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[ERROR] No.19095767 [Reply] [Original]

Is a /lit/ personality type compatible with a career in law enforcement?

>> No.19095783

I think they prefer unreflective loser fascists, not reflective loser fascists

>> No.19095791

Nope. Not at all. Chud NPC class-traiters get the bullet too

>> No.19095793

I told my friend I wanted to be a cop.
He thought I was some power hungry bastard who wanted to assert power on people or some shit.

I didn't get to tell him that I wanted to be a cop in Vermont or some place up north that has no crime and where I can just spend my time walking around or eating doughnuts in my car reading while catching speeders and letting them off with a warning.

Cruel world.

>> No.19095796

No, because the liberal state is amoral and doesn't deserve to be defended

>fashist = wen the state does stuff
kys leftard

>> No.19095799

>class traitor
No such thing.

>> No.19095800

>Is a /lit/ personality type compatible with a career in law enforcement?
Generally suits secret policemen better. When you see a chisel and a mallet, do you think of wood, or finger joints?

>> No.19095804

>No, because the liberal state is amoral and doesn't deserve to be defended
Do private police work OP

>> No.19095806

Law enforcement is 99% just ticketing people for stupid boring traffic offenses and shit unless you're either. All the fun stuff goes to glowies.

>> No.19095808

Right, because if there’s one thing a leftist should never do, it’s pursue positions of actual power and influence. Clearly the path to worker liberation is through working retail jobs and YouTube grifting. Dumbfucks.

>> No.19095811

Is it possible to be /lit/ and have a career in STEM?

>> No.19095819

>Is a /lit/ personality type compatible with a career in law enforcement?
No, autists are not suited for this kind of work. Just stick with academia and or become an e-celeb.

>> No.19095821

>Clearly the path to worker liberation is through working retail jobs
and YouTube grifting

>> No.19095831


>> No.19095848
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The liberal-fascist-whatever state exists regardless of whether or not I choose to participate in it. I’m choosing a career based on what will be best for me and my loved ones. Not for any sort of autistic cause. My ego is concerned with its own, faggots.

>> No.19095852

Sounds comfy af

>> No.19095880

Joining the precariot actually places you in the working class. Petty bourgeois radicals and wannabe neet intellectuals are really just engaged in intellecutal masturbation on twitter. If these people got jobs among the working class, they could channel their angst and despair into the class struggle instead of just trading memes and cancelling each other.

>> No.19095884

Then kys

>> No.19095895
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No. Keep seething

>> No.19095900
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>> No.19095904

Wrong. Unions are all corrupt to the core.
Intellectual masturbation is also retarded.
Your best bet is to start a paramilitary organization and overthrow your local government, and hope that you don't get removed from power.

Marx never refuted Blanqui.

>> No.19095911

And this is why a successful leftist revolution will never happen. Good fuck it’s like the left is terrified of achieving any kind of victory. What other political movement would actually wish for its adherents to have less power than they already do? The left fetishizes failure.

>> No.19095912

You misspelled race-traitor there anon

>> No.19095921

really? I never got the fascist bent, usually more conservative liberal bent but whatever.

>> No.19095928

>Marx never refuted Blanqui.
But history has. Where is the storied history of Blanquist movements? Thomas Sankara? Gadaffi if we are being generous? Now compare that to the history of Marxist movements.

>> No.19095963

The bolsheviks were a paramilitary organization. They never would've achieved power without armed insurrection. Same goes for all successful marxist movements

>> No.19095978

you are missing the important distinction between a coup and a revolution

>> No.19095991

Moscow Soviet was an all-party affair matey88 fuck off back to hell.

>> No.19096003

All marxist "revolutions" to date have been coups and not revolutions, again see the bolsheviks.
just because the moderates were scared of being thrown out, does not mean that the bolsheviks themselves were not a vanguard paramilitary group doing all of the heavy lifting

>> No.19096017

>All marxist "revolutions" to date have been coups and not revolutions, again see the bolsheviks.
lol, they had massive electoral support among the urban proletariat, who themselves were already engaging in spontaneous revolutionary activity, before the Bolsheviks even thought it was advisable to do so.
See the July Days

>> No.19096020

based and speed enforcement pilled

>> No.19096039

Good man
I considered and interviewed for a police position with the aim of becoming a game warden because being a woods cop seems like it'd be great, but never took anything up. Then a few months later the St. Floyd shit started up and I knew I made the right decision

>> No.19096059

>doing all of the heavy lifting
Nah that'd be the left srs and radical mensheviks in Moscow mate. You're thinking Petrograd.

>> No.19096194
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