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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 552 KB, 1900x1500, E90FBazVIAQOtZk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19086812 No.19086812 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19086813

There is no such thing.

>> No.19086826

This is what Communism does to people. It’s tragic.

>> No.19086839
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>> No.19086846
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>mfw I live in a blue region
Feels good bros

>> No.19086871 [DELETED] 


>> No.19086888

All women are murderers.
anything above green is subhuman.

>> No.19086900

You too shall be conquered. The European will be defeated, and the faithful will win.

>> No.19086910

fuck off Mohammedian.
There will be struggle. There will be blood. But in the end the white man marches on.

>> No.19086911
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Any literature about the Mongol invasion of Russia?



>> No.19086918
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>> No.19086923

you’re not white

>> No.19086924
File: 340 KB, 640x389, EtuWITn9yiJUsqoGgovx6abie97PrBmelWdIM0MSXt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Ahmed maybe you'll do better this time. See you on the battlefield fren

>> No.19086926

Demographics is destiny and the demographics are not on your side. There will be no blood, no violence. We will simply have more kids than you, in each generation, until the conquest is won without a fight.

>> No.19086945
File: 1.83 MB, 3189x1998, Golden_Horde_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the legacy of the Mongol Golden Horde?

>> No.19086946
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I just read The Overcoat by Gogol
Next I'm reading The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov
What is the essential Dostoyevsky? I've already read C&P?.

>> No.19086952

A bit before the fall, but
The Master and Magarita
Roadside Picnic

>> No.19086954
File: 25 KB, 381x479, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their legacy is a complete political as well as ethnic mongolization of Russia. Pic related

>> No.19086959
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mogging germoid autists

>> No.19086971
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>> No.19086975

>Dude on the right’s race produced greater literature than that of the dude on the left’s
Physiognomy refuted in an image

>> No.19086990
File: 34 KB, 450x563, Meller-Zakomelski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushkin was a mullato negroid.



>> No.19086995
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>> No.19087005

>it's another thinly disguised Russia hate thread

>> No.19087010
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The nation of Kazakhstan.

>> No.19087017
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>> No.19087020

I like Russia. Along with Germany and Turkey it is one of 3 countries which redeem Europe.

>> No.19087033
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>> No.19087040
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>> No.19087048
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>it's another thinly disguised Russia hate thread

>> No.19087059

>i-its communism!

>> No.19087070

i think it's only the officially tracked abortions, naturally there'd be very few. there's still illegal practice and medical tourism.

>> No.19087074

dumbest post on lit right now

>> No.19087080

>thinks an octaroon is "mullato" (sic)
>can't spell mulatto correctly

>> No.19087087

Why, those are all cool countries, much better than the rest of Europe. Germany is the dream place to live in, once I make it I’m moving there (as an expat, I’ll always be a burger at heart). Turkey has an awesome language, music, and history. Russia has a riche history, beautiful nature, and great literature and music. Plus Russia and Germany are scientific titans.

>> No.19087138

Barrels holding 248 fetuses found in Russian forest




>> No.19087211

Which side won?

>> No.19087212

G*D I wish that was me

>> No.19087225


>> No.19087320

How can you kill your child...?
I don't buy this "it's only a cell bro it's not a person" thing. It's your kid, in a few months it'll be a newborn, your child growing up in your girlfriend's tummy. I don't understand. How can people be so cruel? I'm not even religious to believe it has soul or whatever, but it's your child.
Why are people doing this?

>> No.19087331

some people are poor, m8

>> No.19087337

>no pic of fetus barrel

>> No.19087362

In some cases, I get it. If the baby has some terrible disability then killing it in the womb may be the kinder choice. If the mother’s life is in danger because of the pregnancy, she has the right to save herself at the cost of the baby’s life. If the baby is a product of rape, an eye for an eye, you know? But for things like “I don’t want a baby at this point in my life”… I dunno, it seems wrong to me. I’d keep it legal just because there’ll always been some tragic cases in later parts of pregnancies and the like, but it does seem immoral if it’s not a life-or-death/rape/disability thing.

>> No.19087402

>your child growing up in your girlfriend's tummy
into the trash it goes

>> No.19087484

Europe is waking up and voting more and more right-wing. cope.

>> No.19087485

Turkey is not Europe

>> No.19087503

Your people have a below-replacement birthrate. Immigrants and native born Muslims will outnumber you sooner than you think, and even if all whites voted right-wing it’ll be too late. Everything else is cope.

>> No.19087508

Tell me you're not European without telling me you're not European.
>i-its the dark kids!
You are asleep.

>> No.19087514

and there hasn't been another /lit/ meetup since...

>> No.19087557

>You are asleep.
Do you deny the demographic reality?

>> No.19087640

Which "demographic reality" are referring to?
"White genocide"?

>> No.19087659

As I said, there will be no violence, no genocide. We have higher birthrates than you, time will make us the victor.

>> No.19087715
File: 41 KB, 586x611, immigrants fertility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's "you" here?
Immigrants fertility rate drops steadily everywhere.

>> No.19087736

>Graph ends in 2015
>Right before Muslims not weakened by Western degeneracy start coming to Europe en masse
lmao, that’s convenient. But if for the sake of argument I accept your (wrong) claim about Muslim birthrates, we still have immigration on our side. Again, you’re coping, like a Byzantine who knows the Turk will be triumphant.

>> No.19087750

Blessed Poland honoring life.

>> No.19087813
File: 38 KB, 329x705, w-we will outbreed 98 of the population inchallah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But if for the sake of argument I accept your (wrong) claim about Muslim birthrates
You didn't even say "Muslim" before I posted data.
But don't worry, isl*m is still irrelevant in Europe

A 2005 Université Libre de Bruxelles study estimated that about 10% of the Muslim population in Belgium are "practicing Muslims".[103] In 2009, only 24% of Muslims in the Netherlands attended mosque once a week according to a survey.[104] According to the same 2004 survey, they found that the importance of Islam in the lives of Dutch Muslims, particularly of second-generation immigrants was decreasing. According to a survey, only 33% of French Muslims who were interviewed said they were religious believers. That figure is the same as that obtained by the INED/INSEE survey in October 2010.[105]

>inb4 "o-our khujas from al-Maghreb!"

>> No.19088644
File: 1.78 MB, 2580x1932, Salvia_officinalis_'Icterina'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
