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File: 109 KB, 1069x1200, Protestchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19105542 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many Cathodox on /lit/?
Where are my Protestchads at and what are you currently reading?

>> No.19105562

Protestant and Catholic alike fear the Orthodox chad

>> No.19105613

Southern Baptist here, reading Ray Kurzweil's "the Singularity is Near." Wanted to finally understand him because people rage about him quite a bit.
Barely understand the rituals of Cathodox, even mainline Protestants like the modern Methodist or Presbyterian are bizarre to me. For us it's Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day. Spontaneous communions and baptisms as professions of faith. And every baptist church has a mix of different baptists, people reading different translations (for me its KJV), insane interpretations, refugees from other denominations, and (((Reformed))) Baptists. IFB are cool in my book until the pastor inevitably power trips.

>> No.19105615

Russian meme is flavor of the month. Soon another will force it out and become the new meme for a while.

>> No.19105664

What kind of Presbyterian rituals are you talking about?
The only sacraments we have are baptism and the Lord's Supper. A lot of us don't do holidays either.

>> No.19105696

What is it about southern baptists that tends to attract schizophrenics?

>> No.19105738

Anglican here, reading Tristram Shandy.

>> No.19105771

Candles and prayers with canned responses from the audience. Baptists just say "Amen".
Because the Bible is the main source of authority and that's open to interpretation. The pastor and sunday school can only teach so much, so people that are ravenous for more knowledge of right/wrong and are gullible get tricked by the wolves in the church. There are reformers pretending not to be calvinists, jews pretending to be messianic jews, former pentecostals and feet worshipping baptists, and boomers reading bullshit from christian bookstores. As its written, you need not any man teach you. There are tons of people deceived up to their eyeballs, Christians gotta be careful and stick to their faith.

>> No.19105775

Although I think Catholicism is the true faith (with Orthodoxy a close second) I admire deeply how protestants show such outward passion for their religion and in many ways continue to succeed where Catholicism fails.

>> No.19105786

Can you explain why Calvinism is wrong?

>> No.19105792

I respect cathodoxy but I can't help but be convinced by the five solae. They also contradict methodism/pietism and such.

>> No.19105865
File: 216 KB, 800x775, holybible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you currently reading

>> No.19105867

Not entirely, but Proverbs 18:21, and Proverbs 16:9 go against some of their sentiments on God's "sovereignty." I've heard every argument imaginable because I have relatives who are Reformed theologians and I've given up on it. The whole theology feels completely disingenuous, and furthermore Matthew 23:19. Christ is greater than our gifts, and mental gymnastics to claim credit for his gifts don't change that. If the difference between salvation is whether you have gifts or not, you trust yourself and not God, full stop. The difference will always be our trust in his promise.

>> No.19105897

Neither of those contradict Calvinism. In fact, Proverbs 16:9 seem to affirm it. Have you read Romans 9?

>> No.19105939

>Candles and prayers with canned responses from the audience.
I wouldn't know. Traditional Presbyterian denominations don't have that.

>> No.19106178

any of y'all niggas fw Ravi Zacharias or nah

>> No.19106212

Can't find a reformed church sadly. I think I will go to the lutheran church and infiltrate it from the inside.
t. calvinist chad

>> No.19106233

Yeah it's weird, churches vary by location and leadership. Ive seen some baptist churches in cities teach wildly different things than in rural areas. May have something to do with pressure and tax exemption status. The Presbyterians and Methodists in my family are pretty ritualistic, and I know not all are like that, that's my only experience of it. Some of them even had statues of "saints" in their backyard.

>Romans 9
You're still crutching on good works, imagining that you are God's chosen and not the filthy sinners, and making a cause and effect fallacy on top of it. Pharaoh's heart was hardened because he chose death, not because God decided it for him.

>> No.19106307

>You're still crutching on good works
I am not sure where you got this idea from.
>imagining that you are God's chosen and not the filthy sinners
The Calvinist doctrine is that no one deserves salvation. It is by grace alone. It is also impossible to know if you are one of the elect.
>Pharaoh's heart was hardened because he chose death, not because God decided it for him.
That is not what Romans 9 says. Have you read it?

>> No.19106317

They are probably PCUSA Presbyterians which are the mainline denomination of Presbyterianism in America and have largely abandoned everything that makes them Presbyterian in the first place.

Churches like PCA and OPC have what Presbyterian services historically look like which is very straightforward expositional preaching and delivering of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper and the singing of Psalms. Unfortunately they are much smaller denominations than PCUSA.

>> No.19106381

How can you take something with so many denominations seriously? The truth is that you can't. What's an essential element that unifies all protestants beyond not liking catholic rapists?

>> No.19106403
File: 188 KB, 800x400, 1588507505857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's an essential element that unifies all protestants
The doctrine of sola fide.

>> No.19106501

AngloProt, checking in.

Current reads (fiction):
Complete Poems (Robert Graves)
Kolyma Tales

The Gay Science
Endgame Challenge (chess puzzles)

>> No.19106511

>What's an essential element that unifies all protestants
Reading the Bible.

>> No.19106532

Do protestants believe that the King James Bible was found written on stone tablets back in 40 AD?
It seems like in order to accept any sort of biblical canon, they would have to accept the holy spirit was guiding the church. But Protestants don't seem to have an explanation as to how, why, or when the Holy spirit stopped guiding the church.

not a catholic btw

>> No.19106608

Common confessions and creeds, most protestants accept the apostles creed and nicene creed for instance even if they don't explicitly say so if you spell it out for them they'll agree, and fundamental beliefs like the solas. Many protestant churches are in open communion with each other, others are not but still affirm other church bodies as legitimate. Different church bodies frequently butt heads and even splinter off but do not go so far as to say everyone belonging to x body is damned, that really only happens with independents and very conservative offshoots.

KJV-onlyism is an English language baptist/fundamentalist belief, it doesn't represent most protestants.
>t seems like in order to accept any sort of biblical canon, they would have to accept the holy spirit was guiding the church
I believe the holy spirit was guiding the church and has never abandoned the church. The question coming into play really is what is fundamental to the church and what is not. I do not believe a specific passing of hands from one figure to another is the only legitimate way for sacraments to be performed, and I do not believe that the call for unity in the church as expressed in the Bible is the same as the belief that the church must follow a stratified hierarchy with spiritual privileges.
I would read this to get an idea of the different views and where they came from because it's a big question and this board doesn't have room for essays.

>> No.19106613
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sure we do, big guy

>> No.19106617
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>sola fide!!!

>> No.19106621
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nothing like a good prot thread my brothers!!!

>> No.19106626
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all are welcome!!!

>> No.19106627

how does it feel to know you're burning in hell for eternity?

>> No.19106629

damn I wish these had audio, I would send them to my homophobic catholic friend

>> No.19106630
File: 744 KB, 576x1024, 1614923717933.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love martin luther!!!

>> No.19106635


>> No.19106636
File: 1.42 MB, 576x1024, 1615854928094.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhgggg i hate homophobic catholics so much.. love is love!!!

>> No.19106638

They just scream John 3:16 on repeat and complain about Catholics.

>> No.19106640
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, 1619209573716.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys Jesus died for our sins, we can sin all we want wooo!!!

>> No.19106644
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, 1619916619699.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love being a protestant!!!

>> No.19106649


he's a great guy

>> No.19106650
File: 2.77 MB, 576x1024, kill em all burn alive death to all heretics deus vult.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any fellow protestants read any good queer theology books lately?

>> No.19106653

do you have these with audio? It would be cool if you could dump them on /gif/

>> No.19106655

Homosexuality is degenerate and these 'Christians' are satanic subverters

>> No.19106656

I thought protestants were very hardcore in their faith and rules. What is this? I'm not christian so I feel lost when seeing these gay priests.

>> No.19106657
File: 2.10 MB, 576x1024, 1620173522561.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg yassss the bible has so much lgbt positive material in it that the patriarchy tried to hide!!!

>> No.19106664
File: 2.40 MB, 540x960, 1620197502407.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha shut up bigot. they believed on Jesus and they're saved no matter how homophobic and transphobic you are, chud. SOLA FIDE!!!!!

>> No.19106665

bro i'm just trying to scrape some funnies for my christcuck friend, no need to be mad

>> No.19106671
File: 2.89 MB, 720x1280, 1620197682837.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh yeah we are hardcore, sweety. hardcore about loving our neighbors in their butts!!!

>> No.19106675

wtf i hate compost and raisins now

>> No.19106677
File: 1.06 MB, 576x1024, 1620530996571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad i don't have to listen to some old white guy transphobic pope!!! protestant master race!!!

>> No.19106682
File: 2.85 MB, 576x1024, 1620564140271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i can't wait to hear my black lesbian pastor's sermon on how white people are evil this sunday!!!

>> No.19106686

Nah I love my apostolic brothers.

>> No.19106689
File: 2.14 MB, 576x1024, 1620564478571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week her sermon was about how great planned parenthood is and how much good work they do for the POC community!!!

>> No.19106695
File: 1.96 MB, 576x1024, 1620564775298.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully someday everyone will realize that love is love and become a protestant!!! praying 4 u!!!

>> No.19106697

>not is scripture
What book is he reading? If someone reads him directly from the bible what does this dude reply with? lmao

>> No.19106698

Sorry but Protestants lost all credibility in the 20th century with the Lesbian pastors, and churches being run out of strip malls by dudes with spiked hair and skinny jeans. Reign in it for Christ’s sake. You guys are a mess.

>> No.19106699
File: 1.55 MB, 540x960, 1620564885746.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg guys anyone have a queer youth pastor? i wish i had one like this, it would be so cool and i could grow so much in my protestant faith!!!

>> No.19106700

Matey in the video was right. All these hatefilled chuds trying to manipulate the teachings of Christ to support their warped and, quite frankly, evil ideologies is offensive to actual Christians

>> No.19106707

>Literally calling Christ a homosexual and sinner.
>All whilst still calling themselves "Christian"

>> No.19106710
File: 2.78 MB, 576x1024, 1620564995178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh he'd tell them they're a fucking bigot, that's what!!!

>> No.19106716
File: 1.50 MB, 576x1024, 1620565058440.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yessss ughhh. so sick of chuds perverting the protestant gospel!!!

>> No.19106718
File: 880 KB, 1125x2147, 82471525-1A2F-436D-95E4-5F20E1908A04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feet worshipping baptists
Holy shit is that where all the foot faggotry comes from?

>> No.19106721
File: 1.77 MB, 576x1024, 1620565616342.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh shut up bigot. they believe in Jesus and so they;re saved, it's that simple sweety!!! go back to /pol with your antiquated beliefs!!!

>> No.19106728
File: 1.79 MB, 576x1024, 1620599526888.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people have different tastes, get over it bigot!!! we're all god's children!!!

>> No.19106734
File: 2.84 MB, 576x1024, 1620602971470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so many bigots on this forum!!! y'all need Jesus!!! Martin Luther would be ashamed of you!!!

>> No.19106736

>they believe in Jesus and so they;re saved
that's literally what the bible says, christcuck

>> No.19106737

bro, your collection is impressive, but please tell me if you have them saved with audio

>> No.19106738

Serious question; when is the last time you went to confession?

>> No.19106742

>Faith without works is dead.

>> No.19106746
File: 554 KB, 595x526, 1619213826597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i don't sorry
why would i confess my sins to a MAN. fuck the patriarchy!!!

>> No.19106751

>protestant tik tok is vomit inducing
what is catholic tik tok like?

>> No.19106753

That's a fake one. C'mon dude.

Seriously though, when did you last go to confession?

>> No.19106754

Which is a pretty radical departure from the first 1400 years of Christianity. Is your contention that basically nobody was truly Christian until public education became a thing because none of them could read the Bible?

>> No.19106755
File: 441 KB, 598x499, 1619213860199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justice for trayvon!!! this one's for you trayvon baby!!! you're an angel now!!! you're with martin luther now!!! you died for our sins!!!

>> No.19106762

they couldn't read because whitey was keepin them down the projects n sheeeiiit!!!!

>> No.19106767
File: 50 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is a bad meme

>> No.19106769

This one actually hits some pretty serious points.

>> No.19106784

It doesn't though. We're called to confront sin. Tolerating and PROMOTING sin is not the message that Christ taught. He calls on us to reject it. To help one another reject it. Never to just say "YOLO" or some shit.

>> No.19106785


>> No.19106789

prots, especially episcopalians, have been completely infiltrated by freaks. Don't pay them any mind. As usual, being a Christian is mostly about your relationship with Jesus. Don't be too influenced by the rituals and routines of Earthly men. After all, Jesus was abandoned by all but two of his disciples in the end, which indicates that the truth is not in the following of the masses.

>> No.19106795

So, now that we can all agree that Protestantism was a mistake... Catholicism or Orthodoxy?

>> No.19106796

too bad you have the same exact theology as the tranny protestants.m4g80

>> No.19106797

Easily Catholicism. Only larpers pretend to care about filioque.

>> No.19106798

Jesus is just love man. Can’t judge anyone or have any proscriptions on any behaviors. Rape? Totally cool! Racism? Fine by me! Not my place to judge? Murder, torture, terrorism? To each his own, God loves them too!

>> No.19106799
File: 2.11 MB, 540x960, 1630417355826.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid of reincarnating as one of these people.

>> No.19106800

The KJV specifies believe ON Jesus, not just "in".

>> No.19106808

>cherrypicks a few tiktoks, some of them literal psyops
Protestantism has its problems, but it's far superior to (((Catholicism))) and (((Orthodoxy))). Any Christian who doesn't live by sola fide is putting themselves at the mercy of sinful men. Look no further than the pope for proof of this.

how strange of you to know my theology without ever even hearing of it. fag

>> No.19106809

>black people are inherently faggots
Nig bros… how can we recover from this?

>> No.19106812

I don't understand what these people get out of this. Why put so much effort into rehabilitating something that is fundamentally opposed to your lifestyle? Just leave the Church.

>> No.19106819
File: 49 KB, 850x400, fat retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fundamentally opposed to your lifestyle
the thing is it isn't. not to prots. they unironically believe sin is okay.

>> No.19106821

This person is clearly a Satanist… she should just be open about it I don’t think her peers would care

>> No.19106856

The biggest competitor to catholicism isn't Protestants - the biggest competitor is the printing press

Not all prots are on tiktok - you've made a mistake in your judgement if you think tiktok represents a christian denomination

refute the five solae, that's the core

>> No.19106869

Why do you say this? Joined an Episcopal church two years ago. It’s the type with the rainbow flag outside. I’ve felt myself losing zeal for it the past 6 months. It all feels rather inconsequential.

>> No.19106877

All of these videos come from what looks to be a total of maybe 5 "churches", which can hardly be considered representative of Protestantism. I also suspect that these are being used purely as anti Protestant propaganda by astroturfers who are full of pride for their own institution.

Any time there is freedom there will be some who use it for wrong/bad purposes. That is a small sacrifice for the rest of what comes from it. Just like Catholics say that the molesting priests are a small minority of their whole, these people are a small minority of what certain principles of Protestantism results in, but it doesn't necessarily mean that any of these people are even legitimate Protestants. It is entirely possible to have the outward trappings and a little throwing around of certain concepts outwardly but not be preaching the actual Gospel.

>> No.19106880
File: 465 KB, 777x652, 1625534663577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that dumping all these webms constitutes a victory in some theological debate. Someone could easily dump a bunch of catholic cringe. Child rape, financial corruption, epidemic levels of gay priests, etc.
Furthermore, the current pope appears to have the social politics of a protestant form 20 years ago, so perhaps when you look at progressive protestant tiktok, you are just looking 20 years into the future of Catholicism. Some food for thought, from someone who has no horse in the race of this jew on a stick factionalism

>> No.19106890

>literal psyops
take your meds

>> No.19106897

Catholic this, Eastern Orthodox that. Where are the Oriental Orthodox and Assyrian Nestorians?

>> No.19106900

When will the Catholics realize they were refuted a long time ago?

Nowadays even the most tradlarping Catholic e-celeb tells his viewers to read the Bible at home every day.

>> No.19106902

the massive difference is that Catholicism has dogma that can't be gone against. yes, there are faggots who don't hold to the dogma and preach heresy, but we at least have the dogma in the first place and can determine who is a heretic very easily. prots have no dogma and just decide who is wrong based on who they don't like.

>> No.19106908

>Why do you say this?
what part of my post are you referring to? I didn't mean to imply you should ignore those heresies and continue attending a church like that. But just find a new church that is more theologically/Biblically sound.

You're losing zeal because they keep pushing the gay stuff, right? Or is it other things too?

>all shot in the same style
>all spammed on 4chan in the same time period
>can't find most of these churches on a map
maybe YOU should take your meds, friendo

>> No.19106922

>just find a new church that is more theologically/Biblically sound.
the absolute retardation of prots. this is why there are 30,000 different sects and none of you can agree on literally anything. it's always "i'm the only one who can interpret the Bible" "no i am" "no me"

>> No.19106950

>>all shot in the same style
>>all spammed on 4chan in the same time period
>>can't find most of these churches on a map
take your meds

>> No.19106955

lmao. are you fucking retarded, bro? What do you propose: stay at the church and try to redpill people? Get real, nig. The best you can do is to find a church where you don't have major theological differences and make do.

thanks for posting my points again, maybe you can actually read then this time you fucking retard

>> No.19106958

dogma can adjusted and superseded. Given enough time this happens in every religion that has dogma.
I don't think any of the relevant encyclicals would even benefit from papal infallibility because they were not ex cathedra.

>> No.19106976

>every minor distinction in Protestant belief/practice means they're wholly different sects but every flavor of tradlarper to the most liberal of liberal catholic somehow are without distinction

>> No.19106992

yes goyim, don't defy the dogma. (((the pope))) is holy. if the pope says lgbt and blm is good, then it must be true.

fuckin retard.

>> No.19107000
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>this guy have never heard about confessional protestant churches

>> No.19107013

So he basically critisized the pope for this only to go on a say the same thing anyway.

>> No.19107019

>30,000 different sects
Who cares? The heavenly church is what matters. Why do you worship the worldly church as an idol?

>> No.19107021
File: 43 KB, 512x265, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism is one of the most obvious means of social control we've seen lol. It's literally religion for clucking Karens, a series of superstitions, rites and rituals that have no biblical basis or relevance to modern day.

Catholicism closely resembles modern day Judaism (aka the pharisees that Jesus criticized): their belief that works can send you to Heaven is absolutely antithetical to the message of Christ. Nothing but a larp for moneycounters and busybodies

>> No.19107040
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Zoomer tradcath triggered

>> No.19107043
File: 378 KB, 587x529, pope-smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing a lot of stones coming from glass houses in this thread.

>> No.19107165


>> No.19107211

>You're losing zeal because they keep pushing the gay stuff, right? Or is it other things too?

A big part of it is the constant political-correctness, efforts at wokeness. Deacon is gay and HIV+. I think there's been a push in this direction in the 2 years I've been attending and I feel less close to God when I leave church these days than closer.

>> No.19107214

what bible has the most poetic prose christbros?

>> No.19107234

KJV without a doubt.

But for modern versions I've found the NIV to be quite poetic. One would think one of the many KJV derived ones would be it but I think the NIV being done from the ground up helped it a lot in that regard.

>> No.19107245
File: 31 KB, 422x427, E-oI83lXEAMpoGJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19107259

>Deacon is gay and HIV+
oh geez, that's pretty bad. that kind of person should not be preaching the word of God. But your story isn't unique, church in coastal America and the cities has been super woke these last two years. It's undeniably false teaching.

I actually feel like a hardcore pentecostal/charismatic church would be good for you. Like, rolling around on the ground, holy laughter, slain in the spirit, charismatic gifts, all that stuff. Those dudes have some real ass zeal. Not always theologically sound, but a lot closer to the truth of Jesus than Episcopalians, that's for sure. You'll even get some of that zeal at a plain old nondenominational church, Tbh.

>> No.19107284

Thanks -- I think I'll take your advice. I just have a hard time finding ones like that. I'm not a fan of the guitars and swaying and CCM and those are what I tend to run into. I imagine I could try a black church.

>> No.19107297

Anyone who reads the Bible critically won't stay a prot for long because you eventually come to realize just how absolutely mind-numbingly retarded Sola Scriptura is.

>> No.19107304

explain why anyone should give two shits about the teachings of pedophiles or (((the pope)))

>> No.19107332

The Bible, which the Catholic Church wrote, tells you to obey the Pope, prot. Kneel.

>> No.19107341

About half the churches in my east coast city have pride flags and BLM signs out front. I’m talking over a dozen within 2 miles of me. All Protestant

>> No.19107374

kek, thanks for exposing the fact that you've literally never read the Bible

>> No.19107386

>east coast city
as if that represents prots everywhere

>> No.19107401

>what bible
Implying there are multiple Bibles. KJV is the only Bible.

>> No.19107420

Funny how it's the opposite because praying to Mary or saints is not in there and it plainly states that Mary was a virgin *until* Jesus was born. The Bereans searched the Scriptures to verify what Paul was telling them was true. If he would have told them things that it didn't back up they would have told him to take a hike.

>> No.19107431

I gave a KJV to my greek neighbours, the poor fools had never seen a REAL bible before.

>> No.19107447

THE LORD GOD wrote the Holy Bible and the number one sin of man is taking credit for the works of GOD.

>> No.19107449

Missouri-Synod Lutheran checking in. Not reading anything faith related at the moment. Just reading Beowulf

>> No.19107455

Maybe the Cold War turning hot was the good timeline...

>> No.19107484

>born and raised Lutheran
>go to college
>"Lutheran Building" has a pride flag in front of it as well as one of those "in this house we believe" signs
>last I heard they're trying to help illegals not get deported for breaking the law

what the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.19107489

This sounds more like you live in a gay place than any fault of the church itself. Where I live that stuff would get vandalized immediately. I do not promote that either, the whole thing is just sad. This is a sinful world and no one is innocent of it. I hope for the Kingdom.

>> No.19107507

Bet it was ELCA.
Synagogue of Satan

>> No.19107570

>Deacon is gay and HIV
>oh geez, that's pretty bad. that kind of person should not be preaching the word of God.

What am I missing here. What is the problem with a gay or HIV+ individual preaching the word of God?

>> No.19107612

This, as long as he has repented. Otherwise it would be similar to saying that someone who once persecuted Christians couldn't preach the Gospel.

>> No.19107626

Obviously, he should not be preaching the Bible if he actively identifies as "gay". Formerly gay? Fine. But the anon said he was "gay", and I took that to mean that he has not repented.

Someone living publicly as a sinner with no desire to change should not be preaching the gospel.

>> No.19107639

He is actively gay and his husband is a member of the congregation. Deacon was house-bound during COVID due to health status even as church began to gently reopen prior to vaccine. To be honest typing all this makes me embarrassed to be part of the church in the first place.

>> No.19107654

How did you wind up going there?

>> No.19107660

Moved to a new state with my wife, felt I needed to get to know people and she was working on Sundays (nurse) and it was nearby.

>> No.19107743

Are there other churches in the area? I would probably just go to another church, but pray for that one and also remember that you are going there for God and He is greater than the sinners that make up the church location. I admire you for just going to church at all, really.