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19068962 No.19068962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I be an ethnonationalist and a Christian?

>> No.19068973

No, and I don't see why you'd want to be.

>> No.19068985

>/lit/ - Christianity & Schizophrenia

>> No.19068986

You can be anything and a Christian, so long as you pretend to believe in Jesus.

>> No.19068993

Because I don't want brown people in my country. But anyway, I'm here to see an answer to my question, not debate my original beliefs.
So was Hitler a Christian?

>> No.19069004
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>> No.19069005

Not really, no. Doesn't make a lot of sense to be an ethno-nationalist while believing in a foreign (in particular a Jewish) deity, does it?

>> No.19069011

This may be the most retarded image I have ever seen on the internet.

>> No.19069013

I'm Greek and my country has been Christian since 400 AC
So are you like a fringe prot? Cause I'm Orthodox.

>> No.19069021

>So was Hitler a Christian?
Yes, a Catholic to be precise

>> No.19069026

>I'm Greek and my country has been Christian since 400 AC
So? Doesn't change the fact that the Christian God is a Jewish god and that Jesus was an (ethnic) Jew.

>> No.19069044

Leni Riefenstahl (Memoirs, p.g. 211):
‘Do you believe in God?’ I asked, gazing at him directly. Hitler looked at me in surprise, then smiled and said: ‘Yes – I believe in a divine power, not in the dogmas of the Church, although I consider them necessary. I believe in God and in a divine destiny.’ He turned away then and, folding his hands, gazed into the distance. ‘And when the time is ripe, a new Messiah will come – he doesn’t have to be a Christian, but he will found a new religion that will change the world.’
Then you don't know what ethnonationalism is.

>> No.19069056

Sure you can, you'll just be another lonely hateful larper though

>> No.19069066

I am a christian and an ethnonationalist. It seems like are paradox but it's not. Being a christian does not mean you have to let your communities be invaded by hordes of low IQ brown people. I can be empathetic towards individuals no matter their background but that does not mean I have to be ignorant towards general group behavior of people from low-IQ countries. It's not hating others it's simply loving my own people more. Basic and simple stuff really. The christians of the past werent a bunch of cucks, they had fierce warriors among them that didnt take no shit by any ay-rabs.

>> No.19069067

I meant be a Christian. The former is just common sense. I've no idea what makes so many rightists want to LARP as Christians, and I mean LARP, because you'll never in a million years convince yourself that Jew walked on water or that loving your enemies is a neat idea.
>was Hitler a Christian
Nope, he pandered to Christians in some speeches because obviously many Germans were Christian.

>> No.19069068

Daniel 2:43 ESV / 127 helpful votes

As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.

You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.

You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed, lest the whole yield be forfeited, the crop that you have sown and the yield of the vineyard. You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together. You shall not wear cloth of wool and linen mixed together.

Look up the books and chapter/verse yourself.

>> No.19069073

Two ideologies that are diametrically opposed in just about every way imaginable? I've seen weirder I guess

>> No.19069078

>I've no idea what makes so many rightists want to LARP as Christians
"Western Civilization" is basically the history of the Catholic Church.

>> No.19069080

Oh they did take that shit, the Christians of Egypt and Syria welcomed the Arabs as liberators from the sectarian patriarch of Constantinople. And you can see today what the results are!

>> No.19069081

Alright, thanks for the response fren.
This refers to religion. In fact, Jesus has phoenician ancestry, I'm pretty sure.
>t. tranny leftist

>> No.19069083


>> No.19069093

>This refers to religion.
It refers to race. Jesus is the son of God.

>> No.19069098
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Yet it's more real then you ever thinking you'll be a woman

I'm Russian Orthodox

>> No.19069100

Yes, but you also need to recognize that your ethnostate isnt any less succeptible to a fall. Think of Moses sermon in Deuteronomy on how they would not enter the promised land by merit, but rather through the humble faith of their ancestors. Likewise in the New Testament, Christians were likened to a branch that can still be cut off. There's certainly some merits to ethnic pride, but temper your selfworth. Also consider the days of Jonah until the fall of Babylon. Assyrians destroyed Israel for its lawbreaking, Babylon destroyed Assyria for the same and Judah helped plunder it, Judah's king Mannaseh was chastised by Babylon but eventually Judah was destroyed for lawbreaking also. Persia destroyed Babylon for likewise reasons. Don't you see? All in 200 years and all these people think they are god's chosen but fall like the princes. It is frightening to have the hubris these nations had before their fall.

>> No.19069107

Therefore you should pretend to believe in the divinity of Christ and the Gospels?

>> No.19069109

They are both copes commonly used by the unsocial young men with low prospects for a successful future that browse this website, so yes I don't think you'll be alone with those views

>> No.19069114

I fail to see how you can like the new testament and hate foreigners at the same time. Caring about your nation is very christian in a sense as long as it's not an idol.

>> No.19069119

If Jesus passed you on the street today I wonder what thoughts you’d have of him based on his appearance.

>> No.19069120

I definitely accept this.
These verses referred to Jews and non-Jews. But since now everyone can become a Christian, it applies to Christians and non-Christians. The evolution of the worship of Yahweh is Christianity.

>> No.19069128

No, just realism about the types of people that browse this website and make posts like this.

>> No.19069153

I would feel bad about him being dirt poor
Fuck off, you don't know a damn thing.

>> No.19069157
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Hitler on religion (BTFOing christcucks, paganlarpers and esoteric hitlerists all in one go)
>I know nothing of the Other World, and I have the honesty to admit it.
>An educated man retains the sense of the mysteries of nature and bows before the unknowable.
>Whoever sees God only in an oak or in a tabernacle, instead of seeing Him everywhere, is not truly pious.
>Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.
>What is in opposition to the laws of nature cannot come from God. Moreover, thunderbolts do not spare churches.
>It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund.
>I especially wouldn't want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling for me, and I would wish I'd never lived, if I were to end up in the skin of a Buddha!
Table Talk is based, front to back, so naturally wignats disavow it. It should be the defining book of the right instead it's completely ignored.

>> No.19069170

>Table Talk
>instead it's completely ignored.
Because it's a fucking fake

>> No.19069171
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Why are neonazi fake trads so cringe bros
(I am racist myself but damn these cunts are insufferable)

>> No.19069184

I’m a Palestinian Zionist myself.

>> No.19069194

Fake Hitler is based then. Can't believe the anglo jews would make him seem so cool and intelligent. Irving treats it as legit btw.

>> No.19069198

So what's your religion

>> No.19069205

Christian larpers truly are retarded, and I'm saying this as a Catholic.

>> No.19069210

Basically you can be a nationalist but not a supremacist, if you're universalising your ethics to all human beings (i.e. 'ethnostates for everyone') it's not un-christian so long as you genuinely believe that would be better for everyone

>> No.19069241

Don't need one. I'd agree with the Hitler quotes on God above, i.e. not an atheist... just think the organized religions are an obvious scam with poisonous ideas... there's a reason Traditionalism is shilled so relentlessly.

>> No.19069242
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>> No.19069255

>ethnostates for everyone
Pinko nonsense. Rhodesia > Zimbabwe. Simple as.

>> No.19069256

It worked very well for Europeans for a long time. Since we've abandoned it we've seen a rapid decline. Which way, Western man?

>> No.19069313

You may very coherently take that view if you're a non-Christian

>> No.19069319

The Greeks and the Romans did fine without it. The English speaking world reached its apex in the late 19th and early 20th century, Christianity was already moribund at that point.

To be a Christian you must believe that in the reign of Augustus, when Cicero, author of Nature of the Gods, was already in his grave, a carpenter in the Middle East 1) was born of a virgin, 2) healed lepers and the blind, 3) walked on water 4) rose from the dead, etc. You must also practice his teachings, including the fundamental teaching of turning the other cheek and forgiving your enemies. If you don't believe the former or practice the latter you're not a Christian. Going to Church because you don't like "poz" is cope, a big fat LARP.

>> No.19069397

Because they clearly don’t know shit about National Socialism or Christianity. Even when the Third Reich was in power, attempts to bridge the two weren’t successful. Christians who were supporters of the party were vocal critics of the racial policies of the Nazis. The idea that a people could have an evil flaw that could not be overcome by baptism is blasphemy. And the idea that if a Jew gets baptized he could be considered one of the volk would have been detestable.

>> No.19069520
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>> No.19069565

I've read this. He just whines about muh holocaust.

>> No.19069600

Every Christian that lived before 1950 or so would've been an ethnonationalist by today's standards

>> No.19069617

>Russian Orthodox
>posts pictures of Lutheran soldiers who BTFO'd his joke of a country and rape his grandmother
Spare us the embarrassment, Sergei

>> No.19069624

>every Christian that lived before 1950 would've subscribed to ideology that was created in the 19th century

>> No.19069643

damnit. the joke was that in the earlier post Hitler is said to still have waited for the Messiah to come, disregarding Nietzsche, and this book cover totally has that scene covered while Nietzsche weps because of Hitler praying there.

>> No.19069661


>> No.19069686

Of course you can be
I'm Polish and we are ethnonationalist and christian. There is no contradiction

>> No.19069717


>> No.19069756

Cope imminent

>> No.19069778
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Codreanu says yes

>> No.19069948

Codreanu was a schizo who was tempted by satan disguised as an angel

>> No.19069954
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Okay Vile Schlomo

>> No.19069970

>Codreanu was a schizo who was tempted by satan disguised as an angel
>Okay Vile Schlomo
Who was right? Which is the Real Christianity™? Purchase my substack for the answer.

>> No.19070325

christian prioritisies god and heaven, caring about brown people would simply make you too materlialist and egoistic in the eyes of god.

>> No.19070336

christianity is a form of jewish universalism, so no

>> No.19070337

Read Codreanu and ignore all the morons above me

>> No.19070368

No? If you're an ethnonationalist (which by the way is fucking retarded), which involves nationalism, agression and anti-semitism, probably the worst religion you could ever pick is Christianity (which is also very retarded, but in a radically differebt way), since Christianity is universalist, pacifistic and a direct derivative of Judaism.

You're honestly better off as a weeaboo shinto as an ethnonationalist. You're still a retard, but at least a consistent retard

>> No.19070375

Stop posting

>> No.19070408

lol are you genuinely retarded? anyone can practice national socialism, its not something that is specific to Germany

>> No.19070509

You can be whatever you want as a Christian, just make shit up to fit your needs. It's a long standing tradition. If someone disagrees it doesn't matter since they are going to hell.

>> No.19070562

A religious state I can get, but an ethnic one is not important to me. I’d rather live in a country which is 100% Black Christian than one which is 100% White Muslim. Religious belief is more important than race.

>> No.19070585

Let's compare Bosnia to Nigeria. Which one would you prefer?

>> No.19070608


>> No.19070651

Would you rather live in a white pagan high iq culture or a black christian shithole in Africa?

>> No.19070653

Southern Nigeria

>> No.19071427

You misunderstand Christianity.
>The Elements of St. Augustine's Just War Theory

>> No.19071437

Yes, if the ethnostate in question is Israel.

>> No.19071463

>Christianity is universalist, pacifistic and a direct derivative of Judaism.
Read the Bible dumbass. When you are finished with that, read Caesar and Christ.

>> No.19071472

>modern pagans
>high iq