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[ERROR] No.19106167 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19106174


>> No.19106231

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.

Wordsworth, from Ode: Intimations of Immortality

It was a bullshit cope then, and it's a bullshit cope now.

>> No.19106243

My understanding is that he's a freemason, and this is masonic philosophy.
That is to say, it's not unique to Kubrick, although he words it nicely.

>> No.19106346

fucking trite, who cares. this shit only triggers like christians, not normal everyday people.

>> No.19106383

Why are you implying that this is a "triggering" sentiment?

>> No.19106397

This is one of the few vaguely motivating things I've read from a celeb. I just wonder what happens when the vast majority of people have decided that everyone who brings his own light should be devoured, because this is what is happening.

>> No.19106411


>> No.19106427

>My understanding is that he's a freemason, and this is masonic philosophy
So how does this play part into his masonic principles?Freemasons are in reality authoritarian monsters who have surpressed and killed many people who possesed the "inner light" simply because they were deemed a hinderance. Sounds hypocritical as fuck.

>> No.19106428

yawn, atheism is so incredibly tiresome. Dress it up all you want, it's still a cope. A lack of objective truth always ends up with coping and seething, sound and fury. What's hilarious is that all these dudes all think they're such badasses when they just look plain cringe

>> No.19106443

The Sun burns and blinds as much as it gives life.
Do not mistake Light for a common understanding of "goodness".

>> No.19106446

The pursuit of 'purpose' and 'meaning' is not the solution to the problem of mortality, but rather the chains and fetters that prevent you from realizing that mortality is not a problem. When you have reason to live and no reason to die, whether you live or die becomes irrelevant.

>> No.19106582

That's a false and gay analogy

>> No.19106587

Whatever lol

>> No.19106591

nigger lol

>> No.19106599
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lol, allow me to retort nigga

>> No.19106601

>sending assassins after somebody you don't like is equivalent to the sun passively burning something

>> No.19106612

Prove that the Sun hasn't assassinated anybody

>> No.19107247

I always find it interesting how good some of the interviews in these coomer magazines were.

>> No.19107657

Its the post-nut awareness that helps them

>> No.19108099

He was very well-read and most of his works are based on literature. 2001 borrows much from Nietzsche

>> No.19108122

This is why Tarkovsky was better.

>> No.19108154
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What''s the point of anything

>> No.19108213

I don’t get it. What is death and why is it bad? And if death is bad does that mean life is inherently good? How does this work?

>> No.19108310

No. The it makes no sense to anthropomorphize the Universe and talk about it as if it had human emotions.
He’s clearly coping with modern conceptions about the nature of perception and reality. He thinks he’s looking forward progressively but really he’s just got his head in a ditch trying to sound smart talking to worms. He refuses to lift it out of the ditch though because trendy and cool people of his age will make fun of him for it.

>> No.19109466

This almost makes sense except wouldn't there be many reasons to die? People give you reasons just by being here for example. To have no absolutely zero reasons to die would be ignorant.

>> No.19109488

I sense a whole lot more cope from your post than his.

>> No.19109492
File: 154 KB, 467x592, 03C18F29-E334-49F3-9C1F-A29451A4D317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course. Been trying to express this to you all for years.

He isn’t though.

What’s the point of frog posting a question already answered in the OP snippet?

>> No.19109837

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19109839

>muh humanism
Trash when he said it and trash today

>> No.19109913

I think you are onto something anon. It is almost as if this fear and tyranny of death that crawls in the back of our minds all the time and permeates everything we do is not a byproduct of human nature but of our religious upbringing.

Most of us have religious backgrounds and since childhood we were taught to have a meaning and purpose in our lives. Even secular west couldn't get rid of this idea because it is woven to its core. So in every family you get a sense that you should have a meaning and purpose in your life. And when you grow up and if you question these very religious or secular ideas that your world was built upon and reject them, you are left with nothing, only your own. And so you try to find ways to cope. To find a new meaning, a new light. Perhaps a self made light.

But what if we don't find a purpose? What if we reject this dichotomy all together? Someone had said if God wasn't true, we had to invent it. Why? Can't we just learn to live simple minded? We live because we are alive. And we will not live after we die because we will be dead. Why is it so hard to live like this and get rid of our burdens and be light as a feather.

Unironically this.

>> No.19110548

How come?

>> No.19110568

Not berry nice girl.

>> No.19110600

It's expected a man (Jew, so him being neurotic makes sense) who made 2001 would have such shallow and materialistic views about existence.

He's not even trying to philosophize or poetize, it's just Camus for 14 yr olds.

>> No.19110608

>Been trying to express this to you all for years.
What? Is that a secular scientific worldview which believes in positivie nihilisM? Wow so original truly a true statement and philosophy to spread which isn't inundated out of every stinking pile of shit in modernity!

>> No.19110610

>Why? Can't we just learn to live simple minded? We live because we are alive. And we will not live after we die because we will be dead. Why is it so hard to live like this and get rid of our burdens and be light as a feather.
It’s all Eve’s fault that bitch

>> No.19111786

Impersonal and cold
Much prefer Tarkovsky, he was a religious man and it shows

>> No.19111842

Yeah, because he's basically repackaging Nietzsche here, who I agree with