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File: 3.56 MB, 2826x2857, feet-covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19102331 No.19102331 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19102339
File: 35 KB, 314x500, E68DBBF6-85E3-4DEA-B4C4-DD42A474C435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.19102347

Foot fetish is so strange. I have zero sexual interest in feet and I can't understand how anyone else could.

>> No.19102366
File: 9 KB, 179x282, E99F6DC7-0B40-4085-BE5D-90920A818766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up feet are beautiful. I love small slender feet with dainty toes, fresh out of the shower, clean, soft.

>> No.19102382

Don't get me wrong I'm a major pervert. But feet? Nope

>> No.19102388

>I have zero sexual interest in feet and I can't understand how anyone else could.

I feel the same way about women.

>> No.19102439

i think these covers go beyond the paraphilia. from the business perspective of the publisher, theres something clever about shoes or feet on book covers.

>> No.19102457

Have you ever kissed them? Held the delicate little toes one by one inside your mouth, writhing and fluttering, plush and warm? Run your lips across the sole, planting gentle kisses as you go, feeling her lightly spasm in uncontrollable bursts, giggling innocently? Nobody desires to end up a foot guy, it starts as a joke and evolves into a curiosity, before you know if you’re madly staring at every girls feet they way others would a low cut top. You imagine what lies beneath their stinky sneakers, giving them a shower and massage, making them pretty and clean. You’ll come around to it soon enough trust me

>> No.19102684

>marketing decided on these
>please sign

>> No.19102763

I like basic clean covers like Loeb for my nonfiction and something like NYRB for my fiction

>> No.19104190

feet = $$$

>> No.19104195

I like covers with classical paintings or bust sculptures.

>> No.19104200

The old sci fi/fantasy covers

>> No.19104220
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>> No.19104248
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>> No.19104268

Henne one is the best
I'm not a big fan either (I think they're the ugliest part of human body with ears and nose), but my crush had cute feet and a couple of times she let me touch them

>> No.19104275
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>no mushrooms on it

>> No.19104303
File: 24 KB, 244x400, 1619108031157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason I'm obsessed with old covers, the kind with a picture over a beige background, like this:

why? who knows. when I buy used, I try to get the oldest covers possible, and when I download ebooks, I'll swap out the covers for the oldest covers, and if the image is dogeared, even better.

>> No.19104361

NYRB Classics covers

>> No.19104387
File: 378 KB, 1356x2000, 4176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this books for 2 dollars, massive and hardback, man I love secondhand stores, and I also love how much this cover makes him look like the perv that he is

>> No.19104470
File: 23 KB, 248x402, FlashmanAndTheDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I inherited a stack of these after my grandpa died

>> No.19104558

Think about it. >>19102388
Incels who claim to hate women also want to worship them. Either by kneeling or getting stamped on.

>> No.19104607

were all cupcakes when we get down to it

>> No.19105038
File: 704 KB, 767x1177, 1609406622786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19106541

whats the best normie bait for a book cover in 2021?

>> No.19107940
File: 1.22 MB, 1922x1516, lilnasxxtacobell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally anything - the worse the better - but afterwords have some random celebrity say that they designed it

>> No.19108101

seek help

>> No.19108251

Its a red flag. Footfags tend to develop darker and more deprived fetishes.

>> No.19108297

feet is an extremely entry level fetish lol

>> No.19108305

It has nothing to do with being dominated or whimpering like a faggot, quite the opposite. You’re dominating her when her foot is in your mouth. Women are very insecure about their feet, to hold them and do as you please with them is the ultimate act of authority, you are saying “I own you entirely”. Any chump can claim a woman’s pussy through penetration, but few have to moxie to go all the way, from her head to her toes. So when I’m sucking on a woman’s toes I’m not doing it out of some cucked goddess fetish, I am doing it out of extreme ownership. Give me your filthy stupid feet you stupid whore, I make them clean! Through myself alone you are made pure!

>> No.19108376

I like the idea of worshiping a goddess though

>While I shoot a movie, violence means love and harmony. Nobody was ever badly harmed in the filming. The curious thing is that greater the love, greater the violence. In other words, they are the same thing
Miike Takashi

>> No.19108443

>Miike Takashi
Audition is a great film. The best sex I ever had was with my hs gf, we would fuck like animals. She’d scratch my back till it bled everywhere and in return I would slap her or choke her etc. We loved each other dearly, I don’t think I’ll ever feel love like that again. I could never wrap my head around being submissive, too humiliating. I’m incapable of letting my guard down like that, so I respect it a little bit, begrudgingly.

>> No.19109732

is there any minor erotica on that book?

>> No.19109736


>> No.19109751
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>> No.19109890

Based Wingmen enjoyer!

>> No.19111102
File: 63 KB, 353x463, the-penguin-modern-classics-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black Penguin Classics and light blue Modern Classics have the best covers

>> No.19112088
File: 100 KB, 766x425, wtf_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many to choose

>> No.19113525
File: 67 KB, 1026x679, 20210913_023627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feet near me

>> No.19113719

I've literally dedicated a huge portion of my life to forcibly inducing pretty much every fetish I've ever come across in myself and others and I still can't figure out the appeal of feet despite actively attempting to for years.
I've made myself and others get into getting fucked by dogs, eating human flesh, fucking children. I've forced psychopaths to feel empathy and forced exclusive pedophiles to feel sexual attraction to adults, and feet still remain a mystery to me. I've forced more than 30 innocent men into starting estrogen to satisfy my forcefem kink. WHAT IS IT WITH FEET??
even with stuff I haven't forcibly induced in myself or others I can at least see what others get out of it, like farts or shit or piss. but feet??? what the FUCK is sexy about feet??????

>> No.19113737

Could be some type of parasite effecting their brains. Sucking toes when people were walking around barefoot is a good way to ingest eggs laid in the soil.

>> No.19113745

What are you a literal demon

>> No.19113923

pretty much yeah

>> No.19114053

Teach me, Master
I just want to fuck one single Ukrainian girl (a specific one)