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19075053 No.19075053 [Reply] [Original]

What did Sigmund Freud mean by this?

"I have found little that is good about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them
are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all.
That is something that you cannot say aloud, or perhaps even think."

>> No.19075086
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Apparently he wrote this in a letter in response to a book about religion. Freud thought humans are animals who have been regulated by civilization, not souls which were created by a God, so he didn't think there was any intrinsic, natural goodness to people, so whatever "goodness" there may be is instituted by civilization on otherwise base animals.
He also wrote that in 1918, and he was immensely disillusioned and butthurt about WWI, so take the cynicism with a grain of salt; I doubt he'd say anything that strong ("trash") at any other time in his career.

>> No.19075118

I didn't expect such a good answer honestly. Thank you.

>> No.19075144

>That is something that you cannot say aloud, or perhaps even think."
normie thinking at his peak.

>> No.19075161

lol sounds like his mother never loved him

>> No.19075171
File: 37 KB, 665x171, freud envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Sigmund Freud mean by THIS?

>> No.19075191

it means that he's a schizophrenic degenerate kike

>> No.19075194

I seriously don't know how he came to that conclusion.

>> No.19075200

I can't believe Siggy would diss my favourite intelligent species of primates like this.

>> No.19075202

Interact with women, or better yet have a daughter, and you will see that he is correct.

>> No.19075206

He observed kids tendency to move away from their mother and get closer to their father as they aged. He just explained what he noticed trough his fucked up sexualized way of looking at everything

>> No.19075217

My ex who is a BPD delusional slut does not show any affection for her father whatsoever and follows her mothers words as Gospel.
What's the explanation for this in relation to >>19075171 ?

>> No.19075222
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Did you make sure 'she' didn't had a dick anon?

>> No.19075229

yes I fucked that young mentally ill (who now calls herself by a different name AND her pronouns are they/them) in her parents home many times in our youth
small tits can make for a fun domination

>> No.19075248

Borderline (or bipolar, I don't know which one you mean) wasn't an idea in Freud's time but in a contemporary Freudian view one would say that she did not succeed in detaching from the mother to begin with. Freud studied neurotics, who were sufficiently mentally healthy to at least reach the Oedipal stage of recognizing the separateness of the parents and their relationship outside of the child. A borderline, narcissist, or psychotic had, and still has, difficulty recognizing the separateness of others enough to desire them, not identify and project onto them, to be apart from them and still experience ambivalent feelings about them, not splitting them into all good (the mother) or all evil or irrelevance (the father). Think of the Oedipal stage as level 2, and penis envy as the result of a woman getting stuck at level 2. The borderline didn't make it to level 2, they're stuck at level 1 all their life until they get help.

>> No.19076598

Do you mean "goodness" from a religion point like a soul or something "divine" or of that nature? It seems like he just means that human aren't any good, period. Like not from a religion perspective but from a psychological perspective or just a human perspective.

>> No.19076615

Did Freud mean*