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File: 14 KB, 220x283, 220px-Abraham_Lincoln_O-77_matte_collodion_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19048419 No.19048419 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best biography for this guy?

>> No.19048438

Here is his biography: he was a left authoritarian butcher. He infringed upon state's rights, property rights, and freedom of speech.

>> No.19048736

i think you're on the wrong board, anon.

>> No.19048743

>and freedom to assemble chattel

>> No.19048745

i dont understand how someone can look like this

>> No.19048764

ZOG confederate seething that this absolute CHAD btfo the South. Reminder, Lincoln planned to send all the slaves back to Africa.

>> No.19048788
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Or how he can be related to Tom Hanks

>> No.19049013

Bill Oreillys Killing Lincoln

>> No.19049094
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Masters- Lincoln the Man

>> No.19049277

Probably one that would treat him as an extremely complex character in an extremely complex time, and doesn't portray him as either good or evil.

>> No.19049885


>> No.19050029
File: 143 KB, 900x1286, 71LYf-YuJKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abraham Lincoln: A Life by Michael Burlingame

>> No.19050048

finally an actual recc. thank you anon.

>> No.19050129

Surprised nobody's mentioned Sandburg's biography yet.

>> No.19050380
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It's a good one, but not perfect. James Hurt has some valid constructive criticism here if you are interested:

Personally, I like it and don't mind some moderate mythologizing of great men from the past. But as hurt says in the link I posted:
>"Sandburg himself saw his book as an American epic as often as he thought of it as a mere biography. In a preface written for The Prairie Years but dropped before publication, he wrote, "The facts and myths of his life are to be an American possession, shared widely over the world, for thousands of years, as the tradition of Knute or Alfred, Laotse or Diogenes, Pericles or Caesar, are kept."[10] And in his "symphonic finish" to The War Years, Sandburg wrote, "Out of the smoke and stench, out of the music and violent dreams of the war, Lincoln stood perhaps taller than any other of the many great heroes. This was in the minds of many. None threw a longer shadow than he. And to him the great hero was The People. He could not say too often that he was merely their instrument."[11] In this and in many similar passages, the figure of Lincoln becomes merged with that of Sandburg's favorite abstraction, The People, and the book becomes a democratic epic celebrating not an individual but a collective hero."

So if that doesn't sound appealing to you I'd go with a newer modern biography first, a lot of important letters and documents have been unearthed since Sandburg wrote his biography of Abraham Lincoln that are obviously omitted, then come back to Sandburg who was a very talented, if somewhat old-fashioned writer and very much worth reading.

>> No.19050451

For a short, energetic take George McGovern's Life is kino. Yes.. *that* George McGovern.

>> No.19050460

>t. Fox News made me say this

>> No.19051054
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The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln - Sidney Blumenthal

>> No.19051181

Carl Sandburg’s Bio, but also Shelby Foote’s The Civil War has some very good stuff about young Lincoln in the first volume, I love his writing style

>> No.19051476

I really liked the David Herbert Donald one, the audiobook is also great

>> No.19051820
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>> No.19052526

Faux is packed with Lincoln loving neocons, fuck are you on about?

>> No.19052617

it’s bait anon