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[ERROR] No.19094263 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on dealing with anxiety that aren't new age trash?

>> No.19094277

Anxiety IS new age trash

>> No.19094281

elaborate anon. I get physical tremors randomly throughout the day and racing thoughts, so it feels very real.

>> No.19094292

start with the greeks

>> No.19094304

Man up. Doesn't mean be ashamed of your anxiety but you just have to learn to push through it.

>> No.19094306

maybe he means you are living in a new age so you need to get new age books because they have the solution for new age anxiety, if you get an old age book it will have outdated solution that doesn't work in new age

>> No.19094308

Industrial Society and it's Future

>> No.19094314

When Panic Attacks

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

there's probably something much worse wrong with you, like bipolar or schizophrenia or a personality disorder, but best to cross anxiety off the list anyways

>> No.19094316

You gotta talk to people. Start by finding someone you are/could be comfortable talking to and talk to them regularly and often

>> No.19094324

In the days of old, you might have been diagnosed with not-being-close-enough-to-God. Get some leeches to suck your blood and go to church. That is the not-new-age advice.

The new age trash is what would help you. So I'd say Finding Quiet - JP Moreland could help, given you claim tremors and racing thoughts.. I have not read it but it has been suggested to me.

>> No.19094325
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>there's probably something much worse wrong with you, like bipolar or schizophrenia or a personality disorder, but best to cross anxiety off the list anyways

>> No.19094332

what are you so afraid of?

>> No.19094334

Exactly what I meant

>> No.19094343

shit advice

>> No.19094360

I have OCD which is a type of anxiety disorder and one thing that helped me was learning about cognitive behavioral therapy, through textbooks and such. Also just going to therapy usually helps a lot if you can

>> No.19094369

I've got OCD as well, and I've already been down the developing schizo obsession and quite frankly hearing that doesn't scare me anymore. Thanks though, I'll check out the books

I guess new age has evolved to have a new meaning. I always pictured quack doctors talking about healing beds and nonsense in that realm.

Absolutely nothing

hey fellow OCDbro, I've been self practicing ACT for OCD and it has worked great. I don't know how I feel about CBT since it's core basis is thought challenging instead of recognizing the thoughts are silly bits of noise and letting them be.

>> No.19094886

>Thanks though, I'll check out the books
Good luck anon.
My experience: I thought I had social anxiety because parties and restaurants make me anxious.. Turns out to be a sensory processing issue from the noise only. That books were enlightening

>> No.19095675
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>> No.19095864

I've got intense social and general anxiety bros and I just want to die but I don't want to hurt my mother or my girlfriend. What do?

>> No.19095878

Why do you think anxiety is so common today and not ever before? Figure that out and then figure out what to do. You don't "deal with" anxiety, you fix it, because it's a symptom of an untenable yet mutable state of being.

>> No.19095950
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>> No.19095982

It might feel real, but that is because you believe it to be the case.
You are simply existing within a twinkle of an eye of the all, and to the all, Hamlet is to Shakespeare.
If Hamlet thought himself to exist, to us and Shakespeare, it would seem that Hamlet would be able to do anything he liked, as his existence was that of one purely malleable- he could simply write himself to be otherwise.
Now, Hamlet would likely not know this, but if he did, if his self recognized his condition, he would no longer be afflicted by any negativity.

tl;dr You are like doodlebob, but you don't know it yet, if you realize this state of doodlebobness that you are in, you will simply (yes simply) be able to rewrite your aches and pains, dread and angst, into whatever you wish.

>> No.19096574

>intense social anxiety

>> No.19097100

This. Pick one.

>> No.19097521

Just stop worrying about it, retard

>> No.19097554

New Age has very specific connotations, it doesn't just mean "new"

>> No.19097629

The first half of The Power of Now, or so. I don't buy into most of the stuff in the book but the ability to focus on the present may help you with anxiety.

>> No.19098235

for me it was the tao te ching but I don't think there is such a thing as a book to cure anxiety
its like jesus said in the parable about sewing seeds

>> No.19098307

10% Happier by Dan Harris - I'm very skeptical of any spiritual, mystical or new age bullshit, but this one convinced me to try meditation. And you don't have to believe in anything - meditation is training your mind, trying to become more aware of your consiousness and keep it under control. I think it could help with anxiousness.

Try some stoicism - maybe start with Meditations.

>> No.19098317

Whatever you do don't try stoicism

>> No.19098332

Where's your data showing that it's more common today?
Well, you don't have it because for 99% of human history the vast majority was illiterate.

>> No.19098376

>Any books on dealing with anxiety that aren't new age trash?

Just read what the old philosophers said on how to live life. Seriously, start with the Greeks - a time where the phrase actually makes sense. Anxiety (the human experience or emotion) is an eternal thing not bound to situation or time. It really doesn't matter what is causing you anxiety or where but the approach you take can be learned from a wise person no matter what time period they came from.

>> No.19098383

>Any books on dealing with anxiety that aren't new age trash?

Stop masturbating and sitting behind a screen all day. These two things I guarantee will vastly improve your life.

>> No.19098425

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