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19077328 No.19077328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>There are people on this board right now who think the mind exists to serve the body and not the other way around

>> No.19077349

It's true for most people which is why they are overweight and indulge their lustful impulses and become slaves to eating, masturbation and sex.

>> No.19077351


>> No.19077401
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It use to be like that, when we were little sea worms; the brain evolved as a handy tool (a bit like the computer initially was) but eventually, and very slyly, the conniving little organ took over and became dictator perpetuo
(about the time we were little fishes) and it made us do strange things, till it evolved to be more and more powerful. Humans now live under the complete tryanny of the cerebral Cæsar and it will only get worse and worse.

>> No.19077405

touch grass

>> No.19077412

Who said this? Nietzsche?

>> No.19077478
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Yes, and?

>> No.19077997

You have it backwards


>> No.19078004

the "mind" is mere epiphenomena of the body

>> No.19078012

Retard. The mind and the body only exist to accrue capital.

>> No.19078018

the mind is literally star-stuff re-formed through evolution into a tool to perpetuate the body and its contents (dna), yes

>> No.19078030

The body is epiphenomena of the mind


>> No.19078041

The mind and body exist in parallel as separate attributes of a single infinite substance, but do not at all directly interact and only appear in unison due to causally deterministic necessity.

>> No.19078065

its not "reddit", its science.

>> No.19078074
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>We cum from da starz an shit dude, we're like star stuff from a million galaxies away duuude

>whoops looks like you dared to say something semi-profound about the value of consciousness or autonomy, can't have any of that

Go back

>> No.19078082

there's nothing profound about consciousness except its profound banality, its literally just electrical impulses. and you go back to /pol/, tourist. there is no god, there is no meaning. stop coping and enter the world of logic and reason....maybe open up a book for the first time in ur life

>> No.19078085

>The body is epiphenomena of the mind
No, the proof being that all mental activity is contingent on the body being in some state, while the body exists regardless of the state of the mind.
You're probably thinking of the reflective idea of the body which exists in the mind, rather than the body itself. But without the body you wouldn't be thinking anything at all.

>> No.19078092

Does your little nihilistic science larp make you sleep easy at night?

Without a 99% working brain nothing works and you die. Also the mind isn't just "thinking".

>> No.19078100

If someone bonks you on the head and you go unconscious your mind goes away so completely that when you regain consciousness you dont even know that time has passed. But while you're unconscious everyone else can see that your body remains very much present. So it's pretty obvious that the mind is an epiphenomenon of bodily organs.

>> No.19078103

it goes both ways stupid

>> No.19078109
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>If someone bonks you on the head and you go unconscious


>> No.19078195
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>There are people on this board right now who think England isn't mine

>> No.19078291

you're looking at the wake of the ship and saying it causes the ship to sail