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19034740 No.19034740 [Reply] [Original]

Been watching pretty much anything Dune I can get my hands on lately - just finished David Lynch's film for the first time the other night and am watching the last part of Episode 3 of the Sci-Fi Channel's Dune (2000). I can't help but feel like even after watching all these I am missing out severely without reading this book. Bought a copy and am going to be reading it. My question is, for those who have already read it, what film/series is closest to the actual novel?

Bonus question - is Dune a "white savior" narrative or is that just people being retarded.

>> No.19034772

Fuck off

>> No.19034795

Who shit in your cornflakes faggot?

>> No.19034914

>"white savior"
wrong board

>> No.19035014

I don't believe in the "white savior" bullshit, it was simply a question so we could all poke fun at how fucking stupid the concept is. Especially when Muad'Dibs actions bring war and death to billions of people.

My question for those too triggered by the words "white savior" even being mentioned (though I'm not arguing for that asinine concept regarding Dune) was how different is the book from the films made about it?

>> No.19035046

Lynch’s adaptation is a meme. The fact that some people say that they like it is one of the worst ever cases of nostalgia goggles out there.
Book is good if you’re a type of person interested in worldbuilding and stuff.

>> No.19035230

I love worldbuilding. Lynch's film has a nice aesthetic but as a narrative film it misses the mark heavily. Bought the first book in the series and will read throughout the week. I haven't been this interested in reading a novel in a long time. How is Herbert's writing style? Is it superfluopus? Does it sound pretentious? Or is it heavily based in imagery and symbolism, harder to decipher or pretty straight forward?

>> No.19036017

Dune is good.
Messiah is ok.
Children of Dune is great.
God Emperor is the best one.

>what film/series is closest to the actual novel?
The miniseries.

>is Dune a "white savior" narrative or is that just people being retarded.
Atreides are not even white, but olive skinned. Also the point is that there is a cult of women who have basically brainwashed a population of entire planet just as a backup plan if they end up stranded there. You can hardly say it's a "white saviour" story when big plot point is how fucked up it is that Paul can use this brainwashing to further his own agendas.

>> No.19036411

So the white savior arguments come from people who have zero knowledge on the story itself and have a surface understanding of it from watching trailers. Got it. That's what I figured.

>> No.19036761

Many such cases

>> No.19037144


Read the book, then start a thread about it, for fuck's sake.

>> No.19037437

>what film/series is closest to the actual novel?
Cinema and literature are incompatible mediums. This is a meaningless question.

>> No.19037898

I would recommend checking out the documentary Jodorowsky's Dune. It's basically what Dune would have been in the 1970's if not for budget/time considerations.

>> No.19039498

>It's basically what Dune would have been in the1970's if not for budget/time considerations.
You forgot: as made by a pretentious pseud.

>> No.19039803

are these tragedies in the first book? I only read that one and I don't really remember stuff like that.

>> No.19040307

>is Dune a "white savior" narrative or is that just people being retarded
The relationship between the Messiah and his planet/people is very different than the white savior narrative for obvious reasons.
>Lynch's film has a nice aesthetic but as a narrative film it misses the mark heavily.
There is a fan edit with unused scenes that is supposed to be much closer to Lynch's vision. It's on piratebay, I have yet to watch it.
>Jodorowsky's Dune
I look at his filmography and I don't really buy the hype.

>> No.19040594
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Based af

>> No.19040622

Disingenuous about the brainwashing stuff

>> No.19040961
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>what film/series is closest to the actual novel?
>Bought a copy and am going to be reading it
Just read it then.
>is Dune a "white savior" narrative
In a sense, yes, but on purpose. Paul being a 'white saviour' is not a good thing. Part of the reason people believe this is that most people only read the first book and don't consider Dune Messiah. Yes, everything that is happens in Messiah is foretold in the first book, but people who read SF don't pay attention to subtext.

>> No.19041261

Is this book actually worth reading or should I just add it to the meme stack?

>> No.19041278

>Children of Dune is great.
I'm reading Children of Dune and I miss Paul a lot, when does it get good?

>> No.19041296

Meant to quote >>19036017

>> No.19041420

>There is a fan edit with unused scenes that is supposed to be much closer to Lynch's vision. It's on piratebay, I have yet to watch it.

Spicedriver's alternative edtion redux:


Definitely the best cut there is of Lynch's Dune, which was kind of tragic. It's close to the book and has a clear arc you can follow without having read the book.

>> No.19041727

How accurate is that image?

>> No.19042094

pretty real. I think CoD is pretty alright tho

>> No.19042157

It comes from people who read Dune and didn't read Messiah, even though in Dune, Paul sees the horrible future he's about to create because he doesn't have the guts to commit suicide in the desert with his mother. The first book just ends with Paul winning and taking over the empire. It doesn't show any consequences of that victory that are heavily implied to be bad at the end of Dune. But the "we brainwashed these people with vague prophecies about a chosen foreign savior just in case we get stranded on their planet" part is in Dune. You gotta try really fucking hard to read the book and not think the bene gesserit are bad women.

>> No.19042166

to be fair Jodorosky didn't get Dune and had never read it. It'd probably be a good film but it would absolutely fail to depict Paul as the villain.

>> No.19042186

nowadays it would have been a 6-7 part miniseries. it's a shame things like that weren't really made and definitely not shown in theatres. it might not have been a faithful adaption but i have no doubt that he'd have created kino

>> No.19042194
File: 3.12 MB, 2250x3000, kino AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested in the book then just read the book, faggot.

>> No.19042218

>is Dune a "white savior" narrative
Yes. So is avatar, Lawrence of Arabia, Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom.
It's not a bad thing

>> No.19042585


>> No.19042622


>> No.19042733
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>> No.19042779

>Paul being a 'white saviour' is not a good thing.
People need to stop blaming him for the jihad waged in his name. It is clearly stated that there was no way to avoid it. He saw all future paths and couldn't find a single one that would allow him to avoid the jihad. Paul was a victim of time.

>> No.19043329

>He is not a white savior
>he is a victim

>> No.19043597

The SyFy 2000 adaptation is the most accurate so far and even that one changes things around slightly. Hopefully the Villeneuve film coming next month can nail it

>> No.19043642

Here's why I think the white saviour thing is bullshit. One of the main points of a white saviour plot (also the thing that makes it... le BAD!) is the fact that it usually shows the saviour to only be doing it out of the kindness of his heart, which in the case of Paul, is not whats happening. Paul never came to Arrakis to 'save' the fremen, he was to live in the castle his whole life as the next in line monarch, and only 'saves' the fremen so he could get back on the throne. He got Shaddam IV to abdicate by basically holding the spice hostage and threatening to destoy it all unless he makes Paul emperor and gives his daughters blessing. Spice is deeply rooted in both fremen culture and their way of life, so how paul is able to so carelessly use it as a bargaining chip just shows he is NOT a saviour.