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[ERROR] No.19092368 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many seething midwit atheists on /lit/ today? Is reddit having server problems?

>> No.19092378

The current big meme on /lit/ moved from traditionalism to christianity, I give it a year until the larpers turn atheist again

>> No.19092437

Why are there so many seething midwit monotheists on /lit/ today? Is the CIA having server problems?

>> No.19092876

Go back to your tradcath server, Jew worshipper

>> No.19092888

>janny leaves off topic shit like this
>deletes threads about books
Incompetent retards.

>> No.19092891

I think that tide is already turning. The more avant garde internet shitposters are already retvrning to atheism for its greater edginess potential

>> No.19092898
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Glowniggers are atheists.
Go back to twitter, fag

>> No.19092902

I have been seeing more and more atheism or even anti-religion threads on here lately. It's an inevitable backlash, and this is just the start. The number of young men growing disillusioned with the larp is growing.

>> No.19092907

>repeating 2004 fedora fag arguments
>avant garde
Atheism has already been discredited, whichvis why fedoras became LARPagans.

>> No.19092912

It's not a larp for everyone though. Even if you think religion is a meme it really does matter to a lot of people. The deus vult stuff is obviously larping but a lot of those posters clearly believe in Christ

>> No.19092913

>Secularism has created a void
All the atheist threads follow the same script. It isn't organic.

>> No.19092924

It's more from the angle that Christians are pussies or not tough enough. Meming about the holocaust or whatever will always have more cachet

>> No.19092926

It's true, I used to tolerate and encourage the Christians because they upset the progs, but now they have become gay and unbased..I will stop at nothing until they are mad online

>> No.19092930

I highly doubt even the majority does. The threads and posts are such obvious larps it's not even ambiguous if you haven't drunk the kool aid. Ten years ago the orthodox larpers would've been Dawkins worshipers
Sure thing. The trend is already changing and you're coping. We're probably going to have some more sinophile threads during the transition though

>> No.19092935

Here's a common thread better progressive SJW atheists and traditionalist Capitalist Christians:
the gayest ideology of all time..

>> No.19092937

>Secularism has created a void
huh? not everyone is empty like you

>> No.19092941

>American hours
>shitty bait threads and Christian larping galore
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.19092953

I think you're biased or perhaps incapable of understanding religious sentiment. They very clearly do believe, it's not like this is surprising, there are 2 billion Christians.

>> No.19092955

That's been the angle for decades. It falls apart because atheists and pagans proudly boast of the homosexuals in their ranks.

>> No.19092960

You filled yours with secular humanist crypto-christian progshit

>> No.19092966
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Most faggots are atheists. Atheism enables globohomo.

>> No.19092973

It was inevitable. Internet Christianity is just cringe, on top of obviously larping

>> No.19092976

Sure. The zealotry betrays a desire to convince oneself rather than genuine sincerity. As I said, they're lost young men seeking an identity and a community, which they found in tradcath/orthodox larping, but soon the reality of the religion will catch up to them and the pendulum will swing the other way. It already has, there are more and more posts about people rejecting religion in favor of agnosticism or atheism, there were several threads yesterday and today.

>> No.19092978

One disappointing aspect of getting older is witnessing how superficial the intellectual tides are. When you're young you think you're taking a stand for something, engaging with big ideas, etc, and then you get to see that the people involved lose interest, and the ideas lose their counter-culture status, and young people take up some other contrary thing, and they talk about it just like they too are engaged in some meaningful overturning of a long-benighted status quo. But the same thing happens to their movement, and then the next one. I can't help but feel that it's all just aesthetics and social signalling. Maybe it would be sociologically interesting if it wasn't so disheartening. At this point I think questions like "Is there a God?" are worthless not because their answers are irrelevant or insignificant, but because humans are so utterly fucking retarded that the question is always a political one, always some game where the goal is to adopt a "clever" posture of thoughtfulness or solidarity or some other virtue you want to delude yourself into thinking you have.

>> No.19092979

The atheist push comed from glowniggers like Richard Spencer whi promote pagsnism as a fallback. Dawkins fags turned into pagans and pantheists.

>> No.19092987

>internet Christian is Christian because it enables his political position
The curtain falls.
At least now you're noticing it. This board, the internet in general, and modern life, is one big larp from people who aesthetize ideologies and beliefs. It's inescapable.
Your narrative makes no sense and is proven wrong by this board alone.

>> No.19092993

Humangayists think all men have value, that's the real issue.

>> No.19092999

I think the atheist posters are on the whole younger. The 30 yr old millenials imo are not going to abandon christianity it is comforting to them as they age

>> No.19093004

Internet Christianity took off because edgy 90's-2000's atheism was hollowcabd spineless. The only reason it seems to be taking off again is because it's useful to neutraluze disaffected young men. No atheist is a threat to globohomo.

>> No.19093013


>> No.19093019

Doubtful. The bulk of the posters in Christian threads, especially orthodox, are meme shitposters ("based daffy seraphim rose destroying modernist nihilist bugmen with faith and logic" etc) and I would bet good money that most of them aren't older than 20.
Atheism isn't cool anymore. Zoomers don't care for it. I think it's more appealing to millennials who've become disillusioned with dogma and belief as a whole.

>> No.19093021

My political position flows from Christianity, not the other way around. Internet atheists are rootless and take up political positions based on imagevalone, which is why they so easioy fall for controlled opposition.
The trajectory from atheismbto paganism is easy to trace.

>> No.19093029

All you fags can do is post the same clips to demoralize becsuse the data is not on your side.

>> No.19093030

>No atheist is a threat to globohomo.
Neither are internet orthodox posting their icon shrines and religious paintings with pepe edited in instead of the apostles while calling each other based

>> No.19093041

You are simply wrong that the bulk of the posters are culture war shitposters. They talk about Christ very openly and sincerely

>> No.19093044

Internet Christianity has taken off because election tourists realized they couldn't vote to make society more conservative. Every generation of conservatives has to learn this lesson and resign to being nothing more than a disliked emergency brake for democracy. Now they are pretending to be Christians instead. They pretended to be Christians in the 90s too.

>> No.19093050

god isn't real

>> No.19093052

The trend is already dying. There is no "side".
That's what they all say, yet ten years ago people like you didn't exist.
Everyone is rootless in the postmodernist globalist machine, you're just clinging to dead roots that most likely aren't yours if you're American.

>> No.19093058

They haven't "become disillusioned", they just haven't resisted their programming.

>> No.19093059

Can only speak from personal experience, but I am exactly 30 and pretty much everybody of my cohort were atheists. We came of age right around new atheist movement, the media talking about "radical islam", and the evangelical movement gaining a lot of political power. I didn't start to see an uptick in Christposters on this board until 2014 (right after GamerGate, lol). I think the Christians are disproportionately younger.

>> No.19093063

You adopting a pseudo-monastic celibate e-Christian lifestyle has nothing to do with the dogmas and leadership of the progressive minded churches, that is to say, most of them. And those not currently, will be eventually. It is all one religion, some denominations are slower than others at getting to the latest method of corralling slave moralists.

>> No.19093067

Christianity is a universalist religion, it belongs to literally anybody. There is even the Orthodox Chruch in the US if you require that

>> No.19093068

Check out the orthodox thread right now and tell me I'm wrong. Check out the other inflammatory threads about calling atheists bugmen or the off topic one with a picture of Jesus and apu apustaja and tell me I'm wrong. The internet has made Christianity into a bona fide meme.

>> No.19093072

See >>19092987
Your "faith" is a political statement.
That's not the point and you're moving goalposts.

>> No.19093073

It's literally the "praise Kek" stuff rebranded since they lost their precious election. Now it's not the God Emperor who will punish the big bad bad people with more power than you, it's God.

>> No.19093080

You only see what you want to see and ignore the genuine posts

>> No.19093089

Yes that is the point because you're claiming it's impossible for a modern American to be Christian

>> No.19093092

Cope harder christcuck

>> No.19093094

Orthodox nations are openly rejecting globohomo while atheists like Greg Johnson try to legitimize sodomy as traditionalist.
The election wad the fruit of existing trends, not the cause of it. Conservatives are already winning cultural victories like the Texas abortion ban.
And you're just pretending that being carried by cultural currents is a subversive act. There is nothing "avant garde" about atheism. It's the default for globohomo.

>> No.19093096

A lot of young guys are stuck between a rock and a hard place, realizing that secular life is rootless and empty, but also not actually believing in God. They may very genuinely go Trad and become Christian, thinking they'll fake it til they make it and hopefully find genuine faith in the process, and end up disillusioned when that doesn't happen.
That's talking about the ones who actually want to believe, not about those who literally just join for politics.

>> No.19093101

I wonder what form the "pendulum swing" will take specifically.
There will be no revival of new atheism because it's become cringe and unbased. I expect either a turn towards a lukewarm, apathetic and depressive agnosticism/skepticism, or a downright extreme turn towards violent, outrageous nihilism a la Bataille. Other options are too niche imo, but time will tell.
Right back at you. It's useless to argue about this, you're incapable of seeing past your bias.

>> No.19093103


we know we have no value
we know we have no rights
stop trying to create meaning
where there is no meaning
everywhere, there is no meaning

>> No.19093105

Submit further, gaytheist.

>> No.19093106

>Ten years ago the orthodox larpers would've been Dawkins worshipers
If you ever read their "how did you become Christian"-threads they will literally say they used to be aggressive atheists, but oh hallelujah they found Christ and now everything if fluffy pink clouds.

They jump from one popular thing to the next chasing clout.

>> No.19093113

Texas is America's most jerrymandered state. It's done after the next census. Federal govt is going end up placing everything under direct supervision to protect civil rights.

>> No.19093115

I didn't say that. I said everyone was rootless.
>still missing the point
There is no side, everything has been assimilated by pomo. You're clinging to a corpse and your trite political take makes it obvious.
Yes. As I said, it's a pendulum.

>> No.19093116

You act as though noticing the cultural rot and rootlessness caused by atheism is somehow an illegitimate argument for Christianity.

>> No.19093123

I admitted the existence of culture war posters, you're incapable of admitting the existence of genuinely religious people, it is you who is biased

>> No.19093130

You act as if atheist humanists are something other than Christians without Christ. But obviously you have two separate grips here. Too bad your beliefs lead to theirs. Silly clock rewinder, persist in your follies.

>> No.19093132

>More demoralization
Typical kike pilpul.

>> No.19093137

Western "humanism" is nothing but watery Chistianity for liberals.

>> No.19093143

Your entire reasoning is faulty. Read my posts again. Your politicizing of religion perfectly shows why Christianity is not an answer and has already been assimilated into the globohomo machine. You're a useful idiot.
There are some genuine people, drowned in the mass of insincere trend hopping zoomers and other such people.
>burying your head in the sand and insulting whoever breaks your illusion
Typical internet "Christian".

>> No.19093144

>And you're just pretending that being carried by cultural currents is a subversive act. There is nothing "avant garde" about atheism. It's the default for globohomo.
No, globohomo is averse to outspoken atheism. Its religion is syncretic universalist shlock--the "spiritual but not religious" heresy. They despise "New Atheists" like Dawkins and Hitchens because they make value judgments about foreign religions (like saying that Islam is bad).

>> No.19093148

>demoralized faggot can't understand the impact of a genuine revelation
It's called growing up.

>> No.19093149

>>More demoralization
Oh, my sunnyjim how could that barbarian hurt your fragile faith

>> No.19093159

Globohomo does nothing but push atheism. You're either stupid or an actual glownigger.

>> No.19093160

>believing in made up stories is called growing up
Your made up story is a "revelation", but other religions' is just made up, right?

>> No.19093165

Christianity is demonstratably the only system to resist globohomo.

>> No.19093170

Just because it's pushed by globalists doesn't mean it's factually wrong. Your argument is fallacious.
Christians love to do this though. They do it with jews too (despite their religion being tied to Judaism more deeply than any other).

>> No.19093175

Kek, church is a multi billion dollar corporation.

>> No.19093180

>to resist postmodernism
You don't know what you're talking about. That's what reading only scripture and meme authors like Rose does to you, you end up completely out of touch with everything. Christianity has been commodified and disintegrated by pomo for a long time, as has everything else.

>> No.19093190

Saying christianity is tied to Judaism is a bit of a mischaracterization. Christianity negates Judaism, since Christ any Jew is a heretic for Christians since he isn't following the messiah. Of course it is tied to preChristian Judaism. This point about pre and post Christ Judaism seems lost on many people

>> No.19093198
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Then why do you use it as a mockery of people interested in Paganism?

>> No.19093209

>outrageous nihilism a la Bataille
My [headless] body is ready.

>> No.19093210

Not that anon
But can you please expanding on this point of religions being absorbed by pomo and how Rose is retarded

>> No.19093216

Have a (You)

>> No.19093233

Rose isn't retarded or a meme, he is one of the few genuine religious writers of recent times. The guy was practically a monk

>> No.19093237

The commodification of spirituality is made obvious by internet communities first and foremost (as a jarring example) but in a more general sense spirituality and religion have not been somehow spared by the systematic disintegration caused by pomo and this is shown by how they've become yet another aesthetic, an accessory. LGBT pastors is a meme but it's still true, and other branches are not spared (epic orthodog memes, etc). There's a book on "spiritual materialism" by some eastern dude that's relevant to this.
As for Rose he was basically a /lit/ poster. Started off interested in the eastern religion meme, moved on to the Guenon meme, then to the Orthodoxy meme, and proceeded to spend the rest of his life "refuting" opposing views (new age strawmen) in his books. He wasn't a retard but if anything he's a great example of the point I'm making. Even sincerity is now a commodity.

>> No.19093245

/lit/ is full of neetchefags already, the discovery of Bataille's unsurpassable brand of edge and coomerism is only a matter of time, and when it starts gaining traction this board will break just like it did with Guenon

>> No.19093246

Globohomo originated in Christian society. I suppose you could make some theoretical case that it would have turned out Even Worse without Christianity, but what history itself demonstrates is that Christianity does not successfully resist globohomo.

>> No.19093250

You can also blame it on Jews though that just kicks the can to why Christians let the jews in

>> No.19093258

Bataille was already memed somewhat years ago, especially in relation to Nick Land.

>> No.19093261

Yeah now I can see it.
Regarding Rise you're right, old school monks spent their time contemplating God while he wrote texts on cultural wars to own the libs.

>> No.19093271

>/lit/ is full of neetchefags already
aka zoomers
boomer neetzschefags are also icyfags and they're a minority

>> No.19093272

The church fathers engaged constantly in "owning the libs" of their time and fretting about factions. You guys have this annoying tendency to regard the present era as absolutely different than the past in some way

>> No.19093291
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Wait until they discover Bataille does prehistory and mysticism too. Guenon is done for. Need to start with the grugs painting in their caves, not the Greeks.

>> No.19093300

He never became a meme, he was only incidentally mentioned in relation to accelerationism. But that ship has sailed, Land isn't cool anymore, and Bataille remains mysterious. I might be wrong though, perhaps /lit/ will become a Taoist board, or something else. It's all memes in the end and they're unpredictable.
The thing is that this era is different from the others in that sincerity is not possible anymore, and for that reason Rose's project fell flat. Religion too is hyperreal but theologians are in denial about it. Understandably so, because I don't think it can ever adapt. We need something new and currently unimaginable.
I eagerly anticipate the threads.

>> No.19093302

His text isn't mainly used by the church though. It gets shilled everywhere by fascists and right wingers as le ebin win for muh trad aesthetics.

>> No.19093325

Peterson was maybe popular few years ago due to /pol/tard shilling but now he is by far the most hated thinker on the board.

>> No.19093326

I remember a bunch of threads about The story of the Eye. That's actually why I bothered to read it

>> No.19093338

I remember those too, they never really went past the eroticism and into Bataille's other works though, let alone his Summa.

>> No.19093342

the zoomers flooding the board now got introduced to neetzsche through him even if they hate him now

>> No.19093345

Bataille is already a meme. I am a newfag and I have been seeing his thread since 2018. Some fags have been shilling his footnote on Guenon as le ebin BTFO since last month.

>> No.19093347

Solar anus was also slightly memed. What is the hook though for Bataille, how do you reduce him to a soundbite?

>> No.19093350

yes we exist. get used to it

>> No.19093360

Please do not lump boomer neetzschefags in with eastern european internet scammers, I don't deserve it

>> No.19093365

No, Nietzsche was already popular on /lit/. It's the Peterson himself which made Peterson made so pathetic that even /pol/tards turned their back on him.

>> No.19093366

The footnote's been posted for at least half a year.
Good question. If I figure it out, I'll be the catalyst for a new /lit/ zeitgeist.
Maybe something out of Inner Experience.

>> No.19093383

icy is greek, and you're not much of a neetzschefag if you care about the scam from ~20 years ago

>> No.19093387

What do you make of eg Russia starting to return somewhat to Orthodoxy as state religion? I dont see what is special about pomo as a problem for religion, especially one based on faith in something fundamentally incomprehensible

>> No.19093388

What about his defense of NEETdom?

>> No.19093395
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For (You)

>> No.19093405
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Ah yes, real sovereignty is non-productive. Without a doubt one of the most dangerously based men to have ever written. An ex-seminarian turned aristocratic marxist who likes going to brothels and bullfights.

>> No.19093415

Literally sounds like a shitpost. He even has the "s'il avait seulement *entendu parler* de Nietzsche ou Hegel" without actually explaining how they refute him.

>> No.19093419

Extremely based

>> No.19093421

I don't see the contradiction. Communities are yearning for a sense of authenticity but unfortunately they're not going to get it in any of the objects that were assimilated by the great relativist deconstruction machine.
Pomo is literally a memetic virus, if you can conceive of something that "fights against it" you're already in the system, I mean what I'm saying is not original at all I'm just badly paraphrasing Baudrillard and others at this point.
Not spiritually inclined enough, no? NEETdom isn't much of a subject on here, otherwise tang ping would've gotten more than a couple threads.

>> No.19093427

But does believing in God "fight agaisnt" pomo or simply ignore it. You can just ground epistemology in God having given us sense and reason to understand his creation

>> No.19093434

You can try to ignore it if you want but at that point you're actually starting to genuinely larp since you're engaging in something that has for all intents and purposes been corrupted and emptied of its substance, while pretending that it hasn't.

>> No.19093441

How is ignoring 20th century version of skepticism a corruption of a 2000 year old religion?

>> No.19093449

>Pomo is literally a memetic virus, if you can conceive of something that "fights against it" you're already in the system,
How so

>> No.19093466

Because the age of an ideology has no bearing on its vulnerability to an inescapably subversive deconstruction.
Do you know what pomo is? It's not yet another ideological badge for zoomers to wear, it's the color of an entire zeitgeist that we've yet to find an out from, and all previous frames of reference have been deconstructed by it.

>> No.19093473

He's /lit/. If there's any author who is /lit/ it's the pornographer-theologian-philosopher Bataille

>> No.19093483

Globohomo is the freemason negation of Christianity.
It was a freemason anti-Christian like Napoleon who granted citizenship to the jews.

>> No.19093491

Pomo is not inescapably destructive if you have faith in God though, that's the point. You steal just projecting your own inability to get out of the meme labyrinth onto other people. Our ruling class find pomo convincing but so what

>> No.19093494
File: 273 KB, 736x483, 91530494583e44dd93f95b3c45436842_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read System of Objects and also for good measure, Fatal Strategies. You're probably more familiar with Simulacra & Simulation, but that's not the juicy stuff about mail order catalogs and obesity.

>> No.19093497

It's our time, man. Leo Strauss spoke of this in various places.

>> No.19093502

>It's not yet another ideological badge for zoomers to wear
I am not saying this. But how does the action against system becomes the part of the system?

>> No.19093505

It's from Christianity. And Christianity is from the people Napoleon emancipated. So it's all the same. Cope some more why don't you.

>> No.19093508

Because they haven't changed in understanding or tactics. They are still motivated only by their hostility to Christianity, and think and behave as they dis before.

>> No.19093514

You don't get it. Pomo isn't an ideology or a movement. It has nothing to do with projection, you've just found a comfy corner in the labyrinth that you hide in while telling yourself you're out of it.
It's not action against the system. That's what the system is selling you and you're buying it.

>> No.19093516

>It's from Christianity
It's from freemasonry.
Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament. Read Michael Hoffman.

>> No.19093520

This man was exceptionally lucid. I don't think I've read another 20th/21st century author with as solid a grasp on what is happening.

>> No.19093524

I didnt say it was an ideology, I said you can ignore it just as people have always ignored Pyrrho, who is the actual end point of that kind of pointless fretting

>> No.19093528

Those texts were dense so I moved on. I have been trying to swallow antihumanist pill by philosophical pessimist who preached that there wasn't any hope in the first place. From there vantage point all of this theorizing about pomo sounds funny as shit. As some times I get feeling that pessimistic pomo theory is just mooching off pessimist philosophers and applying it to socioeconomic relations.

>> No.19093529

Read God Emperor of Dune. Your rebellions are curated.

>> No.19093536
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Walks like a duck, etc.

>> No.19093540

Sextus Empiricus by his own admission doesn't offer logically compelling arguments. Outlines is interesting but an honest and committed pyrrhonism is untenable. That aside you're still reasoning within the framework of postmodernism as a philosophy to be debated, refuted and overcome, and still missing the point. It's not an endgame in the meme sense, like Stirner is an "endgame" to ethics for zoomers or whatever the fuck, whether you like it or not you are operating under the paradigm, you're breathing it and living it.

>> No.19093541

It most certainly is. Read Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy. All the pomos read Nietzsche.

>> No.19093560

Just because you keep repeating that everything is postmodern doesnt make it true. I can say that you're operating under the Christian frame and you're just led astray by the devil, see how that's annoying

>> No.19093562

Nietzsche wasn't exactly a philosophical pessimist because he loved life. But I will give this book a try.

>> No.19093569

He is trying to digest Schopenhauer's pessimism into something affirmative

>> No.19093577

Except society has demonstrably moved on from Christianity, so your comparison doesn't apply, while the systematic deconstruction of everything is not stopping.
Anyway I gotta go, have a good day/evening

>> No.19093584

Society meaning who? The ruling class has but many people are still religious. Have a good day too

>> No.19093593

Also even the ruling class are not pomo about everything, they dont apply it to oppression narratives.

>> No.19093606

In the zeitgeistal sense
Absolutely I completely agree with you and once pomo dissolves marxism and critical theory itself (what everyone's been too pussy to do so far) we'll see some interesting stuff
Alright I'm going for real now

>> No.19093614

I'm not sure they will ever apply it to that stuff, they kind of need it for political purposes. But I guess we will see

>> No.19093673

Pomo is like America itself. It's abstract enough to be all-binding, yet concrete enough to be observable and recognizable. You can bitch about Americans all you want, for example, but you still use American technology which pervades all areas of life today, discuss American art and politics or art and politics that has been significantly influenced by the American at this point, come into contact with American values wherever you are, use American websites and lingo, etc. Your lifestyle is, regardless of how you feel, American. And wherever there are other cultures, they are immediately and very easily rebranded as subcultures and subsumed within the dominant American culture, turning into "X-American culture" and so on. Even cultures that appear to be "off the grid" — for example, you might think that the Amish, since they have isolated themselves from all this technology and recent cultural and political development, are living on American soil without being Americans, but ultimately they are there because the system allows them to be; they haven't won their freedom. They aren't actually free from the system, they are still American. Pomo is just as inescapable as this, and just as observable, because it's an abstract, loosely-defined set of theories and values that, at this point, can be seen everywhere, and which immediately convert everything and everyone around them into pomo society.