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19036464 No.19036464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Thoughts on this series? I completed reading through them and would be interested to hear other anons thoughts.

>> No.19036564


related videos.

>> No.19036683

If anyone knows the chronological order of these books i would really like to know. I'd like to make a graph at some point. After reading them all I think the stories take place in this order

>Call of the Cradle
2001 and 2002

>Call of the Crocodile
Sometime in the 2010's?

>Call of the Kappa, Call of the Arcade, Call of the Cherokee, Hunger of the Kangaroo, Reptilian Odyssey

Modern time i think. Hard to say what order these books happen in.


Mix of past and future

If any anons can figure out the years of these it would be much appreciated. It's obvious Cradle happens after 2001 but its been hard for me to figure out how to pinpoint the rest. i might have overlooked the years if their mentioned.

>> No.19036698

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.19036720

ive already read it.

>> No.19036840

also probably not a good idea to post that

>> No.19038072


>> No.19038325

Call of the Book Shilling Author.
spooky. Going to be the Halloween best seller.

>> No.19038896

Rofl he should make that

>> No.19038911

Anything that’s a series is trash literature and not worth reading.

>> No.19039052

Eh it's kind of a series. But you can read em in any order so Idk if that counts.

>> No.19039089

It's fine by me if he shills his book. Gadner never had a coordinated effort. Just one guy posting his meme shit.

What is unacceptable is when you have a discord server posting for months and months on end pushing mass published commercial nonsense with fake posts and redditors. Fuck retard Cunt Waldun. RC Walden l'accedemie and ban all posters who ever shilled for him. Literally astroturfed.

>> No.19039107

It’s just too much and too frequent for it to all be Gardner. Maybe when he first came out with them. But he buys ads and his books seem to have enough reviews videos etc to indicate he built a fanbase. Is that really true about Waldun?

>> No.19039113

>his books seem to have enough reviews videos etc to indicate he built a fanbase
this is simply not true and you know it, frank.

>> No.19039151

Gardner's most rated book on Goodreads is Call of the Crocodile with 54 ratings and 17 reviews.
Waldun's most rated book on Goodreads is The Learned Disguise with 33 ratings and 8 reviews.
Gardner has a ton of books while Waldun has a couple. This is basic math. There's Youtubers who review Gardner's shit on a pretty regular basis. I don't think people do that with Waldun.

And no I'm not Frank. I've only read Croc but i'm well aware of the following.

>> No.19039179

If you've read it, please post a picture of a page

>> No.19039209
File: 817 KB, 1566x2046, 7DF6B447-D06D-4226-8513-DC369B61E570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fine

>> No.19039295
File: 592 KB, 992x561, Crocodile Note.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post a picture of the most memed book on this website

>> No.19039351
File: 556 KB, 1044x1430, 1621667670469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you know my name is Frank Edward Gardner Jr? I am 32 years old, a registered Democrat and a derp faced faggot who calls myself an author and spams my YA trash on 4chan. I am named after my father Frank Edward Gardner Sr. who was a former environmental attorney before becoming the water reclamation district commisioner of [REDACTED FOR JANNIES]. He even tried to sue Fox32 TV station once! I tried to run for the same position as my nepotist daddy when I was 27. My mother's name is [REDACTED FOR JANNIES] Gardner (Her maiden name was [REDACTED FOR JANNIES] before she gave it up to marry my rich city government lawyer daddy). I live in [REDACTED FOR JANNIES], Illinois. My location information is readily available online and unredacted in the archives for all of those anons out there who have finally gotten fed up with my incessant shill campaign over the last few months.

>> No.19039355
File: 259 KB, 1122x1325, hellofrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking frank to post a picture of his own book

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.19039385

No one made this about Gardner vs Waldun. I doubt either of them care. CotC reads nothing like R.C. Waldun's work and vice versa.