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/lit/ - Literature

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19039597 No.19039597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any Christian clergy lurking on /lit?
Which literature and books help you get through the day?

>> No.19039617

Are you a priest/vicar OP? I very much doubt there are others on here in the unlikely event that you are.

>> No.19039964

I think most priests have no idea how to use the internet.

>> No.19039999

Most priests are closet gays who want to be taken care of for the rest of their lives. The Church is a welfare system

>> No.19040012

Of course there arent any clergies here, they are good educated men and this place is a cesspit for teenagers, trannies, the mentally ill and the worst of all; STEMfags.

>> No.19040027

>implying there are no mentally ill tranny clergy

>> No.19040030

the average priest in the US is 67, doubt any of them browse 4chan

>> No.19040039

Shut the fuck up you stupid attention-seeking asian femoid whore. Wasted quads.
>t. clergyman

>> No.19040045
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Triggered because true

>> No.19040048
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Based and checked
Someone is going to hell. Every sin is on this website, some more than once.

>> No.19040060

Most Asian women are welfare queens through white men.

>> No.19040063

I'm not asian I'm Native American you absolute faggot

>> No.19040064

Same shit shitskin.

>> No.19040066

>white men mad that they have become the minority on land they stole
I love drinking your tears cumskin

>> No.19040067

You're only native american if you're alcoholic and in a culture of paedophile rape. Otherwise you're just sparkling hispanic.

>> No.19040069

>saying this while getting welfare for being in said land
Kek, don't forget to thank the White man for the roof over your head!

>> No.19040070

Your culture has been decimated and most of your people are alcoholics/addicts that subsist on government handouts.

Who really won?

The jews. The answers is always the jews.

>> No.19040076

There are some on /lit/ or at least people LARPing as such.

>> No.19040081

You know how you think its a job requirement to believe in god to be a priest?

It isn't.

>> No.19040084

I'll have to come back to this later because I have a doctor's appointment but I find it funny that mediocre white men take credit for a culture established long before them by the pagan Normans and the pederast Greeks. Just admit your identity depends on raping the legacy of your European ancestors

>> No.19040088

>”native American
You are just fat with a nigger nose

>> No.19040089

>because I have a doctor's appointment
Don't forget to bring your medicaid card with you!

>> No.19040095

What are you talking about? And you can probably infer that there are some here considering some shelf threads.

>> No.19040103

None of them meet their own criteria of whiteness.
None of them meet their own criteria of manness.

So you're not a priest, nor do you do theology.

The early church had a major problem: if the priest is out of communion with God, will the worshippers he officiates for also be heretics?

…Go back to shouting John 3:16.

The discharge won't stop until Jesus touches your hoohaw. Or HIS nearest local representative. <cough>

>> No.19040121
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Wasn’t this post about clergy, and what literature they read?

Why does everyone take the racial bait everytime. Don’t you people get tired of it after the seventh shitpost in the last hour .

About your question OP, I live in a city with a lot of clergymen and I found this book lying around one day

>> No.19040128

You are probably thinking I'm someone else. Are you triggered over this?

>> No.19040134

Do you want me to touch your hoohaw?

>> No.19040139

I thought you were white, no?

>> No.19040140

I'm agnostic and I also don't want to be a priest. Why are you so triggered over it? Were you abused or some shit?

>> No.19040145

You seem to have a problem with understanding basic theology; I guess you don't have an opinion on NGE or touhous.

>> No.19040147
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>I live in a city with a lot of clergymen and I found this book lying around one
I found this

>> No.19040153

I don't care about religious autism itself, my concern is with it is when it comes to other people. So, yes, you are right, I wouldn't call it a problem because I never bothered with it. But it is not like I don't have to deal with people like (you) everywhere.

>> No.19040167

I think they read a lot of commentaries it seems like. Different interpretations of the bible, and I guess it depends also which order you belong to.

The one I found was written in the seventies, so I guess they have their own specialized literature on the bible.

>> No.19040171

You're in a thread about abusing an indigenous woman to force her to have sex with you and christian theology. And you don't seem to be engaging in rape. And you don't seem to have any engagement with touhou fanon (Jesus). What the fuck are you doing in this thread other than masturbating your menstrual cunt in public.

>> No.19040175

I come to /lit/ to observe retards and laugh a bit.

>> No.19040181

You seriously need to develop disciplinary reading practices—your ability to laugh at retards is far too low.

I'd suggest a BA with a double major in Lit Crit and Sociology.

>> No.19040192

No, I'm probably going to study some non-autism inducing subject. Maybe it is all about the meds I'm not taking.

>> No.19040198

OP confirm you are a member of the one and only Church the Lord established and I will provide with juicy book recs. If you confirm you are protestant I will only call you a tranny and move on.

>> No.19040199

You think you're going to get a "job" out of "college?" Your petits bourgeois are sadder than the ruling class slummers or the workers who know they'll be slot a tab b so may as well learn what Schoppie said.

I mean I'd tell you a decent subject, but you'd pollute it with your lack of cleanliness. Guess you'd need a theologically trained individual to tell you how Jesus solved Leviticus as a class war on the Temple.

>> No.19040209

I would rather STEM.

>> No.19040215

Why yes, I am a member of the basedest (not corrupted) church devised by Martin Luther.

>> No.19040227

Better be mathematics then. The other three are for homosexuals.

Also if a University doesn't offer a BA (Mathematics) they're not a real university.

>> No.19040237

Martin Luther didn't devise Anabaptism.

>> No.19040357

I anathematize the evil heresy known as "protestantism".

>> No.19040586

I'm gonna be ordained in a year and a half, if that counts. I just enjoy literature and use reading as a hobby not as an escapism/method for answers. Augustine's Confessions did help me a lot, if you want specific answers.

>> No.19040613

What order?

>> No.19040626

Do people really? Lmao

>> No.19040634

I admire a lot the people that embrace religious life. Only few men can really leave their normal life behind and embrace the life of a priest

>> No.19040662

start -> finish

>> No.19040679


>> No.19040723

Yeah, it's a good comeback for shitskin. I don't really find any skin color inherently ugly though desu so I personally avoid these terms.
In my opinion, everyone can be beautiful, including you anon <3

>> No.19040731

No, computer science.

>> No.19040733

>I love drinking your tears cumskin
>I love drinking tears from someone that looks like cum
Read this line again

>> No.19040740

No, I'm a member of the "basedest (not corrupted) church devised by Martin Luther." It is a new church for anons.

>> No.19040763

I'm white and my skin doesn't look like cum though

>> No.19040810
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>> No.19040831

>Someone is going to hell. Every sin is on this website, some more than once.
You do realize that the point of Christianity is that we are all sinners and belief in Christ saves you despite that, right? You always hear that there's some contradiction in Christians using 4chan from dumbass fedoras, as if Christ himself didn't live among the whores and lepers.

>> No.19040835

are you a woman? will you be my gf?

>> No.19040840

Your sacred land is used to factory farm the potatoes that go into my french fries. Cope and seethe redskin.

>> No.19040915

Uncut and 7 minimum
And your children will be indoctrinated by critical race theory to return our land. Cultural marxists stay winning

>> No.19041039
File: 2.50 MB, 3438x3574, Study to show thyself approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a minister but these are some of my favorite Christian books.

>> No.19041136


>> No.19041166

I've seen your pic, I regretfully retract my offer

>> No.19041169

Yes I am a pope (won’t say which). I mostly read the funny papers

>> No.19041289

How many popes have abdicated? Two?

>> No.19041300


>> No.19041691
File: 44 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still waiting for The Works of Jonathan Edwards to be back in stock

>> No.19041741

true and checked

>> No.19041754

I'm sure it will be back in stock soon. It's too popular.
Heritage Books is about to release Goodwin's works in hardcover. Very tempting.

>> No.19041757

Due to the personnel shortage most c*tholic priests work way more than your average wagecuck, not much of a welfare system desu

>> No.19041771


>> No.19041913

>Due to the personnel shortage most c*tholic priests work way more than your average wagecuck
Yeah, I'll need a source for that.

Can. 905 §1. A priest is not permitted to celebrate the Eucharist more than once a day except in cases where the law permits him to celebrate or concelebrate more than once on the same day.

§2. If there is a shortage of priests, the local ordinary can allow priests to celebrate twice a day for a just cause, or if pastoral necessity requires it, even three times on Sundays and holy days of obligation.

>> No.19041918
File: 150 KB, 800x1200, Pope_Peter_III_of_Palmar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19041924

This has to be the true pope. He looks like he embraces the traditions of the church much more than Francis.

>> No.19041958

Why is some native american asian tripfag seething about christianity?

>> No.19041973

post her pic

>> No.19041977

The Palmarian Church has been excommunicated in 1978 by Paul VI

From what I read, they believe in the existence not only of the Antichrist, but of the Antimary too

They also believe in the perfect identity between physical body of Jesus Christ, Eucharistic body and mistic body. Therefore, they believe, besides Jesus, all the Saints and the Holy Mary resides in the Host, too.

Doesn't sound very traditional

>> No.19041999

Church functions much like a private company. We could as well call a bishop CEO.

>> No.19042012

Holy based and checked

>> No.19042039

it's all over the place, look on the archives or whatever
she's also a big slut, has casual sex and one night stands, yikes

>> No.19042056


>> No.19042057

>Any Christian clergy lurking on /lit?

Puhlease. Most of these niggers, don't even go to church

>> No.19042097

Yes, I adore having my pussy and asshole gaped, and I especially love sucking cock and the spit streaming down my chin; but having my nipples sucked is the supreme pleasure, which stimulates me even more than fucking

What's your point anon

>> No.19042103

Priests have many duties beyond performing the mass anon. There are other sacraments, counseling of the faithful, obligatory daily prayers, and administration of the parish for instance

>> No.19042224
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