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/lit/ - Literature

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19037382 No.19037382 [Reply] [Original]

Share me your favourite Lolcow Writers /lit/

>> No.19037431
File: 8 KB, 230x230, fgardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


F Gardner

>> No.19037446 [DELETED] 
File: 556 KB, 1044x1430, 1621667670469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you know my name is Frank Edward Gardner Jr? I am 32 years old, a registered Democrat and a derp faced faggot who calls myself an author and spams my YA trash on 4chan. I am named after my father Frank Edward Gardner Sr. who was a former environmental attorney before becoming the water reclamation district commisioner of [REDACTED FOR JANNIES]. He even tried to sue Fox32 TV station once! I tried to run for the same position as my nepotist daddy when I was 27. My mother's name is [REDACTED FOR JANNIES] Gardner (Her maiden name was [REDACTED FOR JANNIES] before she gave it up to marry my rich city government lawyer daddy). I live in [REDACTED FOR JANNIES], Illinois. My location information is readily available online and unredacted in the archives for all of those anons out there who have finally gotten fed up with my incessant shill campaign over the last few months.

>> No.19037495

Lel doxing tranny XD

>> No.19037506 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1020x574, 8c1e7e447788bc6b4ad53d24d7eb6f15l-w1017801787xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder frank

>> No.19038093

Seek help.

>> No.19038108

Is it possible the spam is to make this Gardner guy look bad? Or is it just him?

>> No.19038115

he cute tho

>> No.19038121

It’s some dude from /wg/ who envies Gardner. He posts this constantly and even admitted that’s why.

>> No.19038140

>Trying to doxx a public figure
You're retarded lmao. Go look up R. Kelly's mom's name while you're at it.

>> No.19038197

lmao. On top of that he's incredibly proud of finding basic info on Gardner. The most well known author from this entire board.

>> No.19038225
File: 198 KB, 321x397, E13272B4-10D0-44B8-A654-E708FAB6C83D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19038258

This is a soft-dox and most likely grounds for a ban, so enjoy it, loser.

>> No.19038281

Man I wish I screencapped that thread from /wg/ where this guy had a meltdown. He snapped last week when he realized Gardner was well liked there. He proceeded to post excepts of his own story which he proclaimed himself to be a "narcissist" and superior to F Gardner. /wg/ started posting "It's no Call of the Crocodile" regarding his own writing. I thought he ragequit after that but here he is.

>> No.19038284

You forgot to add that he has spent over $10,000 on 4chan ads

>> No.19038288

Proof? That's hilarious

>> No.19038409

Doubt it's true. Just another made up lie to smear him. Like how some anon was saying Gardner's a flat earther. Obviously untrue.

>> No.19038414

Fuck off unfunny redditor faggot I wasn't asking you.

>> No.19038425
File: 557 KB, 590x400, 5674675r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolcow writer thread

Immediately becomes an F. Gardner thread.

>> No.19038429

So you're trying to tell me that some guy on /wg/ of all places is so infatuated with Gardner that HE'S been making these shill posts and spending money on the ads? What a crock of shit. You're not fooling anyone, Gardner.

>> No.19038431

No retard. I never said that guy had anything to do with Gardner's ads. First half of what you said is accurate thou

>> No.19038438 [DELETED] 

it's gardner, who is trying to spread this bs >>19038121

>> No.19038445 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1122x1325, hellofrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that's because gardner made the thread.

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.19038446

At least for the clearly spam threads and posts like >>19037446
The actual conversations are probably genuine fans. Like this guy

>> No.19038453

Sad! I bet he's the same dude who shits on Waldun and The Shit Kickers guy. Gardner rocks.

>> No.19038466

you're doing good work, fuck this forced meme nigger

>> No.19038472

>Heh. Look how smart I am for figuring out how to dox an already public figure.
>Now I’m going to hide behind anonymity and pretend I’m not jealous of F Gardner

Classic loser mentality

>> No.19038477


Samefag. You were already exposed in /wg/

>> No.19038503

I literally knew nothing about Gardner until i made this thread, i literally just wanted to know about narcisistic, pretentious writers so i could make fun of them.

>> No.19038507 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 1020x655, 8c1e7e447788bc6b4ad53d24d7eb6f15l-w845348093xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man I wish I screencapped that thread from /wg/ where this guy had a meltdown.
frank are you aware that there is an archive? of course not, you're too fucking stupid. I can see the anon in you're talking about in that thread, but I can't exactly see a meltdown. I can see the excerpt of his story he wrote, but I can't see anything relating to themes of narcissism or you in it. I can see one (1) anon posted on "It's no Call of the Crocodile", the only time that phrase has ever been uttered on /lit/ besides you in this thread, but I can't see all of /wg/ posting it. So who's really the narcissist?

I would link the archive, but I think it's funny that you don't know where it is and besides, anyone with half a braincell can find and verify it for themselves.

>> No.19038514 [DELETED] 

thanks. hopefully someone starts to play minecraft with him soon

>> No.19038518 [DELETED] 

>30 replies
>7 posters
gee I wonder who could be behind this thread

>> No.19038530
File: 133 KB, 750x710, 73E4FAD8-F5B5-4E44-ACA0-6B086C2DFCB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. Screenshot of thread. Learn how to use the archive better.
Exactly. It’s the same loser spamming cause he hates Gardner. We had a whole /wg/ thread about this.

>> No.19038542
File: 224 KB, 750x1031, D9290E90-E7AB-475E-B672-14C0344BD167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this guys posts are cringe.

>> No.19038552

Here you go. Just some posts from the “non-existent” anti-Gardner spammer which is easily accessible from the archive. It is literally all one guy spamming against him.

>> No.19038563

His posts are all nealy identical and the number of posters suddenly mysteriously always stops once he starts spamming how much he hates F Gardner

>> No.19038573 [DELETED] 

KEK nothing in that screenshot contradicts what I wrote you dumb fat fuck

>> No.19038597

I’m not going to spoon feed you the entire thread (which you were in.) you have like 50 identical posts in it all spewing the same things. Some of which seem almost copy and pasted from what you’re saying in this one

>> No.19038600 [DELETED] 

Cope gardner. I don't write. /lit/ has come to a consensus.

>> No.19038610

Judging by that thread it’s that they unconditionally love Gardner

>> No.19038612

Crazy how this guy's fanfic tier bdsm made it into mainstream fantasy. Not that I didn't enjoy parts of it but holy shit lmao

>> No.19038615
File: 203 KB, 838x983, walking bakker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker will always be a Lolcow Writer

>> No.19038622 [DELETED] 

the few people on this board who gather around you (assuming they're not just you) are /wg/ spergs who can't into prose or storytelling if their lives depended on it which is why they see so much of themselves in you and therefore why they feel the need to defend you.

>> No.19038641
File: 100 KB, 247x329, 1629040174736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, you pseuds will forever seethe that a animefag wrote and finish his novel.

>> No.19038656

Guy was a pretentious hack, always saying he "Wasn't writing fantasy but writing literature" when it was just him being a sperg about his waifu Ayn Rand

>> No.19038662

>Guy was a pretentious hack, always saying he "Wasn't writing fantasy but writing literature
It's a problem with all the supposed "philosophers" that turned to genre fiction.

>> No.19038680 [DELETED] 

get a job frank. your parents are disappointed in you and just want you out of the house.

>> No.19038867
File: 154 KB, 1416x810, 23E9FCA6-D05F-483E-B0CB-6CBFB0FE7563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.19038930

Lmao based. Also lol @ the amount of posters. Gardener Hater is shitposting like there’s no tomorrow

>> No.19039299

That fact never ceases to crack me up.

>> No.19039411 [DELETED] 

If this poster gets permabanned 90% of the shitposts and doxing that happens on this site will disappear and so will the number of reported posts.

>> No.19039419


If this poster gets permabanned 90% of the shitposts and doxing that happens on this site will disappear and so will the number of reported posts.

>> No.19039432

Epic thread, bravo everyone

>> No.19039436
File: 13 KB, 226x338, 20DB8933-4805-49AE-A9DE-D26EA1192869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19039450


>> No.19039451

>OP makes a thread not knowing this board was the birthplace of the most insane book in history
>Autism ensues

Who would have guessed?

>> No.19039885 [DELETED] 

KEK nice try you fat cunt. see you tomorrow.