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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 363 KB, 1233x760, Battling the Dark Lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19031765 No.19031765 [Reply] [Original]

Battling the Dark Lord Hood Edition

Previous Thread:>>19012474

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19031781
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>> No.19031826

how many hours do you read a day

>> No.19031843

hit me with the best self-published fantasy and scifi works that you've found
now hit me with the really trashy stuff you couldn't help but enjoy. bonus points if it's smut, but doesn't have to be
3 or 4 probably

>> No.19031852
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>> No.19031901

i am afraid to google this with safe search off

>> No.19032071

Everything I'm trying to read is trash
Give me something fun

>> No.19032095

He's aging like post-Stargate Richard Dean Anderson

>> No.19032269

depends how depressed and stressed i am, anywhere from 0-20 desu
id say 8 is probably a good medium point for when i actually feel safe enough to read
what do you consider fun anon?

>> No.19032289

>what do you consider fun anon?
anti SJW har gay relationship with no women unless sex slave and small pedo rape in the first pages of book along side nihlistic philosophy and true rape world where its the real life and also fantasy where black seeds and no god and then mind rape

>> No.19032304

I refuse to believe that you can read

>> No.19032307

me chad the only book I read is Black Seed Apoclypse and bakker chad book

>> No.19032326

>what do you consider fun anon?
something that starts with interesting events or settings
I'm getting sick of slow intros filled with purple prose and padding

>> No.19032332

>something that starts with interesting events
like rape?

>> No.19032333

i've got bad news for you, that photo is really old by this point

>> No.19032410
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>> No.19032685


>> No.19032760

any books like dark adult dragon quest other then light novel shit?

>> No.19032764

about half an hour before bed

>> No.19033267

>lie in bed
>imagination runs wild with the setting
>don't get through a single page
>fall asleep

>> No.19033280

>Love Bakker’s series
>Read it twice
>Dont like Sanderson
>Reading his bullshit anyway
I expand my horizons.

>> No.19033308
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Based and maladaptive daydreaming pilled

>> No.19033447
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just finished The Warrior Prophet, that first war sequence on the plains was great. And Achamian's escape.
On to The Thousandfold Thought

>> No.19033490

read Hobb

>> No.19033570

whats the point in reading sanderson if you don't like it?

>> No.19034265 [SPOILER] 
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Anything with BIG ELF TITS?

>> No.19034456

That whole sequence with Akka is probably some of Bakker’s best work. From the burning of the library to the end of it.

>> No.19034519

he managed to perfectly ride the line between a vagueness that kept it otherworldly, and strong imagery. completely avoided the usual fantasy fightan magic that reads more like a dnd replay. loved it

>> No.19034641

fuck you /sffg/, specially you jonkie

>> No.19035516

>sffg falling to pg 8 with only 20 posters
damn, what a way to go out. Well, it was nice while it lasted folks, but the party's over.

>> No.19035564

I’ve been busy reading Redwall. Such a underrated series that isn’t talked about more often.

>> No.19035590

i've been reading a bunch of science fiction/science fantasy and kind of feel like i'm running out of good options

my 2 favs of recent reading are hyperion 1&2 and book of the new sun trilogy

are there any other scifi authors that can match the prose and philosophical introspective character study that gene wolfe did in that trilogy? everything seems like rehashed garbage of one overdone sci fi topic in comparison

3 body problem was meh

fire upon the deep is good

i'm reading Anathem right now (about 30% through) and its just ok

idk where to go to find scifi that isn't for brainlets (azimov is brainlet scifi in 2021, all of his interesting ideas are mainstream thought now)

ty for ur time

>> No.19035650

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa

>> No.19035675

i dont know japanese and i would be skeptical of any translation to capture the true meaning of most of it

i felt 3 body problem translations lost a lot in them and it distracted me a lot

>> No.19035701

What do you think of Lem? He is definitely one of post philosophy-heavy sci fi authors.

>> No.19035704

What are you on, 20 posters is more than the rest of /lit/ combined, also at least 50% of Bakkers fanbase

>> No.19035712

>one of most

>> No.19035723

It was done by the best translator working on VNs. I can assure you that it's good.

>> No.19035738

Also it does come with a 10 page pdf of translation notes on various things.

>> No.19035774

the only thing of his i've read is Cyberiad and it was cool but felt more like sunday comic strips with a punchline rather than a full exploration of the topics

>> No.19035858

That and Star Diaries are more lighthearted things he wrote, if you want serious ones these are novels and Pirx stories. Solaris is considered his most important work, although for me it's Fiasco.

>> No.19035951
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>The Horde surged below and the Holy Aspect-Emperor hung above, flashing as a beacon, singing the only hymns the septic masses could reckon, genocidal Abstractions that carved tracts of ruin from the festering rush, Metagnostic disputations that consumed legions across the span of a league. Hearts exploded from myriad breasts. Skulls spontaneously imploded, wrung like rags. Wherever He walked, the Blessed Saviour trailed skirts of luminous destruction, plastering whole swathes of the plain with smoking, twitching dead. But they were pockets, merely, for the Sranc deluge swelled across the horizon

>Motes pricked with brilliance, passing through clouds of missiles, dragging gowns of lightning-bright ruin across the Horde. First dozens, then hundreds, Schoolmen, hanging miraculous in the low sky, walking beneath mountainous scarps and troughs of dust.
>The whole North, it seemed, flared with sorcerous destruction.

Are there other fantasy books where is magic described in such a way?

>> No.19035953 [DELETED] 


>> No.19035957

I picked up the 2011 Johnston translation of it, will give it a go after I finish slogging through Anathem (no quitters), ty

>> No.19037100

What you fags reading?

>> No.19037187

Frankenstein, I decided to finally pick it up after watching the musical (it's really good)

>> No.19037195

Just started A Shadow in Summer.

>> No.19037217

Fuck that book and fuck the poets.

>> No.19037321

smut, mostly

>> No.19037327

Is it shit? I've heard it's slow and has no action. But it sounds different so I figured I'd give it a try.

>> No.19037352


>> No.19037381

>I've heard it's slow and has no action
Yes. It's boring and filled with suffering.

>> No.19037432

books about weed and Jamaican elves?

>> No.19037436

the darkness that comes before

>> No.19037442
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>> No.19037630
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My first re-read.

>> No.19037646

Average elf after scoring some weed

>> No.19037655

It's one of those series that are better on a re-read.

>> No.19037738

Is Harry Potter high or low fantasy?

>> No.19037753

It's mid-fantasy because of all the midwits that love it.

>> No.19037857

Portal fantasy.

>> No.19037863

mideez nuts

>> No.19037867 [DELETED] 
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Besides Google Translate, what are some good free resources for translating names and terms from other languages into English, or vice verses?

>> No.19037983
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>vice verses

>> No.19037991


>> No.19038028
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Does anyone have any decent resources for naming characters if you want the names to have specific meanings?

I am specifically interested in names associated with creativity, intelligence, and willpower, do you have any suggestions please?

>> No.19038060

Fuck off already.

>> No.19038160

I just translate words into other languages or look up pretty names and see what they mean. I don't know of any resource for it.

>> No.19038161

Do you guys still enjoy discussing the classics with newbies or it's mostly about modern and/or obscure titles?

>> No.19038215

Mostly we shitpost until the thread dies without any actual recommendations or discussion. Welcome!

>> No.19038228
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Oh. Ok.

>> No.19038318

I fell for the Bakker meme and it's turned out to be one of the best fantasy series I've read.
But since 90% of this general is Bakker shilling/memes have a solid fantasy recc on me
>The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
Definitely on the pulpier side but it's fantasy at its best nonetheless. Might save a few anons from reading Sandersonshit

>> No.19038324

>animenigger still making the OPs
you /sffg/ fags sure will take anything

>> No.19038360

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the works of Brandon Sanderson

>> No.19038373

Cool, please face the wall

>> No.19038444


>> No.19038457

I was at the peddler's mall a couple days ago and I saw a collection of vintage Raymond E. Feist paperbacks for $7, was thinking about picking them up but they were brittle and yellowed and falling apart and I didn't think it was worth the money. I'll have to get the ebook and if I like it I'll go and pick them up
>Might save a few anons from reading Sandersonshit
absolutely, almost anything is better than that

>> No.19038467
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Well anyway I just want to talk about The Forever War. I've finished it recently and I can't get it out of my head, maybe my favorite SF book so far. The anguish and anxiety regarding the ''time travel'' after each campaign, going back to a world that has become so miserable and unfamiliar that the prospect of going back to the army to fight a meaningless war with minimal chances of survival seems reasonable. Then losing the only person that linked you to your world, your memories. Even the army has gotten too alien with their gay shit. It was the exact opposite of Starship Troopers (which I also enjoyed). At last it ended on a much happier, heartwarming note than I expected. The hivemind clones just allowed William to live in peace on some paradise planet with his best buddy (now cured of his gayness), the thirsty doctor and Marygay. Are Forever Free and Forever Peace as good as the original (pls no spoilers)

>> No.19038480

Also, trust me when I say I'm not a romantic person, but this line really hit me:

>I never found anybody else and I don’t want anybody else. I don’t care whether you’re ninety years old or thirty. if I can’t be your lover, i’ll be your nurse.

>> No.19038481

I really hope no habitual spoiler-readers read your spoilers because I completely agree, that was the best part. When the lovers reunite I think I was legally a tranny for 5 minutes because I was emotional like a woman reading a Bronte novel.

The way time travel was handled as an allegory for the soldier's distance from command and from the home front (Haldeman was a Vietnam vet) was brilliant.

>> No.19038495


>> No.19038559

>tfw habitual spoiler reader but caught myself this time before I read anything because your description seemed neat
Guess that means I have to read it real quick so that I can scratch my itch and check those spoilers

>> No.19038569

Exactly. I'm not american but I've seen some documentaries on the Vietnam war and I made the connection of Vietnam vets coming home to a completely different country than the one they left, feeling like they have achieved nothing and people resented him. It all felt really grounded, both from a hard SF angle and a dystopic totalitarian state at perpetual war angle. It seems like it's really careful not to romanticize war, violence and the military. The most heroic military scene was probably the jet pilot coming back to aid them when everyone believed he was fleeing to the collapsar to escape alone. I was always on edge to know what would happen on the next mission and specially on the next return.

>> No.19038633

Malazan. On Book 3 right now, enjoying the series quite a bit so far.

>> No.19039202

Winds of Winter/Thorn of Emberlain/Doors of Stone announced yet?
Okay. No God trilogy, how about that?
Okay. Why is that? Why is it that these authors can't get their books out but Sanderson and Abercrombie are running like clockwork?

>> No.19039207

Rejoice, A Knife to the Heart. Erikson's politics are seeping into the text but the sci-fi stuff is pretty neat.

>> No.19039267

Mistborn: Shadows of Self
T: >>19033280

>> No.19039357

The series would be good if that dumbass didn't drop an entire book ,who is also a flashback, in the middle.

>> No.19039374

Midnight Tides is one of the best books in the series though

>> No.19039681

Better prose takes longer than worse prose.
And Pat is a hack.

>> No.19039702

>writing above average fantasy prose (which equates to mediocre literary prose) takes endless spans of years

>> No.19039725
File: 45 KB, 319x499, Book 1 of the Cornelius Chronicles, The Final Programme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Book 1 of the Cornelius Chronicles. It taken me quite a long time because I was savouring it, but then the ending really sucked. Quite let down bros

>> No.19039735

i found it to be mediocre myself, but i seem to be in the vast minority

>> No.19039743

The Company by KJ Parker
Also slowly re-reading the Silmarillion, but I've gotten slowed down in the Beren & Luthien chapter. I find this chapter fairly boring and I am basically having to force myself through it.

>> No.19039752

Let's see how quickly YOU can produce it.

>> No.19039756

>no u
I accept your defeat

>> No.19039807

>Book One of the [Title] [Trilogy/Quartet/etc]
I will not read your book

>> No.19039813

don't worry, i will

>> No.19039827

Lord have mercy on this poor tasteless sinner

>> No.19039830

send me your links and I'll read what you've written

>> No.19039851

Waiting for Wisdom of Crowds

>> No.19039855

I hate this.

>Top 10 fantasy recommendations, guys!
>it's actually 50 books because they're series

>> No.19039859

Neither because they're all discussed to death and modern genre fiction is generally not worth looking at. So yeah, we just bitch about things.

>> No.19039932
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just me?

>> No.19039947

Why not though?

>> No.19039971

>>The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
I stopped reading at book 2 because I felt like it wasn't as good/cozy as the first one. Should I have kept going?

>> No.19039989

lord of the rings is a trilogy, guess it sucks

>> No.19039993

The Lord of the Rings is a single novel split into six sections, conventionally published in three volumes. It is not a trilogy.

>> No.19039997

At any rate Lord of the Rings is a sequel to The Hobbit and therefore garbage

>> No.19040005

I did not condemn actual sequels, I condemned modern works which are begun with the plan of being a long series.

>> No.19040018

For what purpose do you condemn this idea? And why specifically modern works and not older works like In Search of Lost Time?

>> No.19040026

Because it seems to have a near absolute tendency of producing terrible writing

>> No.19040029

Chiang if you don’t mind short stories

>> No.19040037

As opposed to the countless amazing stand-alone books, such as... and also... not to forget...

>> No.19040042

Seems to be working out well enough for science fiction.

>> No.19040390
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been reading Roadside Picnic. the way the otherworldly things and events are described is really well done, makes me actually feel anxious in a way other books haven't. maybe Blindsight comes close. really enjoying it

>> No.19040413
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>near absolute

>> No.19040981

> Should I have kept going?
Yes. The saga gets better.

>> No.19041192

Are you guys into westerns? Since pulp fantasy and the western genre are interlinked I figured I’d read some to get a better grasp on that so I need recommendations

>> No.19041330

I don't think I've ever read a western novel. Which is weird because I love western films and pulp fantasy. So I'll second your request.

>> No.19041335


>> No.19041344

I think I love the idea of Westerns more than actual Western stories. I made a thread a while ago asking for the written equivalent of spaghetti westerns, and got told to read sword and sorcery stories for that kind of thing.

>> No.19041349
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Lonesome Dove

>> No.19041367

There were western stories in the pulps so they’re worth looking into if only for their historical value

>> No.19041910

Based anon. The miniseries is 10/10 too.

>> No.19041989

Just started to read chapter where Xinemus goes to save Akka
>he has 3 chorae on him and red shirts
>think to myself 'wait can't sorcerers easily sense these things from distance making him very detectable in a sorcerer fortress, eh probably just an ignorable plothole'
>he gets captured
>'Huehuehue Mr.Marshal we can sense tears of god!'
Ahahaha what the fuck how does he not know it lmao Bakker what were you smoking

>> No.19042017

Why would soldiers know how sorcerers sense things

>> No.19042023

Interlibrary Loan

>> No.19042029

The volume with the Dark Elf is peak coom. As for your question just read any fantasy harem smut

>> No.19042043

From decades of being best buds with a sorcerer, maybe? Also there's a moment in the first book where Xinemus tells Achamian that he keeps his chorae locked away as to not disturb him at the campfire.

>> No.19042052

>Are Forever Free and Forever Peace as good as the original
Np. Not even close

>> No.19042077

>list of best X books
>1. Third book in the Y quartet
>2. some YA fantasy
>3. Second book in the Y quartet
every fucking time

Loved Roadside Picnic. It was really fun going back and reading it to see how it inspired some of my favorite video games (Stalker and Metro). I do think I liked Hard to be a God better from an actual story perspective but the alieness of The Zone really scratches an itch that so few other works do

>> No.19042377

>fantasy harem smut
go on

>> No.19042382

In this day and age where everybody has hot takes you have to find dumber and dumber shit to be contrarian about.

>> No.19042384

Not even Erikson knows what happened to Bakker...i think the guy out himself

>> No.19042394

I've picked up book 2 of Exiles by Melanie Rawn, after managing to finally get a copy at a reasonable price. I also picked up Wizard's First Rule since I've never bothered with Terry Goodkind before.

>> No.19042401

pleb: filtered. Book 5 is easily a contender for best in the series.

>> No.19042454

Source on Erikson not knowing about Bakker’s fate?

>> No.19042702 [DELETED] 

I ask him he is doing an ama on reddit

>> No.19042744

I asked him he is doing an ama on r/fantasy

>> No.19042898

Bakker confirmed an hero

>> No.19043008

>going to an author's AMA to ask him about another author

>> No.19043026

>Wisdom of Crowds
we reading it in discord when it releases

>> No.19043053

Link to the discord please?

>> No.19043054

Imagine being a hardcore leftist and learning that the only people who like your books are schizo fascist fundamentalists from a bolivian sailor knots forum. I'd kill myself too.

>> No.19043088

>Imagine being a hardcore leftist
I don't think the books are particularly left-leaning.

>> No.19043094

I'm waiting for The Scar.

>> No.19043101

But Bakker was a typical academic left-leaning Trump-hater. He did definitely have a chip on his shoulder towards class elites though, having grown up in rural poverty.

Poor soul, such a shame about the suicide. I wonder if he achieved the Absolute... or if he burns in Hell.

>> No.19043118

I didn't really interpret it that way. The only "left-leaning" aspect of the books was the gay sex scenes, and even they fit with the Bronze Age theme.

>> No.19043124

Is he known to be in contact with Bakker? I've seen in one of previous threads that Watts (Blindsight author) used to be somewhat in contact with Bakker, might want to ask him.
Him being able to separate his IRL convictions from his work already puts him miles above typical progressive zealot from academia in terms of self-awareness.

>> No.19043301

Looking at a sale on audible right now. Should I get Ringworld, Red Mars, or Fear the Sky?

>> No.19043452

sure bro: https://discord.com/invite/KWPCM7m

>> No.19043624

Name your top 5 series

>> No.19043630

5. Malazan
4. Dune
3. Earthsea
2. Second Apocalypse
1. Lord of the Rings

>> No.19043638

Oops - forgot BOTNS. I'd put that at 4, Dune at 5, and bump Malazan down to honorable mention.

>> No.19043713

How is Lord of the Rings number 1?

Jesus Christ, man. You're list was almost perfect.

>> No.19043846

are you baiting right now? that is the only good series in that list.

>> No.19043850

1. Wheel of Time (books 1-3)
2. Shadowmarch
3. Black Magician Trilogy
4. Malazan Book of the Fallen (books 1-7)
5. The Black Company (Books of the North)

Honorable mentions for unfinished series:
>A Song of Ice and Fire
>Instrumentalities of the Night

>> No.19043869

>Wheel of Time (books 1-3)
why were they so good when the rest wa so bad?

>> No.19043890

In no order -
Dresden Files
October Daye
The Lost Fleet (Including Beyond The Stars)
Magic 2.0
Honor Harrington

>> No.19044007

Bloat mostly. Those 3 books are as comfy and great as epic fantasy gets. Narrative focus was still pretty tight on a fairly small cast of characters. I still think books 4-7 are okay, they even have great moments, but it's where all the side plots and additional characters start to weigh down the story. There's whole parts of book 5 that are just straight up skippable, however good other parts of it are.

>> No.19044013

1. Wheel of Time (skip all female sections except Nynaeve's, all characters are white, Sanderson books are non-canon)
2. Lord of the Rings complete (illustrated Silmarillion and Book of Lost Tales I+II)
3. Culture
4. Night's Dawn
5. Dark Tower

>> No.19044053
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Any fantasy books that have the same vibe as this piece of concept art?

>> No.19044058

>October Daye
Is this like Dresden in the way that it gets better after the first few books? First book didn't really amaze me.

>> No.19044081

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.19044101

Nah, if it's not your thing it never will be. My list was half joking, but I've always loved romance and fairies. It's probably the best 'female protagonist urban fantasy with a romance subplot' there is, but that's a fairly narrow market.

>> No.19044124

Nothing of the sort.

>> No.19044151

Thanks anon, I shall spend my reading time elsewhere then.

>> No.19044153


>> No.19044162

5. Dark Tower
4. First Law
3. Xeelee Sequence
2. Second Apocalypse
1. Black Company

I like Conan and Kane too but they aren't really series.

>> No.19044171


>> No.19044227
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How can you people unironically claim to enjoy the Wheel of time?

>> No.19044280

Bakkertranny image

>> No.19044287

Post yours
Its just a good series, no further explanation needed.

>> No.19044290

1. Dark Tower
2. Wheel of Time
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
5. Malazan

>> No.19044292
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me when I read Prince of Nothing

>> No.19044304

I can't pick the order but
>Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar Saga
>Glen Cook's Black Company
>Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time (that means the Sanderson ones are excluded)
>Frank Herbert's Dune (only read up to God Emperor though, but I still love it)

>> No.19044354
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5. Kingkiller
4. Laundry Files
3. Mistborn
2. First Law
1. Night Angel

>> No.19044391

>Night Angel
Never heard of it. What's it about?

>> No.19044402


>> No.19044463

1. Barsoom
2. Amber
3. Lyonesse
4. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
5. Belgariad

>> No.19044563

anime protagonist with some WoT near-plagiarism toward the end. Fun read on a slow afternoon.

>> No.19044660

5. Long sword chronicles
4. Wheel of time
3. Malazan
2. The Briar King
1. Darkness that comes before

>> No.19044670

The only good list here aside from Belgariad.

>> No.19044675

t. won't post his list because he'll get ridiculed

>> No.19044699

It may not be a traditional heavy hitter, but I put it in because of nostalgia. I read it over a dozen times as a kid.

>> No.19044786

>an older man with one lung and a witch ghost inside of him (who now works as a sort of cop who hunts down the undead) is trying to help a younger man who only has one arm (who was also an undead hunting cop, but was fired) have sex with a brown waifu necromancer
Talk about based.

>> No.19044819
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Is there a fantasy novel with catholic inspired aesthetic? Besides Dante's Inferno and Warhammer novels.

>> No.19044831

You had me at brown waifu necromancer. What's the title?

>> No.19044840


Doesnt he reckon with himself that he would rather have the chorae than not?

Also, its clearly a moment where DM Bakker chadded on a PC in his RPG campaign who forgot, and there was no way he wasnt immortalizing it in fiction.

>> No.19044859
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i-is bakker really dead bros?

you would think the family would post an obituary or something, unless they wanted to keep it quiet to avoid public attention

>> No.19044874

Vox Day's fantasy series is very Catholic, but I doubt he'll ever finish it.

>> No.19044884

Not my problem.
Didn't ask.

>> No.19044892

>Is Bakker really dead?
Yeah, I checked

>> No.19044956

What time do amazon ebooks release?

>> No.19045018

Midnight local time, according to the website

>> No.19045091
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>> No.19045103

Obvious fake

>> No.19045198

>Implying Bakker has loved ones.

>> No.19045212

The dude probably has a harem of wives and 30 children at his Canadian compound

>> No.19045217


>> No.19045240

RIP Joe Rogan.

>> No.19045945
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>Its just a good series, no further explanation needed.

>> No.19045957

I got this vibe in some parts of The Tales of Einarinn but overall the books are nothing like that.

>> No.19045959

*tugs her braid*

>> No.19046044
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Uh hello, based department?

>> No.19046060

The amount of copium is off the charts.

Why is this guy seriously trying to rationalize why some author doesn't like another? Are these people mentally impaired?

>> No.19046069


>> No.19046163

You seem like someone who knows what kind of books he enjoys read.

>> No.19046170

Steve's a good guy, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

>> No.19046173

I'm enjoying Blindsight so far. The text is a little heavy on technical jargonizing and has a certain self-possessed quality, but the themes and original ideas are quite striking.

>> No.19046178

Tbf there is an obvious difference to the bookshelf worth of the entirety of what has been published by JRR & Christopher Tolkien on Middle Earth and a pulp series that pumps out a book every year or so. There's no comparison between them, the former is an astonishing in-depth endeavour while the latter is mostly winging it as-you-go.

>> No.19046222

Blindsight was a fun read, the ideas around consciousness was presented in a really enjoyable and strange way, especially with the Chinese room stuff. spooky book. the inclusion of vampires sounds bizarre but they fit in well too. i still need to read Echopraxia

>> No.19046504

Echopraxia makes Blindsight seem like perfectly clear cut read in comparison.

>> No.19046522

Didn't like Echopraxia at all.

>> No.19046606

Celebrity worship culture is a hell of a drug, you start basing your entire personality and thought process on "what would these people want me to be like" and whenever they disapprove of something you like you either completely reject that thing to please people you'll never meet in your life or start coping hard

>> No.19047052

people really need to separate art from the artist, though

>> No.19048133


>literally page 9 right now

>> No.19048142

Oh no doomposters. What will we do now?

>> No.19048173

This is extremely useful for corralling normies politically. They really sincerely feel like they are part of the crowd if they copy famous people's opinions

>> No.19048219


>> No.19048306

I seriously don't understand why WoT fans are so insufferable; can't wait to read it myself and see if its worth the hype (still got a long way to go though, it wasn't published till the 1990s and I'm still chugging through the early 1910s)

>> No.19048317
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Ten Thousand Thunders - Brian Trent (2018)

At the time of this writing, this book had only 70 ratings, which isn't much at all. I've read some of Trent's short fiction in magazines and came across this book while I was looking for books by authors whose short fiction I had found worthwhile. Often that doesn't work out well, whether it's because I have different standards for short fiction or some other reason still isn't clear. This wasn't an outlier in that regard.
I may have rounded this up to four stars if it weren't for its ending and that which led up to it. Even though it was foreshadowed I was unable to accept the shift from science fiction to supernatural conspiracy that occurred. The title of the book is mentioned in text and is explicitly explained, to which my reaction was, "This has to be a joke". Even a character suggested that maybe it's a joke, but it wasn't.
It reminded me of a lot of different SF, The Expanse, Takeshi Kovacs, Terra Ignota, The Centenal Cycle, and much else. I never felt that it really was ever doing its own thing. At first I wasn't impressed with it at all, but over time I warmed up to it. It's fine enough on its own and tells a fully contained story in a single book. This may sound strange, but it also felt linear, as it was mostly going from point A to B, to C, and so on. The characters are relatively sexualized, especially the women, and there's a sex scene that seemed somewhat out of place.
Even so, it was moderately fun and enjoyable, and I liked the world, technology, and characters, despite all of it needing to be more explored. If you're looking for a world a few centuries past an apocalypse where people can be scanned and revived and features an unlikely team who is trying to unravel the mysteries of recent geopolitical events, then you could do worse.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.19048980

Bakker should really release the No God to resurrect this general.

>> No.19049052
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So happy based Bayaz survives again. Can't wait for him to win overall in the third trilogy. He doesnt even give a fuck and keeps humming along even though he lost in this one becasue its just another Tuesday for him. Shame about Orso though and Gorst got his redemption. Hope Leo gets raped to death in the next one he's the worst character by far in the whole series. Would give the book a 7.5/ 10, but the age of madness falls drastically short compared to the first law trilogy where the characters where far more likeable depsite being arguably worse when it comes to morals. I just want Logen to return once more even though he got the perfect ending for him

>> No.19049479


>> No.19049560

You mean George RR martino

>> No.19049727

>be new to the genre and don't know where to start
>come to /sffg/ to ask for everyone's top five
>get a bunch of (You)s
>get a bunch of recommendations
>can simply start with the books that appear on the most lists
I'm a genius. Thanks for beta testing for me losers LMAO
also thanks these series look really interesting

>> No.19049775

Metro books worth reading? Just finished roadside picnic and looking for more of that vibe.

>> No.19049787

Enjoy reading dog shit.

>> No.19049811

If I wanted high brow material I wouldn't be looking at genre fiction.

>> No.19049832

Didn't ask.

>> No.19049935

First one definitely is, however it falls off after that.

>> No.19049974

Is kindle unlimited based?

>> No.19049994

Basically the only part from the second book I actually liked was the scene where Homer talks about the day his daughter was born.
Everything else was shit, I don't even remember the girl characters name because she had so little presence and Hunter read like some teenagers edgy OC.

>> No.19050000

based on what?

>> No.19050031
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Is the second Mistborn series worth reading?

>> No.19050039


>> No.19050235
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Anon levelled a gaze that could only be called dead.
“/sffg/ …” he replied, his voice dropping from his mouth like sodden gravel from a spade. “/sffg/ kept us safe.”

>> No.19050438

Of course.

>> No.19050439

chinese mtl-fags have got to be some of the most based commenters around
>"MC dies at the end so SHIT story"
>"you're all disgusting gays for reading yaoi"
>"does this have harem? I don't read harem."
>"does this have harem? I don't read unless harem."
>"scumbag MC sleeping with every woman"
>"why is MC a virgin retard?"
People who are really true to their desires. Litshitters could learn a thing or two about them.

>> No.19050478

Not even the first one is.

>> No.19050496


>> No.19050528

Not really, no.

>> No.19050572
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>> No.19050641

I don't know
Could you repeat the question
You're not the boss of me now

>> No.19050815

and you're not so big

>> No.19051004

I doubt many of the characters from the first Trilogy are going to come back in the 3rd one (aside from Eaters and Bayaz obviously), with another 20~ year time skip basically all the original characters would be too old (Logen, Shivers to be fighters, Glokta doesn't seem to be in a condition to be too long lived, unless he learns a thing or two from his Eater allies).
But yeah, main thing I want for the next books is to see Leo suffer, insufferable cunt and no mistake.

>> No.19051022

What's it about really? I didn't know if I should give it a go or not.

>> No.19051097

Vandermeer's Annihilation is OK but a little 'eh'. I don't really care about the characters and truth be told I'm not sure what he's really getting at. Humans bad, nature good? I am interested enough to read the other two books in the trilogy.

>> No.19051155

Hoping someone posts an epub link for Wisdom of Crowds today.

>> No.19051221

Why is Jack Vance so criminally underrated among modern SFF readers? Most don't even know who he was.

>> No.19051229

Because he is boring

>> No.19051238

This but don't fall asleep and keep on daydreaming until its 3 in the morning.

>> No.19051239

It's on mobilism

>> No.19051263
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>Because he is boring

>> No.19051283

That looks delicious. Is that the Mocha flavour?

>> No.19051294

This is in slow motion, right?

>> No.19051509
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I never see Doc Smith posted about here. I thought he was a bigger deal, but maybe he's just of his time. Anyway this was the first book of his I've read and I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.19051510

Discworld, Chalion, Riverside, Queen's Thief, Earthsea.
Vorkosigan, Merchant Princes, Web Shifters, Bullet Catcher's Daughter, Demon Princes

Cheating the scifi list a bit by shoving in a steampunk one.

>> No.19051512
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>500 word essay due next week
>I still haven't started because I spent all summer reading the Wheel of Time
How fucked am I?

>> No.19051518

Oh and man I really don't seem to like Epic Fantasy that much. Don't really consciously avoid it but when I was thinking up the lists none of those popular epic series came to mind as something I adore.

>> No.19051535

>Are you guys into westerns? Since pulp fantasy and the western genre are interlinked I figured I’d read some to get a better grasp on that so I need recommendations
Charles Portis is incredible. True Grit's his only western but that's one hell of a book.

>> No.19051555

Just finished reading a book, bros. That is all.

>> No.19051578

Did you like it?

>> No.19051596

I did, but it's not quite what I expected. I don't think I could ever recommend it though; except to those anons who are fans of industrial/steampunk kinda settings.

>> No.19051826

Reading Demon Princes #1 right now, am enjoying it so far.


>> No.19051832

Based list

>> No.19051851
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>tfw you're reading a short story collection and skip all the stories written by women

>> No.19051935
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you can write that in an evening, i believe in you

>> No.19052052

I wish the rest of /lit/ read half as much as you autists.

>> No.19052075

What is the rest of /lit/ like?
I have only ever been to this general.

>> No.19052102

lots of shitposting, almost all the in-depth discussion is about autistic philosophy or religious shit-flinging. Sometimes you get a nice thread where several fanboys get together to discuss their favorite author and give advice to newbies (lots of Faulkner and Cormac McCarthy threads like this, I will admit the Faulkner fanboys are actually kind of nice and helpful), but most of the time its just "books for this feel" or bait threads meant to start arguments (this past week there's been a lot of fighting about Dostoevsky and lots of talking shit about Nabokov, for example). It gets so tiresome after awhile. That's not to say that this general has a lot of discussion outside of recommendations and shit-talking, either, but out of all the places on /lit/ this should be the place to talk in depth about plot and characters and stuff, but that usually doesn't happen.

>> No.19052183
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I've read 8 books in about 6 weeks; how based is that?

>> No.19052186

How the fuck are they able to read MTL? The prose is pretty bad, and sometimes it's completely unreadable because the machine fucks up and ends up forgetting that each character is a part of a sentence.

>> No.19052210

That would require them to actually enjoy reading and to do it for fun, instead of social status posturing.

>> No.19052221

I enjoyed it more than the first one.

>> No.19052245

I like to think I do, since I've been reading fantasy for almost 25 years. What about it gives that impression?

>> No.19052269

>500 word essay due next week
So about an hour or two worth of work?

>> No.19052274

Don't like short stories so I couldn't get into his Dying Earth stuff.

>> No.19052295

I'd post more but all I have are dumb questions like "I need hard scifi recs". Plus I have a full-time job now, I can only post on 4channel at night and the weekends.

>> No.19052323

People talk about ASOIAF theories based with hard evidence and logic.
I want to hear your crackpot theories that definitely aren't true, but would be cool if they were.

I want to see GRRM give us some completely unexpected POV chapters. I'm talking Ghost at the Wall, Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell, Jaqen H'gar in Oldtown.

>> No.19052328

tyrion is a time traveling fetus
no i won’t say more
also it’s indisputably canon

>> No.19052335
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Aerys + Johanna = Jaime and Cersei, Tyrion is Tywin's only biological child

Anyway, I wanted to share this image I found on the ASOIAF wiki. It's my favorite image related to the series. It really emphasizes the sheer vastness of GRRM's world.

>> No.19052348

I read it when I was a kid, have fond memories of it. How many books did it get up to? I think I collected maybe 12 or so before I lost interest and moved on to more adult oriented stories.

>> No.19052357

When the Wall collapses every dead body north of Dorne will reanimate as a Wight.

>> No.19052406

I read the dispossessed recently. It was good. I always liked Le Guin’s poetry but never read her novels.

>> No.19052408

A light novel that spawned an anime series, and two separate xianxia.

>> No.19052430

What makes Dorne special?

>> No.19052474

It's probably too hot. The wights seem to be powered by ice-magic.

>> No.19052487

Welcome, new friend.

>> No.19052507

Coincidentally I just wrote a 517-word essay today start to finish.

>> No.19052512
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>black oily stone

>> No.19052531

There's huge differences honestly depending on both the site translating and on the story itself and some of them are fairly readable with the occasional fucked up word here and there.

>> No.19052539
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How does the Hyborian Age hold up as a setting with its lore after 80 years?

>> No.19052590

John Norman's Gor series after publishers dumped him

>> No.19052594

Pure kino.

>> No.19052714

>The wights seem to be powered by ice-magic.
It's called necromancy.

>> No.19052728

honestly, reading MTL when you've memorized 500/3000 moonrunes needed to be literate is absolutely hellish

>> No.19052744


A Canticle of Leibowtiz, Book of the New Sun, The Swan Knight's son. The first one is Sci-fi but its Catholic nonetheless.

>> No.19052766

In the books it gets really cold when the wights are around, and the only seem to appear in late autumn and winter.

>> No.19052774

Books about jerking off? I want world building and unique characters

>> No.19052780

the darkness that cums before

>> No.19052785

Nice. I preferred Black Cumpany.

>> No.19052822

>In the books it gets really cold when the wights are around,
Isn't that a running theme though? That death is cold?

>and the only seem to appear in late autumn and winter.
Yeah, no shit, because Jon joins the Night's Watch at autumn. Who's to say they don't appear at spring?

>> No.19052835

that one is good, but I liked The Prince of Cumming more

>> No.19052857

>Isn't that a running theme though? That death is cold?
It appears to be a supernatural aura of cold.

Do you think the Wights are gone?" Sam asked Grenn. "Why don't they come finish us?" "They only come when it's cold "
Yes" said Sam, but is it the cold that brings the Wights or the Wights that bring the cold?"

>> No.19052865

I could have sworn in A Storm of Swords wights were resurrected by Others through necromancy. I need to reread it.

>> No.19052874

You might be right, I'm not sure. Winds is never getting released anyway.

>> No.19052879

>Winds is never getting released anyway
I say winds is getting released, but A Dream of Spring is never going to get released.

>> No.19052902

The Fappin Apocalypse

>> No.19052906
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Dragon Born 1: The Shifter's Hoard

>> No.19052912

new thread (fuck the anime tranny)

>> No.19052913

what is that? a woman! this is SJW, you are supposed to recommend BASED hardcor gays having steamy sex

>> No.19052923

This is why /sffg/ is dying. Shits like you.

>> No.19052933

>fuck the anime tranny)
You do know you're on an anime website, right?

>> No.19052938

keep seething troon

>> No.19052944

Ain't seething, just stating fact.

>> No.19053249

Just finished the mana master books after seeing them recommended in a smut thread. The smut was pretty good if not blatantly forced at times and I enjoyed the world building. But I also went in with incredibly low expectations so I feel weird recommending it

>> No.19053410


Hadn't seen this site before, thanks friend!

>> No.19053435

Are you a neet?

>> No.19053449

I have a job and I can do that depending on the books.