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19046165 No.19046165 [Reply] [Original]

>barges into your philosophical tradition
>takes a giant shit that will take 100 years to clean up

>> No.19046175

You forgot to upload Hegel's picture

>> No.19046205

The Frankfurt School, Freud, Marx, Foucault, and Derrida are the most vile, depraved thinkers in the European canon

>> No.19046212

truly groundbreaking take

>> No.19046273

your stahlhelm is on a lil bit too tight brah

>> No.19046287

Freud, Foucault, and Derrida are all losers
Derrida is not nearly in the same class of monolithic loser as Freud and Foucault are though

>> No.19046294

I just hate all of them so much bros. just wanna punch these gay frenchies and krauts in their face, and take a shit down their neck. i havent even read a single one these homos, im not gonna do it either.
truth doesnt exist pshht fuck you. you dont know anything thats what

>> No.19046299

nah one decent american philosopher from the 20th century

>> No.19046304

ronald raegan??

>> No.19046314

>The Frankfurt School, Freud, Marx, Foucault, and Derrida are the most vile
I haven't read any of them but you're right

>> No.19046337

you're based

>> No.19046357

this but also englishmen and americans

>> No.19046429

Foucault is flavor of the century, not canon. He was the most cited man in academia around 2000 but will be irrelevant in 2100. Consider that Spencer was the most read intellectual in the late 19th century. Name dropping him today would be considered flexing historical erudition by most. And Spencer was a hell of a lot better than any in your post.
Of those cited only Marx might endure, and partially as a joke.

>> No.19046435

don't worry, neither has he

>> No.19046444

I think you meant "especially".

>> No.19046551

This is a pro-Lacan post.

>> No.19046996
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Dont worry /lit/ros ,the shit was already taken and continentals are still chocking on it.

>> No.19047116

>havent even read a single one these homos
imagine my shock

>> No.19047500

No, all of these were still fine despite the obvious degenerating tendencies (which had more to do with the spirit of European thought at the time than anything else).
Heidegger's biggest crime is that he obfuscated Husserl and Brentano and thus prevented the possibility of exiting the degenerating phase earlier.
The source of the acceleration of the degenerating curve into it's second phase of full mysticism is, it turns out to be, Jean Toussaint Desanti, the man who thought (horribly) Foucault, Althusser and Derrida, mixing his obsession with both communism and mathematics into phenomenology (both pre and post-hermeneutical turn). He is the reason why all of a sudden French philosophy went from Merleau-Ponty and Sartre (Sartre wasn't great but he was, at least, still discussing the subject matter) to insane undecipherable gibberish.

>> No.19048866

Heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.19050482


>> No.19050516


>> No.19050560

Hitler could have saved the entiee European race if he had disposed the Frankfurt School members and Hirschfeld instead of Jewish bakery owners

>> No.19050566

One of these is not like the others

>> No.19050571

>humanity learns to scribble
I’ve found the original mishap.

>> No.19051508

>undecipherable gibberish

>> No.19051532

Examples? I'm interested, anon.

>> No.19051558

Not the same, anon, but no. It is gibberish. Muh "das Nicht nichtet". Fuck you.

I like Derrida though.

>> No.19051577

He was referring to the frogs. I haven't read Heidegger. He sounds based though.

>> No.19052190

Leave Marx alone, it's actually Lenin's fault. But yes, specially Derrida.

>> No.19052801
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>> No.19053194

lacan was literally pro-freud/marx wdym

>> No.19053206


>> No.19053214

Herbert Spencer? The Social Darwinism guy? Even Foucault isn't nearly that bad.

>> No.19053428

Lacan has nothing to do with Marx and takes a heidegerrian approach to Freud, cope harder retard-cel I am a literal ne oh natsee and I know that Lacan is based

>> No.19053442

>Existentialism for brainlets
No, thank you

>> No.19053482

Too bad no one reads Derrida or they'd see he is much more of a traditionalist than people want to think

>> No.19053546

existentialism was literally created by Heidegger but ok retard

>> No.19053662

You can't be this ignorant

>> No.19053695

The first usage of the term existential in a philosophical context was heidegger, cope and seethe more faggot

>> No.19053702

retroactively refuted by Kierkegaard

>> No.19053704

t. never read Lacan

>> No.19053705

Being and Time's usage of the word existential was Sartres inspiration for creating the word existentialism, and heidegger was the first philosopher to study Kierkegaard as an "existentialist" you are braindead

>> No.19053708

Existentialism was indirectly and intuitively created by Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche. Heidi just mixed it with his unarticulated and graphomaniac shit.

>> No.19053709

Lacan never talks about Marx once in his work, you have obviously never read him and are a Zizek Pseud, Lacan was a heidegerrian interested in Freud as an ontical philosopher

>> No.19053714

You’ve never read lacan

>> No.19053720

Heidegger's interest in Kierkegaard as a study of the "Existentiall" and nietzsche as a juxtaposition is the only reason either Nietzsche or Kierkegaard are considered existentialists, same with Nietzsche's own interest Dostoi. If Kierkegaard indirectly created existentialism as you say, then Heidegger is the DIRECT creator of it by applying his method of historiography and study of ontology with temporality. You have no idea what you are talking about and don't read books kys.

>> No.19053724

Lacan admits that Heidegger is fundamental to his work constantly, neck yourself.

>> No.19053728

You will never be a woman

>> No.19055217

i'm schizo, derrida saved my life

>> No.19055239

t. reactionary swine

>> No.19055673

Literally read one seminar lol

>> No.19055678

Only good response - Derrida is very cranky and conservative actually, his entire argument is that none of the moderns come anywhere close to consistency, and their inability to do so is an old problem in philosophy.

>> No.19057033

I have read more than one retard

>> No.19057661

He literally just rewrote critique of pure reason with the hindsight of 19th century German thought.

>> No.19057694

good bait.
Sad so many feel for it.

>> No.19057697

no he didnt

>> No.19057741

We need to put you as the head of the Based Department.