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[ERROR] No.19101888 [Reply] [Original]

Books about how to stop procrastinating? It's ruining my life

>> No.19101896

Find something you actually want to do.

>> No.19101901

On the Shortness of Life

>> No.19101912

You should procrastinate on reading this great book I've been meaning to tell you about

>> No.19101913

Learn to procrastinate posting on 4chan

>> No.19101940

All I want to do is post on this shithole

>> No.19101943

no book will help you. you need to face harsh consequences before you will learn. What you will learn about is what it is that you truly value.

>> No.19101960

Find People you want to do/do stuff with.

Ive found interpersonal irl stuff a way to get out of a malaise. Doesnt even have to be intiment. join an impromptu frisby/basketball game. clears the head. I also tried doing solo exercise like running or biking, but i dont feel like it does the trick as well. There is something in the implicity of interacting with other human beings on a casual level. And I say this as mostly an introvert too.

>> No.19102090

>nb4 op buys one of the books puts it on his shelf and stresses out about the hassle of reading it to avoid reading it.

>> No.19102615

Clearly that’s not what you want or you wouldn’t be dissatisfied with it. Don’t compromise on your desire, anon.

>> No.19102638

How do I find out what I want to do?

>> No.19102646
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Top left
Nice digits

>> No.19102687

Show me your to-do list OP! Post a photo or a screen cap of it. Chances are you don't need a book.
If you do have a long list of things you should be doing but wont' pull the trigger, reading a book will just be another distraction, if you feel you absolutely must have guidance then might I suggest GTD by David Allen. It basically gives you a framework for sorting out every single task you need to do by 'context' - i.e. can you do it in 2 minutes? Can you do it soon? Can you do it once you get home etc. etc.
>Find People you want to do/do stuff with.
What book will teach me the persuasive skills needed to coax people away from their Netflix and Instagram posting and actually engage in productive team-based activities with me?

>> No.19102791
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Check this out. One chapter explains what they psychologically do to turn recruits (who are often shitty high school dropouts) into competent soldiers. You can just apply their framework to your own life to get shit done.

>> No.19102923

Checked, just read the Holy Bible, it is all you need.

>> No.19104171

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19104201
