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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 194 KB, 253x394, Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_Stone_Book_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19090645 [Reply] [Original]

There are people that read shit like this in their 20s..

>> No.19090647

Yes, enjoying one's self. Imagine.

>> No.19090648

Is it better to read Harry Potter in your 20s and 30s, than to never read at all?

>> No.19090658

It's a sad truth that most females in their 20s who call themselves readers but only read books written for teenagers. I won't fault them for reading children's books as they have more merit than the trash published for teens.

>> No.19090661
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>There are people that read shit like this in their 20s..
get on my level

>> No.19090663

Cover says it's a terrific book. Are you telling me that's a lie?

>> No.19090666

Never read at all.

If you read it while a teenager,you are forgiven because you were just a dumb kid.

>> No.19090671

People are prone to falsehoods, I'm afraid. I'm sorry you had to find out like this :/

>> No.19090680

thanks Satan, but why? surely it's better to read anything, garbage or not, and thereby inspire others to read too

>> No.19090681

Has anyone reread it in their 20s and enjoyed it? I often wonder if it could hold up at all.

>> No.19090741

yes, I learned to read 4 languages using that book. what did you do?

>> No.19090783

I reread the first book one day when I was housesitting. It was kind of enjoyable as a trip down memory lane I guess, but I didn't feel any desire to reread the rest of the series. As far as whether or not it "holds up", I would say probably not. Compared to something like The Hobbit, it's pretty mediocre.

>> No.19090809

I read all the books last year for the first time (im 24). It was a comfy experience, ngl. Definetly not great but not so terrible like the pseuds around here say

>> No.19091100

Because most people do not know how to develop their own minds, and do not have the slightest clue about what thinking is and why it is important.

>> No.19091151

If you want to read it for the cultural relevance, you're better off just watching the movies.
The only reason to read them is if you genuinely get enjoyment out of whimsical YA junk food lit. Or for maybe language learning since they've been translated into nearly every language in existence.

>> No.19092466

Most people never read.

>> No.19092997

>YA junk food
it really isn't that bad, dude. is harold bloom some sort of a martyr to you or something?

>> No.19093074

If a book is well written, it’s well written.
It doesn’t matter whether the book was written for children.
There are many books that are written for children, which also have separate context meant for adults, and sometimes hidden meanings meant only for certain readers.

As for the Harry Potter books, the main issue is that the earlier books in the series were chunkily written, like they were meant to be read a chapter at a time, maybe in a classroom.

>> No.19093088

Rowlingbros I don't feel so good ...

>> No.19093183

How do you develop your own mind?
What is thinking? Why is it important?
Thank you.

>> No.19093428

Thinking is giving thanks for what is given to you to see. There are different ways to develop your mind, but it always requires living with integrity and in accordance with the will of the divine.

>> No.19093445

and they are all less annoying than you.

>> No.19093495

It can be worse. There are people in their late 20s making video essays about how deep berserk, evangelion and subahibi are

>> No.19093511

No one ever wins...

>> No.19093515

Dune is Harry Potter for pseuds

>> No.19093547
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gonna cry nerd?

>> No.19094163

Fr fr my sister in law said this was her favorite book and she's a assistant library director

>> No.19094165

They're good books because I wanted to cream Hermione since I was like 9 or w.e.

>> No.19094190
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Aristophanes and JK Rowling

>> No.19095869

4chan chuds btfod

>> No.19095886

Yeah? What was the last thing you read? How long ago?
It doesn't fucking matter what people are reading. Reading is reading. It could be fucking Twilight. Reading is preferable to not reading. Read, fucker.

>> No.19095967

never read it but that jonas ceika video makes berserk seem quite deep, and he has an MA in philosophy so i'm gonna guess you just got filtered

>> No.19096044

I read the first book when I was 11 and was roughly the same age as Harry Potter with every subsequent release. By the time the sixth and seventh books came out I was thoroughly tired of them, but still read them because completionism. They are written so plainly that I could finish them in a day or two (I think I read #7 in one sitting). When I was 30 I decided to go over some childhood favourites for nostalgic purposes. I reread Dune and The Lord of the Rings, but when I opened Harry Potter I realised just how fucking basic this bitch is. I dumped the whole series in one of those public street libraries. Maybe some kid will get some joy out of it.

>> No.19096071

I enjoyed the Harry Potter universe. Some people do take their fanboyism way too seriously and it gets childish, with all fandoms. But whatever

>> No.19096753

using ya as a tool to get through a reading slump is magical, seriously. it's like having oatmeal in that it's very functional when you use it as a tool rather than for itself. the language makes it very digestible, the plot is enough to keep you hooked but also you can sometimes see stuff coming which sucks but can also sort of be rewarding. functionally, you still may encounter words you're not familiar with, explore themes you want to explore, and continue the behavior of your reading habit. it's just really changed the game for me to block out my reading with ya as a leisurely break between books. it feels good to finish them quickly and get onto the next.

>> No.19096760

It's a whole bunch of fictional books man; don't know why spend time reading all of that when you can improve yourself with nonfiction — i.e.: philosophy.

>> No.19096793

There is no point to literature. We are all cattle walking towards the slaughter bench. I enjoy reading my big brain books with big brain words, but I don’t feel in any way superior. Let the people choose the brand of opium. (That being said, Harry Potter isn’t even well written and the only thing that people really like about it is the fun magical stuff of the first book.)

>> No.19096813
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yes or you will be made illiterate

>> No.19096851

reading is not inherently more worthwhile than any other media. that some knowledge is kept only in books does not make every book a trove of hidden secrets. whether you're watching or reading harry potter (or twilight, or what have you), the only difference is in the style of entertainment.

>> No.19096910

>enjoying one is self
Kill yourself.

>> No.19096920

I'd rather kill you you fucking pussy. Go cry to the police.

>> No.19096927

It’s almost in its own category, like reading a magazine.

>> No.19096937

>complaining about grammatical errors on a board full of them
You know what he meant you moron.

>> No.19097566

Read it. It's fun. Don't listen to /lit/
The only scenario where it becomes a problem is if you ONLY read YA stuff like harry potter and other fantasy escapist shit.

But if you're browsing this board that's probably not the case anyway. So read it. I never read it and read the 3rd and 4th book last year in between more serious shit and it was very nice :)

>> No.19097583

>is eating a piece of shit from a a ass better than not eating at all

>> No.19097732

It's a fun little story, don't hate it. Don't you drink can drinks sometimes?

>> No.19097811
File: 37 KB, 1071x1217, 423543245234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thought so. I have a feeling that the people that hate on it just started reading after their teens and didn't read young adult books while they were young.

>> No.19098273
File: 807 KB, 7328x2008, hogwarts pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Potter is unironically some of the best fantasy written in our times. I am actually being serious. It is a tricky genre, and most modern attempts are extreme cringe. They utterly fall flat and any half intelligent person sees straight through them. On the other hand, the premise/setting of Harry Potter is convincing and compelling, and highly original (very little is original nowadays), but still in touch with traditional European literature and mythology. It is also mostly free of leftism and cultural Marxism (again very rare nowadays).

I am not saying it is perfect, several of the early/middle books seem to deserve a solid edit as pointed out by >>19093074, also there are some weaker subplots which are repetitive and less interesting to older audiences. But it is still solid literature. Believe me it could be a LOT worse. Just (try to) read literally any other fantasy written in the past 25 years and you will see the truth of this post.

>> No.19098290

I long for the days where literature can be free from both left wing and right wing influences

>> No.19098354

Reading is TV for low attention span retards. Stop and start, read one paragraph here and there. No attention required.

>> No.19098891

If that's real--do you think they unscrewed the outlet before painting it? Did they buy the right paint and a special outlet cover that has no top socket? If they invested the special attention, does that make it even more pathetic?

>> No.19098917

Maybe for your posts.