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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19091972 [Reply] [Original]

Just rename this board to "thinking" instead of "literature". I fucking hate this board and have no idea how has this retard audience infested this whole place, and actually probably thinks that they're the real audience of /lit/

Literally 95% of the catalogue at all times is about
>le what did this philosopher mean
>refute him
>le religion
>how do I become X religion
>what philosophers refute X
>who refuted this religion


Add to that all the random trash threads from mongoloids who all fit under the banner of thinking that this is the "thinking" board where they get le thinking advice. Unironically go back to fucking genre fiction since you don't read literally ANYTHING at all. Le philosophy and wanking over your favorite philosophers wikipedia article all day isn't literature, bud. You don't give a fuck about books. The average booktuber woman is infinitely more well read and well versed in literature than you. Delete this whole fucking board since apparently nobody is using it for its actual purpose

>> No.19092055

Philosophy threads should go on >>>/his/ unless you’re taking about a single specific book and religion threads should go on >>>/trash/, but the jannie trannies just won’t do their jobs
It’s clear that this and many other boards need to change as 4chan becomes more popular and more retarded zoomers come in. I for one welcome that change

>> No.19092112
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Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

>> No.19092128

Im thinking sneed too.

>> No.19092147
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There used to be discussions on this board before the white nationalism fad fizzled and the /pol/tards boiled over into all the other boards.

>> No.19092148
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>> No.19092190

You are so mad kek

>> No.19092191

Why /phil/ isn't a thing but there are more than 5 boards for videogames baffles me.

>> No.19092210

Jannies could just do their job and move shitthreads to his or x
But spam pays as many addbucks as effortposting, and the only ones still here are seething shitposters

>> No.19092212

Renaming it to "thinking" is even more overly optimistic than "literature"

>> No.19092234

>Delete this whole fucking board since apparently nobody is using it for its actual purpose
Yes god please, just nuke the whole thing. Then the anons here (including me) might actually get some reading done

>> No.19092249


>> No.19092251

If I had the free time to monitor this place 24/7 I would have applied for a janny position, but between uni and work and my personal reading time, I just don't have the time

>> No.19092252

Advertising. No advertising for a phil board really

>> No.19092287

im gonna ask this here since I dont want to shit the board up anymore than it already is.
I read base materialism by Bataille yesterday. I was really confused as to how he was tying gnostic daulism to modern materalism when he said that that dualism is incompatible with Hellenistic cultures because of its monistic outlook. I thought materialism was by definition a monism, so clearly ive dropped the ball somewhere. any chance you could help me understand why he thinks materialism and gnostic dualism are similar op?

>> No.19092310
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>im gonna ask this here since I dont want to shit the board up anymore than it already is.
>I read base materialism by Bataille yesterday. I was really confused as to how he was tying gnostic daulism to modern materalism when he said that that dualism is incompatible with Hellenistic cultures because of its monistic outlook. I thought materialism was by definition a monism, so clearly ive dropped the ball somewhere. any chance you could help me understand why he thinks materialism and gnostic dualism are similar op?

start with the greeks

>> No.19092332
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I've read the Iliad, the Republic, the Apology a couple other dialogues and around of 10 tragedies. I payed my dues to the meme mr. weddit fwog

>> No.19092377

Is there anybody who can refute Spinoza's system? I am reading the ethics and his system seems to make perfect sense.

>> No.19092398

Post the last good literature and fiction thread. I bet it was a philfag thread.

>> No.19092420

And since this is a meta thread. How often do you all get banned? I frequently get threads deleted that are on topic, and will get banned for anything that could be misconstrued as even slightly off topic. Meanwhile 15-20 bait, spam and off topic threads stay up so it seems to be targeted.
This is especially true on Sundays. I don't post on sundays anymore because it's an almost guaranteed ban.

Only posting because there's no way to contact mods to resolve the issue.

>> No.19092608

Stop insulting me

>> No.19092943

ops like
>books for x
>books about y
is the most blatant bait and should be deleted and its posters directed toward a general book rec thread until shitposting cools down

>> No.19093014
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I personally just can't stand all the trad larpers. At the very least we should keep that shit confined to a /larp/ general where all the teenage contrarians can flock together and pretend they're 10th century eastern orthodox anchorites or whatever the fuck they think they're doing. We don't need a third of the catalog dedicated to Jesus shit. I know there's a lot of philosophy here too but let's be honest, theology is not a valid field of study. You might as well spend countless hours debating over the ins and outs of Sonic the Hedgehog lore. And we can all thank /pol/ for this shit because that's the only reason these kids are even on 4chan in the first place.

>> No.19093034

I got a warning last week but my post was just laughing at and insulting someone. Probably deserved.

>> No.19093459

In full sincerity, I think 4chan is funded by feds. They'll kill off relatively obscure sites like the one that starts with 8, but leave up the one where the greatest volume of "radicalization" occurs? It's a honeypot. The ads are mainly for show.

>> No.19094253

it gets even worse. "start with the greeks" was once a beautiful piece of advice, but now it's just a stifling demand to fall in line, making everyone insecure and angry and touchy about books that aren't 110% "safe" canon picks. total death

>> No.19094302

>I’m gonna ask this here
I hate this effeminate nonsense so much. Kys.

>> No.19094522

what the hell is your problem

>> No.19094538

what an unbelievable faggot

>> No.19094544

If they wanted to radicalize people /pol/ would be very different than what it is(a hive of slide threads).

The most parsimonious explanation is that they simply don't consider 4chan a threat because the anonymous and ephemeral nature of the site precludes any organization and normies dont take it seriously. They can also feed their disinfo narratives here much more easily than on eg right wing twitter where people have to be vetted and known users.

>> No.19094546

I'm been waiting for them to make a philosophy board ever since coming to /lit/ for the first time.

>> No.19094562

The problem is that the mods went so long without enforcing the rules that most people who want to talk about books are gone. Even if mods started doing their job and aggressively deleting posts and banning people for shitty non-/lit/ threads, it would be more likely to encourage ban evasions and "fuck jannies" culture than draw back people who actually want to talk about literature.

>> No.19094763

I wish I'd been there for that period.

>> No.19094780

Most of the actual literature and fiction related threads are better than philosophy threads solely for the fact that they're the kind of threads this board was made for, regardless of the topic.

>> No.19094795

why don't YOU shut the fuck up, you dumb nigger. if you wanna jerk off to harry potter and hunger games, go back to r*ddit where you came from you faggot ass piece of shit. The discussion of literature obviously leads to discussions of the very nature of existence, if you can't handle it then go play with your funko pops you fucking double nigger faggot fuck,

>> No.19094816

You'd think all that discussion and reading of philosophy would have improved your argumentative skills.

>> No.19095211

>discussions of the very nature of existence

>> No.19095215



>> No.19095225

>discussions of the very nature of existence
this isn't /sci/

>> No.19095230

>"i fucking love science xD"
/sci/ is nothing more than an edgier r*ddit

>> No.19095233

woah....existencechads, i bow

>> No.19095244

this board really needs a christianity general or religion general thread to keep all those shitty threads contained into one, just as the science fiction and fantasy people are contained in one thread. This would probably fix one of the biggest issue with this board. The other one is that our jannies are retarded and do not delete most bait threads.

>> No.19095245

OP is right. Philosophy and theology is not literature.

>> No.19095252

Christianity threads on /x/ seem to do a good job of keeping all the autists on one place. The schizo protestants and the schizo atheists stay in the Christianity thread fighting with each other instead of creeping into other threads and derailing.

>> No.19095260

You're retarddd and probably stemlet as well, seethe.

>> No.19095272

Bullshit. Hiroyuki already said he doesn't care about add revenue because he knows this site won't ever be profitable anyway. Besides a philosophy board will generate a hell of a lot more clicks than, let's say, /po/ or /3/. They even split /asp/ in two even though, aside from pro wrestling, there were like two extreme sports generals that could have easily stayed all in one place.

>> No.19095292

I detest this whole website. It finally gives me the same horrible feeling of loneliness and alienation as Reddit, Twitter, etc. and I have left all those sites instantly when I felt like that. Just like everywhere else there's no community, only retards and bots.

>> No.19095326

The only new boards recently were those video game boards which were clearly for targeted advertising

>> No.19095336

/x/ has a whole theory about that where most of the people on the internet are superficial AIs meant to confuse and shape the narrative. Sneed

>> No.19095374

I guess it's time for you to finally leave and enjoy things by yourself. I hope to join you in doing so someday if I can finally pull myself away from hate-reading threads.

>> No.19095451

98% of the people here are legitimate pseudo intellectuals. Almost none of you actually care about reading or learning or furthering your knowledge, nothing of value is said here, everything is hateful and made to make you feel insecure and defensive about what you love. You're encouraged to be nasty to people who don't share the same opinions as you; the main goal is contrarianism and superiority, not growth or learning. And I'll bet (and this is the worst part) that most of you only act this way because the people who were here when you arrived acted the same way; it's just the "culture" of the site to be crude and cruel. I bet a lot of you are actually really nice people outside of this site, but this place has a tendency of bringing out the worst in all of us probably because of the anonymity and the aforementioned "site culture." As much as I try to convince myself I'm actually learning stuff and benefiting from being here, I know its not true. This place has ruined me and I bet if you're really honest with yourself, you'll admit its ruined you in some capacity too. I know for me (and I bet for a lot of other anons), this place is my only form of social interaction so I force myself to just deal with all the shit here because I have no alternatives but I'm starting to think that I'd rather be lonely than let this place tear me down anymore

>> No.19095462

You should go to reddit. It gets alot of hate here but like you said that is just the 4chan culture and contrarianism

>> No.19095469

/xs/ split off from /asp/ as a new board around the same time. Plus /vt/ but that's just /mlp/ v.2

>> No.19095496

Post one. Just one.
There is no literature without philosophy and theology.

>> No.19095520

You're right. And most people don't seem to care about reading here either. It surprises me how much this place is filled with posts about politics that are not related in any way to literature. Half the time literature is actually discussed is just as a way of finding books or novels that follow the political beliefs of people here. Just like twitter users determine whether a book is good or bad by seeing if the work or author want to further progressive politics, people here seem to determine it by whether the work is "based" or not. The rest of the literature-related threads, if they're not about retarded infighting, die after 10 responses.
This place was always meant to be bad but never this bad.

>> No.19095526

Bataille doesn't write like this. How did you turn every noun into an -ism?

>> No.19095530
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Need to have /christer/ and /jeets/ generals if we're not getting a /feel/ - Philosophy board

>> No.19095535

Well I feel you but, two things
1.) Its /pol/ spillover, jackass. /pol/ is the most popular board on 4chan, most people here aren't truechanners at all but came around when /pol/ started making headlines. Most people doing what youre complaining about are coming from /pol/.
2.) Literature is fucking gay and pointless and thats why nobody wants to talk about it with you and your gay storybook reading friends
>wahhhh why you talking about philosophy and the nature of thought type books instead of Nathaniel Hawthorne and muh other favorite storybooks
Because we are men, and not women nor children.

>> No.19095543
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Thank you all! You've made a tired black man's week.

>> No.19095563

Kek I hoped this meme would last

>> No.19095568
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wow extremely accurate. i thought i was the only person who felt like this. they really dont read. in their defense a lot of them are in their early to mid 20s but thats still no excuse

>> No.19095578

They don't want to radicalize people, or at least that's not the point. They just want radicalization-prone people to congregate in one place which can be easily monitored. Killing the biggest site with that reputation would make their job harder. The things you're saying about the nature of the site also applied to 4+4chan, and it was basically destroyed at the first reasonable pretext.

>> No.19095583

by being crossfaded and reading the essay while my wife was playing xcom. regardless, i reread it and it seems like similarity lies in his comparison of the gnostics use of evil as a substance to draw on and ally with to subvert the authority of the light to his idea of a base materialism as a way to subvert idealist moral authorities. that is the base and lower things cannot be brought in line with values of higher things, I cant expect a monkey to understand it should wipe its ass when it shits so it subverts my authority to impose my reason upon it because it is lower than me and incapable of doing so.

>> No.19095593

8kun was by all accounts far more extreme than /pol/.

>> No.19095596

8 had customizable boards and threads that lasted for months. As a result you had way more serious people there(like Tarrant) and it was much more genuinely concerning from a terrorism standpoint

>> No.19095603


I love particularly how if you post modern books they will shit the fucking bed. Very few people read here or enjoy the act of reading. They're just plebs that are masquerading as smarty pants.

>> No.19095613

Thats because reading is the most overhyped gay shit in the intellectual canon
Not reading itself, thats extremely important
But, "literature."
You beret wearing faggots are SOOOO annoying to anyone who ventures into other areas of the intellect. All artists are, really. But at least other artists seem to be aware that theyre in a purely creative lane dealing with the primal emotional realm. Literature faggots seem to think that their hormonalism translates to some deep universal truth on par with the Platonic forms.

Like i have literally had fellow writers tell me that they thought "The Fly" explained the meaning of philosophy

The fucking Fly
A storybook by some unibrow slav incel
Absolutely insufferable, and I say this as a writer/one of you
We deserve to be more self hating than we are really, its the only reason im semi tolerable to most people

>> No.19095622

Depends which modern books, /lit/ likes sad boys like Knausgard and Houellebecq(cant spell this)

>> No.19095638

Yeah, they like reading the equivalent of Morrissey as a book combined with the Winnie the Pooh delight of "storytime!" then they have the balls to turn around and lecture the entire board about not being "real" enough
Ohhhh sorry, lemme get more "real" real quick, im lubing up my finger and preparing to insert yet another early 1940s obscurantist novel into my anus so me and five other mid 40s failed writers can pretend we are super sewious

>> No.19095644

I agree

>> No.19095646


>> No.19095674

The point of the essay was to shit on surrealists, and I mean that in a Bataillean sense, but he was also being a smartass librarian and just wrote about stuff he was reading at the time and used it against his opponent. Surya's biography of Bataille provides a lot of context.

>> No.19095676

>go to /sci/
>see thread about consciousness
>enter it because it's interesting
>one faggot immediately says he doesn't want to die
>the thread immediately devolves into larping and people posting anime characters pretending they're in an RPG and they're going to defeat death itself
True story. /sci/ is fucking gay.

>> No.19095680

This entire post was just this anon describing the general tone and culture of 4chan and then demanding that others admit that it has "ruined" them, followed by what he was actually trying to say, which is that it feels like it has ruined him and he was projecting that on to everyone else, followed by the admission that he literally doesnt socialize with anyone outside of this site.
>this satire site is really harsh and sarcastic
>its making me become more sarcastic and harsh
>it is literally the only way I interact with other human beings
>must be the sites fault
I fucking hate literary faggots so much its unreal. Youre just an emotional mess kiddo. Stay off the site and go outside, youre probably right, but dont blame 4chan for that you fucking goof. Just blame yourself for being a sad sack.

>> No.19095691

Well that's a bit unfair to those two, and I'm not even a fan of either. Idk /lit/ is retarded obviously but Start with the Greeks is a positive cultural vector

>> No.19095698

I pray for the day when I can view the catalog and not see 5+ frog image threads.

>> No.19095703

>We don't need a third of the catalog dedicated to Jesus shit
Everything everywhere should be dedicated to Jesus.

>> No.19095720

Starting with the Greeks is good advice, starting with the fragments of Eastern, Aryan and Mayan mystics is even better
But yeah the problem isnt literature itself, I am a writer and a reader and I have my fictional works I enjoy, that resonate with me. But philosophy deals with meaning and the origins of reality. So its something thats bothered me forever about my fellow writers and I see it often here on /pol/: undeserved smuggery.
Good writing hits the soul and is structurally pleasing, and deserves credit; but, with proper philosophical grounding, one recognizes how meaningless all of it is. that doesnt make any of it not worth doing, because all of life is meaningless, so anything that makes people happy or feel more fulfilled is worth doing barring a certain threshold of harm.
But it certainly doesnt make any of it profound. Trying to have a pissing contest over literal storybooks for adults is the biggest pseud move of all time and makes me resent my peers. Shit is fucking retarded and gay.

>> No.19095730

I go to /sci/ to discuss math mostly. Like /lit/ it suffers from a lot of shitty threads (covid threads, I.Q. threads, race threads, etc.) but there are genuinely smart people there.

>> No.19095736

I'm assuming you're right about this. The only board I visited there was quite slow, but I imagined the political boards would be more comparable to 4chan. But theorizing aside, hasn't 4chan already "incubated" more terrorists in practice? No one as competent as Tarrant, certainly, but I'm not sure to what extent you can credit the board for that. Especially since these have all been lone wolf attacks with no organization necessary.

>> No.19095744

has anyone uploaded a pdf yet, or is the consensus still that anyone bourgie enough to want to read it has the $40 to buy a copy?

>> No.19095755

4chan has shifted general mainstream culture and the nature of overt political discourse, which is 1000 times more terroristic in the eyes of world government(s) than any product of incest deciding to No Russian some nobodys in a LARP temple somewhere.
"NWO" is a meme now. Thats more pressing than 100,000 Tarrants.

>> No.19095760

I disagree with you quite a lot. I personally dont feel life is meaningless at all, and I have quite a lot of reason to personally; my instinct is that meaning is the very substance of life and reality. From a skeptical perspective I believe the situation is ambiguous: there could be meaning or there could be none. There is also importance in having standards and classics. And I dont think "what feels good" is necessarily opposed to meaning or morality; I think evil actually feels pretty wretched but it's complicated.

That being said I do agree that it's unnecessary to be contemptuous and rude about literature or art in general, and people treat it as a fashion statement or narcissistic crutch, but that is true of practically everything and it's just the way we are. I personally see nothing wrong in reading YA or watching television or whatever. It just really doesnt matter, but that doesn't change that there is something to be found in more serious art you might not find elsewhere.

>> No.19095762

Is there a good alternative to /lit/?

>> No.19095771

>4chan has shifted general mainstream culture and the nature of overt political discourse
I don't see it. 4chan has grown more reactionary and conservative. Mainstream culture is more liberal than ever.

Some of the small subreddits (sue me) are better than /lit/.

>> No.19095773

No man 8pol was srs business. 4pol arr actually kind of tame, you see that stuff on youtube comment sections

>> No.19095774

No, fuck off reddit nigger. The quality of discussion on this board is higher than any other forum on the internet and that is a direct consequence of its culture and lack of fake nicety bullshit. You can always go to reddit if you're feeling "ruined", dumb fuck

>> No.19095788

>quality discussion
nice spooks nerd

>> No.19095802
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>nooooo stop talking about philosophy!! only talk about the books I like!!

>> No.19095810

>But it certainly doesnt make any of it profound.
Reading Nietzsche and declaring everything meaningless doesn't make the apex of written human thoughts any less profound. If profundity exists as a real quality, you'll find the most of it in literature and philosophy. You're as much a pseud as you denigrate, while the only difference is that you take pride in not caring instead of caring. Why do you think this makes you nobler?

>> No.19095813

Im down for debating the merits of some art versus others, as long as everyone involved recognizes that these standards we use to judge superior from inferior art are literally entirely meaningless canards and subjectively defined sets of opinion. We can disagree about art and each argue our perspectives, and there is value there as we broaden ourselves socially. But theres no "reality" in any of it, other than the reality of us getting to know one another better, using art as a vehicle.

One other thing, anon: when I say meaningless, i dont mean nihilism per se. We probably agree more than you realize.
I mean it with regard to separating the petty from the profound and the trivial from the significant. We live in a mathematical matrix where sub atomic energy units of condensed light coalesce to form holographic projections, entirely based on their mathematically defined relationships to one another in spacetime. Spacetime being an hermetically sealed unit of existence within a broader substrate that we do not understand. Our world operates off of the same principles a video game operates off of but with infinitely more layered complexity, and we do not understand the Developer. Whats more, all of the separate material in the universe, including us and our bodies, is not separate at all as a matter of fact, it is all connected and part of the same One.

Thats the only thing that really "matters." When you have that background, most human concerns seem petty and trivial. Why? Because im so wise and want to put humans down?

No: it is to say that we are all here, "here" is incredibly astounding and complex, and none of us knows why we are "here." Most of the stuff people treat as meaningful, causes ridiculous levels of stress, conflict and anguish. The only real meaningful thing appears to be striving for human harmony and happiness with a respect for all life and balance.

So i resent anybody getting puffed up about storybooks. We literally write storybooks just to express the confusion emanating from what I just described to others who might understand, because we desire their validation and love. And then were going to FIGHT about that and put down "normies?" Pft

>> No.19095820

Im a wolfer

>> No.19095824

If you don't like paying for marked up translations you can just learn French

>> No.19095829

You dont see it? Check out a YouTube comment section

And the mainstream culture doesnt need to agree with a movement for that movement to have gone mainstream. It simply needs to acknowledge its presence due to an overwhelming pressure. 4chan has pushed culture so much that its influence can no longer be ignored and must be acknowledged, hence, it has gone mainstream, despite the mainstream incumbents opposing it viciously.

>> No.19095837

You just equated Nietzsches Nietzsches philosophy with an argument in favor of nihilism, and then called me a pseud, in the same thought. Youre a fucking living breathing caricature, a Sunday Funnies page come to life. Kill yourself, or dont, but keep this pathetic shit off of my lawn.

>> No.19095851

>the universe is so big bro
>all of art and human thought is just star dust bro
>heh I guess all us humans don't matter too much after all
What a hollow and ultimately meaningless worldview. If all that matters is what we can't comprehend, nothing does. Apathy is not a virtue. Try returning back to earth's orbit and caring about something again.

>> No.19095860

I think art is very meaningful, that's actually what art is to me really, human production that expresses meaning. But this is obviously not a common sentiment these days.

I find your perspective interesting though, especially these two points:
>Whats more, all of the separate material in the universe, including us and our bodies, is not separate at all as a matter of fact, it is all connected and part of the same One
>The only real meaningful thing appears to be striving for human harmony and happiness with a respect for all life and balance.

I assume that for you the latter striving for harmony is tied into the One you describe in the first quotation? I agree with the striving for harmony thing behind very near the heart of meaning, but I dont think there is a One. I think the world is a kind of infinity incomprehensible to us and more "dark" and separated than united in oneness, but that within that what we can understand is related to these concepts of harmony and meaning, they are what rule us.

>> No.19095867

So... you haven't read him then? Back to the library with you

>> No.19095870

It isnt apathy. Its me caring about the right things versus bullshit, because my ego was shattered by the recollection of reality.
We have a Creator. I have no excuse for not endeavoring to love and do right by you. When I get on an ego trip, suddenly, I convince myself that I do have every excuse for putting you down, my Brother, because suddenly, storybooks and my opinions on storybooks are so important, that our Creator, and you, my Brother, have lost all relevance.
Do you get it yet? It isnt apathy, its nearly the opposite of apathy.
Its perspective. Ironically, the entire theme of Nietzsches works. Perspective.

>> No.19095871

>striving for harmony thing being very near the heart

>> No.19095875

I am an expert scholar on Nietzschean philosophy. Unironically.
I can cite aphorisms from memory. I only say that because, its ironic and making me laugh

>> No.19095885

Truelit subreddit

>> No.19095896

>not my heckin 4channerino

>> No.19095897

I would say this
Reality is a unity of opposites.
So for humans, this would translate to
We are all highly specialized and different, individuals
But we are all expressions of God, and thus One.
One can be different, and still be One.

To understand some of my thoughts here though you may need to be acquainted with mystical concepts more generally. Like dualism vs monism...
Basically, we are the imagination of ourselves, God/the universes way of generating artificial subjective selves to experience itself/its creation subjectively, to hit all the different notes.
So you and me are both Gods hallucination of you and me, but, we are fated to experiencing all of this as very real, including the separate identities, despite it being an illusion.
The important thing is to remember its an illusion so as to maintain serenity and brotherly love, without getting so detached that one fails to live life at all.

>> No.19095908

I would so frequent a /think/ board, but I know it would just be shat up by stupid politics.

Just because 4chan attracts a lot of loners doesn't mean that those loners are necessarily all that bright.

>> No.19095917
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>> No.19095920

The only modern thing /lit/ even touches is Harry Potter and that's just to shit on it for not being BIG THUNK enough like the Kierkegaard Wikipedia page.

>> No.19095922

I know what you're talking about, I just am not of the same opinion. I think all this is intensely real and meaningful as it is, and we are metaphysically separate from each other. I think we "unite" in a fashion on our being of the same substance in some sense, but I think we are still separate and exist in something infinitely larger than even the thing we are united.

But we agree the most important principle is brotherly love so the rest doesnt matter so much.

>> No.19095924

Yo I just laughed out loud at that hahahaha

>> No.19095925

The fact that /lit/ is a stealth philosophy board is the best thing about it. An 'official' phil board would be awful and attract all the tards from /x/, /sci/ and /pol/, having it be 'hidden' behind literature means it benefits from not advertising itself to idiots.

>> No.19095929

It's sniffing your own farts and having a wank to your heady virtues. If you don't care about anything enough to argue about it, you're a shell of a person living in an imagined, distant land.

>> No.19095931

Not to be argumentative, but just because this interests me greatly, let me ask a probing question:

How does something, come from nothing?
To expand it a bit: if we count all of existence as one big something, and all of non existence as one big nothing, how did existence emerge from non existence?

>> No.19095933

An actual /phil/ board would just be stormfaggots jerking off to Evola for 1488 threads in a row within a week

>> No.19095938

Im arguing with someone about it in this very thread
Feel free to dismiss what you dont understand, but recognize that there is a term for such behavior, and own it.

>> No.19095939

>he doesn't know he's describing /lit/

>> No.19095953

Also: anyone who agrees that brotherly love is the number one thing, already agrees on most of what matters.
At that point it becomes a matter of how to best achieve or promote it. But, thats a less pressing argument in a world where most have thrown brotherly love out the window entirely; we are kindred spirits regardless

>> No.19095968

I dont count existence as one big something. I think the reality2 as it were is just literally incomprehensible to us. I dont think it's a oneness. Kind of like kants noumenon.

The metaphor of a dream reality in which being is a mirage is poetically fertile but it doesnt to me actually express the sheer "otherness" of what I feel our feeble impulses towards knowing being mangle.

My whole philosophy is always based on this ontological ambiguity combined with the surety that we ourselves are constituted by something intrinsically meaningful. A dualism if you want to put it in crude terms

>> No.19095983

For me I know we cant really put it into practice, we always fail. But everything beautiful and meaningful about life arises from that brotherly love. I see it as a stream that loves us as it passes through us to love others. It feels better than anything else to care about others more than yourself, that cant br accidental.

>> No.19095990

The label doesnt really matter but Id classify what youve got going on as an ontological agnosticism more than anything. But in general, you seem to find the complexity of reality as a sign of its ability to be understood as a unity being inaccessible to us. Sound accurate, or close?

>> No.19095992

I understand it, but it's so foolish that I cannot begin a true polemic, not that I really want to. We don't share first principles, and so there's no argument to have. All I can do is pity

>> No.19095997

>a person who will not argue something has become a hollow shell of blah blah blah
>I understand it but cant even be bothered to begin a polemic
Changing our tune I see? Have fun over at amatuer hour.

>> No.19096000

Wow! Very intellectual post! I can tell you are well-read and a true intellectual like myself!

>> No.19096002

>this is what philosophy classes do to a person

>> No.19096006

It's like a dark sky against which fireworks unfold; we are the fireworks, the universe is what shot us up, the true reality is the black sky against which we explode, full of stars.

>> No.19096011

The former quote isn't a polemic at all, it's just an insult. Attacking your walls of text on a real level would be impossible because they are all based on random first principles you made up on a drug trip that I don't care to engage with

>> No.19096027

Theyre not based on anything other than my straightfoward thoughts being expressed as sincerely as possible
Your words, and the first principles so called that you created, are representative of something else.

>> No.19096031

Ah, so reality is the void, then?
The light in the dark is still reality, but, it is encompassed by the dark, and thus is the dark itself?
The Something is the Nothing?

>> No.19096036

The dark is just a question mark. A "you are too small to ever get this, you are an ant trying to understand a human" type thing

>> No.19096038

>rename this board to "thinking" instead of "literature"
this would honestly be based

>> No.19096046

Actually, we will probably talk in circles, and thats not either of our faults. Things get vague when trying to articulate the essence, as it evades articulation by its nature.
I wrote something a while back to describe a concept to people, it is my sincerest, most concise encapsulation of my ideas on the matter. It is perhaps three pages or so. Would you mind if I shared it with you through a link?

>> No.19096050

Let me know. We are getting into my favorite area and id love to keep discussing it, but, Ive never found a better way to express it or been more clear than in that short paper.

>> No.19096066

I would be happy to read it

>> No.19096080

God I hate philosophyfags. "The universe is One" "no the universe is Many" the universe is some atoms in a void you fucking retards. None of your word games have ANY MEANING

>reality is void and dark and something is nothing and the dark is the light is the void and we the universe explode like fireflies
shut the fuck up you retards, don't you see you're not saying anything?

>> No.19096100

You love every minute of us you lying faggot.

>> No.19096110


There you are, let me know what you think

>> No.19096143

I'm going to have to take time to read all that, there is a lot. If you makebsnohter thread here I'll respond in a couple days

>> No.19096161
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I don't mind threads about philosophy, but why on earth don't the obvious bait threads get taken care of? The "books for this feel" threads, the obvious political or culture war baiting threads, the threads that are just a clear shitpost based on something that recently happened in the news. Those threads should be deleted within the hour, but sometimes they'll stay up for days. Why the fuck don't the mods on this board do their jobs, even when what they should be doing is blindingly obivous?

>> No.19096553

>/shit/ - shitposting (sometimes in reference to books)

>> No.19096569

Christianity spills into every thread with the evangelizing zoomer morons who think they're participating in the crusades 2.0 by posting Jesus and Apu memes and telling you to repent