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[ERROR] No.19092181 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.19092197

>I'm a college philosophy professor.
instantly disregarded

>> No.19092206

>moral responsibility to do something about it

Lost me right there
Sound commie as fuck

>> No.19092217

>reality skews left
What a free thinker

>> No.19092219

A person like that writing posts like that on facebook or whatever shithole website should not be teaching young people anything.

>> No.19092220

how do you rebut this without sounding like psychopath?

>> No.19092222

>We don't teach "socialism" or even liberal political values.
>proceeds to enumerate liberal values that they teach

>> No.19092226

You post a graph of test scores by race controlled for income and let the fun begin

>> No.19092229

classic liberalism is not modern academic liberalism

>> No.19092231

Frankly I would feel a lot better about the political biases of universities if it was mandated that there was a 50/50 split between Democrat and Republicans in the professor population

>> No.19092241

Same way whenever I get asked for gibs.

Not my problem

>> No.19092248

>american education

>> No.19092253

Whig-History nonsense. Education isn't a correlative component of compassion (see any denomination of Church) and reality certainly doesn't skew left. The (modern) social world of insular effete's skews left because the framework they inherited from their predecessors skewed left ad infinitum. It's that simple.

>> No.19092255

>reality skews left
>literally zero leftists countries in the whole world
makes you think

>> No.19092257

I'd feel a lot better if they had actual Nazis and Tankies. It's supposed to be an institution of free inquiry

>> No.19092260

classical liberalism is a meme term conspicuously absent from any reputable companion to political philosophy for good reason - it was invented by amerimutt libertarians in the beginning of the 20th century to create the impression that there was some liberal tradition that progressives who called themselves liberals were distorting. in reality the so called classical liberal thinkers - Locke, Smith, Hume, Paine etc. - subscribed to various beliefs some of which would be considered left wing (free land and land provision) and some right wing (general positive attitude towards markets and belief in the superiority of the white race). liberalism is a bankrupt ideology and putting classical in front of it does nothing to change this fundamental fact

>> No.19092262

What is that supposed to achieve? Create centrists?

>> No.19092268

In his mind left = universal good and right = universal evil. That's what these people mean when they say left or right. These terms have no grounding in anything real or concrete.

>> No.19092291

The amerimutt libertarians were quite right about that.

>> No.19092313

no they were not. libertarianism is very much in a class of its own. it's not a matter of political preferences (because I myself lean towards libertarianism) but objective facts. the so called "classical" liberals had equally little in common with libertarianism and progressive "liberalism". the chronologically first book (insofar as I am aware) that is unapologetically and without compromise "classically" liberal would be Liberalismus by von Mises - hardly a classical book as it's only 100 years old.

>> No.19092686

He showed how reality skews left

>> No.19092710

we-first ideologies wither in the light of man's depravity

>> No.19092713
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>> No.19092714

Link to the original post?

>> No.19092729

How do you reply to this without being automatically canceled?

>> No.19092739

simply point to the contradiction of saying "we don't teach leftism" only to then say "we teach leftism"

>> No.19092743

This guy sounds like an actual moron

>> No.19092748

Jesus how can you be this delusional. Also, I just started going to college and it’s absolutely fucked. We talk about blacks/gender in every class

>> No.19092759

what are you studying

>> No.19092769

Cancel him with a bullet through the head instead
No idea but this guy seems to be some comparative religion guy. Maybe our resident Advaitists would like to raid comment sections under his videos

>> No.19092771

dam not even my first year philosophy professor is this bad lol, he just keeps trying to shill utilitarianism

>> No.19092775

That's what you get for falling for the humanities meme

>> No.19092780

Government legislation made for “your own good - because we just care so much” has lead to many human atrocities in the past. Cite abortion, Cite nutrition, Cite anti-depressants Cite Covid mandates and the. watch these deluded “life is left” retards seethe about it. Watch as they turn rabid and that fuax sense of care instantly disappears. Revealing themselves to be the psychopaths.

>> No.19092811

>reality itself skews left
>[is] itself skews [ought]

>> No.19092813

>Cite abortion
Available in all first world nations
>Cite anti-depressants
Only a problem in countries with shitty climate and no war
>Cite Covid mandates
Not a thing in first world countries

Point out that every single economist is right wing.

>> No.19092828

Point out the paradox between saying "reality skews left" and the fact that students have to undergo 6 semesters of brainwashing in order to comprehend that reality. If leftism had anything to do with reality they wouldn't have to hammer it that hard in people's heads

>> No.19092831

>i'm not teaching socialism
>you see, reality itself is socialist!

Kill. Every. Am*rican.

>> No.19092834

>Not a thing in first world countries
name them and I will go there

>> No.19092844

Brilliant. Even worse: having his own undefined version of “reality” itself when one is a professor of philosophy.

>> No.19092848

>heh, i'm not a partisan hack because my ideology is literally just the truth

the legacy of christfaggotry in america is having devastating consequences

>> No.19092857

>Evidence based truth seeking

Despite making up only 13%...

>> No.19092862

Not that poster but I'm studying biology and its just as rampant as I would have expected from the humanities

>> No.19092886

I don’t know. I took all bullshit classes for my first semester here writing, Russian film, filmmaking, Russian lit, and German history, so I guess I deserve it, but I didn’t expect it to be every fucking class and the students are so fucking boring. I really with I went to college after I graduated high school in 2016 because everything is fucked. I used to say fuck the people who shit on humanities degrees because they didn’t equate to a career, but they really are absolute horseshit. I could learn more watching YouTube

>> No.19092905

There's nothing real about "reality". "Reality" is a social construct that says more about how a given culture conceives of its place in the world than it does about reality. If someone tells you that reality has a left/right wing bias it's safe to disregard them. Make sure to bring up the similarity between your arguement and Nietzsche's critique of the Stoics and their conception of nature to show off your erudition.

>> No.19092922

Leftism does not work.

Capitalism works.

>> No.19092925

>I could learn more watching YouTube
That's an exaggeration but the autodidact way is truly the only way to be an actually independent thinker in 2021 unless you study in Poland in which case you can access a secret circle of post-reactionary thinkers who have infiltrated universities

>> No.19092932

he's right?
I mean, there's always a muddling of personal ideologies, but all in alll...

>> No.19092939

The way the left treats and looks down on the right shows they have no empathy.

>> No.19092964

The United States

>> No.19092986

They think they get an excuse for being salty (in the best case) and violent (in the worst case)towards right wingers because they are fighting for the right (oh the irony) cause.

>> No.19093047

You’re right but I definitely would retain more of the information if I actually have a fuck. Some of the academic journal articles that they give you to read from complete charlatans are infuriating. Not only is the material unconvincing but most of them are completey unorganized.

>> No.19093084
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>we teach them critical thinking
>it just so happens that this critical thinking is wholly in conformity with the foundational principles of liberalism and doesn't actually challenge any of the basic liberal values

>> No.19093122

It's kind of funny how leftists are so articulate even if they're wrong. And rightoids can't string together a coherent argument even if they're right. How does the left do it bros?

>> No.19093133

Just like you did; bait with the lowest common denominator

>> No.19093139

The left's arguments are no more coherent than the right's, they're just more skilled at using vague and emotional language for rhetorical purposes.

>> No.19093142

Leftists read more and are generally better educated but so is Satan and thus they are wrong. Right wingers don't read as a rule but their hearts are with almighty God which is why they're right

>> No.19093162

>Me-first ideologies wither in the light of wisdom
Oh the ironing
Pure pottery

>> No.19093168

If you classify "moral responsibility to do something about the suffering of others" as a liberal political value, you're going to think literally everyone other than Stirner and Thrasymachus are liberals.

>> No.19093179
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>everyone other than Stirner and Thrasymachus are liberals
Unironically true

>> No.19093538

>United States
He doesn't know...

>> No.19093559

What are some national Covid mandates in the United States?
>inb4 the vax mandate
Not a real mandate, you will never go to jail or be fined for refusing to be vaccinated.

>> No.19093583

conservative logic is stuff like "gays are bad because I said so" and then they complain that critical thinking environments are progressive. kek.

>> No.19093589


>> No.19093590

Pretty much everything he said is correct, but this guy thinks it's great instead of idiotic. College IS just a 4 year advanced etiquette course, but no person goes to college to learn to be a more empathetic person, they do it because they feel like it's the only way they can survive. In exchange for their survival, they're taught the manners of the ruling class.

>> No.19093596

Read it again, retard. He never actually says that reality skews left.

>> No.19093633

Well, that only happens in USA, because no other countrie in the world capital-brainwash their children with horror commie-psy-ops like yours.

>> No.19093645

He didn't give any proof or reasons for his claims so just state the opposite.

>> No.19093845

The one who reads more is always right

>> No.19093866

pure ideological moralism, and a perfect example of how leftists use ressentiment to push their agenda. you MUST be leftist because it’s the moral and righteous thing to do, if you don’t share our morality you’re a bigot and oppressor

>> No.19093875

It doesn't fucking matter if you're right if you can't explain why you're right

>> No.19093947

>He never actually says that reality skews left.
In that case, what on earth did he mean by "reality itself skews left"?

>> No.19093960

Point out that leftists policies in practice generally do not reduce human suffering. He's not acutely aware of the suffering of others, just a lazy faggot

>> No.19094032
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>moral responsibility is somehow a solved subject

>> No.19094141

Leftist thinking does not engender sincere empathy but manufactures pathological sympathy. The harm caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations and intentional sub par selection process that factors in sympathy over skill or competence is measurable. If an ideology is truly interested in "the best outcomes" it must do away with sympathy as a mechanism for dictating value. Any hint of sympathy effecting outcome is indicative of irrational nonsense. You can equate living under a theocracy to the religious belief that sympathy transmits value to the victim.

>> No.19094166

>liberal logic is stuff like "gays are good because muh dick" and then they complain that logical thinking is oppressive. kek

>> No.19094184

>claims to teach critical thinking
>"reality itself skews left"
Amazing critical thinking skills, such plural and insightful post! The fact that even his (philosophy) students will probably not see the contradiction is just disgusting.

>> No.19094237

Instead of trying to become aware of their biases they hunkered down and decided their assumptions and opinions were objective reality. None of my lefty professors were this delusional.

>> No.19094245

That's your problem right there. The left waxes on; the right acts.

>> No.19094255

Just say that he’s failed to acknowledge his biases and that they’ve overly tainted his conclusions.

>> No.19094267

Frankly, I would feel a lot better if they’re beliefs were all within a few degrees separation of my own.

>> No.19094273

Define others, and don't say Shaniqua

>> No.19094454

>Leftists read more and are generally better educated
These two things selfcontradict

>> No.19094499

>do something about the suffering of others
Ok, I’ll laugh about the suffering of others. According to you, I’ve fulfilled my moral responsibility

>> No.19094500

>we teach critical thinking
>also we indoctrinate with specific moral philosophy and teach that it is your responsibility to never think critically about it

how do you lack self awareness enough to post something like this?

>> No.19095628
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>We're not doing it we just teach neutral concepts/skills but actually also we are and our preconceived ideology is just Reality™ and it's good and nobody could possibly rationally disagree without being dumb or evil
leftists stop behaving like brainwashed psychotics for five seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

>> No.19095645

you start with not caring whether or not you sound like a psychopath

>> No.19095662

I challenged a professor who used to say smarmy shit like this to a physical fight outside after class one time and he tried laughing it off and basically mocking me to make me seem ridiculous but i didnt back off and finally said "you talk out the side of your mouth to put others down but when you get confronted directly the coward comes out"

Confrontation is reality, anyone saying terms like "left" and "right" unironically, departed from reality years ago
Professors are cowards

>> No.19095673

Hes right. But that doesnt change the fact most leftists are retarded and would support further exploitation of the working class as long as it looks pretty and they feel comfortable about it.

>> No.19095682

Not him but look at Australia. You are fined $10,000 for trying to cross state borders.

>> No.19095758

I cite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Bonevac as a philosophy professor who is openly conservative and would likely disagree with his trite comment, such as the article where Dr. Bonevac explains why he supports Trump.

>> No.19095822

"What have you done to help the poor and suffering today? Yesterday? This week? This month?"

>> No.19096484

>openly conservative
Eh, I didn't know that. Although I've been watching his yt videos

>> No.19096495
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Why hasn't this thread been reported for being off-topic?

>> No.19096576

>government does literally anything
>help i'm being oppressed

>> No.19096588

>living in the most self-centered and hedonistic era of history
>me-first ideologies wither in the light of wisdom
Wow great take.