of these two liberal figures are cheap. The description for the show sounds like more "liberals vs conservatives" partisanship interchangeable with the crap on MSNBC.

Bhaskar's pivot from anti-capitalist advocacy to profitable liberalism is as obvious as the Soviet flag is red.


>> No.19105526

bros…. how do we prevent important magazines from being corrupted like this?

>> No.19105563

From shit to profitable shit.

>> No.19105567

You turn them into something profitable and that can withstand whatever pressure people you reject offers from will put on you, i.e. you can't

>> No.19105582

Any society which focuses on “economic” equality in lieu of religious, racial, and sexual equality is and will remain inherently unequal. Commies will cope and seethe but liberals, for all their faults, create better societies than a communist approach could. If Jacobin recognizes that and is correcting their previous stance, good. Focusing on the rights of sex workers, for example, is a much better use of a leftist platform than the “white working class” (we both know “white settler class” is the correct phrasing, don’t lie).

>> No.19105699

>Focusing on the rights of sex workers, for example, is a much better use of a leftist platform than the “white working class
Why? The former exists in tiny amounts compared to the millions of the latter, why should one tiny group receive special attention over working on improving the economic prospects of people who make up the majority or large plurality of lower-income and lower-middle income workers?

>> No.19105707

>another /pol/ thread

>> No.19105719

White people, by virtue of being white, do not need help to improve their economic prospects. Society is rigged to help them. A truly left-wing approach to creating equality isn’t going to waste resources on helping those who are in the upper class, as all whites are.

>But there are white sex workers
They will not receive the help their peers will.

>> No.19105759

>he took the bait
you fucking imbecile

>> No.19105784

Shitty bait. GTFO

>> No.19105808

Meanwhile First Things, Touchstone and Chronicles are going strong.

>> No.19105822

The white screams in pain as he oppresses you

>> No.19105828

Why would I want to help nonwhites

Why would I not increase my influence even more

Any moralist awnser will be rejected.

>> No.19105833

Explain why we wouldnt oppress you.

>> No.19105853

That’s the thing, you would. So we must suppress you guys before you can oppress us.

The goal is not for whites to be nice, but for the other races to keep them in check. In this way we achieve equality.

>> No.19105877

See you in Auswich.

>> No.19105890

Oh we will might, but if current trends continue, one must wonder who will be on the inside.

>Whites projected to be a minority in the US, Islam and immigration rising in Europe
Tick-tock. The left will win.

>> No.19105908

^Is it even possible to make a parody of left talking points so blatant and low effort that chudoids don't take the bait? I haven't seen it happening once.

>> No.19105928

When White people become a minority, leftwing Whites cant hide anymore, you will be on your own, somewhere between different ethnic enclaves.

The racial strive will destroy the left.

>> No.19105933

Based, see you in the swimming pool or maybe the orchestra

>> No.19105934

Lefties cut off their dicks and eat shit, what could be more insane?

>> No.19105942

I will be in the camps brothel as headpimp.

>> No.19105971
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If you support the fascist, theocratic, illegitimate, racist, war-crime commuting apartheid settler state of Israel you’re not a real leftist, simple as.

>> No.19105994

When the capitalists are no longer needed, the match towards a communist society continues without them. It’s the same for leftist whites. They are useful now, one day they will no longer be. Society >>19105928
When the capitalists are no longer needed, the match towards a communist society continues without them. It’s the same for leftist whites. They are useful now, one day they will no longer be. Society will move on.

>Ethnic enclaves
And? China has shown ethnic homogeneity (or close to it) works in the favor of communism. Society will move on.

>Ethnic enclaves
And? China has shown ethnic homogeneity (or close to it) works in the favor of communism. Multiple communities close by but seperate might be better in the long term.

>> No.19106009

I'm not reading all this but I sure hope it says that this petty-bourgeois leftist rag is doing to die and that this is true

>> No.19106011
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I'd take the money.


>> No.19106036


>> No.19106052

To this day I don’t get why the Jews wanted to make Israel in the densely populated Levant. Make it in upstate New York instead. It’s close to the Jews in NYC, has a small population, etc. Perfect.

>> No.19106075

Israel kinda sucks. I guess the beach is better than New York, but it doesn't have a whole lot going for it.

>> No.19106086

'Leftism' is a hylic cult with no essential notion of the Good, so why do you think anyone who isn't ignorant enough to be conned by that pseudo-moralistic screeching should take it seriously?

>> No.19106095

They have pretty women at least. Russian seed is strong.

>> No.19106166

Because the “Left” is an umbrella term that encompasses a lot of different positions just like the “Right”.
I believe we can actually find a lot of common ground, opposition to Israel has been voiced by both the right and the left, we both find their bombing of Palestinian non-combatants, especially children, completely unexcusable.

>> No.19106357

>"Bernie Left" and the Democratic Socialists of America
>left-wing populism
into the trash it goes

>> No.19106369
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>Islam rising in Europe

>> No.19106372

>i-its leftism!
Never happened
Watch 120 Days of Salò

>> No.19106396

>China has shown ethnic homogeneity (or close to it)
56 recognized ethnic groups

>> No.19106701

dibs on the masterbation machine

>> No.19106722

yeah, but I can't tell all them different chinks apart, so let's just say they're homogeneous okay

>> No.19107475
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Don't be like Hitler. Get vaccinated!

>> No.19107663

>The Nazis instead relied on mass propaganda and the education system to convince people to choose to get vaccinated.


>> No.19107690

Because Israel is the holy land, duh? Why do you think it's "the holy land"? It's holy because it's theirs.

Nah, it's just pointing out the comedic hypocrisy and impotence. They get plenty in donations. The Red Scare girls make six figures out of simps.

>> No.19107750

How do we diligent communists prevent our movement from being subverted by the jews?

>> No.19107867

>It's holy because it's theirs.
Choice control
behind propaganda
poor information
to manage your anger

>> No.19108288
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>> No.19108379

That's hilarious. I read Jacobin's stance on mandatory vaccines and had to rush over to that faggot bin Twitter to see how people were reacting to it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that all the replies were calling them "fascist" neoliberals. At least it's still SLIGHTLY difficult to make the entire leftist horde unanimously endorse DNC one party stateism.

>> No.19108396

That kind of thing is usually funny because when I've seen Chinese state propaganda, they tend to over-do the "diversity" aspect perhaps more than they even need to. Here's the guy in the Uyghur outfit! And the Mongol! And the Manchu! If this was the United States it'd be like a communist government that has a white guy in a cowboy hat holding hands with a Native American in a headdress and a Mexican-American guy in a poncho:


>> No.19108455

I am developing my own dichotomy because I don't like the left-right one, Bohemians (who mainly use aesthetic-ethical semiotics to formulate a future course of action) and Skeptics (I cringe at the word as well but I can't think of a better one, and they mainly make use of what could be historically called realist or materialist analysis). The "authright and libleft" (which have always been closer than they would like to believe) are largely Bohemian, and the "authleft and libright" are largely Skeptical.

>> No.19108619

It's clear that you know nothing about Chinese history, but that's ok, why would you after all?

>Here's the guy in the Uyghur outfit! And the Mongol! And the Manchu!
This predates Chinese communism by decades
Even Manchukuo (Japanese puppet state) used it (even if it was for a different set of ethnicities)

>> No.19108634
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I was ready to dismiss this post when I saw "I am developing my own dichotomy" and then it developed into something interesting. I think you should pursue it. I see something like that in terms of aesthetic. This is an Italian band associated with the Italian fascist group Casa Pound:


Now, if you didn't know anything about the politics, you couldn't tell them apart from anarchists. Ontologically it seems pretty similar and it's Bohemian (they even squat in abandoned buildings like anarchists do). There's also an old joke about how many anarchists does it take to change a lightbulb: "As we sat on the grimy roof of the squat, bathed in dying streetlights watching the sun rise, we knew we could do it. We hungrily consumed the last of the dumpstered bagels and gripped each other’s hands in the glow of early morning. And we knew right then, and forever -- if we could change that lightbulb, we could change the entire world."

It's romantic and these types define themselves as underdog outcasts. Revolutionaries are only good when they're martyred -- not when they succeed. They love lost causes.

On the flip side, I've listened to a Chinese entrepreneur and CPC member tell a group of Western business executives that Milton Friedman was both right in his technical analysis and that capitalism is doomed. I can't think of an aesthetic that better reflects this ontology than a 2019 socialist realist painting depicting a Communist Party cell in a modern office building in Shanghai's finance and trade zone.


>> No.19108639

>This predates Chinese communism by decades
So what's your point

>> No.19108641

>national justice

these guys are literal nazis. this is mike enoch's larp party. not taking anything they say seriously g

>> No.19108643

I doubt the Hui would be considered non-Han at this point, they essentially are just Han Muslims. But maybe I'm just not educated enough on the subject.

>> No.19108645

>This is an Italian band associated with the Italian fascist group Casa Pound:
>not Zetazeroalfa

>> No.19108648

>I go by what social media website something is posted on, as an indicator of what political camp it's part of, in deciding what to believe or not believe
There's a shorter way to say "um I'm a leftist ($300k in tuition debt at a liberal arts college and my dad pays most of my rent so I can live in the cool neighborhood)," you can just say you're leftist

>> No.19108653

an unironic neo nazi source is a good indicator that it is unreliable and can be safely ignored as propaganda. might as well link andrew anglin next

>> No.19108664

Good riddance commie scum.

>> No.19108667

That weak mindset is proof of the moral and spiritual atrophy caused by your worldview. A stopped clock is right twice a day, and the proof of the pudding is in the eating (Engels). Nazis aren't wrong for hating neoliberal capitalist shills, nor would a libertarian or a zionist be.

>> No.19108674

>Now, if you didn't know anything about the politics, you couldn't tell them apart from anarchists.
Honestly, judging by that song, they make kid-tier music, anarchist punk/hardcore is way harder that that. But I think it's a roman thing, it doesn't seem they were ever good.
Hate for Breakfast are solid instead (they're from Viterbo, but eh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnzJm_RTXik

>> No.19108693

My point isn't really that the logical endpoint of Marxism is Dengism, or even necessarily that Bohemians and Skeptics are politically similar, just that they often use the same methods and tools. Not that I'm dismissing your point entirely, my idea is that the political expressions of these two groups gravitate towards a central pole of political acceptability, or they stray further and further into the realm of political dissidence. There's this idea sometimes brought up regarding how political dissident soften end up agreeing in curious ways, but I think that only ever occurs in regards to seeing faults with the current paradigm. Often, the issues seem similar, but are conceptualize completely differently. think about the defense between Carlyle and Spengler (two people I would call Bohemians), and Ibn Khaldun and Gramsci.

>> No.19108701

>or even necessarily that Bohemians and Skeptics are politically
To clarify, I mean Bohemians aren't necessarily politically similar to other Bohemians, and Skeptics aren't necessarily politically similar to other Skeptics.

>> No.19108704

They hate them for the wrong reasons. They are more concerned about the Jewishness of the capitalist than the capitalist behavior itself.

>> No.19108716

Bohemian gang represent, peace to the homies

>> No.19108723

the way i see it, enemy of my enemy is my friend. i say we work with the nazis as allies against capital, and then backstab them afterwards night of the long knives style

>> No.19108740

Molotov - Von Ribbentrop didn't go very well for either party

>> No.19108744

I can understand this criticism against many on the right and generally speaking you are correct, however there is legitimate critique and substance within this particular story about the Jacobin selling out. If neo-strasserists like The Right Stuff are making pertinent criticisms, I will begrudgingly acknowledge it.

>> No.19108752
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Ah, I just stumbled across it. It was just kinda interesting because it shows them hanging out in the Casa Pound clubhouse and there's various trinkets on the wall like a fasces and one guy is wearing a shirt that says "Blackshirts" on it. I don't know anything about Italian far-left or far-right hardcore music but you're giving me an education.

Not that anon but this goes to what I'm saying. There's this obsession with "purity" that is shared by both ultra-left anarchists and ultra-right fascists. Presumably if this guy was offered money to publish a far-right magazine he'd turn it down lest he be "co-opted." He's gotta keep it real like these punk rock bands. They're very concerned with people who "sell out."

One of the funny things about the movie "Reds," early in the film, is that John Reed is going around to rich liberals to hit them up for money to fund his communist magazine, "The Masses," and they're like "the what?" The Masses. "Is that religious?" No, sir. "But it sounds religious." Oh no, not at all, we primarily have an upper-middle-class readership. "Oh, I see."

Like, he just wants the money. He doesn't give a damn where it comes from.

>> No.19108771

Oh, that makes sense. I don't have anything else to add, and I think it's pretty interesting and gives me something to think about. This is what I was referencing by the way. I think this might be an example. Similar method but politically dissimilar:


Note that I think this is moving in a very different direction away from "Dengism" which has always been poorly defined anyhow.

>> No.19108775

>I don't know anything about Italian far-left or far-right hardcore music but you're giving me an education.
Let me say that if we exclude the punk/hardcore golden age in Italy (80s), left wing "hardcore" (Oi! really more than hc) bands are mostly kid tier, while right wing are way more aggressive and enjoyable (still not great musicians of course)
This one has been a meme for years in my social circle, you'll understand why even if you don't understand the words

>> No.19108781

>and can be safely ignored as propaganda
Yeah, I'm sure those 990 forms were TOTALLY made up and Bhaskar was a gud boy who dindu nuffin and the decline of Jacobin into MSNBC+ is simply coincidental

>> No.19108782

If it goes like last time, the traumatized survivors fleeing Germany after they friends were machine-gunned in their beds will get enlisted into whatever the 21st century equivalent of the Ernst Thalmann Battalion is in whatever the 21st century equivalent of the Spanish Civil War will be.

>> No.19108794

check Dente di Lupo if you still can find them (I think they erased everything from youtube - sad, I liked some of their songs)

This site has everything you want about right wing italian music. Not everything is hardcore though, many are simply "rock", even on the "singer-songwriter" (traditionally left wing) side, at least musically.

Very late here, going to sleep

>> No.19108809

>Note that I think this is moving in a very different direction away from "Dengism" which has always been poorly defined anyhow.
God willing they Chinese knock out the Americans and do us all (Americans such as myself included) a favor. Unipolarity is not great for those who wish to imagine and build new ways of organizing societies.

>> No.19108816

The "Real Left" can criticise Identity Politics all they want, but it is an inherent aspect of a multicultural society.

Zionist "philanthropy" is also ethnic nationalism, yet nobody on the Left has the language to oppose this.

This was best seen in Jeremy Corbyn's political campaign where he and his supporters were painted as antisemites unless they would acquiesce to opening themselves up to Conservative Jews and allowing them to determine what constitutes antisemitism, including pressuring them to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism. This was spearheaded not because people thought Corbyn hated the Jewish religion or people, but because he was an opponent of the practices of the state of Israel.

YET WHAY COULD CORBYN AND HIS SUPPORTERS SAY? They couldn't realistically call out what was actually happening, which was that a powerful ethnic voting bloc was collectivising to protect their Jewish state from attack. Not when many of the major Jewish organisations in the country were spouting the same line. THE LEFT HAD LITERALLY MUZZLED THEMSELVES FROM BEING ABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM ETHNONATIONALISM as it would have involved them accepting supposed antisemitic stereotypes, something they are also ideologically against.

So let it go on. Watch as these various different ethnic interests crush any form of "class solidarity" as people step over one another to gain a higher footing on the ladder of capitalism.

The "real left" is a paper tiger, and they will be as useful in combatting this as the so called "Alt Right" has been.

>> No.19108854

Yeah but, oh well. It's not like the fate of the left and all its worldwide struggles depends on what happens in America's second-tier poodle kingdom. Jeremy Corbyn goes down in flames? (He probably always was?) It's the end of the left! It's all over... like the Fallout series after Bethesda fucked up the whole canon...

>> No.19108874

The problem I see with the idea of Jewish Capital is that most Jews stay within their regions of influence, European Jews in Europe, Americans in America, Israelis in Israel. Of course the countries involved support Israel, but that's largely as a geopolitical counterweight against any governments that which to nationalize industries in the Middle East. Israel is essentially one big Kaliningrad Oblast for NATO in the Middle East. Ethnic groups with sections of their populations that are highly wealthy and insular only effect economies in the way some of your boys say it does if they maintain connections to other countries, basically there's a better argument for Chinese capital than Jewish capital. Beyond the fact that the ethnic character of the groups in question are interchangeable.

>> No.19108958

"Jewish Capital" and Israeli Zionism are also not the same thing. Sure, they have some overlapping interests, but George Soros for example is not a popular figure in Israel. He has openly stated he's not a Zionist, does not give money to Zionist causes, or even Jewish causes generally that much. Now, one would say that's how he plays his tricks, but he's much more of a strict Atlanticist like Henry Kissinger or Zbigniew Brzezinski and really believes in a U.S.-led liberal world order, and Israel is really more of a testicle of it. Brzezinski was in fact very critical of the Israel lobby, and you can read Kissinger and Mao's transcripts where they Mao talked about reassuring some Egyptian leaders that him meeting with Kissinger was okay because he wasn't as pro-Israel as they thought and, after all, the Jews aren't all the same -- look at Karl Marx!

Israel has its own interests too. Soros is very hostile to China, for example, while Israel is fairly okay with China and stands to benefit economically from OBOR through the port of Eliat as Chinese goods make their way to Europe.

>> No.19109047

anyway, speaking of which, does anyone have a crack for this? https://jacobinmag.com/2021/04/yuppie-misandry
I've been wanting to read this article, but that cunt Sankara doesn't deserve my money

>> No.19109055

also, dude's a sellout. He advocated against red unionism in his book on Socialism, then bent the knee to wobblies. spineless capitalist snake

>> No.19109067

Now account for 500 million climate refugees from MENA

>> No.19109155

plz bros i need this article

>> No.19109636

Fucking hell you are low IQ

>> No.19109667
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I am a reactionary, so a thread about the downfall of Jacobin magazine would not normally generate anything but schadenfreude in me. However, I have been reading this thread, I think I see in it a cause for commiseration with all you commies.

The way I see it, both the Right and the Left have a common enemy. Who has undermined the original cause of Jacobin magazine? What is responsible for the downfall of classical communism? It's the same entity responsible for the downfall of the old aristocracy, for the collapse of monarchy, for the end of high culture. It is, of course, the United States.

The United States is the common enemy of both the Left and the Right. I don't like it any more than you all do. Neither the Left's ambitions nor the Right's ambitions can ever proceed as long as the United States exists, as long as the world is trapped in the end of history where liberal democracy and neoliberal capitalism are the only acceptable outcomes. Jacobin magazine was undermined and corrupted precisely because it was an obstacle to the United States and its economic and political hegemony. This is the same reason that figures on the Right like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul have habitually been undermined and marginalized.

So, I would argue that the United States should be viewed as the common enemy of both the Left and the Right, and that the downfall of the United States, the undoing of its government and its systems, should be a common goal of both left-wingers and right-wingers. In ways both small and large, America should be hastened to destruction. We can quibble over what happens after America is dead once it's finally breathed its last.

Kill America or America will consume you. That's the lesson for both the Left and the Right.

>> No.19109672

Good riddance. Jacobites were anti white maniacs. Maybe these muppets will actually read the true story of guys like Franco. Probably not. Knowing Leftists, they'll be right back to grifting for rainbow flag imperialism

>> No.19109673

>that wall of text just to avoid naming the jew
Nice try ADL

>> No.19109681
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Based Nazbol gang

>> No.19109682

>Political magazines are rarely profitable
Wow! Makes me think

>> No.19109740
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Jacobin isn't being "undermined". It's a socdem magazine ffs, it was always meant to bend its knees to the ruling class. If a magazine doesn't make the feds seethe it's probably not worth reading anyway.

>> No.19109744

Bicycle Quarterly isn’t worth reading?

>> No.19109806
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>avoid naming the Jew

I'm Catholic. We've always known how dastardly the Synagoge of Satan is. But they're one threat among many. They, too, have been subsumed into the American blob. But they'll get theirs. Israel will get theirs, too. Jerusalem belongs to Christianity, after all. We took that city once, we'll take it again.

>> No.19109817
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>RIP Jacobin Magazine

>> No.19110422

Wtf is sexual equality? Trying to redistribute the means of reproduction you incel? State enforced Asian waifus? Fuck off

>> No.19110440

>we both find their bombing of Palestinian non-combatants, especially children, completely unexcusable
I find it to be not my problem.

>> No.19110449

Well, yeah? This isn't a new idea, anon, White Nationalists were talking about this in the fucking 90's. It's how the dialectic works.
>oy vey, we jews, we can't agree on anything! we're always arguing!
And yet, Naftali Bennet and Soros will gladly link arms and skip through the fields to stab you in the back.

Because they're Jews, and you aren't. They have ethnic solidarity, and you don't.

>> No.19110458

The EU doesn’t even know how many migrants have come into their borders since 2015. They intentionally don’t enforce the immigration laws and allow 15 dudes to squad in a 1br “flat” meant for one refugee and pretend they’re all just one guy who happens to always have a bunch of friends over who all have the same name. “Which one of you is Mohammed? Oh, all of you? Right uh… have a nice day”
If the gibs patrol even thinks of trying to crackdown in Germany or Sweden or something they just uproot and move to another gibs collective a nearby woman run welfare state where, again, they’ll turn a blind eye, misreport the numbers and pretend they don’t see what’s going on because it’s “compassionate” to just let millions of people exist in the dark splitting the welfare payment for one refugee among a dozen dudes who legally don’t exist.

>> No.19110468

1 billion Han and a few dozen people of other ethnicities wow so diverse

>> No.19110472

>Naftali Bennet and Soros will gladly link arms and skip through the fields to stab you in the back
this made me laugh

>> No.19110483

>The EU doesn’t even know how many migrants have come into their borders since 2015. They intentionally don’t enforce the immigration laws

>> No.19110519

What do you want me to tell you? It’s like the US but worse. It’s nearly impossible to legally deport someone there because they have hundreds of NGO’s coaching Mohammad and Abdul on the right trigger words to make deportation a human rights violation and they have a vested interest in not exposing the true number of migrants living off gibs within their borders. Their gibs are so generous that many illegals can live off of one persons benefits so that’s what they do.
The authorities just pretend not to know about it. When some dude from sub Saharan African comes into their border claiming to be a “Syrian refugee” who “had to flee without his papers because his life was in danger” they don’t pry.
Why is this Syrian black and can’t speak a word of Arabic? Who knows? Don’t be a bigot! This 15 year old who looks 45 and has grey hair is clearly in need of our help and compassion plus he’s dark skinned and being the white savior to dark skinned people is the only reason 99% of the workers in these agencies got into this profession in the first place.

>> No.19110537

>It’s nearly impossible to legally deport someone there because they have hundreds of NGO’s coaching Mohammad and Abdul on the right trigger words to make deportation a human rights violation and they have a vested interest in not exposing the true number of migrants living off gibs within their borders.
You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
You think illegal immigrants can somehow get access to welfare? Fucking idiot

>> No.19110543
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>When some dude from sub Saharan African comes into their border claiming to be a “Syrian refugee” who “had to flee without his papers because his life was in danger” they don’t pry.
>Why is this Syrian black and can’t speak a word of Arabic? Who knows? Don’t be a bigot! This 15 year old who looks 45 and has grey hair is clearly in need of our help and compassion plus he’s dark skinned and being the white savior to dark skinned people is the only reason 99% of the workers in these agencies got into this profession in the first place.
>man invents fictional scenario and gets angry about it

70% rejected = t-they accept nigerian as syrians, I swear!

>> No.19110843
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>> No.19110923

> clearly in need of our help and compassion plus he’s dark skinned
Literally my backup plan if America ever collapses
1. Fly to Libya
2. Get on a boat
3. Get to Italy
4. Get accepted to EU, move to Sweden or Germany

>> No.19110937

if you really hated them you would never have read Jacobin at all. socialism is Jewish to the core

>> No.19111022

>Flies to Libya
>Gets beaten, raped, beheaded and then ate

>> No.19111229

I'm not white, I'll be fine. Plus the European NGOs would keep me safe on the trip over to Italy.

>> No.19111266
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>> No.19111509

Only one out of like 5 needs gibs and they split it with their cousins/brothers/buddies. Are you a legit mental defective or a lying shill?

>> No.19111530

>70% rejected
Yeah and most of those guys are probably rejected multiple times by sensible countries until they can find the right sympathetic caseworker(childless middle aged white woman) to push them through. They don’t ever actually leave Europe, they just bounce around until they get sufficient gibs to be satisfied. First they try Germoney, if that doesn’t work, Sweden, if that doesn’t work, Belgium, etc
And in the meantime there’s billions and billions being pumped in to NGO’s to support these people and keep them comfortable(if for no other reason than to prevent chaos) until they can find somewhere to parasitize.

>> No.19111577

What’s the endgame here? Surely the liberals and women who support such immigration must realize that they will be the first ones to be silenced when the Muslims take over.

>> No.19111633
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Read. Books.

It was probably "better" than now when he did the trip, btw.

Also kys

>Only one out of like 5 needs gibs
>Are you a legit mental defective or a lying shill?
Please answer, how does an illegal aliens get access to gYbBz?

>Yeah and most of those guys are probably rejected multiple times by sensible countries until they can find the right sympathetic caseworker(childless middle aged white woman) to push them through.
Yeah, source?
>They don’t ever actually leave Europe, they just bounce around until they get sufficient gibs to be satisfied.
See above
>And in the meantime there’s billions and billions being pumped in to NGO’s to support these people and keep them comfortable(if for no other reason than to prevent chaos) until they can find somewhere to parasitize.
Anything to back your statement?

>> No.19111639

>when the Muslims take over.

>> No.19111665

this. jacobin is not a communist or marxist mag, they are social democrats and labour/DSA types. they're closer to the guardian and AOC than they are lenin or marx

>> No.19111679

Even liberal institutions like the Pew Research Center predict Islamic majorities or pluralities in most Western European countries by 2100. It’s going to happen.

>> No.19111713

>The "Real Left" can criticise Identity Politics all they want, but it is an inherent aspect of a multicultural society.
Ah yes, the classic "my ideology is just the natural order of things" excuse that cowards love to employ.

>> No.19111724

does they? if they do, then it's probably under some high migration scenario, which we can already see is unrealistic given how liberals are beginning to revert to anti-immigration policy. besides, most of those muslims will become completely westernized, especially, again, given the rising policy trend towards forceful integration.
ur epic apocalypse isn't happening bro

>> No.19111735
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>be leftist
>manufacture a UItopian dream of a wonderful egalitarian society where everyone has their place
>attracted by the rhetoric of utopian egalitarianism, every fucking degenerate on the planet crawls out of their hole and attach themselves to your movement hoping to legitimize themselves
>suddenly your movement is bogged down by degens of all flavors from shitskins and transvestites to sodomite pedophiles like Foucault
>capitalist see this and go overdrive with the propaganda to turn everyone into progressive degenerates because they disrupt your movement and cause a million divisions within the working class which prevents unity

honestly though, if you aren't "socially conservative" what the FUCK are you doing?

>> No.19111742

how is it unrealistic? the younger generation of nations like Germany are already majority Muslim

>> No.19111780

the CIA really did a number on the traditional left, completely defanged and reliant on the capitalist system

>> No.19111787

>gyps authors


>> No.19111788

>which we can already see is unrealistic given how liberals are beginning to revert to anti-immigration policy.
If anything the immigration predictions are extreme underestimates. Look at it this way. There is a dam being built in Ethiopia which will make water a much harder resource to come by in Egypt than it already is. Where are all these people who now can’t farm, have industry, etc. going to go? Europe, and there’s a hundred million Egyptians. Even if only half of them leave Egypt, that’s still enough to nearly double France’s population, or to become the vast majority of Sweden’s population. And this scenario is only one which we can see happening in real time. What happens when the climate gets worse and the bulk of MENA and Sub-Saharan African populations have no choice but to go north to Europe? Do you really think the liberals would stop them and risk accusations of racism? If you ask me, Europe will be a mostly Muslim continent by 2060 at the latest.

>> No.19111789

Gain rich patrons, recruit their sons, have your women sleep with them etc.

>> No.19111808
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They can't predict shit, let alone 80 years in advance. They simply assume that muslim parents will have muslim children, for which there is no certain data.
Religion is declining world wide, this is a simple fact.

>According to Deutsche Welle, immigrants from Muslim countries remain strongly religious in a trend which continues across generations. In the UK, 64% identify as "highly religious", 42% in Austria, 33% in France and 26% in Switzerland.[102]

A 2005 Université Libre de Bruxelles study estimated that about 10% of the Muslim population in Belgium are "practicing Muslims".[103] In 2009, only 24% of Muslims in the Netherlands attended mosque once a week according to a survey.[104] According to the same 2004 survey, they found that the importance of Islam in the lives of Dutch Muslims, particularly of second-generation immigrants was decreasing. >According to a survey, only 33% of French Muslims who were interviewed said they were religious believers. That figure is the same as that obtained by the INED/INSEE survey in October 2010.[105]

10-15 years old data - religious belief among muslims well below half (except UK). Then we can also argue what "highly religious" means. I know many muslims who don't eat pork but drink beer and shave their beard. Are they "highly religious" or not? People automatically think that being muslim means stoning women and suicide bombing, but the overwhelming majority of people just mind their own business.

Muslims and immigrants are on average younger than non-muslim and non-local populations, and younger people are usually less religious than their parents. This is true not only in Europe (exposition to western media, more wealth, cultura mixing, etc) but in MENA too. How do you think this will revert any time soon?
How do you think the grandchildren of today non-believing Muslims will "take over" Europe? Do YOU care more about your religion than your grandparents? Hell, many elder women I see in my neighborhood go to the church only as a meeting place, not because they're attending mass.

>> No.19111815
File: 629 KB, 1930x1080, Bhaskar-Sunkara-JP-Debate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhaskar is an extremely recent immigrant. His parents probably snuck him into the country and lied about his age.

Now if you look at him you can see even these diseased looking socialists sort of MOG him without even washing their hair. He's got an uphill battle ahead.

Well then his magazine took off and he's on the road to becoming a millionaire WHILE getting polyamorous left liberal pussy thrown at him at every dinner party.

Dude realizing capitalism rules and he's on his way to the mature conclusion that life is about slamming hot pussy and getting money. No shame in it. This is a win for the Right Wing and a win for Capitalism. Bhaskar, welcome to the team! Soon the monster that is Capital will have no use for us pathetic creatures, but if we do It's bidding now, we shall be rewarded in the present.

>> No.19111820

I only said that a high migration scenario for projections is unrealistic
>Do you really think the liberals would stop them and risk accusations of racism?
yes, they're already building walls

>> No.19111859

>Muslims and immigrants are on average younger than non-muslim and non-local populations, and younger people are usually less religious than their parents. This is true not only in Europe (exposition to western media, more wealth, cultura mixing, etc) but in MENA too. How do you think this will revert any time soon?
>How do you think the grandchildren of today non-believing Muslims will "take over" Europe? Do YOU care more about your religion than your grandparents? Hell, many elder women I see in my neighborhood go to the church only as a meeting place, not because they're attending mass.
I am not concerned about native Muslims, but the billion+ people who will be arriving from MENA and beyond once climate change becomes severe. Their societal norms are not compatible with European ones, and when they become the majority of the population it is their norms which will take over. As for my religious practices, I can honestly say I am about as religious as my parents, and although I have mellowed out a tad over the years, at one point I was much more hardline than they are. Granted, I have gone from weekly to less frequently attending religious service since the pandemic, but that is changing back to normal now.

>> No.19111928

good to know. They're right about the hack job on Corbyn though

>> No.19111976

The fears of Europe become majority Muslim and falling into Sharia Law are irrational and unfounded. It assumes that population growth follows a consistent rate rather than being influenced by various ever changing factors. There is a high likelihood that if there were a rise in migration to the point where the majority rule of these nations are threatened or sharia law has a legitimate chance of becoming state ideology, there would be a reaction against it and attempt to restrict it before it reaches a boiling point. Liberals, conservatives, nationalists, socdems, atheists, Christians and even many normally apolitical ethnic European people would all feel their interests threatened in a scenario where the Muslim population is able to dominate politically to the point where Islamic values are influencing government/social policy and European mass culture at large.

And even in a high migration scenario, there will still definitely be holdouts against it within Europe and reactionary nations who see it as a threat to the traditional culture. This is especially apparent in Eastern Europe and places like Poland, Hungary, Greece, etc who are already showing high anti immigration/xenophobic attitudes even with a rather miniscule portion of Arabs and Africans, so if the numbers reached the point where the demographic balances in those places were seriously threatened they would undoubtedly challenge it. Even in a liberal high immigration place like France there is a significant nationalist presence despite those views being suppressed.

>> No.19111990

sure thing chud

>> No.19112015

>Do you really think the liberals would stop them and risk accusations of racism?

this assumes that the liberal order will continue to last. if america were to lose influence to china or russia in the future, then liberal attitudes likely would hold less sway

>> No.19112023
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>I am not concerned about native Muslims, but the billion+ people who will be arriving from MENA and beyond once climate change becomes severe.
If your concern is about climate change, then there's a lot more to it than just "MENA will take over Europe"

Notice that the map says "aggregate physical environmental social economic and cultural potential impacts". Maybe they mean that even if glaciers and permafrost will melt in Scandinavia, that will bring new arable land (idk) but that would also be disastrous in terms of flooding. If you look at the density map of Scandinavia, most people live either on the coast/on the southern parts of the countries or both. If sea level rises, they will too have to migrate back to the interior. But a great part of Norway and Sweden is mountains - and meanwhile they'll have to deal also with Italian and Spanish climate refugees. Are Spanish people compatible with Norwegian societal norms? Hard to say
Burzum VS Alvaro Soler

>> No.19112038

what will happen to venice?

>> No.19112109

It’s not American influence which is the concern, it’s the European liberals. They are not liberals because of America, but because of their own beliefs. They do not recognize the existential threat their governing philosophy faces. It’s what happens when an aging, self-doubting/hating civilization collides with a a young, triumphantly confident and conquering one. I don’t see how the Muslims will manage to snatch defeat from what seems like a certain victory.

Europe will be ravaged by climate change, of course. But it will still be habitable, unlike most of MENA. Will there be cultural conflict between Spaniards and North Europeans? Yes, but that is still a much smaller gap than that between those further afield. And then there’s the number argument. There are 50 million Spaniards. There are 100 million Egyptians, 40 million Iraqis, 43 million Algerians, etc., and all of these guys are headed for Europe sooner or later when their lands become uninhabitable.

>> No.19112118

I think it’s safe to assume that virtually every coastal city in the world will be underwater by 2100. Some like Venice or Miami, maybe by 2060.

>> No.19112140

>You're fascist neoliberal for accepting vaccines
That's hilarious considering how the Soviet Union mandated vaccination

>> No.19112287

>The fears of Europe become majority Muslim and falling into Sharia Law are irrational and unfounded. It assumes that population growth follows a consistent rate rather than being influenced by various ever changing factors. There is a high likelihood that if there were a rise in migration to the point where the majority rule of these nations are threatened or sharia law has a legitimate chance of becoming state ideology, there would be a reaction against it and attempt to restrict it before it reaches a boiling point. Liberals, conservatives, nationalists, socdems, atheists, Christians and even many normally apolitical ethnic European people would all feel their interests threatened in a scenario where the Muslim population is able to dominate politically to the point where Islamic values are influencing government/social policy and European mass culture at large.
Just like White Americans reacted to the Latino invasion?

>> No.19112578

youre talking like this isn't already set in stone. once the older generations die off muslims will be in the majority

>> No.19112598
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Revolution any day now, comrade!

Third position is the way to go.

>> No.19112608

Why is 9/10 of this shit board threads about politics and religion?

>> No.19112653

Report them

>> No.19112941

The best literature in the world is religious literature, nothing else touches mankinds heart like religious literature does. As for political literature, we live in a time of extremely bitter partisan political divides, which manifests itself in many arenas

>> No.19112948

>Please answer, how does an illegal aliens get access to gYbBz?
Abdul and his 5 brothers/cousins get on a boat to Italy.
When they arrive they all claim to be syrian/Afghan refugees who had their papers stolen or had to flee political persecution by the evil Assad/Taliban
They also all claim to be 16
Italian authorities tell them to fuck off and they run to Berlin
Same story but with a bunch of Mini-Merkel wine aunts running the show.
They're skeptical but willing to believe Abdul #3 cause he's only like 27 and get him asylum and new papers as a 16 year old refugee from Syria/Afghanistan.
Gets free housing and gibs and shares it with Abdul 1, 2, 4, and 5. Ask any european who lives near these refugee settlements and they all know this is the case. And since the other 4 are all undocumented and cant work legally they quickly turn to drug and human trafficking.
>Anything to back your statement?
Other than the fact that it's all true?

>> No.19112957

>a-actually I'm more of a Neo-Olde-Lenninist with post-Maoist leanings and Congolese characteristics
Dude nobody cares you're all commie faggots to me

>> No.19112967

soviet union was red fascism

>> No.19112969

>most of those muslims will become completely westernized
The younger generations are more reactionary than their parents. Living in pozzed Europe causes like an immune response in them and they go full radical fundamentalist.

>> No.19112987

these people disgust me

>> No.19112989

The CIA is an inept institution. Just a glorified mafia. Leftists collapse themselves, especially in the hyper-literate circles who are only in it for social signalling. That's why there are so many circle jerks around Marxist/leftist "theory" and everyone's flaunting their bookshelf in a game of one upsmanship and trying to have the most niche and obscure flavor or leftism so they can be cooler than all their other rich lefty friends

>> No.19113212

>finklethink also applies to dumb brown people
Duh? 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc generation mudpeople being both hyper-wahhabist and gigagay is completely as expected. Structures that give them social and political sovereignty are eroded, they're left with two options in a false dialectic. Both are controlled opposition. Wahhabism just gets them fighting for Israel, becoming a tranny (and MAN do brownoids love becoming eunuchs for the system, holy SHIT are these people gay lmfao) gets them being a eunuch for Israel. Either way, Israel wins.

He's a lefty dude, he's not a systems thinker. He's only capable of thinking in terms of status. It's okay though, he has none, everyone laughs at him because the last book he read was half of To Kill a Mockingbird back in highschool.

>> No.19113219

Based high level jewfinder

>> No.19113955

yet another socialist cause proves its own theories wrong by actions contradicting words

isn't the first time won't be the last

>> No.19113974

i like how every liberal argument culminates to 'i don't understand so wont try to'

>> No.19114010

>Wahhabism just gets them fighting for Israel
>Fanatic Islam for sadists is a Israeli thing
Wtf are you saying, listen to yourself

>> No.19114044
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>he thinks amer*ca has partisan issues

>> No.19114142

>he isn't aware of the (((Semitic))) portion of the Saudi's Semitic lineage
>he isn't aware of 9/11

>> No.19114182

Arabs are Semites (through Ismael, I think), I'm not sure why you're doing the (((parentheses))) thing
Not even that anon btw

>> No.19114197

Anon, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the Saudi family not only is, by blood, Jewish, but has had deep connections to Jewish Finance ever since the British Empire first contacted them with the plans to construct Saudi Arabia. Who do you think contacted them? Why do you think it is that this one family out of Arab merchants was chosen? Why do you think this structure that is supposedly against Israel is allowed to exist? Why, knowing full well that Finklethink exists, do you think that they would choose not to employ this strategy elsewhere?

>> No.19114213

I dunno desu. What I do know is that Muslims would lose their minds if Mecca and Medina were ruled over by Jews, and given than we don't see Muslims attacking KSA like they do to Europe or America, I doubt it.

>> No.19114220

>if Mecca and Medina were ruled over by Jews
And they aren't, because the House of Saud is Muslim. That's the entire point: create controlled opposition.

>> No.19114265

>Anon, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the Saudi family not only is, by blood, Jewish, but has had deep connections to Jewish Finance ever since the British Empire first contacted them with the plans to construct Saudi Arabia.
I'm not too familiar with Saudi history, but yeah, they are historically US allies, while also "hating" """israel""". I mean, everything is a psy op. ISIS comes from al qaeda, which was created by usa, Turkey supports ISIS while also being in NATO, they sometime blame China for Xinjiang camps, but then state that CCP is doing great in reducing Islamist (=Turkic) extremism, which they are actively promoting through a Pan-Turk imagery. Some say Rojava is a CIA puppet against Assad, but Ocalan is still the only prisoner on a turkish island. Russia supports Assad, but they have close ties with Erdogan.

>> No.19114569

>Muslims attacking KSA like they do to Europe or America
Muslims have never successfully carried out an attack in Europe or the US(in the modern era) without help. Notice how ISIS completely evaporated like 3 months after Trump got into office.

>> No.19114580

>bernie left
you mean the left

>> No.19115631

S to spit on the commies not being able to bank roll themselves despite massive contributions

>> No.19116047

Jacobin is thoroughly anti-communist. they even named themselves after bourgeois revolutionaries

>> No.19116431

Don’t bother, you’ll ruin his delusions