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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19101741 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19101745

she is reacting to the header

>> No.19101763

Don't post her poetry. It's that bad.

>> No.19101764

Nice bait thread, OP.
I wouldn't even know who this girl is if it wasn't for you, I'm too busy reading the greats.

>> No.19101766

*smacks lips*
Fuck whitey.
<wild applause>

>> No.19101769

CIA agent

>> No.19101770

A thread died for this

>> No.19101777

She should say:
-Fuck the anglo
Then she would be right.

>> No.19101779


>> No.19101848
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Tripel der Wahrheit.

>> No.19101867

>spend entire life writing christian theology
>never explicitly say if you think jesus was god or not

>> No.19101914

4chan Poster: One 22 Year Old's Journey from Special Needs to ______

>> No.19101935
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Seeds and Feeds

>> No.19101937

>Sequoia Blodgett

>> No.19101944

this is a retarded thread, jannies do your job.
That being said she's the poetical equivalent to lin manuel miranda

>> No.19101957

I have so many friends who legit fell for this drivel. Like after the inauguration they were all raving about her and how incredible her poetry was.
I checked it out and it was basically nursery rhyme tier x race grievance. Like a 12 year old made it with help from her jewish parents. It had the depth of a thimble.
And that’s when I realized that america was a cult and everyone here is a psychopath.

>> No.19101973
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>literal who

>> No.19102005

Looks like one of them nergos that has a bunch of clicking in her name.

>> No.19102061

imagine if she sat on your face haha what would that even be like? what if she kept farting? asking for a friend

>> No.19102260

i feel like the black inaugural poet is well on its way to becoming a de facto title in the USA. a racial poet laureate every 4 years

>> No.19102369

Being black does not make someone special needs.
What is wrong with the media?

>> No.19102397

She's really pretty.
That's not really the message of the poem.

>> No.19102403

>That's not really the message of the poem
found the redditor

>> No.19102438
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i dunno man, good for her.
i don't like that racial shit, but if people enjoy it, i don't care. don't hurt me none.
it isn't so bad as nursery rhymes.
i am instead definitely insulted by the use of a talented black individual as some political pawn by a man who claims i'm not black if i don't vote for him.
i don't blame her for grabbing the brass ring.
i do blame the ones who pinch it through her septum.

>> No.19102664

Eh, it's not the most interesting poem from a rhetorical devices standpoint, but neither is the national anthem.

>> No.19102695

The thing is, it does hurt you. Maybe not now in this moment, but it will.
Identity politics and race hustling only hurts people in the long run.
It leads to suppression of free speech. It leads to thought policing.
It leads to literal genocide.
Please don't be ignorant. It hurts all of us.

>> No.19102703

I would forgive the linguistic simplicity you'd expect from a grade schooler if only she didn't recite it with the cadence of a rapping sassy momma while doing nigga gestures with her hands.

>> No.19102723

>It leads to suppression of free speech. It leads to thought policing.
>It leads to literal genocide.
What parts of the poem that Amanda Gorman read at Joe Biden's inauguration do you believe have the potential to lead to these things?

>> No.19102735

it annoys me that while most people here agree that 90% of modern lit and 100% of all awards are nothing more then the mechanism by which cretin political groups distribute self congratulatory thoughst, favor, and largesse.
People still act as though their opinion, or bad taste, matters.

why can we turn away from YO and genre fiction but not this or the booker prize. It's all equally pozzed

>> No.19102739

Potential? It's already there my negroid. Do you think there was a sliver of chance of having a white man perform at inauguration? Hell do you think there was a sliver of chance for a black woman who isn't a raving democrat CRT schizo performing there?

>> No.19102749
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dafuq is this. i didn't even realize this was a poem till like halfway through. i was like "alright when does the poem start"

>> No.19102853

Why the FUCK are black people so privileged bros

>> No.19102880

Lonely Friday nights

>> No.19102882

>For there is always light
What she was referring to?

>> No.19102886

White saviour complex.

>> No.19103401

was about to say she's the first remotely attractive black woman I've seen in years

>> No.19104464

a literal retard is now our national poet

>> No.19104493

Didn’t she steal lines from fucking Hamilton

>> No.19104581

What's more, is that she is 22. What do 22 year olds know? Nothing! Fuck's sake.

>> No.19104644

Lol she is a woman and she is black!

>> No.19104652

>skinny black girl
what did she mean by this? that fat black girls are privileged?

>> No.19104658

Yes, and you're an idiot.

>> No.19105160

wretched galdragon, no less a token of the elites than that vapid greta. dreadfully insufficient for any swelling emotion, no pride for land nor future, naught but restless pandering platitudinous plebeianism.
she is not descended from slaves, but is one, and she rattles her chains in honor of her masters, depthless faineant dipshit.

>> No.19105295

>special needs to acclaimed "genius"
sounds like /lit/'s dream