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19084403 No.19084403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you go for a nightwalk and get carried away, walking all the way near the busy part of town

>"Oh my GAWD, is that Anon from English 102? We thought you lived in the front row of the lecture hall!"
>"Ohmigod Anon, you're like, my spirit animal!"
>general hysterical laughing, 0.01 second attention spans, selfie taking

What do?

>> No.19084413

awkwardly say hi, talk for two minutes and then leave daydreaming of sharia law all the way back to home

>> No.19084427

Flee because the intensity of cute girls flirting gives me too much adrenaline.

>> No.19084436

Stammer something, resent them for approaching me, then hope it happens again

>> No.19084446


>> No.19084448

start talking them up and get their number and marry one of them

>> No.19084460

Reflexively share a quip you saw on /lit/. Anticipate pussy.

>> No.19084462

tell them i don't even go to university

>> No.19084472

That happened a lot in elementary/middle school but I avoided girls like the plague in college as I was too scared of them by that point. I generally sat in front because I wanted the professors to like me.

>> No.19084499

when girls say stuff they are fucking with/insulting you right? not being funny/friendly flirty?

>> No.19084511

Stuff like the OP? Yeah they're fucking with you, and the only reason they were all instinctively in the same frequency is because your name has already come up in the context of jokes and mockery before

>> No.19084520

They should all be burka'd and living in fear

>> No.19084523

>"Ohmigod Anon, you're like, my spirit animal!"
I can relate to this...

>> No.19084527

It honestly depends.

>> No.19084532


>> No.19084537

what did they say to you, anon

>> No.19084540

Hmm, 43521 for me.

>> No.19084546
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>meet an interesting guy at a party
>initiate a small small talk and introduce myself
>to not be too clingy out of nowhere, fuck off for the rest of the night

>meet him a week later at a bar
>he walks past me, not even bothering to say hi
how the fuck do I make male friends
pussy isn't a problem anymore, I feel like I need a bro

>> No.19084547

I would honestly just pull out my huge flaccid dick. I've done it before when uppity drunk bitches have attacked me verbally or physically.

Nothing confuses them more, they have no comeback. You are a "loser" but your huge cock will stay in their minds permanently, they will probably even think about it in bed with Chad and his roid shrunken acorn that very same night.

>> No.19084556
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Get drunk and rant/cry about the forgetting of the Being. Begin to read Holderlin poems out loud in the original German.

>> No.19084563

take a good look at them and go home to jerk off on their social media pics

>> No.19084567

I can relate, infact I just walk around with my gigantic flaccid cock openly in the street

>> No.19084576

54355 for me
I’ll do 5 twice

>> No.19084586

3 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 2

>> No.19084595
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joke's on you, nobody has ever noticed me

>> No.19084610

I got insulted from random people

>> No.19084616

don’t acknowledge them; keep walking

>> No.19084619

expose benis

>> No.19084621

Basically as in OP, "omg anon youre my spirit animal". Drunk girls also like to call me Jesus (because long hair).
Its not so much that they are making fun of me like OP just that Im used as some cutesy doll to play with. Kinda weird and I dont have the game game to turn it around so I just avoid parties.

>> No.19084631

Most friendships develop on top of some practical, utilitarian relationship (being on the same team, working next to each other, being in the same mammoth hunting party, etc.)

>> No.19084643

Politely banter for as long as is necessary to not seem rude / autistic, then continue on. You are also obliged to smile politely the next time you make eye contact with them in class

>> No.19084661

It's just social dynamics; they'd individually never have the confidence to say anything like that. You know how there's a meme about how fighting parents (and divorcing ones) use their children as 'pawns' to attack one another? It's the same principle; you are being used as a surrogate to facilitate their own social jockeying within their friendship group.

>> No.19084865

Osotogari the nearest cunt

>> No.19084922

5 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 1

>> No.19084927

The Taliban have got it right

>> No.19084937

What compels people to imagine these scenarios? How immature are you to think life is like a movie about high school kids from the 80s/90s? We all know you never go outside, so who are you trying to fool?

>> No.19084957

I would 100% have my headphones on so I would pretend not to hear or see them and keep walking

>> No.19084978


>> No.19084985

Calling them newfags will not help in this situation.

>> No.19084990
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>mfw hypothetical scenarios

>> No.19084996


>> No.19084999

Tell me, when is the last time you had a conversation with a total stranger that was not based on asking directions?

>> No.19085004

Talk to them cause I’m not autistic
What? Is there something I’m missing?
>youre my spirit animal anon
Oh, once again I’m not autistic, so no, I wouldn’t be responding to anything like this.

>> No.19085010
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>mfw asked directions

>> No.19085068

Where were going to, champ? Or did they ask you for directions?

>> No.19085187

>you girls want to do some coke?

>> No.19085197

Yes Anon you totally know how women behave.

>> No.19085396

being sarcastic about other men's lack of experience with women won't make you any less of a loser yourself bud

>> No.19085422

None of these girls are in least bit appealing to me. They look soulless.

>> No.19085436

"So true queens, have a nice evening"

>> No.19085451

Move out of the ghetto

>> No.19085615

Literally a middle class neighborhood.

>> No.19086133

why are you ignoring my mail

>> No.19086201

start crying, tell them my mother just died, receive hugs, cherish their brief attention and the feeling of their bodies against mine, go home, kill my mother

>> No.19086220

Yeah, I'm black too.

>> No.19086261

>"Ohmigod Anon, you're like, my spirit animal!"
well you're my happy place - whenever i feel down i imagine i'm inside you. boom

>> No.19086365
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> most of the time I've gone out to college parties I gotten stopped by someone, usually drunk girls from classes I think are cute, to say they think that I'm super smart because I talk a lot in class
>"haha, yeah I just like that stuff I guess"
> "yeah anon, I fucking hate that class, shits so boring"
>"oh gotcha, haha, I get that"
> mfw I stand there awkwardly while they turn to back to their phone or friends
I don't understand, what are you supposed to do? I'm not even smart, I just don't shut up.
I don't think necessarily mean-spirited, but it certainly isn't very sincere.

>> No.19086382

How old are you? You might be too old to make male friends.

>> No.19086386

You are the antithesis to my thesis. Let's put the dialectic in motion and synthesize

>> No.19086390

Talk to them, maybe flirt back a bit, get them to like me before I tell them that I'm gay.

>> No.19086401

do gays not get nervous around women? is the nervousness completely stemming from the fact that I want to sex them?

>> No.19086415

>is the nervousness completely stemming from the fact that I want to sex them?

pretty much. most of it is anxiety about looking stupid in front of someone you are attracted to. if youre not attracted to them youre not going to be intimidated by them or the possibility of embarrassing yourself