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/lit/ - Literature

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19040337 No.19040337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for a living?
I have a law degree which I absolutely despise. Sometimes I think about going back to school to study literature or history, but I know it'd be a waste of time anyway.

>> No.19040385


>> No.19040401

Don’t go back to study literature, but do Go back>>>>>>> and stay there.

>> No.19040446

I mange arsenic imports and exports for mining companies, and nower days also trying to worm my way into the lumber business.

Extremely dull, but well paid .

>> No.19040452

Is this tarkovskys the mirror?

>> No.19040453

I'm studying computer science.

>> No.19040476

Professional biology student
PI is in Cancer Biology so I'm probably going to inherit her specialty and go for a MD/PhD

>> No.19040479

I’m a government budget analyst. My job makes me want to kill myself. That’s not rhetorical by the way. It literally makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.19040480

Crypto neet

>> No.19040483

Accountant. I studied history at university, but I wanted to buy a house

>> No.19040487


I'm a physicist. Used to be super passionate but well here am I on /lit/ now huh

>> No.19040493

I run trains.

Choo! Choo! :)

>> No.19040498


>> No.19040510

Dropped out of university and have been NEET for years. I have no friends and no romantic partner but that's the price you pay for the NEET lifestyle.

>> No.19040545

I work in quality control in a small manufacturing company.
The pay is shit, commuting is shit, a lot of my coworkers are middle aged and functionally illiterate and I have nothing in common with anyone. If my shift is 8 hours I spend maybe five and a half working and the rest of the time I'm on my phone reading novels or shitposting. I just want to be a NEET but my parents would kill me if I even entertained the idea.

>> No.19040552
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Just graduated from uni (/his/ degree, no debt) and I currently teach English to little Chinese kids online. I earn about USD$20/hour, but only work from 5:50-9:00AM. No idea what's happening next.

>> No.19040620

Can you do that more?

>> No.19040635
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Molly? That you?

>> No.19040653
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No. This is me

>> No.19040657

Reference librarian (I have no money)

>> No.19040676

4/10. Don’t get fat

>> No.19040683

IT/Video games translator, crypto enthusiast.

>> No.19040699


>> No.19040700

What's your discord? I'm lonely.

>> No.19040741

Pls be my gf

>> No.19040777

Here's some biology for you

>The hair shaft of mammals is divided into three main regions: Cuticle, cortex and medulla. The medulla is present in corser hair like grey hair, thick hair and beard hair, and it is absent in fine hair of children. There is more medulla in the coarser hair of Asians than Caucasians. The medulla may be involved in the splitting of hairs since it provides an area of weakness as a pathway for the propagation of cracks along the axis of the fiber.[3,4]

Get a keratin treatment or something, damn.

>> No.19040829

Nice trips but I don't have split hairs
Post yours first
I'm already pretty fat
Uncut and 7 minimum

>> No.19040922

7 inches?

>> No.19040946
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>> No.19040952

I’m in my third year of a comp sci degree. Not sure if it’s my passion anymore but I’m in too deep already

>> No.19040973

I'm a teacher at a small town upper secondary school. Pay is decent, colleagues are nice, my workday is pretty chill

>> No.19040979

NEET. thinking about going to back to school and getting a computer science degree

>> No.19040982

Huh. Now you look like a girl I knew named Karen, she became a science teacher for kids.. No idea what kind of science though...

>> No.19040987

Madame, please show your vagina.

>> No.19040990

You'll choke on my 5" inches and enjoy it damnit.

>> No.19041022

Excuse me... you know the drill. TITS or GTFO. Post your tits for us gentlemen. It is the custom of this website.

>> No.19041036

Financial analyst. I want so badly to just go off the grid and do something physical, rural.

>> No.19041061

> going back to school to study literature or history
Just have a family. The dream job isn't out there for you. You are going to hate your job -- no matter what. Forget about the rare few that say they like their job.

>> No.19041069

This is tough but good advice.

>> No.19041075

Can you fudge the numbers a bit and get us conscientious objectors a little more NEETBuX?

>> No.19041088

Quickbooks in the other window?

>> No.19041099


>> No.19041102

How'd you get into that?

>> No.19041191

No. The timezone limitations make available hours pretty limited. That and the Chinese government has cracked down on ESL teaching, meaning I'll probably be out of a job by the new year. Not too upset about it because this was never meant to be a long-term thing, but I'll need to find something else with mild haste.

>> No.19041196


>> No.19041203

Interesting. I'm sure they cracked down because they wanted less foreign parasites feeding on the youth of Glorious Communist China.

>> No.19041206

Unfortunately, no. I work on the most irrelevant and useless shit that no one actually cares about at all, besides my boss who likes to pretend it’s extremely important and cool and expects you do the same. I’ve gotten scolded before because I “don’t seem to be interested or excited enough”.

>> No.19041207

Isn't the whole point about teaching chinks that you live there for some years and bleach some sluts?

>> No.19041234

Pretty much. One one hand Chinese kids are basically slaves to education, on the other hand they want to limit the amount of foreign influence kids are getting.

>> No.19041238

That's classic positive psychology MBA tactics. Don't read up on positive psychology or you may do an office space.

>> No.19041252

I'm in my senior year studying finance, hoping to land an analyst role post-grad. I desire to live /out/ and the thought of working in finance makes me ill, even though that's the path I'm on. I'll probably be in your shoes in a few years

>> No.19041263

That line of work is only suitable for extremely greedy materialistic people. Given that you are on /lit/, I already know you aren't going to make it.

>> No.19041284

It’s worse than that. These people have master’s degrees in things like “leadership” or “organizational change”. I’m close to an office space daily anyway. I’m really, really close to quitting. The only reason I haven’t is because I’m so indoctrinated (mostly by my parents) and thus hesitate to just let go.

>> No.19041293

I don’t understand. I didn’t know I definitively hated it until I did it. Why would you willingly choose that for yourself if you already know you’re going to hate it? You don’t want to, you don’t need to. So why? That makes no sense to me.

>> No.19041299

train school probably.

>> No.19041305

That made me laugh out loud, because you're right. I always viewed it as a way to make money for a few years then get out before I neck myself. I'm good at putting on a professional and knowledgeable presentation even though I hate everyone I interact with (LinkedIn, finance alumni, mentors), so I can blend in with the bloomberg stock boys.

>> No.19041316

>I always viewed it as a way to make money for a few years then get out before I neck myself.
Rookie mistake. It never works out that way.

>> No.19041320

My one obligation in life has been to graduate college with a good degree. I am enslaved by my family's expectations.

>> No.19041323

What a nightmare. They should just bring back the whips and chains. That seems more human than the "happy happy happy" MBAs.

>> No.19041327

be careful with women. if you get a girl pregnant, you now have a moral obligation to continue working in finance as stable money to support a family. you see it all the time in the office with people who don't really enjoy their work but feel compelled to be there. it is a sad fate in a way but they do enjoy their family at least, on the surface

>> No.19041340

PhD English lit. Taught for five years in a university. in Canada. Moved to Europe with my family and now teach in an international school. Life's awright. Still publishing scholarship and attending conferences, but with less stress and more time for family than when I was in the uni-prison.

>> No.19041342

I will start a phillsophy degree in October. Im 19yo, and dont have plans to what to do next. Probabiliy I will do a master degree after. But what I know already is that I will want to live in a small apartment with fewer objects as possible.

>> No.19041359

Once you're in it changes you. You will get sucked up into the career progression system. The more energy you put into it, the more you will see there's nothing else in life but climbing the ladder.

Then...BAM!...you're a middle age man with a wife that despises you because she knows you don't even respect yourself anymore.

Then...BAM!... you are on your third marriage and one of your sons copped off his penis.

Then you are on your deathbed thinking about how thinks could have gone so differently. Where did it all go wrong? I used to have a spark and love for life...but I somehow lost it along the way. I wish I would have done things differently...

Then the machine flatlines and someone posts yet another Built Exclusively For Big Black Cock meme on 4chan.

The end.

>> No.19041385

Currently studying IT but it's so fucking gay. Think i will change. Rather be a STEMtard and study physics.

>> No.19041389

I'm pursuing an LLM this year, not out of any desire to actually work in a firm or anything, but to get a job somewhere in house or government etc.

I've got a set plan of how much I need to save and earn, and my autism ensures I will fucking stick to it. I've looked at the job figures, and I believe that If I work 15 years and save everything, it'll nearly kill me, but I can likely leave the rat race and retire somewhere lonely and quiet. That's the dream.

>> No.19041405

There are plenty of “good degrees” out there.

>> No.19041409

I don't work. The best men were afforded the opportunity to be so by fate. I trust that. Nothing else is worthwhile.

>> No.19041435

Maximally demoralized. Have you seen the state of the world? Things are not in good hands.

>> No.19041482

>Uncut and 7 minimum
literally me

>> No.19041493

I dropped out of college, needed a real job, and saw trains going by every night. I applied for the two railroads in town(online) and got hired by the better paying one. The rest is just passing a drug test.

>> No.19041505

That's nothing to do with what I said.
>Maximally demoralized.
No. You misunderstand me.

>> No.19041617

sounds comfy. how much is the pay like, approximately? do they just take anyone with a pulse or what standards/characteristics do they look for?

i like trains but i live in America so i feel my prospects to be slim outside certain cities

>> No.19041657

>how much is the pay like, approximately?
A lot. I make ~$45/hr.
>do they just take anyone with a pulse or what standards/characteristics do they look for?
If you're willing to work nights, weekends, holidays, and on-call that's all it takes. Oh, and saying that you'll "be safe." This isn't a very difficult job, but there are definitely some people that are a lot better than others at it.

I don't live in a major city, but I do live where there's a lot of industry. Go check the websites of the big carriers. You never know where they'll be hiring and if there are incentives. I remember a few railroads were really struggling to hire people in Kansas a few years ago. They were paying ~$20k bonuses to anyone that lasted 2 years.

>> No.19041665

I work in despatch for a label printing company for £7 an hour. I wish the Lord would take me now

>> No.19041674

How do I contact you

>> No.19041696

Appear in one of my dreams. I should add that I'm 6'3.

>> No.19041705


>> No.19041744


>> No.19041783

I have a journalism degree that was an enormous waste of money
I work as a proofreader & translator. Very boring and monotonous work, and I'll probably be replaced by AI any day now
Hell, I do most of my translations using DeepL now anyway

>> No.19041784

jesus thanks for the tip friend. i'm a drop out too so this is a good comfy career lead. god bless

>> No.19041804

I just started school for history, I like it but I'm not passionate about it, which is what I wanted because I don't want a job that'll kill my passion.

Unrelated note, anyone here with a history degree to give me tips?
>inb4 switch major

>> No.19042196


data science crap.

>> No.19042246

Safety inspector

>> No.19042258

pharmacist looking to become this >>19040480

>> No.19042268
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Software developer / code monkey
It's actually not that bad. But I do wish that I'd have a more 'intellectual' occupation.
I wanted to be a professor of philosophy...

>> No.19042277

Middle management lol.

Just got back from a 1 hour walk. Now I'm going to make lunch. As long as I answer calls no one realizes I'm not actually working

>> No.19042283

>As long as I answer calls no one realizes I'm not actually working
heh, same. I love corona

>> No.19042289

Public Relations. I earned a degree in literature before my PR credential.

>> No.19042293

I'm an investment broker. My MA is in political science, I just kinda stumbled into this line of work when I needed a job. Hate it, but I make good money.

>> No.19042295

Trainee auditor here

>> No.19042301

please tell me

is there anything better than qbo out there? i fucking hate it with a passion. have you ever heard of anyone using gnu cash? that's what /g/ recommends

>> No.19042302

low tier programmer. not exactly a code monkey, but nowhere near enough the position where i get to roll out products on my own. Decent wage, and given my lack of intellect, the best I can get.

>> No.19042385

Quickbooks is for babby accountants.
I use Sage or Dimensions. Don't like the sound of open source software for running big important data through. You want a big corporation with their asses on the line if something goes wrong, not a bunch of hippies.

>> No.19042404

Have you read A Fan's Notes?

I work in a warehouse for minimum wage.

>> No.19042422

I make a lot of money getting guys like you fired lol

>> No.19042450

I'm a radiology resident. I don't earn a lot right now but I have great job prospects. I don't really like it and am pretty burned out with medicine in general, so I plan to overwork myself till I'm around 40-50, then buy a plot of land, build a house and spend the rest of my life reading, listenig to music and tending to my garden.

>> No.19042469

Archivist. Chillest job on earth.

>> No.19042488

cs degrees are about to become worthless toilet paper aren’t they

>> No.19042493

I'm >>19042268
They already are. It'll all be outsourced to India, Eastern Europe, etc. soon too.

>> No.19042501

cashier. i make 300 euros/month.

>> No.19042502

financial advisor

sounds fun anon.

>> No.19042509

Are you me?
Same thing here. Are you Brazilian, by any chance? Many such cases here.

>> No.19042531

Sometimes it is. Right now I'm working with the papers of a mental hospital from the 1920s and 40s and occasionally stop to read the case files. Interesting stuff in there, lots of sad stories too.

>> No.19042535

You see a lot of us here because 4channel's demographic is autistic young man addicted to the internet
Most normal people don't even know how to operate a computer

>> No.19042601

Travel nurse, critical care. In between contracts at the moment on an extended holiday. Just spent two weeks in California on a surfing holiday with my gf. Going to South Tyrol later this month to meet with some old friends and climb a few mountains in the Dolomites. Will likely take a job in Florida or Texas upon my return, or wherever else the pay is the highest.

The job itself can be pretty challenging, but it affords me the lifestyle I want.

>> No.19042678

I work in a seafood factory processing mussels for the export market. Boring but it pays OK and I use my time to think of story ideas.

>> No.19042784


I'm a video editor for a company that makes patient education videos for hospitals. The work is pretty dull and undemanding, but it pays decent for an entry level job, I work from home, and it's low stress enough that I have the time and energy to write and pursue my other creative projects.

All in all, I feel I'm in a decent spot in life. I don't really have ambitions for career advancement where I work, but I also want to really make something out of my personal creative work so lately I've been pushing against that oh-so seductive inertia that comes from getting too comfy. Turning 30 and becoming more keenly aware of the flow of time has definitely lit a fire under my ass too.

>> No.19042791

Do you work for a university, corporation or federal institution?

>> No.19042792

How do I become an archivist?

>> No.19042812

Aren't you worried anons will masturbate to photos of you which you post on 4chan?

>> No.19042814
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Unfortunately I've even been deprived of the opportunity to get blown up by a brown person for Israel since all the wars have dried up and I failed selection. All that's left is pointless garrison cult crap and trashy field exercises so someone can check a block and get an MQ. I bet that if a new war broke out I would be absolutely ecstatic, and then most likely die or receive a career-ending injury on my first day in theater.

>> No.19042816

get really good at filing. Go out and by a filing cabinet and organize the fuck out of it. Time yourself on how fast you can find random things. Just keep buying more filing cabinets until you literally cannot fit anymore.

>> No.19042820
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>> No.19042839

she's a slut, it's what she wants

>> No.19042842
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I am a horticulturist.
Work outside, fresh air, manual labour with a good degree of thinking. I like it.
Could pay more but it’s a fair trade off to being stuck inside all day.

>> No.19042848

What are some good jobs or careers to pursue that involve as little interaction with other people as possible? I'm not a misanthrope but I'm happiest when I'm alone.

>> No.19042852
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bus-boy at an expensive restaurant. best part is the short shifts and mindless work. it leaves me lots of time to work on my creative projects (music/plug-in design) and read. the worst part is working with idiots and especially the angry idiots.

>> No.19042862

Based train autist

>> No.19042867

Why did you ignore everybody who told you how bad being a grunt in peacetime is? Afghanistan hasn't counted as an actual war in years.
Barring an impossible imaginary total war with the chinks nothing is going to change for 11Bs or 0311s or whatever you are. For the love of god rerate into something where you get actual specialized training you can use on the outside. I hope you're at least getting a goddamn degree while you're in.
>t. Butterbar

>> No.19042879

It's a government institutions, the archives of a city. We are pretty well funded and my job is completely secure.
The most straightforward path is getting a degree in archival science (or something similar) and simply applying. Experience is a big plus (best way to get it is either through internships or volunteering) but not necessary. An archive related degree isn't necessary either, only about 20% of the people here have that degree, any history related degree will do, but getting a job might be a bit harder. Overall it's easy to learn what you need for the field, read a book or two on archival work and whatever handbook is most commonly used in your country and you are 80% of the way there. After the first few projects you are 95% there.

>> No.19042883

You'll never catch me fuckhead.
I've got a mouse mover script on my PC.

>> No.19042897

Filtering your trip, btw

>> No.19042899

Sounds great anon. I always thought that working with plants would feel great.

>> No.19042902

how do i get into that

>> No.19042913

When I joined there was still stuff going on, but I lucked out and ended up at a unit that missed the boat on all that.
And no, I'm not going to reclass or anything. I'd rather just get all the way out and put it all behind me.

>> No.19042921

I'm a student in computer engineering. I try to make myself interested in the course work but it's very hard to care.

>> No.19042924
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Studying philosophy.
I like it so far, but I'm retty insecure about my own writings. I have a few assignments to do (about 20 pages in total) until the end of the month and I just can't bring myself to actually write. I feel like my opinion on anything is just not worth reading. I enjoy reading and listening to knowledgeable professors much more than doing stuff on my own.

>> No.19042928

i teach high school chemistry. dropped out of med school last year. hopefully just doing this until next may once i'm out of debt. i'd like to enroll in clinical psychology program. or i'll kms, options abound.

>> No.19042941

plans after uni?

>> No.19042944
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PhD in physics but work at a disgusting big software company I'm not gonna name. Out of shame.
I do a lot of math and philosophy on the side. Or, let's be honest, during work hours.

>> No.19042981

Did you draw that?

>> No.19043009


>> No.19043011

the only other instance of it on the web is some fag on sci talking about anime

>> No.19043035

Finishing an IT degree this year. The entire degree just feels like studying made up bullshit that you can learn on the job in a week. I wish I just stuck with chemistry or biology instead of switching to something with "good job prospects". Rooning is the only thing keeping me alive right now.

>> No.19043052

one of my favourite films anon, glad someone knows it
(Yi yi by Yang)

>> No.19043060

PhD in history but work at a disgusting big logistics company I'm not gonna name. Out of glory. I do a lot of contemplative introspection and critical juncture analysis on the side. Or, let's be honest, while delivering mail.

>> No.19043093

Nah, it’ll all be automated away. GitHub copilot is the beginning of the end.

>> No.19043105

Your hair is fried in that pic, sweaty. Deal with it.

>> No.19043112

its sad to hear so many people hate their job

i started as an apprentice at an accountants recently (about 2 months now) and i just cant see how i could do this for the next 40 years.
it's not soul destroying, its easy work, its just... so vacant, more a void for my time than anything else, the days are a blur.
is it for the money? do i have to consider when i will "retire"? maybe i'm too young and foolish, it's probably like this in any job

i just dont know if i am an idiot to pursue something else, or an idiot to stay. Personally i know i don't always make the best choices in these decisions

>> No.19043157

my friend, I would recommend talking to other guys in that profession online or wherever and using whatever tools are at your disposal to make the job easiest(scripts to automate stuff, etc). I would advise against giving up an easy job that pays well enough. Use your free time and energy on the job to read, or do whatever

>> No.19043213

the job is office based, most of my work is data entry from various documents clients send in, the software used is old and slow and my desk position is in full view of anyone

there is no free time on the job where i can read etc

it also doesn't pay well yet, it's apprentice wage.

>> No.19043231

I don't have an exact plan, but I wanna try things out and see what works for me. Being a movie director would be awesome, but getting there until it covers my bills and gives me enough creative freedom is pretty damn hard and takes a long time especially when you have no money. Anything creative would be up my ally desu, from writing fiction to drawing, making music or photography. I'll get myself a camera soon and see what I can create with it on my own. I'm 21, there's no rush, I've got time. I'll probably have to wagecuck for years until I'm mildly successful with anything, but oh well I have no other choice, and I'm used to poverty. I just hope I won't be alone on that road, really. I'm socially incompetent though so I'm gonna have to work on that as well.

>> No.19043246

One of the most dangerous ideas put into kids heads is "do what you love and you won't work a day in your life!" No, do what makes the most money that you can tolerate so you can afford HOBBIES that you actually love.

>> No.19043250
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Studied Literature, trying to make it as a freelance translator.

>> No.19043263

or just kill yourself to avoid a life of work
the juice is rarely worth the squeeze

>> No.19043276

Aerospace engineering degree and working in bank

>> No.19043279

just do the work and stop thinking so much. they’re not expecting anything profound from students, though you certainly won’t create such by being so negative.

>> No.19043291


>> No.19043429

>No, do what makes the most money that you can tolerate so you can afford HOBBIES
Depends on the hobby. You can never become a great artist unless you give it your all. If you wait till your 30s, for 99% of people it’s already too late

>> No.19043460

what if I don't actually love anything? what is the point of this absurd toil

>> No.19043594

What makes the most money is almost always the kind of job that expands to eat up the rest of your life and destroy those hobbies.
Plenty of people work jobs that don't suck, get by just fine, and still have hobbies. I do.

>> No.19043616

We will need this anon soon

>> No.19043643

Wait $45 an hour that’s crazy

>> No.19043647

You just don’t get it Anon. Life is all about making money. You need to forget any higher or lower pursuit and just make money, like a worthless fucking bug. Surely, that will give your life meaning and purpose.

>> No.19043660

Not gonna lie man I think about this more and more
Do I want to force myself through 50 progressively less enjoyable years or do I just spend my current resources on everything I wanted to try and then end it?

>> No.19043677

Take the third option and stop enjoying anything instead.

>> No.19043683

No I didn't.
It's acc inspired. To me at least.

Glory to you - even if I find it hard to believe.

>its sad to hear so many people hate their job
Job is almost always a compromise.

>> No.19043692

I haven't been able to enjoy anything in years, quite literally

>> No.19043714

I don't really wanna write just for the sake of it. I'm very fascinated by philosophy so it frustrates me that I can't really put down anything decent.

>> No.19043745

You don’t know how bad the universities are as employers.

>> No.19043748

It’s still better than 90% of all jobs.

>> No.19043757

Anything night shift like security, IT

>> No.19043776

overnight baker

>> No.19043782

In terms of benefits and compensation, sure, if you play your cards right.
But don't tell me sweeping rain or spending a weekend on duty with your whole squad because some 19 year old got a DUI beats being an office drone.

>> No.19043833

Truck dispatcher.
I work 10 hours a day and make 400 euro a month. Want to kill myself every waking moment.
Is my life just going to be like this until I croak?

>> No.19043836

I have a meme degree. Should I become an officer, and if so, what branch? Best MOS or whatever for being a feather merchant and reading all day?

>> No.19043878

Peacetime grunt is a waste of what the military can offer you. There is all kinds of kickass shit you can still do in the military without being at war, but you get to do precisely none of it in return for nothing.

>> No.19043946

No, it’s better in terms of everything. You’ll see once you’re out but if you think it’s much different, let alone much better outside you’re sorely mistaken. It’s far worse actually save for some exceptions.

True, but that’s not what I meant.

>> No.19043947

I enjoy what I do. You have to be genuinely good at communicating with people and keeping your head in dogshit situations. You'd go to OCS, which is ostensibly physical and academic, but in reality those two factors are what they're really testing you for and all they actually need you to have.
From everything I've seen, the smaller the niche you get into, the better - go for nerd shit, which even a meme degree is often surprisingly enough for. The Navy is best to ensure you get those small odd jobs because the Army and AF don't let you cement that until the end of OCS when you've already committed. My job was guaranteed before I ever left home or swore in. The Navy puts most of its nerd shit under an umbrella called "Information Warfare," so look into each of the designators (jobs/MOSes) that covers.

>> No.19043964

Read more Engels.

>> No.19043979

Dispatch deez nuts mudafucker <3

>> No.19043981

Many thanks

>> No.19043989

oh yeah, anything else at all I should know?

>> No.19044037

I'll reiterate that you have to be able to talk to people. Autistic shut-ins who can't at least fake it to blend in (like I do desu) will be weeded out and you'll only waste your time.
You will talk to superiors and subordinates all day every day, and they actually care a lot more than you'd think about the way you present yourself and generally look. The officer who was presenting my application to the board that decided whether they offered me a slot or not called up my recruiter to ask how I spoke, walked around, and dressed. Only nukes can get away with being bona fide autists.

>> No.19044046

Also, if you actually start the process, /k/ has a military enlistment general that I post in from time to time and where other people can give you advice too.

>> No.19044099

awesome, thanks again

>> No.19044110

I’m a vet tech. I’m probably the only guy in the field

>> No.19044154

How often to you finger animal buttholes?

>> No.19044167

often, it's the perfect job for a furry like me
i got so hard when I finger a doggy's itty bitty little boy pussy

>> No.19044196


>> No.19044303

but it’s for an assignment. stop being a pussy bro and get it done.