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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 750x948, 879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19073552 No.19073552 [Reply] [Original]

Which author deserves it most?

>> No.19073565

Viktor Tsoi, get up here boy!

>> No.19073567


>> No.19073572

Kentaro Miura, obviously.

>> No.19073582

Norm MacDonald

>> No.19073586

Hahahahahaha. Another 50 years to not finish Hellraiser lite for weebs

>> No.19073587

Thomas Sowell

>> No.19073594
File: 110 KB, 990x1024, Beksinski-2-990x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one answer, and it's Zdzislaw.

>> No.19073605

obviously schubert
he had just hit an incredibly fertile creative period and was writing music so fucking great that was pushing boundaries and was right on the edge of new frontiers right when he died
like just one more year would give three or four masterpieces
another five fucking decades would have completely changed everything
all the beethoven stuff still would have happened and schubert would have reacted and included it and jesus fucking christ the music we would have got

>> No.19073607

Jim Croce

>> No.19073609

Berserk >>>>>>>>> Hellraiser

>> No.19073617


>> No.19073624

toby fox

>> No.19073627

It still sucks. Miura can't tell a story, has no original ideas, has nothing profound to say, and doesn't even know the basics of pacing and plotting. It would be fifty years wasted.

>> No.19073629

Ibn Battuta

>> No.19073631

Rimbaud. don't care if he used the 50 to write any more.

>> No.19073638

>Genre fiction funnybooks
More proof being on here and reading doesn't mean you aren't a brainlet

>> No.19073666
File: 51 KB, 800x600, p0197-beksinski-zdzislaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he started doing digital art at the end and it was cringe. Nobody needs 50 years of that.

>> No.19073686

Hitler would stand trial for war crimes. Serve fifty years before dying. His amateurish paintings wouldn’t show any improvements.

I feel the same really.

>> No.19073702

>Hitler would stand trial for war crimes. Serve fifty years before dying.
Only because communists and capitalists collaborated to destroy the only true opposition to the New World Order we currently live in.

>> No.19073708

50 years of Xenosystems wood be comfy

>> No.19073711
File: 114 KB, 543x550, 000427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual, you have a passing Wikipedia level of knowledge about the man. He was also still painting and making quality work in 2005

>> No.19073718

I stand by the response in the tweet

>> No.19073720


>> No.19073743

GTFO I had his art book in 2002 before he even died you bitch.

>> No.19073751
File: 294 KB, 840x1260, śmieć.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polack here
he was good but his one of those artists I disregard because of obnoxious fanbase. here in Poland his admirers are mostly dumb arthoes and zoomers with no idea of art and art history. ever since they released that movie about Zdzisław and his family admitting to liking him has been a mark of midwits and pseuds.

>> No.19073758


>> No.19073769

George R. R. Martin

>> No.19073774

it says productive, retard, can you read?

>> No.19073779

J. K. Toole

>> No.19073785

Dostoyevsky or Joyce, Leaning towards Joyce because he was planning his new novel already, a shorter and more concise work while Dostoyevsky had a lot of works already out there

>> No.19073790

Moses because maybe he'll make it to the promise land this time? Maybe?

>> No.19073802

Obviously Kierkegaard.

>> No.19073808

Maybe Mishima too, getting old would probably do him some good.

>> No.19073822

There is also Camus, I haven't really checked all his stuff, but still, another one who would probably benefit from getting old.

>> No.19073831

In terms of raw talent not getting its full run, Emily Bronte deserves this. For that to be her first and only novel, there’s no comparison.

>> No.19073832

But it didn’t in his life time. He peaked in his twenties and his stories got worse as he got older. I suspect his obsessions with bodybuilding didn’t help.

>> No.19073840

He was coaxed into power to attack “communism”. Your hero was a puppet.

He was still working on it. People make cgi all the time now.
And I imagined him being allowed to paint in prison.
Let’s go the other way and say he to the US to work on his painting. It would still be drab and sloppy junk. He was talentless beyond oratory skills

Boo hoo, bad fanbase. So what?

>> No.19073848

Dunno, getting extra 50 years would make him get to his 90s or something?

>> No.19073849

>He was coaxed into power to attack “communism”. Your hero was a puppet.
Imagine believing this. You're baiting aren't you? He took power himself because he had studied communism. If he was a puppet, who was his master? If this is the "big business owned the nazis" schtick, you should do more research because after the first few years they no longer had any influence.

>> No.19073851

He would be alive to see things such as hikikomori and a bunch of other weird Japanese shit. Maybe he would go full grumpy mode as most old people and just lecture whatever.

>> No.19073855

F. Gardner

>> No.19073857

Dostoyevsky so I could read the sequel to Brothers Karamazov he was planning, or Kentaro Miura so Berserk could have a satisfying conclusion.

>> No.19073872

>I have his art books, thus I know everything.
You should have taken a few minutes to look into the man's catalogue by date.

>> No.19073881

This is the counterpoint I expected. Stick to like Hunter X Hunter and Game of Thrones of whatever

>> No.19073900

>Let’s go the other way and say he went to the US instead of going into politics to work on his painting

Dude, it was a dozen words. His movement, the nationalist movement was financed by corporations. Like Biden and most other politicians, he got into office because of the elites.
Also, he went on a suicide run into Russia full force. Stalin wasn’t interested in attacking him. It was the fascists states that charged in. The target was political program (as flawed as I say it is)

>> No.19073928

OHHHH ching chongo kentanto hizoruki Motorola-san. He wrote famous teenager picture book, BUUUH-ZURKO. He was very wespected in tamagotchi prefecture for Buh-Zurko and often enjoyed discount sashimi for Izuki-san (also tamagotchi prefecture). It was—unwortunate—he died of Ching chong virus, before given ample opportunity to finish picture book (30 years wasn't enough time).

>> No.19073964

>His movement, the nationalist movement was financed by corporations.
Yes, as is any movement, even the communists and anarchists. That doesn't mean he was their puppet because if you'd actually read books, you'd know he effectively neutered them. Which is why they then helped destroy him.
>Stalin wasn’t interested in attacking him.
You are both retarded and disingenuous. Stop lying, tranny.

>> No.19074008

>as is any movement
Oh baby…. So dumb
Hitler fanboys are all the same.

>> No.19074032

Miura had enough time. He just burnt himself out and gave himself a heart attack by working too hard. Bring back Satoshi Kon instead.

>> No.19074052

Name a movement that wasn't financed by corporations then.
You also failed to address the fact that H was not the puppet of corporations, I'll accept your concession.

>> No.19074058

Keats. Obviously.

>> No.19074060

Patrician choice. Was just about to write his name, seems so obvious

>> No.19074062

you are pretentious

>> No.19074065

Novalis and Keats

>> No.19074066


>> No.19074080

Who else but Keats?

4chan seems like a weird place to virtue signal.

>> No.19074084

David Foster Wallace.

>> No.19074116

Novalis. His half finished novels are better than your favourite book.

>> No.19074203


>> No.19074206

Flan O'Connor

>> No.19074232

Anthony Powell, along with the motivation to write twelve more volumes for Dance to the Music of Time

>> No.19074244
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1600, Mozart-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozart. He'd have composed romantic music before and better than Beethoven and Schubert.

>> No.19074245

People’s movements. They have them because of the tyranny of corporatists.
Now kneel

Your thinking me virtuous makes no difference to me one way or another

>> No.19074260

>Dude, it was a dozen words. His movement, the nationalist movement was financed by corporations.
Not even a /pol/tard but this is stupid. China is doing the exact same thing and the communists praise them and more-or-less-say “trust the plan bro, two more decades and we’ll achieve true socialism”.

>> No.19074261


>> No.19074270

why are you arguing with chuds but ignoring actual discussions elsewhere on here

>> No.19074285

>You thinking me virtuous makes no difference to me one way or another
Then why did you use a thread about granting artists 50 more productive years to let everyone know you think Hitler was bad?

>> No.19074299
File: 281 KB, 925x1024, C9DF63C7-5C27-494C-AE52-17FF8A696A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a tankie. Can you even fathom what an anarchist is?

Just the way the conversation went. Plus,
Easy to pick when getting ready for work.

>> No.19074316

Your friend and namesake loves to talk about Hitler. Tell him to shut up.

Stirner and Graeber needed fifty more years.

>> No.19074326
File: 136 KB, 1000x741, 619511AA-B1D1-45F4-B651-22198EB325C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct answer is Shelley who died in his early twenties. Anything else is a joke, a lie, a distraction from the truth.

>> No.19074330

>Can you even fathom what an anarchist is?
Someone who is hopelessly optimistic.

Anyway, JRR Tolkien.

>> No.19074335

>who died in his early twenties
He was due to turn 30 a month after he died, but yeah.

>> No.19074336

Oh, I didn't read the reply to the Tweet. My bad.

>> No.19074341

>various wealthy people across the world say Hitlers plan to rebuild the German economy as an investment with lots of potential, so they invested

you should seriously stay away from politics, this kind of discourse is WAY out of your league. this is literally a garbage /pol/ tier take

>> No.19074343

sorry, got it wrong.

>> No.19074360
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>> No.19074364

Percy Bysshe Shelley

>> No.19074373
File: 34 KB, 324x500, catholic iden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chad answer is Thomas Aquinas so he could save the Church and ultimately save the West.

>> No.19074470

>People’s movements.
Are mostly still financed by corporations because/and if they aren't they're either squashed, co-opted or outcompeted.

>> No.19074486

fuck writers
elliott smith deserves the most those extra 50 years

>> No.19074500
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 70FF1A57-7162-4031-A0B9-A1425B8CA7C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nabisco is funding their own workers strike

>> No.19074564

Myself. If you didn't think of this, you are not as smart as me. I WILL write the next great novel, even if I have to sacrifice myself in the process.

>> No.19074570

Carl Jung

>> No.19074594

>It thinks all coporations are secretly in league with another
You are genuinely retarded

>> No.19074615

>Can’t think. Can’t read.
Why are you hanging around a board for literature?

>> No.19074633

Probably would back to weapon dealing >>19073857
Agree with kentaro.
Would be interesting. But i feel he would go into obscurity with another 50 years. I wonder if he would hav committed himself to more rigorous research like other psychology theories have/had.

I would love to see more work by Nathaniel West. Dude wrote 4 books, and they were a bombshell in American literature. Wish i could have read more

>> No.19074637

Christ I so hope everything you type is bait but I doubt it

>> No.19074638

>implying there's any similarity to Hellraiser beyond the designs for the Godhand
t. brainlet elitist who hasn't even read the work he's trying to denigrate

>> No.19074716


>> No.19074721
File: 32 KB, 425x500, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you going to grow out of Anarchism butterfly?

>> No.19074739

>he was planning his new novel already

>> No.19074751

This but make it Trevor Moore instead

>> No.19074763

Dostoevsky, DFW, Osamu Tezuka, Chaucer, Spenser, Byron, Gogol, Hašek, Kafka, Keats, Proust, et al. died before finishing their best work.

>> No.19075018
File: 779 KB, 1920x1574, 1920px-James_Abbott_McNeill_Whistler_-_Nocturne-_Blue_and_Silver_-_Chelsea_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fernando Pessoa.
Good choice too considering he planned on writing four more books and dying being known more as an author than comic.

>> No.19075060

All shit except Keats and Byron.

>> No.19075130

Tolstoy or Nietzsche
Either would solve the problem of Dionysus vs. Christ

>> No.19075150

t. gay philosophy student in community college who needs to take a shower.

>> No.19075159

2/3 are right
I already graduated uni, otherwise v perceptive

>> No.19075173

film: yasujiro ozu
paint: probably van gogh, even though im not his biggest fan
lit: kafka
music: more bach

>> No.19075223

Exactly, brother
>he died of Ching chong virus
Lmao, imagine still falling this hard for propaganda
Both great, can't tell what's the best

>> No.19075242


>> No.19075316

>Someone who is hopelessly optimistic.
Not necessarily desu

>> No.19075335

How do I learn to sound smart like this?

>> No.19075337


>> No.19075378
File: 41 KB, 353x500, kazantzakis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the author of Zorba the Greeksketched another epic composition that, according to his vision, aimed at reaching further than his magnum opus.
>His ambition was to encompass the long-lasting period between Ancient and Modern Greece, namely that of the Byzantine empire and its radiating influence on Greek consciousness and identity
>While his Odysseus was ‘the last old man’, Akritas was to be ‘the first new man’, and the entire work was supposed to be subtitled ‘New Adam’.
>Kazantzakis’ intention was to create something in the mode of a modern Divine Comedy, where ‘time will be abolished’ and places will be mingled up.18 In his notes he explains that - just as Odysseus from his Odyssey was ‘Hell and Purgatory’ - Akritas was intended to be the ‘Paradise of the Odyssey
why did he have to die before even a rough draft?

>> No.19075384

>being so consumed by ideology you think hitler wouldnt be a talented painter if he got 50 more years to practice

>> No.19075385

Tolstoy. Or Hemingway, but only if Hemingway loses the skull issues.

>> No.19075387

I was chatting with this Polish expat in my country and I mentioned that I love Beksinski, then I realized that I was not on the internet. Did she think I am some kind of disturbed serial killer or just a pseud? Is he even that well known in Poland?

>> No.19075394

I loved zorba the Greek. What could have been....

>> No.19075398

I think it’s been established that the malang guy isnt an actual taliban fighter and is just a shitposter right? He literally spends all day online posting memes.

>> No.19075399
File: 204 KB, 755x900, 1-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel-german-mary-evans-picture-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19075407

So he could tackle the Internet and Kalergi questions

>> No.19075410

Oh somewhere in his notes or letters, I don't have them with me but it was going to be a short novel based on the sea.

>> No.19075413

tempted to see how much more insane and labyrinthine henry james or joyce would have become, though.

>> No.19075421

Socrates and Jesus

>> No.19075428
File: 577 KB, 1080x1558, 2D450944-355A-444C-9733-39754747C8FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct answer

>> No.19075502


Taliban fighter only fight for like 1 hour a day

>> No.19075652

>So he could tackle the Kalergi question
What do you mean?

>> No.19075659

Otto Weininger or Oswald Spengler

>> No.19075751

lose the punctuation

>> No.19075755

Did you know he interviewed Kalergi?

>> No.19075759

>who deserves it
probably Keats

>who do I want to have it

>> No.19075770

This, I want to read TBK 2, an Aliosha driven novel.

>> No.19075785

i mean, for christ sake, at least give dostoevsky enough time to finish the sequel of TBK

>> No.19075940


>> No.19075954

berserk hasn't been good for over a decade, why would you drag it out for fifty more years?
based beksinski poster

>> No.19075955

> from protest to reconquest
i wonder if this is a reference to "from protest to resistance"

>> No.19075976

Dostoyevsky is very overrated. Tolstoy would be a way better pick. Joyce is the only writer with a perfect bibliography, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake are amazing and there's nowhere to go after FW. He should have gotten into politics

>> No.19076003

Damascius. He would be ~130 when he died in this case, but it would be interesting to see what he thinks of the rest of the 6th century.

>> No.19076013

>Joyce is the only writer with a perfect bibliography,
Heard his poetry was lackluster.
>He should have gotten into politics
You're a fucking pleb. Die.

>> No.19076033

Seconding this. Charlotte's letters about her death are heartbreaking.

>So I will not now ask why Emily was torn from us in the fullness of our attachment, rooted up in the prime of her own days in the promise of her powers—why her existence now lies like a field of green corn trodden down—like a tree in full bearing—struck at the root; I will only say, sweet is rest after labour and calm after tempest and repeat again and again that Emily knows that now.

>> No.19076047

>why her existence now lies like a field of green corn
This is retarded.
>my sister is like corn xD
Fucking British women.

>> No.19076054

That's fucking sad man

>> No.19076058

Richard Barham Middleton

>> No.19076060

>posting the epic ironic joke "but he's self-aware" wink wink haha le edgy funny man

neck yourself

>> No.19076064

>my sister was corn field
>"that's sooooo sad!!!"
Shut up, pussy.

>> No.19076069

Yes, we all saw you post that before. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>> No.19076070

Norm Macdonald was incredibly well-read, he was an author, and he planned on writing four more books before he died. Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.19076075

Dude, I wish a black person saw you type that. You'd be convulsing on the ground right now from a concussion via slavery strength.

>> No.19076085
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Heard he was also really good at math. Sounds like an interesting dude.

>> No.19076122
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>> No.19076143


>> No.19076155

If a black person saw you respond "cringe" to my defense of black people, you'd be convulsing on the ground right now from a concussion via slavery strength. Just think of that next time or else go back to plebbit.

>> No.19076408

what did you like about Finnegans Wake?

>> No.19076428

>there's nowhere to go after FW
That’s prob what people said when they read Ulysses

>> No.19076438

Kill yourself, namefag

>> No.19076440

David Foster Wallace. I’ve actually never read any of his works.

>> No.19076463

Okay, I just got done reading all of his works, I think we're good.

>> No.19076464

le ebin philosemite

>> No.19076477

What are you even trying to say, retard

>> No.19076487

>finishes his Dead Souls sequel
>keeps shitting on the tzar with no repercussions for fifty more years

>> No.19076510

John Keats and it's not even close.

>> No.19076631

>burns all his work when he turns 80 and never publishes
great job, anon, ya fucked us.

>> No.19076654

50 more years in porn? No thanks
It's sad what happened to her though, she was really hot

>> No.19076799

John Kenndey Toole.

>> No.19076812

Men of taste I see.

Shelley, Marlowe, Keats are easily the 3.

>> No.19076893

He's still alive faggot

>> No.19076976


>> No.19076991

>Nobody says Ovid

>> No.19077006

Henry James

>> No.19077011

Handle the issue of the kalergi coffee colored mutt 80IQ slave race being bred in front of our eyes by unprecedentedly forced on us through immigration and integration and coersion.

No I didn't. I looked it up and apparently it's in "A traditionalist confronts fascism" anyone know where I can read it?

>> No.19077023

Walt Disney.

>> No.19077040

If philosophers count, I'd give it to Wittgenstein. If not, I nominate Hesse.

>> No.19077064

me, to finish my diary desu

>> No.19077433

>Handle the issue of the kalergi coffee colored mutt 80IQ slave race being bred in front of our eyes by unprecedentedly forced on us through immigration and integration and coersion.
>people fuck each other and give birth to other humans
Whoa...that's a conspiracy, for sure...
Great choice, but I can't imagine what else he could add to what he had already said.

>> No.19077441

Satoru Iwata, I think he counts.

>> No.19077452

>ctrl + f shakespeare
>no results
fuck this board

>> No.19077466
File: 1.98 MB, 299x187, 20210918_145821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring reality and just shouting conspiracy theorist

You have to go back

>> No.19077477

>just shouting conspiracy theorist
That's not what I said, it's literally the opposite: people who talk about "Kalergi plan" say that there is a conspiracy to replace Europeans. Not sure what you're trying to argue here.

>> No.19077507

Yes and that's what I'm talking about. It's happening.

>> No.19077509

>It's happening.
>people fuck each other and give birth to other humans
Surprising, uh?

>> No.19077539

бaзa? бaзa

>> No.19077548

Stephen King

>> No.19077562

I could solve this kalergi issue easily.
1. Build gigantic schools in MENA and Africa
2. Teach people to be completely fluent in German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish.
3. Bring them to Europe, they will be fluent in the language of their new country
This way the immigrants will not replace the languages/cultures of Europe but instead add to them.

>> No.19077589

Patrice O'Neal

>> No.19077592 [DELETED] 

When I shed this mortal coil, I will have grown out of life and dreams.
Anarchism and the ideals of freedom will love on in the generations to follow. We will have it.

>Der Führer! No! Stop! He was a güt mann!

>> No.19077598

When I shed this mortal coil, I will have grown out of life and dreams.
Anarchism and the ideals of freedom will live on in the generations to follow. We will have it.

>Der Führer! No! Stop! He was a güt mann!

>> No.19077614
File: 2.01 MB, 248x156, 20210918_235513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so fucking shit at baiting it's not worth my time. I refuse to engage you further. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.19077823

I see what you're getting at, because he died so young, but if we're talking 50 more productive years starting at the point where the artist already reached, why not just pick Beethoven?

>> No.19077853

William Hope Hodgson
I love that little nigga like you wouldn't believe, but he was a bonafide procrastinator and was obsessed with details. 1, 5 or 10 years wouldn't have made a big difference.

>> No.19077905

Lol. Hasek and Musil are the obvious answers here btw.

>> No.19077980

Thought the same

>> No.19077989

wouldn’t help. his existence disproves infinite monkey theory

>> No.19078008

John Lennon.
Actually surprised no one mentioned him....

>> No.19078052

Ernest Hemingway, Yukio Mishima, Virginia Woolf, Kurt Cobain, Ian Curtis, Nick Drake, Vincent van Gogh, Mark Rothko

>> No.19078095

Edmund Spencer, Chaucer, or maybe even Christopher Lasch.

>> No.19078097

The only correct answer in this thread.

>> No.19078365

Hitler's main artistry was statecraft. The OP also said "productive years" so the obviously he would not be sentenced for warcrimes in this scenario.

>> No.19078386

Seconded Hodgson

>> No.19078435
File: 190 KB, 1360x765, OnThisDayLermontov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga
he died a young cheeky cunt just like the protag of his only novel, which he written at only 25 and at which multiple writers from the future marvelled and took inspiration from, including Nabokov
his one novel and some poems were enough to include his name in the Golden Age of Russian Literature, along with Pushkin. those two made the modern russian language.

>> No.19078462

Either Rafael or Miura.

>> No.19078483
File: 196 KB, 672x1140, 7983AEB1-2AC2-4B51-8B3E-BDD5843A3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guatav Moreau, my favourite artist

>> No.19078484

Camus for me, the First Man was very good, wish he could have finished it

>> No.19078542

Bros...I cant believe filthy frank is fucking dead

>> No.19078583
File: 158 KB, 1200x1500, 1630221125611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen this one
always thought he was amazing with the details, but it seems not only
the taste this man had, my god

>> No.19078737

>not Pushkin

>> No.19078786
File: 1.96 MB, 2282x2690, Keats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious answer.

>> No.19078835
File: 134 KB, 450x645, alpha7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche, really wanna see those post-horse-hugging works

>> No.19078891
File: 42 KB, 920x380, 9e92dd8c_1f12_4426_b7ac_131dca1d294a_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19078932

how can you use all those words and clearly not know what they mean?

>> No.19078943

now I wanna re-read YKK

>> No.19078955

this is great though

>> No.19078973
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>Satoshi Kon
Correct answer, now that's a man with a vision, work to show for it and NOT ENOUGH TIME

Tolkien and Lovecraft would also have birthed some epic stuff.
Asimov and Stanley Kubrick would also have been good picks.

>> No.19079008
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Anders Zorn, Max Blecher, Cesare Pavese

Beksinski is overrated, glorified metal album covers filled with sophomoric symbolism.

>> No.19079339

Schubert is a phenomenal choice
>t. Viennese with culture

>> No.19079372

Oswald Spengler

>> No.19079544
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this, now I'm sad

>> No.19079574

I'm going to go with this.

>> No.19079589

I agree completely

>> No.19079622

Of course I wish he were still with us, but I quite like chapter 364 as an ending to the series

>> No.19080148

His best years were already long behind him

>> No.19080430

Me, I have way too much kino inside my head and will probably die an early death because of my shit health before i can write it all down

>> No.19080477


>> No.19081609


>> No.19081643

Just imagine... he would've BTFO'd bastardization that his thought suffered at the hands of Young Hegelians.

>> No.19081664

>50 productive years
of gacha pulls

>> No.19081800
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Cao Xueqin, he didn’t live to finish the Dream of the Red Chamber during his lifetime, and his premature death instigated an authorship crisis that led to many rewritings and alternative manuscripts of his great novel. Some of these manuscripts were edited to be more kind to the Qing dynasty government, which was certainly not the aim of the author. As a result, the editions of the novel which we currently have cannot be considered authoritative.

>> No.19082518

JK Toole. It’s a tragedy he only ever published one novel, and I’m sure as he developed he’d have produced a genuine classic.

>> No.19083075

dakota skye. imagine how stretched out her ass would be when shes a granny after 50 years of fucking.

>> No.19083373
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>> No.19083400

Since I'm probably never going to read this book, why do the Chinese hold it up so highly?

>> No.19083420

Ayn Rand

>> No.19083459

Hitler wasn't just financed by corporations but he served them. He cared more about IG FARBEN than the German people. Also he molested his cousin and she killed herself.

>> No.19083919

operator, put me through to the based department, please

>> No.19085410
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Nabokov (I'd love to read more of his delicious little novels)
Montaigne ( a 4th book of essais would be top kino)
Camus (I can't fathom how many based books would we have)
Laiseca (I'd love more of his short stories, pure degradation and maniatic frenzy)
Juan Forn (died too young. His contratapas taught me A LOT about lit)

Also Hemingway, Borges, Kafka, Nicolás Gómez Dávila...

>> No.19085601

Guys, I'm in love, sooo
The artist I pick is her

>> No.19085964


Great taste anon
x2 on your top picks

>> No.19086021

Honestly Proust. But I will prefer that he was cured from his medical conditions, even if he is just granted 15 years more. He was really having a bad time.

>> No.19086171

Nietzsche, obviously.

>> No.19086282


>> No.19086286

You are a based connoisseur of bathing peasant girls, anon.

>> No.19086297

Instead of giving years can I take away 50 years from Heidegger so that he just wrote Being and Time and then died?

>> No.19086299

anon...do you know what fpbp means?

>> No.19086353


>> No.19087384

You might be retarded.
>Idea of Evil = Leviathan
>Behelit = Lament Configuration
>Apostles = Acolytes
>Ganishka = Uncle Frank/Dr. Cannard
>Interstice = Labyrinth
etc, etc, etc. All lifted lol. It's weird you know nothing about Hellraiser or Berserk

>> No.19087390

I know exactly what they mean, but saying I don't isn't an argument anyways. I don't know why funnybook niggers are so insane. They're like Redditors

>> No.19087639


50 years would only give you like 4 new chapters though.

>> No.19087643
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Based. Fuck Lupus.

>> No.19087702
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Marx obviously. If he lived into his 100s to the 1930s but still productive he would have changed shit up. He would have been able to write about the Russian revolution and its failures and even ten years of Stalin

>> No.19087768

I'd like to choose Kafka, but if he had lived longer there's a chance that he would never publish his novels. I'd love if more of his works existed, but I'm not sure how much more he would realistically publish, if not less.

>> No.19087769

Damn cool Neuralblender bro

>> No.19087773

Please no, he would unironically be a Trump supporter

>> No.19087787

Leonardo da Vinci
Van Gogh

>> No.19087980

Bolano Bolano Bolano Bolano

>> No.19088365

Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz
Francisco Quevedo
Charles Boudelaire
Van Gogh lived briefly, Raphael deserves it tho

>> No.19088392
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Absolutely based!

>> No.19088429


>> No.19088665

Mozart died at 35. I'm a Chopin guy, and though he died young too, even Chopin would have wanted me to pick Mozart.

>> No.19088981

>implying mozart isn't still alive

>> No.19089940

(You) ;^)

>> No.19089951

please sauce me on this garry's mod masterpiece

>> No.19089962
File: 331 KB, 1012x1280, 8CA213FF-6D17-4A78-B25D-C9D8E0290AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This or Byron.

>> No.19090284

Kanye West

>> No.19090369

only good answer

>> No.19090471

Either Mahler or Musil. Mahelr 9 feels like a perfect end to his career but he still had a lot of plans and was still relatively young. Musil I just want him to finish the fucking book come on just do it you animal.

>> No.19090836
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>>19075130 Tolstoy, not Nietzsche.
Not bad.

You all are a bunch of brainwashed goons and this thread is a disgusting embarrassment.

Beside Jesus or Adolf,
>Pic related is best answer.

>> No.19090883


>> No.19091014

He didn't serve them, though. I don't think there's anything he cared more for than the German people, even putting aside all his misgivings.
>Also he molested his cousin and she killed herself.
Fake news

>> No.19091050

You make me sad again anon

>> No.19091484
File: 155 KB, 1480x1022, 60241f68122a55d7c43f18db[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cliff Burton so he could have continued turning Metallica into a more progressive leaning metal band with complex compositions and lengthy instrumental tracks instead of what it ended up becoming. The guy died at 24 too, didn't even make it into the 27 club. And it was a freak road accident instead of a drug overdose like you might expect. I think he deserved to live a full life.

>> No.19091685

Alexandre Dumas père. Fifty years would mean like... another 140 novels.

>> No.19091701

>t. 60 years old

>> No.19091706

Pynchon. Post-mortem Pynchon is just too weird for me bros

>> No.19091735

Insane despair would obviously goad Mishima to new artistic heights, he was already losing his shit so bad about 1960s Japan that he committed needlessly-involute suicide. If that pigfucker had survived until last year he would've been completely crazed with helpless fury, the books would have been great.

>> No.19091737

I like his work but to be honest I think his artistic vision was already pretty substantially expressed in the work he already did.

>> No.19092078


>> No.19092091

sometimes I forget that butterfly tripfag is indeed a faggot...

>> No.19092117


>> No.19092123

Juice WRLD

>> No.19092141

Satoshi Kon

>> No.19092369

obviously Stirner. That man discovered a synthesis of the unconscious libido and economics before frued was born and marx was published. if he hadn't been taken early by a bug bite the entire landscape of structural philosophy would have been unnecessary and nobody would care about Nietzsche.

>> No.19092439

Robert E. Howards. Imagine all the kino stuff he would have delivered over the years