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[ERROR] No.19091443 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bitter 24/7. Books to fix my insides?

>> No.19091492

There’s nothing to fix. You’re bitter for a reason.

>> No.19091516

Talk to an honest person about honest day to day things or a topic of interest. Something not focused on resentment, but serendipity or curiosity.

>> No.19091540

ultramind solution
man's search for meaning
the power of now

>> No.19091548

get a gf

>> No.19091558

No books, you need some time away from everything to look within yourself and figure out the root of your suffering.

>> No.19091594

I know the root. What's next?

>> No.19091602

What's the root?

>> No.19091608

That's entirely for you to figure out, not anyone else. No one knows you or your situation like you do. Well, at least no one human.

>> No.19091617
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talk to a loved one or a close friend or a trusted priest or a therapist. i’ll pray for you my friend

>> No.19091644

I suggest to read any of the ancient stoics.
In short, you are bitter possibly because of external sources outside of your control. Once you realise that the only thing you can control is yourself (by developing virtues), you won't allow these negative emotions to control you.
Accept reality as it is rather than wishing for it to be different. If you think you can influence it then take action but keep accepting whatever outcome might happen to avoid any frustration.

>> No.19091653

>the power of now
I read two pages of this. Why is the author so full of himself?

>> No.19091654

ily anon

>> No.19091656

Nice painting

>> No.19091664

beyond good and evil

>> No.19091671

nice painting faggot.

>> No.19091731

The Bible. At least it worked me.

>> No.19091743

Never read it, but if he's a "spiritual guru" he is full of himself because he considers himself enlightened and superior to others. Or he is just secure and his confidence makes you insecure.

>> No.19091754
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Why don’t you try reading something sweet?

>> No.19092384

try a base-rich diet

>> No.19092878

Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.19092933
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>> No.19092936

OP! Why are you bitter?

>> No.19092938

This. Have sex and 99.9% of your problems will go away, anon. Trust me on this one.

>> No.19092945

temporarily, and then new ones arise or old ones resurface. that's a band aid at best.

>> No.19092957

Anything comedy

>> No.19092995

alright, so I've been seeing threads like this a lot lately. Let me be real with you, OP. There's nothing to read. If you're bitter, or angry, or whatever, at some point you have to realize, "man, being like this all the time fucking sucks" and then you stop. You just stop. "Oh, I'm feeling bitter? Why?" and then you just stop. You exhale, roll your shoulders, and stop. I'm not kidding. I'm telling you, as someone who has multiple mental disorders, is generally fucking weird, and has a history of trauma, you stop. Something happens that pisses you off- you're about to flip your lid, and then you stop and think: "man, being angry is fucking exhausting. why do I want to be angry again?" and then you sit down. If you have something on you to distract you (skillz/books/whatever) that's best.

Depression, etc, is something entirely separate from your general being, and doesn't factor in. If you need meds, then get meds.

the "I've decided not to be etc" is about 2/3rds of the deal. It's not ALL in your head, but it is PARTLY in your head. you know?

>> No.19093022

Listen to Supper's Ready

>> No.19093042

My hypothesis is that people are bitter when they're not as successful/high status as they imagine they deserve to be.
Thus the solution seems simple to me. You either
- Lower your expectations of success.
- Work to become more successful.
Am I wrong?

>> No.19093049

Peter Kingsley - A Book of Life.

Greatest book of the 21st century so far.

>> No.19093051
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>> No.19093060

you know what? you're right! just make no effort whatsoever!

>> No.19093127

You're right, but you are talking about a process that each individual needs to realize themselves.

>> No.19093145

Hey! That's not OP that replied to you. Thanks for your advice

>> No.19093152

No book with that name can be good

>> No.19093185

that's fair. but everyone has to start somewhere

>> No.19093200

Most definitely.

>> No.19093224

Read it and see for yourself.

>> No.19093244

hey! I hope it helps. like anon seems to think, it might seem a bit dense, but it really starts with you trying to take a deep breath and actively trying to change. It doesn't always work, and sometimes you can't do it on your own, but that's where it starts.

>> No.19093368

confession and repentance (not a book)

>> No.19093438

Brothers Karamazov

Alternatively, for something shorter, On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

>> No.19093448

the big book

>> No.19094597

Honestly go on a long walk. If you can, mix it up between nature and places where people congregate.

>> No.19095069

Notes from the Underground

>> No.19095088

This is bullshit I had even worse existential dread when I had a gf and was having sex daily.

>> No.19095112

steel cut oats,
milk (NOHOMO)
macerated shit enema from someone with good guts
more oats
walking for 8 hours a day

>> No.19095658

>walking for 8 hours a day
That's not practical for most people, be realistic.

>> No.19095666

Its more realistic than finding an enema buddy who has good guts. (pro-tip: postman)

>> No.19095689

Unironically, Nietzsches middle works.

>> No.19095718

You don't need a book. What you need is a sex change operation.

>> No.19095721

>Have sex and 99.9% of your problems will go away
virgin detected

>> No.19095780

em cioran and ug krishnamuti

>> No.19095795
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Focus on your physical health and your mental health will improve along with it. Start running every day and eat healthy, maybe find people to run with so you can get the social aspect in along with it, also lift if that's your thing. Physical health and mental health are effectively the same thing. As you become stronger and healthier, so will your mind. Read the ethics of Spinoza (pbuh) and he will make it all clear. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

>> No.19096579

Likely the internet is the or a problem

>> No.19098313

Tell that to mishima

>> No.19098915

Convert to Christianity and study summa theologica and city of god.

>> No.19098937

This seems pretty accurate, at least in my case. The problem is that I neither want to lower my expectations nor do I want to work harder. And that's what's making me bitter.

>> No.19098942
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>> No.19100435

For someone who feels like the OP does, this is very good advice.