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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 586 KB, 1137x1920, incel7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19101149 [Reply] [Original]

what you say:
>I only read the classics, contemporary media and philosophy is garbage!
What you mean:
>I stopped reading when literature stopped reinforcing my preconceived notions because I am an effeminate insecure white boy and I need old white men to tell me Im right about everything


>> No.19101154

>I stopped reading when literature stopped reinforcing my preconceived notions because I am an effeminate insecure white boy and I need old white men to tell me Im right about everything

As opposed to minorities changing everything to fit their narrative because they obviously feel inferior to whites?

>> No.19101170
File: 34 KB, 618x410, incel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they obviously feel inferior to whites

>> No.19101174


there's nothing wrong with being effeminate

>> No.19101175

>because they obviously inferior to whites?

>> No.19101177

literally a 10/10 in asia lmao

>> No.19101186

You're just anti-white. What is even your point

>> No.19101188


>> No.19101203

Whites invented the written word. Of course they’re better writers.

>> No.19101222

read this

>> No.19101345



>> No.19101392

I'm not white. I'm Asian and have thought about this shit a lot. I've had Asian girls not give me the time of day since they have a no-dating-Asians policy, which made me upset at the time, but then I thought about the artists I love most, like Melville and Faulkner, and wondered if my admiration for them and other canonical writers springs from the same well of 'the West Numbah One!'

In both cases you've got individuals inculcated from birth by a system of values. By nature of how we look, we feel alienated on some level from everyone else, and buy extra hard into mainstream values to compensate. The As-Am girl grows up seeing Ryan Gosling kick ass while Ken Jeong humiliates himself and speaks in a retarded accent. So she unsurprisingly says OMG I wanna date a cute white boy. Likewise, I grow up hearing about 'the classics'- this sanctified list of books that have solidified an indisputable place in literary history- and by no surprise I read them and seek to understand them.

But the reality is that some of the canon is just not that good. I don't know if I read a bad translation of the Iliad, but I thought that shit was awful. And I still gave it a 4 star rating on Goodreads, because of its reputation as the beginning of literature. It's human psychology. Bowing down to the alpha and sniffing his ass until he tells you to stop. Trying to find one positive trait about him since he's so one of the cool kids. And don't give me that bullshit about 'culturally influential'. I'm not a fucking academic- I'd rather read books whose claim toward being a classic is has to do with it being a work that's aesthetically superior.

People who uncritically absorb the canon are borderline NPCs who lack the ability to think original thoughts.

But I find equally annoying the people (especially WHITE people) who rail on about Dead White Men. I fucking hate people like that. Bro, the world is already fucking white. We're talking in a white tongue. None of the countries that our parents flew away from are still culturally intact; they've all been corroded by Westernization, younger generations don't give a flying fuck about traditional values, it's all about internet and iPhones and all that consumerist American bullshit.

That being said I think it's good for everyone to have a voice. Many of your beloved canon authors were probably autists and social failures while they were alive. They captured something true about the time in which they were alive, which could be extrapolated to all time. Sometimes I question whether I'll ever be able to do that in my writing, consumed as I am with the past.

>> No.19101394

have sex

>> No.19101406


>> No.19101414


>> No.19101419


>> No.19101423


>> No.19101433

Reported for violating global rule 3 by saying nigger words

>> No.19101440

>implying i can't find literature that reinforces my preconceived notions

>> No.19101441
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, 1613079593497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt OP has ever read the Sufi mystics, or W.E.B. DuBois, or any of the non-white writers who are nonetheless considered classics of literature, philosophy, and religion. I doubt OP has even read Toni Morrison.

>> No.19101453

Oh well.
Losing my virginity was awful.
I was with a beautiful girl but I watched so much porn in the preceding that I could barely keep it up for her.

>> No.19101476
File: 89 KB, 601x564, LGBTQ Merlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read classics because this is what qualifies as modern, progressive literature and it is utter garbage.

And no, this is not self published, it's published by Little Brown.

>> No.19101482
File: 151 KB, 960x983, Absolutely Comical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only read the classics, contemporary media and philosophy is garbage!
Yes, most of it is fucking garbage

>I stopped reading when literature stopped reinforcing my preconceived notions because I am an effeminate insecure white boy
I'm black and i've only read one black author that i knew was black in my life,

>I need old white men to tell me Im right about everything
I don't go out of my way to read dead white men, they just happen to be the ones saying the most meaningful things most of the time

>strawman memes
I highly doubt a single person in the world genuinely enjoys your presence, go back to bunkerchan you faggot

>> No.19101502

>only white people are mad about modern academia
You should look into the Ethiopian Orthodox church's fight with American academics over the Americans casting Walatta Petros as a lesbian and Zera Yaqob as a liberal atheist.

>> No.19101513

It's really common now. Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction and Death Grip. That's where the NoFap cult began, before they took it too far.

>> No.19101528

There is nothing wrong with porn. Stop being so contrary against sex positivity, chud.

>> No.19101546

what you say:
>I only read the classics, contemporary media and philosophy is garbage!
What you mean:
>I stopped reading in highschool and my worldview is based on the cultural psy-op my government implanted on me since my childhood to this time


>> No.19101576

>its le bad because..... it deconstructs gender norms and racial barriers

you are intellectually stunted

>> No.19101585
File: 77 KB, 1034x1600, 4764985E-5EE4-444E-9E69-C20E012575B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s spelled “discus” retard.

>> No.19101604

Yeah, I've been in those circles for a while but I never took it seriously enough. There's a hackbook called Easy Peasy that really helped me a lot, though. Recommend that for anyone who really wants to quit.

I think it's fine for non-addicts to use in moderation, like 3 or 4 times a week, or whatever works, and *not* choking your dick. But not for me. I'm an addict, who spent his latter teens as a secluded loner and substituted (female) companionship with artificial sexual stimulation. I'm college age and can't remember the last time I felt horny, which is definitely not normal.
And I'd also argue that porn is actually sex-negative, since it accustoms your mind to a level of stimulation that most women would never be able to match.

>> No.19101615

you seem like an interesting person but so so so far up your own ass

>> No.19101652

>wow this one school of linguistics popular in English departments that fuses politics, sociology, philosophy and literature is totally the best and held in high regard by actual linguists!

>> No.19101676

I stopped reading when literature stopped being beautiful and a path to the truth.

>> No.19101694

you can post an actual argument any time now sweetie

>> No.19101704

nice rebuttal lmao

>> No.19101710

I appreciate your input, anon. That must really suck being rejected by women of your own race because they refuse to date fellow Asians. Have you considered moving to an Asian country? You might be better off if you did.

>> No.19101726

>Reported for violating global rule 3 by saying nigger words
Reported for violating global rule 3 by saying nigger words

>> No.19101790

It's fine, those girls definitely had issues, dodged a bullet there. And I've got qualities that I believe in so I'm not concerned.
>Have you considered moving to an Asian country?
I actually spent quite a bit of time in my parents' country after high school, and had a good time there. Felt like a foreigner most of the time but there was something about being in a place where everyone looks like you that was great. Got laid for the first time there too, though in the end that was a miss. I think I would really considering living there if it weren't for the mandatory military service.

>> No.19101791

It is bad because there is nothing good about it. Le deconstructing gndurr norms just makes it absurd and funny, since it is used in lieu of talent to browbeat tards into actually reading it.

>> No.19101800

>its absurd because..it le just is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111

>> No.19101823

>how dare you call me a slur that implies I am a violent person with animalistic tendencies. I will reflexively attempt to kill you for it

>> No.19101832


>> No.19101833

>Picture is literally a perfect example of Black Fragility

lol good job OP, you played yourself

>> No.19101836
File: 109 KB, 454x541, 8A02DE3B-441B-4D8B-8C58-F8E091180877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you say:
>I only read contemporary media and philosophy, the classics are garbage!
What you mean:
>I stopped reading when literature stopped reinforcing my preconceived notions because I am an effeminate insecure brown boy and I need young black men to tell me Im right about everything

>> No.19101837

White boy and white girl is the nigger of the 21st century

>> No.19101849
File: 77 KB, 600x600, twittertranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citation needed

>> No.19101851

It has less to do with Ryan Gosling and Ken Jeong than your race being largely a bunch of scrawny manlets thanks to a diet of rice and veggies.
99% of white dudes aren’t Ryan Gosling. A 5’6” 135 lb white dude isn’t any more popular with women because of white Hollywood stars. It’s a moggy mog world.

>> No.19101868

This thread has all the markings of a SLIDE THREAD. DO NOT REPLY! If you do be sure to put "sage" in the options field. OP is a tranny from discord or /pol/.

>> No.19101917
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, 1625365176724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that you dont belong here

>> No.19101932
File: 258 KB, 500x872, 1623078265299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only read the classics, philosophy is garbage!
but the best classics are all philosophical

also, you seem to be creating an imaginary person to get mad at. such behavior isn't healthy

>> No.19101982

Didn't even read.
Also hidden.