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19054189 No.19054189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>We live no longer in the age of great, thriving, voracious plagues, but in the age of cancer, diabetes, and neuroses, where parts of the human body make themselves autonomous to grow, to spread abundantly, and to destroy the human form. Thus, the question becomes legitimate, whether the cancer institutes that can be found in every country do not tend to spread cancer, rather than cure it. For the type of mind at work in those institutes is akin to the physical phenomena that are observed in cancer. Let those who deny this be reminded that it is this mental activity that produces cancer artificially, as for instance, with the aid of aromatic carbohydrates obtained from coal tar.

Is this true?

>> No.19054202

>We live no longer in the age of great, thriving, voracious plagues

our decade so far has been dominated by a plague so no

>> No.19054210

anon I…

>> No.19054211

>that pic
absolute state of religion in the west

>> No.19054213

It's not a plague. And the response has been far more damaging than the disease, a bit like cancer.

>> No.19054221

And since this is a lit thread suggest books that show the other side, that the pandemic response has been beneficial to overall health.

>> No.19054225



>> No.19054229

>A conscientious, humane physician is in a difficult position today. If he abandons his mission of healing the sick, he is no longer a physician. But how problematic is the task of a physician who finds himself the employee of an organization whose interests are often diametrically opposed to those of the patient! What strange notions about the nature of health must not of necessity prevail in a technical setup which defines as "healthy" only that which works for its own benefit! And the technical organization controls with growing strictness the whole field of medicine; it dominates the physician as well as the patient; it also controls the methods of the cure. Modern medical theorists, with the exception of a few outsiders, favor and further this mechanization of medicine and collaborate with it.

>> No.19054233

How about 7News Australia?

>So, even if you run into your next-door neighbor in the shopping center … don’t start up a conversation. Now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others.

>> No.19054424

Seriously though: why has COVID—a glorified common cold—received the response that it has?—a species-wide mobilization that rivals the great wars of yore in terms of scope of fervor. Are our elites paranoid, incompetent, or do they just like fucking with us?

>> No.19054433

Oh, that's an easy one. They want money and power.

>> No.19054435

the response was the goal, covid is just the convenient excuse

>> No.19054459

meds, m8

>> No.19054464

It’s pretty obvious. The elites want more wealth and power. The past two years have seen the largest upward transference of wealth in a very, very long time. All small businesses had to shut down for months, and had to follow strict regulations (like limiting how many people they allow inside) when they were finally allowed to open. All the while, big businesses (like Walmart, Target, etc.) carried on the entire time as usual, with the exception of having to make customers wear masks. Not to mention the lockdowns facilitated our recent summer of love in which BurnLootMurder turned cities in war zones. That never would have happened had there not been a lockdown. People would be too busy going about their lives. And who was effected most by all of this? The working class. The wealthy weren’t the ones getting their shit looted and burned.

>> No.19054470

There was a plague? where are he streets of dead bodies?

>> No.19054478

Yeah it just kind of boggles the mind sometimes, how deep into the narrative some folks can get. It's obviously an offensive maneuver to anyone that doesn't blame everything the corporations do on coincidence.

>> No.19054482

I need some more plague lit, tales of thousands people dealing with the aftermath of their societies being decimated by disease, or the sole survivor of a family.

>> No.19054551

>millions dead

>> No.19054564

jfl if you think those numbers aren’t inflated

>> No.19054569

Literally yes. Millions die with the common cold and flu every year.

>> No.19054587

What city do you live in?

>> No.19054593

What does it matter what city he lives in?

>> No.19054594

>Break your neck
>test positive for the Chinese flu
>die from broken neck
>registered as Chinese flu death
Your numbers are fake

>> No.19054599

Fucking this. I can't believe more people aren't questioning this shit.

>> No.19054605

Too plugged in probably. Distracted by something else.

>> No.19054633

Boston. And I can't fucking wait to graduate from university and move to Florida. I hate this liberal shit hole state.

>> No.19054639

The common cold doesnt tend to stuff hospitals over-capacity with those infected

>> No.19054647


>> No.19054716

The common cold also isn't the flu

>> No.19054725
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>> No.19054735

It really comes down to whatever someone might think is more likely: are more people at risk of dying than ever since the bubonic plague, one of the few situations which might warrant such heavy-handed procedures as locking the whole world down for years under the pretense of two weeks, or are corporations greedy? It can really be about as simple as that.

>> No.19054748

Cope. Hospitals have always become overcrowded due to flu and cold breakouts.

>> No.19054789

Flu yes, cold no. Please stop being a retard, it'll do you wonders

>> No.19054790

Most people want things to be easy, and to question their masters is hard. Bread and circuses.

>> No.19054801

>Flu is totally a serious concern wrt. overcrowded hospitals!
>Covid, with a much more consistent and elevated death/serious illness rate, is a total globohomo jew conspiracy
Boy those two braincells of yours are firing on all cylinders today

>> No.19054812

How can you be this dense? Or are you willingly misinterpreting it?

>> No.19054815
File: 273 KB, 736x483, 91530494583e44dd93f95b3c45436842_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like Baudrillard. Is it?

>> No.19054819

I never once claimed that it wasn't a concern or that it had anything to do with Jews. Your one brain cell is evidently firing on no cylinders today.

>> No.19054820

I mean I get it, if they do then their jobs are on the line. Propaganda blaring 24/7, all that. It's understandable. They just don't understand that there's greener pastures, is all.

Smells like shills in here desu, good rule of thumb is that if they just don't let up and act kind of willfully ignorant that's probably what they are.

>> No.19054830

Hospitals are overwhelmed when people don't get vaccinated or refuse safety procedures, and this virus is an all-year ordeal. Just like how some infinities are bigger than others, some viruses are more damaging to social structures than others.

>> No.19054838

Flu yes, cold yes (google ARI). Please stop being a retard, it'll do you wonders.

>> No.19054846

>some viruses are more damaging to social structures than others
True. COVID doesn't seem to be one these however.

>> No.19054869

The reformation was a fucking mistake.

>> No.19054889

>Hospitals are overwhelmed when people don't get vaccinated or refuse safety procedures, and this virus is an all-year ordeal.
Would you be willing to step outside of this viewpoint just to see what those would look like in the light of adherence to social norms dictated by corporations instead of the mitigation of a virus, or would that be asking too much? Just a what if.

>> No.19054923

>increase hospital capacity
>preventive health measures (vit D, exercise)
>immediate medicine when testing positive (ivermectine)
None of these have been done, and would all destroy the need for a vaccine except for the risk groups.

>> No.19054946

Also interested.
It's an interesting topic but please post books.

>> No.19054970

Friedrich Georg Jünger
The Failure of Technology

>Wherever we turn, whatever field we survey, we find that technical progress attempts to shape it to its liking. Turning, for a last example, to the field of nutrition, we find the extraordinary organizing power hard at work even here. In medicine, technical progress aims at transforming all medications into technical preparations, and to establish mechanical theories about the human body and about the treatment of diseases. In like manner, in the realm of food, technical progress tries to transform all animal, plant, or mineral products that serve as human food into technical products, and where this is not feasible, to give them the uniform appearance of standardized technical products by means of sorting, packing, coloring, and labeling.

>> No.19054976

>As foodstuffs turn into uniform trade brands, that is, into technical products, they become subject to technical organization. They lose their inherent quality. This inherent quality becomes accidental and, accordingly, its presence in the food has to be reaffirmed explicitly by the manufacturer's propaganda. The colossal growth of advertising and propaganda in the technical era is due to circumstances of which only very few of us have a clear idea.
>Let us recall here that in the year 1939 we were celebrating the seventieth anniversary of the invention of margarine. It was in 1869 that Napoleon III commissioned the chemist Mège-Mouriès to produce a butter substitute that was to be cheaper than natural butter. Since then, technical progress has smuggled into our fare an endless number of substitutes, synthetic concoctions, and artificial products.

>> No.19055009

the political class as a whole has lost faith in liberal democracy following multiple defeats at the hands of right wing populists in the mid-10's. now they've dropped all pretense of maintaining bourgeois legislative structures and have been by and large getting away with it

>> No.19055026

>all year ordeal
it's absolutely seasonal

>> No.19055488

Idk about the elites, but it seems like a lot of baby boomers, who've been coddled their entire lives, are taking the natural decline of their health, death of their childhood friends, and loss of vitality that comes with old age, as a kind of world-cataclysmic event. The people crying that society must be completely upended on account of disease or global warming, that this is the end times, that no measure can be too extreme, are mostly post-menopausal gray haired ladies incapable of accepting their own frailty and age with dignity, and instead insisting that the world must be dying alongside them.

>> No.19055546

> shuts down the whole economy to save muh hospitals
just build more hospitals retard

>> No.19055648

It really kicked mRNA vaccine research into high gear. It had been "a thing" for 30-something years now, but now that we have proof it works, it's gonna find its way into all sorts of useful medicines.

>> No.19055663
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-there-will-be-in-the-next-generation-or-so-a-pharmacological-method-of-making-people-aldous-huxley-35-91-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want money and power.
Money and power is no longer the (((elites'))) primary goal, they've already achieved that with central banking and the gradual subversion of governments and their economies over the span of centuries. They already own 95% of the world's resources through conglomerates and other proxy institutions, be it in the private or public sector. They basically have everything--well, almost everything--and they're very close to accomplishing their ultimate goal which is the mass enslavement and transfiguration of humanity on both physiological and psychological level via the creation of one single globalized communist transhumanist state (New World Order) where there will be no such things as national identities and traditional values, a racemixed, godless and immoral society that will be devoid of any feelings and spirituality and whose members will be blind and obedient slaves to the system who will unquestionably love their tyranny and enslavement without even realizing that at that point they've basically lost all that is human in them, reduced to mere walking bioengineered cattle. We already see that happening throughout most of the world, especially in the West, and the Covid pandemic is just one of the many means of furthering that goal, gradually and patiently so that people can be slowly accustomed to the new normal so that the aftershock could be as minimal as possible.

>> No.19055674

They're going to genetically engineer people into servile cattle, or kill all of us in order to save the environment for themselves and their descendants.

>> No.19055688

Cool, we get it, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19055747

Show me some examples of this happening.

Our "masters" want us working and spending money. What good does a lockdown do them?

>> No.19055920

Is that good?

>> No.19055955

Doesn't make any sense. If they wanted money why shut down entire economies? As usual conspiracy posters only providing vague unverifiable claims.

>> No.19055968

But why? How is this any fun to them, why don't they just enjoy being wealthy

>> No.19055976
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What do zoomers think about their future?

>> No.19055978

>The common cold is generally not lethal, with some rare exceptions”, the Digital Health Lab explains. “The flu, which is deadlier than the common cold, killed 0.1% of the people who contracted it in 2019. It is still too early to discern accurate global death estimates for people who have contracted COVID-19, but estimates have ranged from 1% to 25% of all cases, depending on the country”.
>The experts argue that a conservative death rate of 1% would therefore make COVID-19 at least 10 times as deadly as the flu, and therefore “significantly more lethal” than the common cold.

>> No.19055983

So .... that would mean millions more ontop of the millions which already die. You're dense.

>> No.19055991

>But why?
That question opens the door to many speculations, and it's impossible do discuss them without delving into the field of what most people call "conspiracy theories".

>> No.19055993

Ofc bigger corporations are more likely to be resilient in the face of a crisis like covid-19. They have way more resources to support online only transactions. Doesn't prove it's a conspiracy, just the obvious reality that corporations are more powerful than small.

>> No.19055998

Nice Warhammer fanfic

>> No.19056009

Influenza isn't the common cold dumbass.

>> No.19056014

You can tell me it's lizard people and I wont laugh at you. I have considered from time to time it is genuinely something we might term demonic or satanic. I'm not actually sure if such things exist though...you can make a materialist psychological explanation instead. The motives of our elite truly confuse me though, I just dont get what they're doing.

>> No.19056022

23 year old Zoomer here.
Honestly I don’t buy the bleak dystopian visions like the other guy posted anymore, the system has been proven to have structural vulnerabilities that can bring the whole edifice down. One black swan event, even a slight change in the environment can make it collapse.
I also believe we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift, one that will only be obvious in hindsight.

>> No.19056033

That is because of vaccines, and this is just so
>For the type of mind at work in those institutes is akin to the physical phenomena that are observed in cancer. Let those who deny this be reminded that it is this mental activity that produces cancer artificially, as for instance, with the aid of aromatic carbohydrates obtained from coal tar.
What kind of shit are you reading? And why can you understand what it is saying and still can't say anything about it? Or have you wrote this bs?

>> No.19056040

Sounds good I'll be on my way to murder your parents. I hope they handle it with dignity.

>> No.19056042

In the sense that, all it takes is to everyone quit taking vaccines or people quit producing them for the age of great, thriving, voracious plague start to be a thing again.

>> No.19056051

How is it bs? It's from a philosophy book on technology.

>> No.19056065

>Increase hospital capacity
We are struggling to staff hospitals for day-to-day functions. Of course increasing capacity to manage an ongoing pandemic is off the table

>> No.19056075

So you are saying the so-called safety measures are not as effective as they could be, because corporate interests dictate them instead of public interest?

>> No.19056081

>Worm medicine for dogs as the suggestion, instead of regeneron or literally anything else
Oh no no no no

>> No.19056084

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19056090

How it is not? The type of mind that works in a cancer institute is akin to the physical phenomena that are observed in cancer. Let those who deny this be reminded that it is this mental activity that produces cancer artificially, as for instance, with the aid of aromatic carbohydrates obtained from coal tar.
How this isn't crap? You probably got one of those books written by AIs. There is a guy producing garbage with an AI and filling the internet with it.

>> No.19056091

I'm going to have kids and teach them well.

>> No.19056102

You have said it yourself that they're attempting to strip man from any potential Spirituality and relationship with God, so that leaves me to believe that you believe God exists. Everything will be okay in the end, because God is watching everything. Things happen on His timing, not ours. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.19056105
File: 431 KB, 2048x983, Screenshot_20210915-155632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot

>> No.19056118

How much cancer is created by all the machines filled with heavy metals which have to be mined, chemicals which require the most destructive industry, and nuclear waste to test and 'treat' cancer?
Think before making stupid comments.

>> No.19056122

Or maybe youre just a retard

>> No.19056134

Is this worldwide? Cases in Canada, US, and plenty of Euro countries went down over the summer.

>> No.19056135

What fanfic? Those people are already halfway there with the fulfillment of their nefarious plans, have you been living under a rock for the past few years?

>You can tell me it's lizard people and I wont laugh at you. I have considered from time to time it is genuinely something we might term demonic or satanic.
In my opinion people need first and foremost to understand that we live in a dualistic world/universe/reality--that of the constant struggle between Good and Evil. Good and Evil as abstract absolutes and as inherent opposing forces that are also present in humans who, in turn, are personal carriers/vessels of them, choosing which one to make way for by their actions and mindset. There is a reason why the saying "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist"--it is something that we should always remind ourselves of, especially in this modern day and age where it is painfully obvious that the separating line between those two absolutes has been undergoing a deliberate and controlled process of gradual erasure. Once people realize and acknowledge the existence of an all-benevolent God and an all-malevolent Devil, they can move on to the more concrete manifestations of Evil--fallen angels (or the so-called lizard/snake people, reptilian shapeshifters, demons), Zionist/Sabbatean Jews, freemasons, jesuits, etc.

>The motives of our elite truly confuse me though, I just dont get what they're doing.
Their motives is to corrupt all that is holy and sacred. Satan/Evil does not create, it only corrupts. They want to bring hell on earth.

>> No.19056144

I did, anon. This is like saying guns are LE bad.

>> No.19056153

You're just retarded.
But suggest a better book.

>> No.19056156

Look, you probably are somewhat smart, considering that you can make sense of shit like that. But be critical of shit you are reading, anon. Consider the increase in life expectancy, what does that that about the overall "sum" of this whole cancer thing? We are battling it and winning. That is how it works.

>> No.19056160

I have a theory that reptilians reflect a type of human whose brains are much more active in certain departments than others. The characteristics that the reptilian brain emphasize are that which reflect such types of people.

>The reptilian brain, composed of the basal ganglia (striatum) and brainstem, is involved with primitive drives related to thirst, hunger, sexuality, and territoriality, as well as habits and procedural memory (like putting your keys in the same place every day without thinking about it or riding a bike)


Demons and Angels most definitely exist, and both influence the world today. There's so much more going on than most are aware of.

>> No.19056162

A better book about what? I'm not interested in that subject, but consider what I said in >>19056156, if that is what this book that you are reading goes on, it is bullshit.

>> No.19056164

Could it be due to the rapid vaccination efforts in those countries? Or do you believe seasonality is the cause.

>> No.19056169

Meds, please, i beg of you

>> No.19056171

It was the lockdowns. Vaccines don't work.

>> No.19056188

So why are you arguing if you're not interested in the subject?
What about the quality of life? Isn't that more important than living a long life dependent on machines and supplements, and never having experienced real health?

>> No.19056195
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Not the same anon but I will just post this by Uncle Ted

>> No.19056201

>Their motives is to corrupt all that is holy and sacred. Satan/Evil does not create, it only corrupts. They want to bring hell on earth
But why?

>> No.19056205

I dunno what kind of impression you got out of this book, but my father was a doctor and I used to hang with him sometimes while he was visiting some patients. And I remember some people being fine after getting over cancer, anon. I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm form a 3rd world country. Things here aren't even close to the state of art when it comes to treatment.

>> No.19056220

Anyone that is in relations with God sees through their bullshit and has the power to do a lot of damage to their plans. And that's just one person. Get a whole crowd going and they're fucked. They know they're not at the top of the "food chain", so instead of directly fighting against God (a battle they cannot win) they seek instead to strip mankind of any potential way of realizing God and developing a proper relationship with Him.

>> No.19056221

KEK diseases get cured and eradicated. So this is his irrefutable shit?

>> No.19056223

>But why?
Because that is what fundamental forces do. Why does fire burn things? Why does water quench things?

>> No.19056225

You just said it was seasonal. Why would we lock down in summer if its not seasonal?

>> No.19056226

>muh overflowing hospitals

>> No.19056235

Holy based and redpilled

>> No.19056284
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Did you even read the text? It is clearly stated that in the elimination of prevalent genetic diseases such as diabetes, natural selection for people predisposed to diabetes will cease, which in turn will lead to many people born with those bad genes whose lives will depend solely on having access to that cure treatment.

>> No.19056325

It doesn't matter. Do you know what "eradicate" means?

>> No.19056343

The non-brainlet approach to this whole thing is the realization that we as a species might not end up "making it". Whatever that means, in the sense, that Nature might brew up something so strong and terrible and we will reach our wits end and demise. But neglecting everything to live under Nature's yoke and expecting the best? Nature doesn't give a shit about us.

>> No.19056348

And I thought that back when I was 18. All things considered, I'm not even that smart, and I also did a lot of drugs.

>> No.19056352

We will make it, just not all.

>> No.19056358

Living under Nature's yoke? I doubt it. Most species were extinct after a while. You aren't considering that our environment (in every sense, I'm not even talking climate change here) can have a radical sudden change, and that we need to be prepared for when such things happen.

>> No.19056366

There's so much more than this material world.

>> No.19056368

Nature doesn't care about species. It is more about life in general than about us or consciousness.

>> No.19056371


>There's so much more than this material world.

>> No.19056373

Yes, that is how people cope when they gaze at the possibility that this will all come to an end. And create a narrative that it isn't all pointless.

>> No.19056386

you have no idea just how much more there is to experience. don't think your limited understanding of the world around you is factual.

>> No.19056395

Idk about you but non material world to me sounds more frightening than comforting. Given the way this world is set up in a somewhat horrifying manner I'm guessing the other worlds are too and in ways we couldn't even understand

>> No.19056396

To manufacture consent. The whole covid thing has been an experiment in how far they can get the inhabitant's consent, and now that they know they have they will start pushing for more extreme things.

>> No.19056399

It's just life, it's going to turn out okay.

>> No.19056401
File: 97 KB, 591x673, juengerFG_1980_WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friedrich Georg Jünger

>As technology progresses, the relation between science and technology undergoes a change. Science becomes the servant of technology. It is a symptom of this shift of power that the scientist becomes increasingly an employee in the institutes and laboratories of industry, where his knowledge is exploited for technical uses. The disciplines of science become auxiliary disciplines of technology, and they fare the better the more willingly they submit to this role. “Pure science" declines because the important thing is no longer an understanding of the laws of nature, but, first of all, the application, the uses, the exploitation, of those laws. Discovery and invention are today the handmaids of this exploitation. Therefore, if today inventors are called upon and exhorted to give new proofs of their genius, to forge ahead, to deliver more quickly, the purpose is to increase the pillage of the earth through a rationalization of the methods of plunder.
>A science now making rapid progress is biology, for biology has identified itself completely with technical progress. The present methods of biology would have no sense otherwise, nor would its results be of this high practical use and value; for the yardstick is precisely the immediate technical and industrial usefulness of every biological research, usefulness to some corporation manufacturing pills, or to some other technical organization.

>> No.19056406

Thanks, this Friedrich guy sounds like a top notch individual.

>> No.19056423

The idea is easier to understand with some context:

>Obviously, the discovery of ferments, hormones, and vitamins is not only a scientific but also a technical advance. The effects which we ascribe to these substances are of a mechanical and functional nature. The uses to which we put them betray that concept: either they are introduced into the body in the form of technical preparations, supposed to produce specific mechanical effects, as are all drugs manufactured by the technicians; or else they are consumed in vitamin-enriched food. This whole pharmaceutical arsenal is the product of technical specialists who think of the human body as a machine. However, those are the methods of our day.
>It is not difficult to understand the shortcomings of such methods – but it is exceedingly difficult to evade them. We can reasonably assume, for example, that an apple contains a number of substances that so far have eluded the chemist and the biologist. It is likewise quite certain that even if all these substances could be synthetically reproduced in a pill, they could not replace the apple. For the apple embodies a principle that is higher than the sum of its parts. It is not a lifeless preparation, like the substances that have been, or could be, extracted from it, but an expression of life that grows and smells and ripens and has fragrance. No doubt the wise thing to do is to eat the apple itself rather than swallow the vitamins which may be extracted from it. And I shall also show wisdom by eating the apple not for the sake of all the vitamins it contains, but because it is an apple. The difference is fundamental, for in the first instance I am acting like a sick person, in the second like a healthy one. In matters of food we act wisely if we avoid the technician wherever we can.

>> No.19056426

>But if I cannot get the real apple – then not even common sense can help me over this deficiency. And this apple which I cannot get is just one symptom of the constantly growing difficulty in feeding the masses that live within the technical organization. It is clear beyond a doubt that all the biological theories of nutrition and nutritional practices spring up precisely where nutrition is most difficult, that is, in the large cities where technical progress in biochemistry has made the greatest headway. The biochemical industry typically claims its products will cure prevailing disturbances and blights, not by offering fresh, healthy, strength-giving food – that it cannot give – but by supplying substitutes.

>> No.19056441
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He was a great man. Ernst Jünger's brother who almost died in the war, his letter in Storm of Steel is very nice. His book on technology influenced Heidegger and Ellul.

>> No.19056448

I'm agnostic, I just don't jump into conclusions out of nothing.
All things considered we are probably fine. Because it is either someone who doesn't really care, so whatever. Someone who actually love us (kind of weird love, but still, I'm ok with it). Or someone who are exactly like us in terms of consciousness (consider the Greek religion). I don't think it is some "evil" shit or whatever, while it might be beyond our comprehension, we are probably ok on those terms.

>> No.19056450

I'm not big on science but I respect any individual passionate about righteousness and truth.

>> No.19056454

>Technical progress has practiced adulteration of foodstuffs on a grand scale. Not only has technical progress changed the qualities of our foods through mechanized farming, scientific meat production, and the fertilizer industry; it has not only created the canning industries, the cold-storage and freezing methods, it also has brought to the fore theories of nutrition which parade under the labels of "biological" or "scientific" nutrition.
>However, modern biology, as both its methods and its terminology betray, is only an appendix of technical progress. Biology has become one of the disciplines of technical progress, characterized like all others by the fact that it is subservient to mechanist thinking in terms of cause and effect. A man who has lost the instinct for proper food, who, moreover, could not possibly follow the old rule of Celsus, sanis omnia sana ("all is healthy to the healthy"), because he has no way of knowing the contents of the substitutes that get on his table – such a man must indeed fall for "scientific" and "biological" nutrition. For even taste and appetite, the infallible counselors of old guide him no longer. And the technician, most inveterate of rationalists, has still another objective in mind. Where he succeeds in transforming foodstuffs into technical products, he regulates and standardizes them; he subjects them to the same techniques as machine parts; in short, he evolves a standard nutrition. In this endeavor he tries to determine everywhere the minimum requirements on which man can exist, as is shown in all the nutrition tables and doctrines of calories that have been put forward. This striving becomes understandable once we realize that technical progress goes hand in hand with curtailing of the food supply, that is, the difficulties of feeding the masses increase sharply as technology progresses. To the pangs of metaphysical hunger that we feel in the presence of the machine there corresponds an actual physical hunger: food gets scarce.

>> No.19056460

Even if the total elimination of all diseases were possible, it wouldn't be in the elites/the people in power's interest. Who will then buy their medicine? Big pharma is one of the biggest industries next to the military complex. Suppose a cure for AIDS and all types of cancer alone was announced tomorrow, do you know much damage that would cause to a multi-trillion dollar sector? The whole pharmacological industry would crumble overnight.

>> No.19056461

You have absolutely no reason to think that lol. There could be infinite hellish dimensions.

>> No.19056471
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Evil doesn't exist

>> No.19056476

If we eliminate death earth becomes overcrowded and life becomes hell.

>> No.19056478

He wrote a lot of poetry, the best modern book on myth, and novels as well. Very much a classical thinker, and he followed Goethe's science.

>> No.19056504

Look, anon, pharmaceutical stuff is way more complicated than a bunch of diagrams and go way beyond "mechanical" effects. People don't know how the fuck a lot of medicine works, that shit is so complicated that they use a holistic approach. One medicine that might work for someone that has some disease, might not work for another one that also has the same thing, might even do them harm.
And doctors are probably getting trained more and more to see the psychology in medicine. So and when there is no natural alternative? Ideally things work as they are, and what are you supposed to do when they don't? People usually look for doctors when they have problems, anon. They don't look for substitute for apples.

>> No.19056507

But that just makes life more interesting and meaningful. We've pretty much discovered almost everything on the material plane of existence and imo most scientific discoveries today are superfluous. The possibility of the existence of noumenal worlds is something we can still discover

>> No.19056522

Yes, by shutting down competing sectors of the economy.

No, I mean forget about the virus for a moment. If you would. In that hypothetical situation, where a virus did not exist or its effects were overblown and all this was done anyway, who would gain the most from this? From forcing people to stay home alone all day with nothing to do but be next to a computer or a TV telling them to be afraid and tuned in and having to rely on deliveries to eat if they want to eat from a restaurant, not see extended relatives in person, wait in line at a brick and mortar store if they haven't been run out of business, be forced to make a choice about buying a vaccine if they want to be a part of larger society again, et cetera. Someone is gaining from this, that's undeniable. At this point it's really more about whether the situation has been contrived in some form or fashion.

>> No.19056525
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>> No.19056536

>Yes, by shutting down
Yes, they shut down

>> No.19056546

t. never read any dystopian shit
Am I supposed to be impressed by that?

>> No.19056547
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I've already left the Beast, I don't live innawoods but I'm far from its nerve centers, but still: I ask you again: WHAT CAN ONE MAN DO?

>> No.19056549

>Celsus, sanis omnia sana ("all is healthy to the healthy")
This is the important part. Otherwise one can say that all is sickness to the sick.
Similar ideas are that one can only get sick if he is susceptible to the illness, if his body has prepared itself to accept a specific type of illness.
One could say that these old ideas of sickness and health are like a metamorphosis gone wrong. Like the man who has a heart attack or commits murder because of a build-up of negative blood force within the body, it is possible that those focused on a destructive type of becoming are susceptible to diseases of mutation and rupture. Cancer is thus a disease specifically suited to the spiritual character of the time.

This speaks to the very origins of modern medicine, the great plagues and illnesses from sepsis. Modern man thus sees sickness, or at least its potential, everywhere - in response he seeks to perfect the human body even if by meams of replacement and mere mechanical functioning. This is in its very metaphysical law the same process as cancer.

>> No.19056554

Read the Gospels and find out.

>> No.19056565

>Like the man who has a heart attack or commits murder because of a build-up of negative blood force within the body, it is possible that those focused on a destructive type of becoming are susceptible to diseases of mutation and rupture. Cancer is thus a disease specifically suited to the spiritual character of the time.

couldn't have said it before, this is true, I've never experienced sleep paralysis but I have friends who swear up and down it's real and they've experienced it, I do think cancer and being visited by demons in your sleep is a sign of something dark and dormant deep in the American/Western consciousness

>> No.19056566


>> No.19056571

said it better myself*, jesus.

>> No.19056576

Soviet medical experiment on dogs and removing organs.

>> No.19056606

And Schmitt
>All the same, when I heard of the witty elegance with which Carl Schmitt had managed to get himself an early release from internment after the war, it struck me as the kind of tribute that intellectual superiority—however “purely formal” it may be—can appropriately exact. Before the Russian commission he maintained that his allegedly Nazi past would have to be understood after the pattern of von Pettenkofer’s experiment. The examining officer, although apparently an educated man, naturally had no idea what he was talking about. Around the beginning of the century Max von Pettenkofer, a German scientist, put forward the thesis that infectious diseases were not caused by the bacillus alone; what was decisive was the human being’s susceptibility to disease. To prove this thesis, he drank a glass of water containing a whole culture of the cholera bacillus—and indeed, remained in good health, Carl Schmitt’s conclusion was this: “You see, I did the same thing. I have drunk the Nazi bacillus, but it did not infect me!”—which, of course, if it were true, would really and truly have made his conduct inexcusable. But they laughed in bewilderment and agreed to his release. That is, assuming the story was not invented and put about by Carl Schmitt himself.

>> No.19056624

>Yes, by shutting down competing sectors of the economy
The fact that they weren't shut down is a result of their size and power. It doesn't prove that the shutdown was caused by them.

>> No.19056653

Yep, you might just have to fill in the blanks once in a while. What's more probable, that they lobbied to start the lockdowns and keep them going because they could reap the rewards, or that it all was just a happy accident for them?

>> No.19056712
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This kills the antivaxx schizo.

>> No.19056726

The economy is/was doomed to fail because fiat currency and leveraged lending is an unsustainable system. The elites needed a convenient excuse to pin the inevitable failure on. Enter a weaponized disease that was carefully selected to be incapacitating but with very low lethality.

>> No.19056735

No its been dominated by tyrants that incited violence, division, and bullshit measures to breed misery and suffering.

>> No.19056766

And yet the amount of deaths from all causes has seen no noticeable increase. The people that are dying would have died of other shit if not for covid. If covid were so deadly we would see the evidence reflected in all cause mortality spikes.

>> No.19056922

The economy is fine.

>> No.19056988
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I'm curious where you get your information from? A 33% increase in mortalities from expected upper bounds is not insignificant.

>> No.19057011

damn this is a good graph

>> No.19057087

why is the orange line in 2020 higher than the orange line in 2021 though? shouldn't it go up if nothing else? (since the population is aging)

>> No.19057260

What's 2018?

>> No.19057449

it was a joke

>> No.19057591

>person has cancer
>person contracts COVID
>person dies of cancer
>add person to COVID death tally

>> No.19057607

>more ontop
Nope. Deaths from influenza have dropped to 0 during the COVID pandemic. REALLY makes you think, huh? https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/australia-records-zero-flu-deaths-over-past-12-mon

>> No.19057797

You're ignoring the fact that the lockdown doesn't benefit all big corporations. Big box stores have long been suffering & the lockdown only exacerbated the trend. How do they fit into your narrative?

>> No.19057803

2020 was corona + nationwide lockdowns

a lot of people killed themselves or died in some way related to the lockdowns

>> No.19057830

>now that we have proof it works
>countries with 80%+ vaccination rates experiencing record cases and far more deaths than the same time last year
>boosters and pills on the way
Please stop spreading literal misinformation.

>> No.19057911
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No, and this has nothing to do with books

>> No.19057917


>> No.19058012
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>> No.19058016
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there's nothing left to destroy us so we destroy ourselves

>> No.19058022

>there's nothing left to destroy us
Don't be so quick to think that.

>> No.19058098 [DELETED] 

KYS tranny

>> No.19058108

deez nuts

>> No.19058114

Yeah, really makes me think that corona must be a lot more infectious and deadly than the flu.

>> No.19058123

>>countries with 80%+ vaccination rates experiencing record cases and far more deaths than the same time last year
Literally not true, and besides, why are you comparing one period to another, the virus comes and goes as it pleases

>> No.19058125

Your regard is shitlib yokel diarrhea

>> No.19058142

>plague lol

>> No.19058164

You know that hospitals overflow regularly because of understaffing. Before 2020 no one gave a shit, now it is a big thing.
Oh no, a couple more fat elderly are dying, what calamity!!

>> No.19058165

>99% chance to live
Fake news, it's more like a 99.999% chance if you are under 50 and not fat, diabetic etc.

>> No.19058202

>have cancer
>catch the flu
>cause of death: cancer
>have cancer
>catch COVID
>cause of death: COVID
Yep, so much more "deadly."

>> No.19058397

What do you read tranjan?

>> No.19058426

That's along the lines of what I would call competing businesses getting in the way of oligopoly. When I talk about "the corporations," it's not literally every single one, it'd be the ones that currently have the most sway in public policy and discourse. For example, Amazon was the one IIRC that had been running those big box stores out of business in the first place, and as you've said the rate of that happening has only increased.

>> No.19058476
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Arguing over whether or not covid is "real" or not really misses the point. It doesn't matter. Once you take up a position on this side, all you are doing is fighting in a corps against the other side, as if that will solve anything. This thread turned to madness as soon as covid (and a judgement that it is nothing than a glorified cold) was given. Explaining whether or not is actually "real" or "just a glorified cold" explains nothing.

What needs explaining is why there is a fight in the place. Why the fuck are we arguing over this? Shouldn't a healthy society not even have to think twice about this? When people take up the position of covid being real or not real, the implicit assumption from both sides is "if there is a real deadly virus going around, then of course there needs to be some kind of society wide sacrifice to eradicate it", surely any covid-truther would be on board with a vaccine and travel restrictions if they saw people in their lives dropping like flies? If not, why argue over whether it is really a deadly virus or not? And surely any mask wearing facui ouchi libtard npc would not support such restrictions if they were not convinced that it really was a deadly virus that was going to cause millions and millions of deaths and disability. If not, again, why argue if the virus is bad or not?

What is really happening is the consequences of this mega-machine of civilization complete with all of its technical communication machines, and signs, and symbols, completely stripped of its foundation in God, coming back to bite us. The whole world is designed to lie to you. From the most mundane and banal thing you see every second (advertising/marketing makes a business out of lying!), to flows of "news" that gets reported (tangled in the net of the state's interest, and the private interests that control it), to the world of politics, money, banking, capital, and economy and war (all the same thing, officially run in the shadows by intelligence agencies!)

All of this shit just makes people absolutely nutso paranoid. Nothing makes sense anymore, and no one can agree on anything. So people naturally divide into milieus that share the same intensities of paranoia that they learned from the specific channels of information they are plugged into, and the social milieus they are born into. They all fall into these milieus like a moon falling into a planet, purely by the gravity of their closeness - "isn't everyone else crazy?!" - and they simply can never see the whole constellation causing this mutual madness.

>> No.19058646

>What needs explaining is why there is a fight in the place. Why the fuck are we arguing over this? Shouldn't a healthy society not even have to think twice about this?
We live in a gerontocracy, which is inherently not "healthy".

>When people take up the position of covid being real or not real, the implicit assumption from both sides is "if there is a real deadly virus going around, then of course there needs to be some kind of society wide sacrifice to eradicate it"
Post the death rates by age bracket and there will be an end to this madness.

>And surely any mask wearing facui ouchi libtard npc would not support such restrictions if they were not convinced that it really was a deadly virus that was going to cause millions and millions of deaths and disability. If not, again, why argue if the virus is bad or not?
Remember when masks went from being racist (March 2020) to a holy garment (May 2020)? Normies are just eager to show their deference to authority.

>What is really happening is the consequences of this mega-machine of civilization complete with all of its technical communication machines, and signs, and symbols, completely stripped of its foundation in God, coming back to bite us.
On the contrary, if people could read death statistics by age, they would know that it was evident by May 2020 that Coronavirus was a nothingburger that affected people who are old, fat, diabetic, have hypertension, etc. what instead happens is that technical communication itself becomes the object of a holiness spiral. Since the "mega-machine" is obviously successful, one should simply declare their quasi-religious cause to be aligned with said mega-machine (trust the science!) which makes you Good and your rival Bad. This is indicative of a decline in the scientific mindset that enabled the mega-machine in the first place and of just how sorry a state non-exact sciences are in. Have you ever heard a physicist use the phrase "The Science"? Exactly.