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[ERROR] No.19105768 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Meta Nomad as a person/Hermitix in general?

>> No.19105778


>> No.19105789

Is this related to literature?

>> No.19105790


>> No.19105802

not much to say about an interviewer who lets other people speak. He's doing a public service, he asks most of the questions I want him to ask, he does his job.
The second episode with Bob Dobbs is top content aswell.

>> No.19105803


>> No.19105863

My best guess is that he's a faggot in person and funded by Peter Thiel in general

>> No.19105910

Good as an interviewer, cunt as a person.

>> No.19105936

What makes you ay that anon?

>> No.19106017

she wrote a book with a wojak on it so kinda.

>> No.19106100

Not terrible which is as high as my praise for podcasters will ever go. So yeah.
Talks alot about some more fringe philosophers and topics which is pretty neat too.

>> No.19106175

i liked his book

>> No.19106195

I like listening to the "interviews". His solo content isn't so interesting to me.

>> No.19106344

>Thoughts on Meta Nomad as a person/Hermitix in general?
Entertaining podcast. Pseudo-intellectual person. Would recommend to listen if you are boring or if you would check the bibliography from some of the people he interview.

>> No.19106359

looks like a pinhead

>> No.19106364
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And not the fun kind I presume?

>> No.19106488

He has on really interesting people, but I often find that his questions are very mundane and pedestrian. I remember one guest was a researcher on the early life on Foucault, and the entire episode was basically just about what this dude had done and where Foucault had been, as opposed to his actual ideas at that early stage.

It also often seems as if there is a presumption that the listener knows the subject intimately. I really wish he'd sometimes just go "can you briefly explain for the listener what this concept/theory entails?"

I understand that it's not meant to be approachable on a mainstream level, but fuck, I can't possibly know every single obscure concept or author in the entire catalogue.

This is why I stopped listening to the podcast. Still follow meta on Twitter tho lmao.

>> No.19106574

I consider this the best podcast on the internet, and they only one I listen to. If there's anything comparable to it, I would like to hear about it. I like that there are no horrible gimmicks and he's not selling himself as a surrogate friend like many podcasts are

>> No.19107823

too impressionable

>> No.19107889


>> No.19107898

Social media as social control

>> No.19109077

Hermitix podcast is good. Don't know what Meta-nomad sees in Gurdjieff, but that's alright. Don't know him so can't comment on him as a person but in his interviews he seems self-aware, intelligent, well-read and generally a thoughtful person.