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/lit/ - Literature

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19083173 No.19083173 [Reply] [Original]

Request book recommendations or discuss why you're suggesting a certain book to someone ITT.

>Previous thread >>19072032

>College curriculum https://opensyllabus.org

>> No.19083290
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books with that /qtddtot/ feel?

>> No.19083300

Got an audible credit. I like >30 hour listens if anyone has any recommendations.

>> No.19083377 [DELETED] 
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your diary desu

>> No.19083391

Cringe thread

>> No.19083393
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your autobiography desu

>> No.19083404

Everyday, I wake up to find a new shitty general being made. Why do you fags do this shit?

>> No.19083414

to watch you seethe

>> No.19083463

This is a pretty retarded general. Book rec threads have never been a big problem and they usually get better discussions going.

>> No.19083474

>never been a big problem
>books for this feel
>literary equivalent of ____
the more we have people asking for books the more people find ways to troll using "book rec" as an excuse to make off topic threads

>> No.19083486

The only solution to this is to ban rec threads like/a/ does

>> No.19083493

why dont you go back to >>>/a/ instead of telling me the solution to a problem you clearly arent concerned with?

>> No.19083499

Any books where the main character fucks around and has fun having sex with beautiful women, stealing treasure, getting into combat, etc? Just looking for some badass fun chad energy literature.

>> No.19083518

>aggressive shitposting even though we have basically the same position
After rec threads this is the second worst problem with /lit/

>> No.19083553
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I hadn't realized you thought so highly of me.

>> No.19083561

>ban rec threads
doesnt seem likely that will happen so its not very helpful advice

>> No.19083938
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Books for becoming picture related? are there any bloomerpill charts?

>> No.19083978

A short history of nearly everything
Anyone got non-fiction audio books to recc?

>> No.19084038
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Plis gib awsom war jornalism liek tis

>> No.19084133
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>> No.19084701
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>Books on the feminine personification of Wisdom (Athena, Minerva, Sophia, etc.)
>Books on Hellenic and Celtic paganism syncretism)

Help a Greekaboo Celt out here, /lit/

>> No.19084753

What are the best books on the history of the roman empire? (Specifically the roman empire, not the republic.)
I am simply reading history of entertainment so i'm looking for secondary sources.

>> No.19086166

Please give me hope for the current/future of literature. What are the best books of the last 5-10 years? Additionally, what are your most reliable methods for finding quality contemporary lit?
>inb4 O, doesn't exist, etc

>> No.19086695

Please recommend me books on the aesthetics of architecture and music

>> No.19087688

Any books on astrology that aren't just gay hippy bullshit?

>> No.19088591


>> No.19089099

I used to have a crush on her

>> No.19089459

i just want a book that is gleefully insane
solemnly insane pls tnhx

>> No.19089536

>to see the world in a grain of sand
>and heaven in a wild flower
>hold infinity in the palm of your hand
>an eternity in and hour

>> No.19089543

seconding this

>> No.19089579

>the vast majority of requests in these threads go ignored
amazing general op you idiot

>> No.19089596

ay it isn't like any of us got the answers

>> No.19089856


>> No.19089860


The holy bible

>> No.19090314

The Gay Science is bloomer?
Some one care to explain how?

>> No.19091320

Maybe American Psycho, A Clockwork Orange, or Tropic of Cancer?
I still do desu
Everything Nietzsche is bloomer, isn't it? Haven't read the gay science though, I'm assuming he mantains this trend through all his writing

>> No.19091368

thirding this

>> No.19091416

book with good prose but a simple or stereotypical plot

>> No.19091623

The Picatrix

>> No.19091734

This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, thank you.

>> No.19092463

what book do i read

>> No.19092920

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.19093164

I just finished the Haunting of Hill House. I liked it much. What do i read next

>> No.19093843


>> No.19093939
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Alex Jones was on Timcast. /x/ tier fiction like the early conspiracy days of the internet.

>> No.19094279

I was watching some early alex jones recently. Videos from abot 20 years ago are floating around. He really changed

>> No.19094531

not really. infowars is meh but aj is legit character

>> No.19094588

Poetry for kids. thanks.

>> No.19095063

a World History textbook https://opensyllabus.org/result/field?id=History

>> No.19095075

>the vast majority of requests in these threads go ignored
Sounds about right, just easier to make a thread.

>> No.19095078

give it time, if people see the thread getting bumped with requests well read anons will start coming in and giving advice

>> No.19095399

Description rich travelogues? I just want to feel the richness of being outside of the city
/lit/ doesn't read. Even assuming that the thread is an actual recc thread and not just a thinly veiled blog or twitter celeberity gossip (which is a bold fucking assumption), then the thread wouldn't have much more than the usual shitposts
See >>19092920 >>19089860

>> No.19095418

Where to start with vollmann's short stories?

>> No.19095425
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what do you guys think of Ishmael by Daniel Quinn?

>> No.19095480

agreed, rec threads are used as an excuse to shitpost. rarely will you get intellectual discussion

>> No.19095737
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I recommend this book.

>> No.19095746

You did not post a girl
You did not post a book you recommend

>> No.19095750

Yes I did. What are you talking about?

>> No.19095772
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>> No.19095794

>Even assuming that the thread is an actual recc thread and not just a thinly veiled blog or twitter celeberity gossip (which is a bold fucking assumption),
I just honestly think the OP who made this thread and trying to make it into a general just wants to feel important.

>> No.19095803

>just wants to feel important.
thats because your prepubescent brain cant comprehend doing something other than for selfish reasons

>> No.19095817

Stop seething because you were found out. It’s plainly obvious this “General” is a failure.

>> No.19095827

Based. Top notch book

>> No.19095830
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>Stop seething
youd rather sit here and argue then actually read. unlike me. no, ill be finishing up a book tonight that i started about 3 days ago, l8r loser

>> No.19095833

Some fag is playing wannabe janny and spamming his gay general in every other thread. Of course i'm going to shitpost

>> No.19095907

read a book

>> No.19095914

No one on /lit/ reads.

>> No.19095916

Name of QT?

>> No.19095949

I just finished a book today. Theres an active thread about it now. Stop making these gay threads and read a book yourself

>> No.19096032

gather ye rosebuds while ye may

>> No.19096042

im reading right now.

>> No.19096064
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>read a book yourself
i am. i keep having to pause to tell you to stfu though

>> No.19096112

Stop making these gay threads

>> No.19096137

You shut the fuck up

>> No.19096172
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U read this? I liked Croc but this was an improvement.

>> No.19096207

stop making your gay rec threads idiot

>> No.19096917
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>> No.19096932

I read recently and enjoyed All That Man Is by David Szalay. I usually find contemporary authors by reading short story collections I find at thrift stores.

>> No.19097001

A friend of mine just finished their first book ever (of their own volition) and of course I want to foster that. They really like Richard David Precht. Anyone know other pop-psy books/authors that are entertaining, but not shit?

>inb4 any dead philosophers.

>> No.19097009

Alain de Botton is fairly similar and quite good to read

>> No.19097043

I'll check him out, thanks!

>> No.19097055

The Chronicles of Conan

>> No.19097515

Thanks fren

>> No.19097523
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I'm looking for books that feature crossdressing or male to female gender bending as a major element

>> No.19097593

Check out anything by Liz Greene. I’m currently reading the Saturn one and I think it’s very profound.

>> No.19097599

Any books that would help me get a gf? Not looking for PUA shit

>> No.19097704
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>> No.19097775
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Reccommend me some WMAF literature

>> No.19097795
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>> No.19098272

If you’re fine with “tranny-core” then Torrey Peter’s work is really great, if really dark. Give “the masker” a try. It’s a free novella, very dark though, be forewarned. I haven’t read “detransition, baby” yet but I have heard good things.

Nevada, Imogen Binnie (mediocre but still okay imo)

A safe girl to love, Casey plett (haven’t read but it seems ya-ey?)

/TTTT/ cross posters! Post more troon core!

>> No.19098366

I was kinda hoping for stuff outside the trans label, but both of those look interesting

>> No.19099028

What is a good reference book for memorization? Principles, comparing strategies, and the specifics of memorizing songs, poetry, notes, facts, or entire books? I read "Moonwalking with Einstein" but I really dislike that type of book, and didn't come away with much.

>> No.19099045

I just want some decent horror. I may as well give Stephen King's short stories another go, but I want something new and engrossing.

>> No.19099131

Any good introductory cooking books?

>> No.19099152

salt fat acid heat

>> No.19099222

More stuff like Steppenwolf?