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/lit/ - Literature

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19065973 No.19065973 [Reply] [Original]

>Can read light novels for 8 hours straight without taking a break without any trouble.
>Pick up Atlas Shrugged and get bored after 15 minutes of reading.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I appreciate these great literary classics?

>> No.19065989

atlas shrugged is fucking garbage lmao
I see this sentiment a lot. I think it's a combination of media illiteracy and american brain rot
you can read light novels because they have no merit as written works. they don't lean into the medium of prose and are written to ape visual media
I suspect you have some dumb fuck american disposition that makes you think reading is hard and for smarter people than you. just thinking this shit is absolute poison. stop thinking reading is a big deal, it's fucking entertainment
read more. start somewhere easier but actually engage with what's being presented with you instead of trying to passively soak up an ounce of pleasure like some media rotten, serotonin addicted mop

>> No.19065993
File: 12 KB, 265x190, Otomagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me a recommendation based on this image?

>> No.19066014

Reading hard books is hard. Work up to them gradually. Thats it

>> No.19066050
File: 35 KB, 600x600, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atlas Shrugged
>literary classic

>> No.19066069

light novels are light for a reason

>> No.19066295

you're actually wrong about this though, television is not a passive medium the way movies are. watching television is an interactive process that puts you in the scene and that's what makes it addictive.
although that has nothing to do with light novels, or the OP, who we can agree is a retard.

>> No.19066301

>you're actually wrong about this though, television is not a passive medium the way movies are. watching television is an interactive process that puts you in the scene and that's what makes it addictive.
imagine having an IQ low enough to type this

>> No.19066303

heckin love science dude! everythings a number!

>> No.19066304

case and point

>> No.19066311

He's quoting McLuhan you dunce.

>> No.19066313


>> No.19066345

>television is not a passive medium the way movies are. watching television is an interactive process that puts you in the scene
brainlet here, what the fuck did he mean by this is the implication that tv presents more relatable situations to trigger a social reflex which is the root of the addictive quality?
how does tv "put you in the scene" in a way that movies don't?

>> No.19066368

It doesn't exactly apply to modern movies as much as movies at the time he made that statement, but old movies are more like moving photography with long pans and scenery, action presented in a stageplay format. There are exceptions to that like Casablanca and that's why they did so well, because it was revolutionary at the time. But think of watching a stageplay and you feel like you're outside the action. Compare that to a modern action movie or romcom where you feel personally invested. The difference is palpable.
TV sitcoms are worse because you have prolonged exposure to the characters and deeply empathize with their situation. Plus they've gotten the algorithm down to a science, like Start A, Obstacle B appears - Conflict - Resolution -- So you have that MMORPG grind style of addictive quality.
I don't read light novels but suspect they give you an equal level of reward for little effort done (because they're so easy to read, you 'solve' each problem quickly enough to override the 'difficulty/effort' barrier ==> addiction)

>> No.19066860

Light novels are literally for children. Combine that with being translated and it should be clear why.

>> No.19066873

>case and point
anon I...