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19061677 No.19061677 [Reply] [Original]

The Bible is a terrible book, I expected more philosophy but it's instead all square, outdated morality. Maybe Christianity isn't for me? Was Nietzsche right about it?

>> No.19061752

You're supposed to skip the Pentateuch once you get halfway through Exodus

>> No.19061769

>Maybe Christianity isn't for me?
Yeah, maybe so.

>> No.19061773

Christianity is cringe. Islam is based. But Hinduism is the real Chad religion.

>> No.19061791

Nietzsche liked the old testament

>> No.19061800

Grow a brain, zoomer

>> No.19061812

>i expected philosophy and got a bunch of moral philosophy

>> No.19061813

The whole point of becoming a Christian, or any Abrahamic sect, is that you want to give up the burden of free thought and surrender yourself as cattle to others. You're not meant to expect, you are only to obey.

>> No.19061904

i love when people say shit like "broo free thought lmao so free bro" when what they really mean is "REEEE I need to mindlessly engage in self destructive and outwardly destructive degenerate behavior without thinking about the consequences for myself and others or considering the morality of such actions"

>> No.19061929

Post chin

>> No.19061983
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>> No.19062012

next time just admit you dont care about "free thought" you just dont want to have to think period. be honest and own your beliefs instead of trying to shroud them in some make shift sense of virtue

>> No.19062084

>self destructive and outwardly destructive degenerate behavior
Kek, free thought isn’t this, you know that, right anon?

>> No.19062091
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>moral philosophy

>The right way to approach existence on the behavioral level

The love of wisdom: Ones relationship with wisdom, particularly for the orientation of different ways of determining right living and right action.

It might be a shock to an edgy anti-social SSRI kid like yourself but proper philosophy inevitably includes morality. Multiple people exist, therefore theres going to necessarily be rules that address the issue of multiple people existing and how they can successfully coexist. The bible achieved this alongside divine inspiration as well. Get over it prick.

>> No.19062188

> Multiple people exist, therefore theres going to necessarily be rules that address the issue of multiple people existing and how they can successfully coexist. The bible achieved this alongside divine inspiration as well. Get over it prick.
Religions belong to their time and work for a while as long as the world doesnt change that much. I'm not sure any of the classic religions can offer many answers to society today. We're peoples caught between two modes of thinking and it's destroying us.

>> No.19062255

Fuck you that bird nest harvesting ban is very important

>> No.19062264

You are just being memed by the reactionary "converts" on this board.
Some years back all these spergs were tipping their fedoras at dawkins, but now that their socially well adjusted peers are also primarily atheist they need to go against the flow once more as a substitute for a personality.
Notice that they arent simply christian, they are "tradcath". Probably masturbate to blond sluts wearing SS uniforms in wheatfields.

>> No.19062266

Demonstrates God's love. Of birds

>> No.19062676

The Bible is the greatest book ever written.

>> No.19062756

Forget about the idea that this is some cohesive collection, it’s silly to think from Genesis to Revelations the writers were all under one vision. Just read Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs. New Testament has some nice writing, but it’s still fundamentally based on cult / idolatry though. Maimonides’ works are worth reading.

>> No.19062793

Why do you think there are so many beatles?

>> No.19063057

Not really, the only people worth a damn believe in God and shun all the supposed substitutes for God propped up by "pragmatism" such as science or academia. They recognize the objective and eternal character of creation as opposed to just the subjective and temporal. Religious people are built to last because they have accepted God within their hearts, the science people aren't meant to last because they reject it.

A wise man once said that a healthy civilization sustains itself by feasting on time, while an unhealthy civilization sustains itself by feasting on matter, the result being that the civilization that eats time overcomes time and lasts for a long time and the one that eats matter cannot last because it cannot overcome time.

God doesn't change no matter how much we change.

>> No.19063148

I'm not disputing the concept of God, but the utility of an specific religion outside of its time and place. My point wasn't against religiousness (spiritualism), but religion as a civilizational tool. There's a reason why every religion eventually gets replaced, some lasting more than others (suppossing relevant numbers). Religions get recycled all the time, taking stuff from previous religions and modifying it to suit the characteristics of the time and region. I don't advocate for an atheist regime, and I myself believe in something higher, but Christianity has been declining for a while and it's not crazy to think that we're in a transitional period where some brand new religion or a recycled one could take over in the next century or two.

>> No.19063186

Christianity is growing, and when Europe and the United States implode and collapse due to anti-human ideologies like liberalism, atheism, materialism, capitalism, etc., they will turn back to the God of the Bible quick

>> No.19063209

Religion only fails when the people who abide by it let themselves be outnunbered by the Godless animals they've chosen to see as compatriots and still play nice with them.

Christianity hasn't even come close to the fullness of it's potential, same with hellenism. The problem comes with ignoring religion for temporal garbage or mixing the two over centuries.

>> No.19063213

>Christianity is growing
It may be growing in numbers due to Africans, but what's growing is a very superficial form of Christianity that is becoming unrecognizable from traditional Christianity. At the end the faith may share the name, but in practice it might as well be an entirely different religion.

Also "anti-human ideologies" like you say tend to repackage Christianity into another shapes like wokeism/Floydism, with similar concepts (White privilege / sin, climate apocalypse / hell).

>> No.19063224

Ah you're about one prod away from advocating violence against the infidels aren't you? Classic ressentiment-filled christer.

>> No.19063235

Whatever form of Christ the baptized shamanist in Mali believes in is much closer to the source material than the gothic-cathedrals-and-crusaders stuff you retweet.

>> No.19063245

>Also "anti-human ideologies" like you say tend to repackage Christianity into another shapes like wokeism/Floydism, with similar concepts (White privilege / sin, climate apocalypse / hell).
I won’t even deny this. It’s a Satanic perversion of Christian concepts and ingrained sentiments the elite use to get the populace to worship their false idols of progress, the state and science.

>> No.19063336

Take your adderall Jason

>> No.19063365

What an awful post

>> No.19063376

The Bible is just 95% kikes killing each other and there's a little sliver in the back where it says not to do that.
Anyone who takes this book seriously is a moron, unironically.

>> No.19063377

Smug dumbass parasite

>> No.19064239

>these dudes ignoring Leviticus 15 explaining that having fourteen cumrags is absolutely disgusting

>> No.19064738

The vast majority of the Bible is not interested in convincing or converting anyone, but is written by and for people that already believe. It is fundamentally not a work of philosophy and it is not interested at all in explaining how or why God exists.

There is value in reading the Bible, even for non-Christians, but if you go into it expecting something that it's not, you will be disappointed.

>> No.19065264

>t. clearly not reading the KJV

>> No.19065363

This is like walking up a hill then falling into a chasm. Full of shit.

>> No.19065393

Read Guenon(pbuh). Hinduism is the closest to the primordial tradition

>> No.19065402

Guenon was a freemason dilettante. Hinduism is for street-shitters and superstitious heathens.

>> No.19065406

Hylic. Continue your hollow exoteric ritual since that is all Christianity has left.

>> No.19065407

Then you were too retarded to see the ontology and cosmology.

>> No.19065414

>exotic ritual
I'm not the one LARPing like a pajeet.

>> No.19065419

Doesn't even know what exoteric means. You are doomed to be absorbed into the gross multiplicity

>> No.19065621

> implying
All Hinduism has left beyond the exoteric is secularized politics and ISKCON-tier dingbattery, this isn't the 12th century anymore anon

>> No.19065839

It's quite telling that christians immediately assume they'd become degenerate hedonists without christianity
You're weak