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19055142 No.19055142 [Reply] [Original]

>For as what is conceived, is conceived by conception, and what is conceived by conception, as it is conceived, so is in conception; so what is understood, is understood by understanding, and what is understood by understanding, as it is understood, so is in the understanding. What can be more clear than this?
also, basically
>God exists because I say it does
St. Anselm, everybody.

>> No.19055148

never been disproven

>> No.19055160
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Why is it the jew God and all of the later theological ramifications

>> No.19055166

I never really studied Anselm at any level, at all, but sometimes I get the feeling a truly schizo understanding of his ontological argument is the Final Boss of all thought.

>> No.19055203

I don't get it

>> No.19055271

This. OP is just another filtered brainlet seething as usual.

>> No.19055293

All he proves is that a conception exists. Not that a conception has to be actualized.

>> No.19055315

The ontological argument has never been disproven. Gaytheists can seethe all they want

>> No.19055408

The fact there are people who actually buy the ontological argument saddens me.

>> No.19055424

look at his chad tier jawline.
compare him to the weak sissy boy "intellectuals" of today

>> No.19055430

A conception is the pure actuality.

>> No.19055547


>> No.19055555
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>filtered by a circular argument

>> No.19055569

kek and checked

>> No.19055643


>> No.19055828

>rational axiomatic premisses aren't/can't be tautological
maybe you should just reject logic and reason

>> No.19055848

For as what is conceived, is conceived by conception, and what is conceived by conception, as it is conceived, so is in conception; so what is actualized, is actualized by actualizing, and what is actualized by actualizing, as it is actualized, so is in the actualizing. What can be more clear than this?

>> No.19056676

And where do you draw that conception=actualization? You're just memeing.

>> No.19056687

KEK why do you give a shit about that? Are you 13 or something?

>> No.19056693



>> No.19056731

cute. what's their of?