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19058628 No.19058628 [Reply] [Original]

> It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

What should do if I am literally Raphael?

>> No.19058633

Post on /r9k/ where you belong

>> No.19058651

bro, they're just hoes, it's not that big of a deal :P

>> No.19058787
File: 261 KB, 1536x1536, etg9-square-1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk read picrel nigga

>> No.19058811

Nothing. Stop worrying about it. Doesn't have to be true.

>> No.19058880

The answer is, as always, to start with the greeks.

>> No.19058930

The physical bodies of young people are the only desirable thing the universe has ever created but they are reserved for the exclusive use of the young strong and handsome. What the fuck do I do when I am a romantic but I’m totally and permanently locked out of the dimension of beauty, sex, and love.

>> No.19058950

accept it and continue trying to do your best

>> No.19058960

The beauty of physical bodies is only an imitation of the true beauty that can only be reached by rational contemplation. Start wirth the greeks.

>> No.19058971

sounds like cope, I read platos theory of forms and it’s pretty retarded

>> No.19058992

So you dislike a single theory and have not addressed anything else? Try some stuff from the Epicureans, or hell, Aristotle, though admittedly he is a lot less interesting to read than he is to talk about.

>> No.19059003

Hey man, I think make philosophy is cope / slave morality. I really only like Schopenhauer and Houellebecq. I want prime young teen girls but I can’t get them. There’s nothing to do about it and I’m going to be miserable and hopeless forever, I can try to deny the will but I am not optimistic about that.

>> No.19059021

I'm going to assume that when you speak of the young, you're talking about 18-25. Improve yourself. Become wealthy, fit, talented, whatever. Learn an instrument or something. What do you do for work? Become rich or an artist. Yes, this is vague and idk how to do any of htat shit but that's how you do it. Unless you're like 50, you can still get a girl in her early or mid 20s if you have enough good qualities. If you're posting here, there's a strong possibility you're under 30 in which case you are still relatively young.

>> No.19059026

attachments lead to suffering, because you haven't experienced beauty, sex, and love, you have idealized it. If/when you actually experience it, the suffering it generates will quickly disabuse you of that notion. It most definitely is not the only desirable thing the universe ever created, you have probably fried your dopamine receptors from porn, video games, the internet, and fast food and now need something extremely stimulating to penetrate.

>> No.19059037

The point is that there is more to life than sexual persuit. Call it a cope, or slave morality all you want but all forms of culture, rationality and sophistication are based on denying animal instincts, even if only partially. I don't know why you're so dismissive of this aspect, especially when your instincts are leading you to failure, as you yourself said.

>> No.19059039

Ok, I missed this comment. Prime young teen girls? That's a bit creepy sounding, anon. Do you think it's possible that you have just gotten this idea that teen years=peak attractiveness in your head? I've seen plenty of girls in their early 20s who still look like they're 17 or 18. But if you're looking for a girl in her early or mid teens, you should probably just kill yourself to reduce the chances of you ruining some poor girl's life. Either that or go to therapy.

>> No.19059043

Did you have a gf when you were whatever age you consider most desirable? You might have some kind of complex due to that. Talk to a doctor or priest.

>> No.19059059

>The physical bodies of young people are the only desirable thing the universe has ever created

Imagine actually believing this. I don't even mean it in a ironic or derisive way exactly. But you must be blind if you can't recognize that our bodies, even the ones that belong to the most beautiful of people are rapidly decaying corpses with an expiration date. Containers for shit, snot and piss that only for a select amount of people, for a limited amount of time actually look nice and only on the exterior.

The everlasting soul, and anything that strives after that transcendence is true beauty. Religious experiences, sublime works of art and nature, and personalities that use their temporary houses trapped in flesh to do great things. This is true beauty.

>> No.19059063

because existence is suffering, sex is just another addiction. Even if you have it, when it is absent because you already experienced it, it becomes suffering. What happens if your partner leaves or dies, or you lose interest in them? Do you just keep cycling partners? That will only generate a feeling of emptiness. True happiness comes from relinquishing attachments, when you've had enough suffering, read and apply happiness beyond thought by Gary Weber.

>> No.19059091

How can the imperfect physical forms of human beings compare to the true beauty of the perfect human form that only exists in the mind? I petty the midwit that cannot comprehend the sexual intercourse that can take place when your rationality hit the edge of the ideals and create cosmic orgasmic friction.

>> No.19059095

>That's a bit creepy sounding, anon.
Huh? I don’t specifically want a teenage girl, I want a beautiful girl, but most beautiful girls are in their teens. It’s rare for any woman to be as pretty at 25 as she is at 18. Regardless women do peak around 18, it’s when they are most healthy and fertile. This is just basic biology.

>> No.19059102
File: 25 KB, 400x430, 5FE57C2C-A595-4F0B-93AC-C8CCB4195377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens if your partner leaves
Chad doesn’t have that problem. He makes any girl he meets an obsessive stalker for life.

>> No.19059165

Ok, I'm glad to hear that. I was worried for a second. Wanting someone beautiful is normal. Where I work, I have to check people's IDs who want to buy alcohol and I can assure you that while there are women well into their 20s who still look very young and beautiful. There are women in their 30s who look beautiful too but I will admit it is different. I'm not sure how to explain besides just saying they're older. Anyways, my point is that there are stil beautiful girls out there. If you want one, you have to have something to offer. What do you currently have that a beautiful girl woudl want? Are you funny, smart, passionate, charming, tall, rich, handsome, fit, well-dressed, well-groomed, interesting, kind, conficent, powerful, famous, "famous" (famous within a subculture, music genre, hobby-type-thing), or skilled? You don't have to have every single one of these traits but you will need to have at least some. How old are you?

>> No.19059170

I meant to say while there are women in their 20s who look a lot older, there are also women well into their 20s who still look very young and beautiful.

>> No.19059175

24 and I’m an autistic neet, I used to easily be able to get girls based on my looks alone but they are rapidly degrading. It’s a shame because I was quite happy getting girls from tinder while being a NEET in my moms basement but I think those days are over for me now. Maybe I’ll cure my autism but in any case I know if I was just better looking I wouldn’t be having these worries at all

>> No.19059190

You're 24? That's still kind of young. I don't think that's too old to get beautiful girls, especially if you've been able to do it while being a NEET. What are you going to do to escape NEETdom? How are your looks degrading? I also just realized you said Tinder, which means they were hook ups. If you're just looking for hook ups, there's no reason to care about you. I want to help a man who will be a good husband and father, not a hedonist.

>> No.19059197

How are you good looking? You must have been very good looking if you're autistic, NEET, and live with your mom. That's a lot for an attractive girl to look past. It's also possible that the girls were not attractive but I will choose to believe you, anon.

>> No.19059255

>I used to easily be able to get girls based on my looks alone
did you actually get girls or did you just have the ability to do so?

>> No.19059257

Meh, I didn’t get with supermodels but I thought most girls I got with were cute, they were 6s at best, mostly around average to slightly below average

But one time I was on summer vacation in Quebec and dated a literal 9, she must not have realized how autistic I really was

>> No.19059263

Yh my body count is around 50 no cap homie

>> No.19059307

How tall are you

>> No.19059334

6’2, big frame, and above average facially, I’d say all things considered in my prime I was a solid 7.5/10

But I’m balding now and losing my prettyboy glow, things aren’t looking good for me that’s for sure

>> No.19059353

I don't know whether or not to say I'm sorry to hear that. I am sorry to hear that if you planned on settling down relatively soon. I don't care if you're just sad you can't do hook ups anymore. If you're not contributing to the future, I don't care.

>> No.19059369

You are just a bitch having a hard time facing realities of life.

>> No.19059403

I never ever just wanted a hookup but no girl could ever bear more than a few dates with me so that’s all I ever had