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19044497 No.19044497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on the death of Christianity?

>> No.19044498


>> No.19044505

Christianity was always this. Nietzsche saw it.

>> No.19044506

why the fuck even be christian if you're just gonna bend over to the secular world?

>> No.19044521
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>> No.19044524




>> No.19044537

Don't act like Catholicism is free of this faggotry. Your very own Bergoglio fosters dialogue with LGBT.

>> No.19044538

>The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all

>> No.19044543

please dont feed (respond to) the tripfags

>> No.19044561

That's how it is with most religions. Naturally, each religion has its true believers, weirdos and radicals who starve themselves in secluded temples, monasteries, and desert hovels. But by and large, religion integrates itself into the secular world.

>> No.19044568




>> No.19044577

Imagine if Luther could see it now kek

>> No.19044581

Speaking as a Catholic, Francis is a heretic and the Church is in bad shape but it's a far cry from tranny bishops. There was a stink some weeks ago about Francis reaffirming that homosexuality is a sin.

>> No.19044598

oh no no no

>> No.19044605

This is the end result of Protestantism.

>> No.19044606

>Francis is a heretic
Which bishop said this?

>> No.19044612

>But it's not Le Real Christianity
Stop coping, cucks.

>> No.19044615
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Reminder that this is the institution christcucks on 4chan think will save them from le degeneracy

>> No.19044625
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>> No.19044626

The bishops are also compromised. Plenty of priests have said it, though.
>this is the institution
No, that would be the Traditional Latin Mass.

>> No.19044638

>No, that would be the Traditional Latin Mass.
lol you mean the institution your Pope restricted? You'd better obey him, anon. Hell is scary...

>> No.19044647

>Progressive Christian

Why even claim to be Christian at that point?

>> No.19044653

Not for SSPX, dummy

>> No.19044658

America was a mistake

>> No.19044662

To lead others into hell after you

>> No.19044663

Churches in America operate as a business. Thanks capitalism.

>> No.19044671

What happens when the slippery slope continues? What then? I can't imagine the more traditional outlets of the church won't be targeted.

>> No.19044673

Spake he who openly worships idols and denies doing so

Crappy jokes aside, you can't generalize shit based on isolated events, you bunch of blind fags. You can't assume christianity is dead because some random profane priest is acting like a goddamn heretic and ignoring what's written in the Bible

>> No.19044674
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love my neighbor
love the stranger
love my pope

simple as

>> No.19044676
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I'm going to heckin pray to this religion I don't really believe, that will show the libs

>> No.19044685

This is exactly what Christians did to those folks who just keep the Old Testament. Now it's being done back to them.

>> No.19044688

Talk to the average Christian about the reality of hell or God's wrath or the fewness of the saved and they will look at you like you have twenty heads. Christianity is completely fucking dead in the minds of most people. The framework has changed to fit a more liberalized world. It doesn't have to be blatant like tranny bishops for it to be dead.

>> No.19044689

tiktok is subversive propaganda from the chinese communist party. why are you even watching that crap?

>> No.19044691

The Tridentine Mass is never going away, that's all I know for certain. The Vatican will have to incorporate it or else there will be a schism, which seems to be what Francis wants.

>> No.19044705 [DELETED] 

i heard this great commentary on how vatican 2 changed the role of the church from being a path to salvation for a fallen mankind through christ to some of kind of organization that promotes universal humanity dignity. that's not a bad mission, but any ngo could do that, the connection to christianity was severed. can't remember where i saw it. i think it was a comment on an article on the pillar.

>> No.19044718

Our real belief system emerges from questions and trends we are forced to deal with on a daily basis, so they tend towards the mainstream. The ideology or religion we attach to it is often very cosmetic, a set of terms and devices we use to express ideas we had already internalized from our surroundings, and it takes a lot of mental discipline to break away from that.

>> No.19044732

>Megan is an ugly enough loser to be a bishop
Yep, but she's spelt her name wrong. Meghan.

>> No.19044733

That explains it

>> No.19044769

Given the popularity of tiktok and the fact that if 1 in 1million decide to do this, I dont know if thats descriptive of the thing as a whole. you could probably find a tiktoker of any other denomination or belief system doing the same cringe shit.

>> No.19044773
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Explains basedness

>> No.19044837

> Evangelical
> Lutheran
> Church

>> No.19044851

This is the fallacy of Western Churches. They believed that reforming was good and necessary. Thus, they’re in a state of constant revolution, constant change, reforming themselves into oblivion. Meanwhile, they critique the Eastern Church for “being stuck in the 9th century”.

>> No.19044986

Why do they move like that?

>> No.19044991

Demonic possession.

>> No.19045015

Anti-Latin mass "spirit of Vatican II" is a certified boomer/silent gen thing. Young Catholics, even the progressives, do not have the seething hatred of it like they do.

>> No.19045054

Religion is a joke

>> No.19045215

if Christianity isnt the only way, whats the fucking point. prots literally destroying their own beliefs.

>> No.19045239

I honestly just hope an asteroid hits the Earth as soon and hard as possible. Christianity's case aside the way this shit is formatted makes me vomit from every orifice

>> No.19045243

Protestants are heretics. Catholics have forgotten that. Current trend at the highest levels of the Vatican are for ecumenism, especially with taking ideas from Protestants like charisms. Pope Francis' global-south-oriented church of the holy mother earth is very, very upsetting. Pachamama is still among us, and his "Season of Creation" environmentalism-cum-social-justice bullshit Laudato Si cult is NOT the Gospel. His most recent Traditionis Custodis is a farce, and mostly the work of a marxist italian professor.

>> No.19045264
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We need him.

>> No.19045274

Anon I'm going to burst your bubble: Catholicism is just waiting for the boomers to die off. They're pressuring hard to have old people leave a % of their testament to the Church and of course they can't promote faggotry yet. Give it a few years and they'll do the same.

>> No.19045298

But Christianity has always bent over for the secular world

>> No.19045319

They are slaves anon. They only call themselves Christian by unconscious habit and tend to believe what the majority believes to not seem unhip (boomer mentality) . Nietzsche was right

>> No.19045324

Where's your evidence?

Read Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body. There's NO WAY that lgbt shit is going to be accepted, by anyone. The laity is growing in traditional churches, and non-trad zoomers barely attend.

>> No.19045343

I actually like a lot of currents in historical Protestantism. especially english civil war era stuff sad that its shifting nature makes it much more subseptable to these sorts of things (especially unitarian, but wtf is unitarianism anyway, its literally just agnostics). though I believe its only really a thing in college towns and foppfactories around college towns and big cities. go a few miles in a rural direction and your Baptist church very much doesnt have LGBTQ+ plastered on the side of the church.

>> No.19045346

>They are slaves anon. They only call themselves Christian by unconscious habit and tend to believe what the majority believes
that literally describes every sizable group of people on the face of the earth.

>> No.19045400

the boomers are the pozzed ones when it comes to christianity

>> No.19045404

Pacem in terris

>> No.19045414
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Psalm 37:13
"but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming."

>> No.19045425

Boomers are the most conservative demographic that isn't in nursing homes. All those dancing tiktok pastors weren't alive for the Beatles that's for sure.

>> No.19045431

You do realize that in context the "wicked" are the enemies of the Old Testament faith community? And since you post on /lit/ about Jesus you are definitely one of those enemies.

>> No.19045445

can you elaborate I have no idea what you just said sorry

>> No.19045459

Christians stole the Old Testament. None of it was written about you. God talking about smiting this or that enemy... he is referring to the enemies of the chosen people. Like that heretical sect Yeshua ben Yosef started, the one with the fanfiction and all the Greek converts. No deal was ever made with you. It's a very bad misreading of the contract with the volcano.

>> No.19045479

>chosen people
so your jewish.

>> No.19045486

They post these videos on tic-toc anon. They move like that because they are typically moving to a backing track of music.
Church outreach used to be done by charity. Now it is by showing off how progressive they are to kids on tic-tok.

>> No.19045488

people who are older than 50 and actually attend church are pozzed af compared to younger people who attend church, especially if you discount the families who just go for like a year to give their kids heckin morals or whatever. The old people just treat it as a social club and go more out of habit than any real belief.

>> No.19045510

According to the bible you can be as much of a faggot as you want as long as you don't fuck/get fucked by a dude. It doesn't matter if they are a tranny because this person will always be male.

>> No.19045512

seething heeb

>> No.19045520

>so your jewish.
you're a stupid piece of /pol/ shit

>> No.19045528

I'm just telling you what Christianity is. You'd need to do some serious mental gymnastics to get away from that fact. It's a counterfeit version of the religion of the people you don't even like.

>> No.19045530

"Christianity" won't "die" within anyone who reads this lifetime. 2/3rds of people on this board were raised in some kind of Christian tradition. Even if you take the church out of the equation, you can't just leave all your ideals behind and become a blank slate.

>> No.19045537

Who the fuck are these young people attending church? Is this in some county with less than a thousand people? Or do you mean the children of pentacostal and catholic immigrants from Latin America? Because the next generation will be de facto mainline Protestants. Like Methodists or Episcopalians or some other religion that only exists for elected officials to say they believe in a god so as to not frighten older voters.

>> No.19045539

I like Jews I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm just saying you're seething. And you're mistaken.

How do you KNOW Christianity is false? You say the messiah came out of Hebrew prophesy and you're right. The Hebrew Bible wasn't stolen, it was fulfilled. You're just using your ethnicity as an excuse, a reason to hate.

>> No.19045546

SSPX parishes, mostly. Traditional Latin Mass, pre-1968 rite, the Mass of the Ages. Vatican II is very clearly a failed experiment put on by the hubris of men and aided by the subversion of communist infiltrators. It's over.

>> No.19045549

I'm not the one seething here. I don't assume either religion is true. But you have to assume one overrides the other, i.e. that one was true, stopped being true, and got replaced by a new deluxe version, full messiah dlc included. What a bizarre demonic contract, err, covenant, uhh I mean testament. What if he breaks the rules again? Do you take him to god-court? I mean, the whole Mormon thing, that's got to be the Third Testament right? Or would that be Mohammed?

>> No.19045553

Ah so they are Protestants! No more pope! No more Rome! God bless America.

>> No.19045557
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Not one of these is a Christian. They will be consigned to hell. You who glory in their depravity will share that fate.

>> No.19045562

Just a thought. If Jesus is/was real and is/was truly both a man and God and our savior, do you really think when you die you wouldn't go up to him in a personal manner and explain everything you did in your life and he would be like "sorry my friend you missed the cut-off, I'm going to flex my God powers here and restore sensation/time/consciousness and then put some torture on you just so I can prove a point"

>> No.19045571

>I mean, the whole Mormon thing, that's got to be the Third Testament right? Or would that be Mohammed?
You should be theologically literate before hurling accusations over the internet. If, as you say, its not even your faith to begin with what does it matter to you. You're just a seething ethnic Hebrew who doesn't believe the Hebrew Bible is true anyway. You called it the "Old Testament" for goodness sake. You must be trolling.

Anyway to answer your question he didn't break any rules. The Old Testament didn't "stop being true," it was superseded. Its prophecies of a messiah were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. If you've read the New Testament and understood it, you'd know there are no additions left to be made. He is the beginning and the end of all things. Sorry Muhammad, sorry pervert utah protestant who claims to have found two golden tablets no one has ever seen, you were too late.

You should look up what the SSPX is before making another dumb post.

>> No.19045576


>> No.19045583

Well, in the Bible it says that in the last days, people will fall away from the faith - this includes the church - and that the world would be similar to that of Noah's time. "As it was in the days of Noah." So, this actually isn't an isolated case, and is a manifestation of the Great Apostasy as described in scripture.

>> No.19045607

>u disagree with me you must be a jeeew
Nope, but understandable since christers call everything they don't like either that or "pagan," a behavior they inherited from their ancestors in the faith who insisted on marking themselves as separate from Egypt
>it was superseded
Yeah that means the old contract got torn up. But this time he won't do it again huh? Battered wife.
>dumb post
I might have SSPX mixed up with sedevacantists but there is surely significant overlap between anti-progressive catholics who don't like the church's direction. What's dumb is thinking these aren't just the latest flavors of heresy against the OT, you know, the word of god. I mean before he released the director's cut. Errr, before four guys made four reboots of it. It's like spider man movies. I guess they just kept selling.

>> No.19045608

>I'm not the one seething here.
things seething people say for 800 alex

>> No.19045612

>tell someone they're seething
>double down when they deny it
Wow so based

>> No.19045617

>he continues to spout ignorant shit
read a book

>> No.19045620

Ahah so God is going to break the new covenant after all. That's some good foreshadowing. I wonder what the other guy ITT would have to say about this... uh.... revelation. You really can't trust a volcano. They tend to go off randomly.

>> No.19045626

>people who don't follow my circular dogma are just ignorant
No one speaking a western languagr is ignorant of Christianity. It has made its case for the last 2000 years. You don't have some special gnostic insight. You guys banned that remember?

>> No.19045635
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>No one speaking a western languagr is ignorant of Christianity.
I know of one person who is ignorant of Christianity. I'm talking to him right now.

>> No.19045637

protestantism is not Christianity, never was

>> No.19045644
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>waaah everyone who disagrees with me is ignorant
Touch grass

>> No.19045649

Real Christianity has never been tried

>> No.19045650

God doesn't break covenants, but people do. People renege on things, on other people, on faith, on their responsibilities - all the time...

>> No.19045651

>What if Christianity was just one "frame" to consider your ideas?

IDK, I guess God considered all aspects of thought and decided on the best one but only told a few people about it because it's more fun to watch people be wrong and murder each other over it.

>> No.19045659

How do you NTfags figure he won't do to you what he did to the OTfags? Is there any reason to think an oathbreaker should be taken for his word?

>> No.19045663

Christianity is declining in the west.. Just like literacy, higher culture, community and education, when people realise this they will go back to church

>> No.19045672

Ah remember the time paganism declined and everyone rallied around that and rescued it from its own downward momentum?

>> No.19045697

you're really and truly a tragic case of a brainlet

Christianity is not AT ALL the same as european shamans, gallic nature religions, or greek/roman pagans. You can't equate them as you have done.

>> No.19045700

Only Jesus was a christian.

>> No.19045701

Secularism is just too powerful for weak and puny Christianity. Keep mirin our gains, christfag, you too will soon suck a cock

>> No.19045724


>> No.19045728

Why not? A religion that's lost its state support and civic functions... why I can think of only one example of a religion that has endured when these are taken away... you won't like the answer either. But since you ripped them off, maybe you'll handle this crisis like they did. While everyone else becomes humanists you'll be the tiny minority left behind who didn't get on board with the new sovereign's new faith, as evidence of the sorry state infidels are reduced to.

>> No.19045753

I'm not religious, but these "pastors" and "bishops" make me sick.

>> No.19045764

>A religion that's lost its state support and civic functions...
You are so misinformed I'm not surprised you're a commie or whatever you are.


The Catholic Church is not a civil organization. It does not depend on the state for its authority. It does not fulfill a civic function. It exists to create saints and to perform sacraments. IT IS, VERY LITERALLY, A MYSTICAL ENDEAVOR THAT YOU CANNOT BEGIN TO COMPREHEND BECAUSE YOU HAVE DRANK THE PROGRESSIVE MODERNIST SECULAR KOOLAID TO THE DREGS. IT IS NOT ABOUT EARTHLY LIFE OR "THE WORLD." APART FROM ATTENDING MASS, IT IS AN INTERIOR LIFE. YOU SILLY CUNT.

>> No.19045783
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>Who the fuck are these young people attending church?

That's unironically the point. All of these "spirit of Vatican 2" Boomers are the last generation that wants to seriously change the Catholic Church. They're the last generation that takes the Church seriously but also wants to fundamentally alter it with bullshit like gay marriage, women priests, that sort of thing.

Younger people, if they disagree with the Church, will just stop attending. If they ever attended to begin with. If they dislike the Catholic Church they just won't fucking go. So the young people that are left, that actually do attend, all fully agree with what the Church teaches, and do not dispute it.

This means that the next generation of Catholics in the West will be a lot smaller. But it will be better, too. And from this faithful remnant, the Church will grow again.

Ratzinger actually has a pretty based quote about this from way back in the 1960s.

>> No.19045792

Christianity is a pride parade with some reservations about wearing assless chaps. Get over yourself and your delusional pretenses that it's 1021 and not 2021.

>> No.19045797

>This means that the next generation of Catholics in the West will be a lot smaller. But it will be better, too. And from this faithful remnant, the Church will grow again.
Ok so you're going the Jewish diaspora route. Is there anything you didn't copy from them?

>> No.19045802

The Rage Against God by Peter Hitchens maybe. I have to love his pessimism.

>> No.19045808

>Ratzinger actually has a pretty based quote about this from way back in the 1960s.
Well, anon? What's the quote?

I agree with your analysis btw. Traditional Latin Mass families are on the rise.

>> No.19045819

>bunch of insular clannish people with their own liturgical language and contempt for the outside world
Christianity once again looting someone else's religion

>> No.19045823
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It's a big quote. From 1969, when he was on a radio broadcast in Germany:

>“The future of the Church can and will issue from those whose roots are deep and who live from the pure fullness of their faith. It will not issue from those who accommodate themselves merely to the passing moment or from those who merely criticize others and assume that they themselves are infallible measuring rods; nor will it issue from those who take the easier road, who sidestep the passion of faith, declaring false and obsolete, tyrannous and legalistic, all that makes demands upon men, that hurts them and compels them to sacrifice themselves. To put this more positively: The future of the Church, once again as always, will be reshaped by saints, by men, that is, whose minds probe deeper than the slogans of the day, who see more than others see, because their lives embrace a wider reality. Unselfishness, which makes men free, is attained only through the patience of small daily acts of self-denial. By this daily passion, which alone reveals to a man in how many ways he is enslaved by his own ego, by this daily passion and by it alone, a man’s eyes are slowly opened. He sees only to the extent that he has lived and suffered. If today we are scarcely able any longer to become aware of God, that is because we find it so easy to evade ourselves, to flee from the depths of our being by means of the narcotic of some pleasure or other. Thus our own interior depths remain closed to us. If it is true that a man can see only with his heart, then how blind we are!

>“How does all this affect the problem we are examining? It means that the big talk of those who prophesy a Church without God and without faith is all empty chatter. We have no need of a Church that celebrates the cult of action in political prayers. It is utterly superfluous. Therefore, it will destroy itself. What will remain is the Church of Jesus Christ, the Church that believes in the God who has become man and promises us life beyond death. The kind of priest who is no more than a social worker can be replaced by the psychotherapist and other specialists; but the priest who is no specialist, who does not stand on the [sidelines], watching the game, giving official advice, but in the name of God places himself at the disposal of man, who is beside them in their sorrows, in their joys, in their hope and in their fear, such a priest will certainly be needed in the future.

>> No.19045833
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>“Let us go a step farther. From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge — a Church that has lost much. She will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning. She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes, so it will lose many of her social privileges. In contrast to an earlier age, it will be seen much more as a voluntary society, entered only by free decision. As a small society, it will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members. Undoubtedly it will discover new forms of ministry and will ordain to the priesthood approved Christians who pursue some profession. In many smaller congregations or in self-contained social groups, pastoral care will normally be provided in this fashion. Along-side this, the full-time ministry of the priesthood will be indispensable as formerly. But in all of the changes at which one might guess, the Church will find her essence afresh and with full conviction in that which was always at her center: faith in the triune God, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, in the presence of the Spirit until the end of the world. In faith and prayer she will again recognize the sacraments as the worship of God and not as a subject for liturgical scholarship.

>“The Church will be a more spiritual Church, not presuming upon a political mandate, flirting as little with the Left as with the Right. It will be hard going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek. The process will be all the more arduous, for sectarian narrow-mindedness as well as pompous self-will will have to be shed. One may predict that all of this will take time. The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain — to the renewal of the nineteenth century. But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.

>> No.19045838
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>“And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. It may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but it will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.

>> No.19045861

Wow you guys have been doomers for a long time now huh? I suppose that goes back to Paul though.

>> No.19045871

>bunch of insular clannish people with contempt
Nice self-own

>> No.19045874

thanks anon, you're a good egg

>> No.19045890

>How do you NTfags figure he won't do to you what he did to the OTfags?
You realise that the jews broke the covenant with God, right? Multiple times at that

>> No.19045892

Election's over. It's time for you to go home

>> No.19045900
File: 341 KB, 1280x951, 1280px-La_conversión_de_san_Pablo_Murillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be a Christian is basically to be a doomer. Remember, God Himself came down to minister to us, and we fucking killed Him. Humanity is wicked, depraved, and sinful. Even when we want to do good we often fuck it up. Paul says this and Augustine says it too.

We can do nothing good without God. Without God we are doomed and hopeless. On the other hand, with God, all things are possible.

>> No.19045902

So if you fail the experiment he gets new lab rats. That's a good point; I guess that makes sense. I mean the rest of it doesn't make sense but if you are theologically a lab rat in your relationship to him it would follow that the big man in the white coat can get more rats to do another trial.

>> No.19045913

Moral masochism as always

>> No.19045930

You're either a schizoid, or a walking fedora, and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
The Jews first broke the covenant literally right after they agreed to it, when Moses was carrying down the commandments. Their faith was so hollow that their doubt made them immediately abandoned God, right after they'd accepted Him.
God kept forgiving them, until they rejected Christ as the messiah
The entire point of the new covenant is that all of mankind are His chosen, not just the Israelites. Through Christ's sacrifice all are saved, as long as they believe unto him.
There are no "new lab rats"

>> No.19045950

Why did he keep beta testing the original region until going ahead with an international release where you get to play as the Son of God instead of just God? Extreme cope to believe this theology is anything other than ad hoc schizobabble.

>> No.19045969

Literally what did he mean by this?
Not only do you clearly have no real understanding of what you're talking about, but you also speak like a tierzoo video. Go outside. Get off the internet. I hope you become less vindictive, and find joy, and perhaps even faith

>> No.19045981

But according to this thread, outside was created ex nihilo by a god who gave me the free will to chose to fail his experiment and be discarded like a dead lab rat. I'm good thanks. Might be sin or something out there.

>> No.19045986

Ok this looks really intresting, I will read it.

>> No.19046032

Anon, look at the entire fucking 20th Century. All that "progress" and "enlightenment" from the 18th and 19th centuries. A belief that if we removed the old rules and the old Church things would get better. Where did it get us? It got us to the 20th Century, in which millions died in wars and genocides and butcheries that had essentially atheist motivations.

Man absent God is a monster. Sometimes he is a monster with God, too. But he is always a monster without God. The 20th Century proved that.

>> No.19046121

>Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new.
Did this happen already?

>> No.19046157

It's basically just a bunch of cults over there.

>> No.19046219

Wrong. World used to bend for christianity once

>> No.19046228

Can anybody explain this "jesus was jewish" shit to me? He was both son of God and part of Trinity, how could God be religious?

>> No.19046247


Catholic church is a scam to get more wealth and power, and since they realized that global north is becoming more secular due to more secure lives and less need to rely on faith in times of crisis, they're focusing on global south to focus their scamming efforts there.

Correct, collectivism is debased and disgusting. Sizable groups of people should be banned, or eradicated.

>> No.19046253

The bible I suppose
Hard to believe a religion based around that thing lasted this long

>> No.19046268

at least it's a man

>> No.19046271

truly a miracle of allah

>> No.19046274

"And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So We caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. And Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do." Al-Qur'an 5:14

>> No.19046315

>Evangelican Lutheran Church
They weren't Christian at any point in history though.

>> No.19046316

>The bishops are also compromised.
So there are no non-heretic bishops left?

>> No.19046317

Their true god is money. Followers bring money. Therefore, they'll do whatever they need to bring in more followers, even if it means turning into a circus. In the meanwhile, the followers just need a flock to belong to, to feel meaningful, doesn't matter what it's for.

>> No.19046324

lol. nice try, demons.

>> No.19046338

Chosen people is something made up in Jewish eschatology you fucking retard

>> No.19046342
File: 261 KB, 1200x675, 1631471395256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they have such sights to show you.

>> No.19046438

every time

>> No.19046481
File: 313 KB, 1486x2048, Bellarmin vs Luther vs Mahomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to 1960 they were the serious Protestant denominations, along with Anglicans (if those even count as trvve Protestant).
Yet those two became the most pozzed in the last half century. Even woke mores aside, they are very dodgy with all sorts of basic heresy (I mean worse than those historically entertained in their clubs).
We've reached the point where Presbyterians, Baptists or Methodists, that were rightfully considered memes before, are now closer to the Church.
What happened to Lutherans specifically?

>> No.19046513

Color me surprised.

>> No.19046514

>What happened to Lutherans specifically?
Jesuit infiltration. By destruction from within the faithful are left with no other alternative than Rome.

>> No.19046529

>Jesuit infiltration

>> No.19046554

Old people in Catholic countries leave a ton of money to the Church. They are not very faithful but they treat the Church as a soul laundering service, to ease their conscience. No matter how indolent they are and how easily they swallow the narratives on TV they will still look at gay pride parades with utter disgust. After they die and leave a nice stack of cash to the Church the Vatican will issue a paper like De Fagottorum Absolutionem and hire tranny bishops just like everyone else. The authorities have understood very well that there is no need to ban books or persecute people, all they have to do is weaponize trannies and point them to whatever they want destroyed. Every pastime, every faith, everything but subservience to the system and entertaining oneself with indulgence in addictive lizard brain stimuli will be made "inclusive" and worthless until its existence will be pointless. I wonder why they don't put trannies in the straight category of porn sites, for being the epitome of sex-positivity they sure are backwards in their thinking. I wonder why.

>> No.19046645

Why the fuck is every tik tok video pure cringe.
I thought spergs like us were supposed to be the cringe ones.

>> No.19046651

I will never understand people that feel content following a weathervane.

>> No.19046663

No. Christians didnt give Caesar his due. They willing faced the lions. If thats not submitting to secular society I dont know what is.

>> No.19046680

>Speaking as a Catholic, Francis is a heretic
You arent a catholic. You can dislike the pope but you cannot call him a heretic larper.

>> No.19046692

>I thought spergs like us were supposed to be the cringe ones.
We were always cringe. I suppose tiktoks on a broader scale are a good look into the mind of the average person, so these are the people who think you and I are cringe.

>> No.19046730

Nope. Just the money changers again.

>> No.19046771

>videogame analogy
go back

>> No.19046787

Can you be a religious person without community?

>> No.19046796

Shut the fuck up, christcuck.

>> No.19046834

lol. It's always this or that, it's never
>this is the logical conclusion of Christianity
They'll never be able to escape the pathetic irony that the average Christian would think they are satanic for saying the things they do.