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19024998 No.19024998 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a light novel writer if I'm not japanese nor speak that language?

>> No.19025063

You don't.

>> No.19025066

You write YA :P

>> No.19025076

You celebrate your 18th birthday and grow up

>> No.19025098

Student visa to Japan is probably easiest long-term to get and you can learn shit

>> No.19025148

Learn Japanese

>> No.19025304

you can write novels for school children in any language anon

>> No.19025352

You just write it snd then pay to have it translated. English onlies have written light novels before.

>> No.19025388

you kill yourself

>> No.19025615

Examples onegai

>> No.19025950

Off the top of my head the in love with a soapland girl author from Twitter. Pretty sure the clockwork planet author was Mexican or something too. There’s been others but I can’t recall them off the top of my head atm.

>> No.19026094

Thanks. Do you know anything about them? Like, were they just random that hired a translator and self published? It just seems like such a bizarre path to me, it never occurred to me you could publish a book in a language you don't even speak.

>> No.19026214

Write a regular novel, but print it on extra thin paper

>> No.19026216

Enough mescaline will turn you Jap-a-neez-ah

>> No.19027698

You learn Japanese anon

>> No.19027754

The former is the light novel equivalent of Waldun, just wrote a light novel in English, translated to Japanese, and sold it. The latter moved to Japan when he was a teenager or something so wrote in a second language. There’s others who did all sorts of things. Some moved as adults. Some moved as kids. Some never moved.

People publish books in languages they don’t know all the time. They just write in their language, publish it, have it translated to other languages, and then publish those.

I suppose the up-side here is that most light novels are written at a roughly high school reading level in Japanese so if you wanted to just write and publish in Japanese, you could and it wouldn’t take that much time. A few years maybe.

>> No.19029771

I guess the main difference I see is that light novels seem like such a quintessential "Japanese" thing, like anime. Sure, you can write a book in one language and translate it to another, that happens all the time. But with light novels, it just seems wrong. I think it would end up reading like a really badly dubbed anime. But maybe I'm wrong. Just didn't realize people were doing that.

>> No.19029831

Yeah, you’re wrong. This is a myth that inhabits the brains of (mostly Western) japanophiles. You can write whatever you want in truth. There’s no guarantee it will popular, or even good. But you can, in fact, write it. And you can do it however you like. Contract out illustrations. Do them yourself. Write in the language. Pay for translation. It doesn’t really matter. But what I can say conclusively that the idea only a Japanese person can make light novels, or anime, or manga, or anything else is true only in practice and only incidentally so. It can incidentally be not so just as easily.

>> No.19029855

I mean, of course I'm legally *allowed* to write it, that's not the issue. It just wouldn't be *good*. And I didn't say you have to be a Japanese person, I said you'd need to know Japanese. Stuff like contacting publishers in Japan would also be a huge problem, and hardly anyone outside Japan buys light novels or even knows what they are.

>> No.19029860

You do realise it’s all tasteless trash? It’s like a Japanese person lamenting the fact they can’t break the same market as F. Gardner.

>> No.19029867

lose weight

>> No.19029875

you write OELN

>> No.19029879

>wanting to create something that's defined by its artlessness

>> No.19029905

I've read Western literature all my life and I switched to exclusively reading light novels at age of 26 when I realized the intricacy and depth that it has which western "big brain" literature lacks.

>> No.19029908

Taste is subjective. Personally, I really do like (some) light novels. Why are you hanging out on this overgrown anime board if you hate anime tropes so much?

>> No.19029918

mogolico de mierda

>> No.19029946

You misunderstand me. It can be good. If you have such a hangup over authentically writing in Japanese then just learn Japanese. You can write a light novel in Japanese within a few years of you want to.

>> No.19029951

If you're actually serious, give me an example of the light novels you read and the depth they have.

>> No.19029980

>Just learn japanese
Not impossible of course, but it's a lot harder than you make it sound. Just because they're meant to be easy to read, doesn't mean you can write them with shitty N3-tier Japanese.

>> No.19029989

Literal Rick and Morty copypasta tier shit

>> No.19030030

I know Japanese and I stand by what I said. You could write a light novel within a few years.

>> No.19030113

It’s easy to self-publish 150-page garbage with no writing talent, what’s the issue anon? Unless you care about having the autistic anime art of your “waifus” every 30 pages, in which case the problem can just be remedied by commissioning an artist.

>> No.19030159

I got to the N1 with less than two years of serious study. If you put in the time and effort, you can learn Japanese at a high level. And if you want to write light novels, once you've reached a high enough level of Japanese, just pick a few light novels you like and do an intensive, in-depth study of them. If you study them closely enough, you will be able to imitate them.
Also, like the other anons in here said, light novels are bad. If you learn Japanese, you'll stop being interested in them, because of how ugly the language used in them is, and instead want to read and imitate Mishima.

>> No.19030207

>I got to the N1 with less than two years of serious study.
That seems absurdly fast. Describe your method.

>> No.19030218

what the hell is the light nivel?

>> No.19030236

I've posted it on here before, but basically you need to get a good basic grammar book (Yanada and Dunn's Teach Yourself Japanese, any pre-1975 edition), a good set of readers (Basic Reader in Modern Japanese and the sequel, these books are old and include orthographical conventions that are extremely important but have been abolished; also anything by P.G. O'Neill); a good set of texts on characters (P.G. O'Neill's Essential Kanji) and write each character and all of its readings multiple times every single day, spending, say, an hour writing 10 characters and their readings and meanings 25 times over at the beginning, until you've gone through the entire book; and a good set of dictionaries (Kenkyusha's Japanese-English Dictionary and the New Nelson to begin with; once you're good enough, you need to start using electronic dictionaries and Japanese-Japanese dictionaries).
Spend several hours studying every single day. Focus on just the grammar at the beginning, and then start reading using readers. Once you've started using readers, begin writing characters for at least an hour every single day. Once you're comfortable reading, start reading freely. Just pick a book and start reading it. It will take you an hour to read a single page at first, but you will get better eventually.
Do this for a few years, and you'll be good.

>> No.19030497

Fucking Japanese prodigies always make me feel like a brainlet. I've been studying for about three years and I still suck. (not that I'm taking classes or anything, but I did put some serious effort into it, and everything native is still too fast or complicated for me to understand, including light novels).
How about this?
Fucking Japanese prodigies always make me feel like a brainlet. I've been studying for about three years and I still suck. (not that I'm taking classes or anything, but I did put some serious effort into it, and everything native is still too fast or complicated for me to understand, including light novels).
How about this?
Do you think I can get a publishing deal for my Japanese light novel?

>> No.19030510

fucking 4chan. well, there you see my brainletitude

>> No.19030512

That isn't even N3 lad, that's N5.

>> No.19030513

>It just wouldn't be *good*
So a light novel then, what's the problem

>> No.19030530

I don't think you know what "serious effort" means. In any case, just do what I said in >>19030236 and you'll get there. Along the way, you'll realize that light novels are garbage.

>> No.19030553

Guess I've been wasting my time with textbooks written post-1975 that lack the secret othographical conventions lol. That and not having not having multiple hours every day to study.

>> No.19030571

Read VNs with text hooker instead of LNs

>> No.19030809

Imagine wanting to learn another language to write crap (by design) short novels

>> No.19030902

Yes, you are lazy and your materials are bad. This is the problem.

>> No.19030961

You write in a different language than japanese and just advertise it as being a light novel (see korean light novels for that)

>> No.19030966

start studying.

>> No.19031274

I think op should do this but it’s worth admitting that it is a bit different for Korean and Chinese.

>> No.19032682
File: 9 KB, 228x221, 素直.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do nothing of what this retard said. You will be too bored and distracted to ever learn anything. Here's the real method:
Read manga/ watch anime in Japanese with Japanese subtitles. Something you actually like.
Add words to Anki
Watch Cure Dolly for grammar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdmU8hGK4Fg3LghTVtKltQ

That's it, everything else is a waste of time and boring as hell. You don't need to learn a SINGLE kanji, learning vocabulary will automatically include kanji in your memory.
I've studied Kanji for 1.2 years and grammar with 0 ability in Japanese as a result, forgot everything I've learned since it was obscure useless garbage because of how toextbooks are structured. I switched to exclusively massive input of real material and I've been able to read manga within 2 months with only looking up 1 word per page since.

>> No.19032687

Oh, and I study 14 hours a day and do nothing else.
Addition to:

>> No.19032700

I hope you're joking.

>> No.19032702 [DELETED] 

This man is right. Thanks god Cure Dolly exists. She unfucked my nip grammar forever. Throw tae kim and boomershit like tobira into the trash where it belongs.

>> No.19032707

Google translate

>> No.19032715
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>Your method is not piss boring, waste of time and doesn't follow established inefficient methods? You must be jesting

>> No.19032717

Dude Call of the Crocodile is fucking awesome. You clearly haven’t read it.

>> No.19032729

>B-but is not real japanezis!
No shit retards. It's real grammar and real language. Nobody talks like Schwarzenegger movies, but that's how all ESL learn English.

>> No.19032735

>Learn kanji without studying kanji
Seems like bullshit to me.

>> No.19032740

Immersion is the best method for language learning

>> No.19032765

You write it in english, and then hire a translator.

>> No.19032804

Wouldn't it be easier to learn kanji and then learn vocabulary? You would only need to put two kanji together, which you already know, to make a word.

>> No.19032813

publish on royalroad, beg on patreon, wallow in sadness, never finish a single book

many such cases

>> No.19032826

That's like learning meet/meat, marry/merry in a list and expecting to connect to the right one when the time comes. It's much better to learn words at random so one meaning can be fully grasped before you pile on a similar sounding and looking one on top of that.
Plus you will recognize most words from the 2 kanji pair much faster. Figuring out what one kanji means and then trying to smash them together doesn't work at all for abstract words, but if you know the general shape of the 2 kanji in a word together you quickly know if you have seen that shape before or if you haven't. Which also helps with recalling how it is pronounced, since many words have the same kanji in them, but that kanji is pronounced entirely different.

>> No.19033219

I wish I was learning Japanese instead of Chinese, it's so boring, and there's nothing worth reading in it.

>> No.19033225

Like I said, I got to the N1 in less than two years. I can read comics, novels, newspapers, and non-fiction.
What is the relevance of this?
I can tell you, as someone who has been to Japan and seen others "immerse" themselves in the place and learn nothing, that this is not true.
No. You need to acquire vocabulary in context by reading, which will also allow you to learn characters and their readings in context, while also studying characters separately by writing them repeatedly. This is how Japanese people study their own language. I suspect that they know what they are doing.

>> No.19033241

>I suspect that they know what they are doing.
Common misconception.
They don't.
They already have the entire language by the age of 5 and only relate it to symbols within 12+ years.
You need to do both within a year.

>> No.19033250

>They already have the entire language by the age of 5
1. Have you ever encountered a child of 5 who is capable of understanding what a fully educated adult of 25 can?
2. I have met Japanese children and spoken to them in Japanese. This is not the case.
Anime really is bad for the brain.

>> No.19033312

That's irrelevant.
What I said was that they have the entire vocabulary and the rhythm of language pinned down.
Learning new words and how to modify them ain't shit once you have the basics perfectly polished.

>> No.19033324

>anime japanese
Uh that will not sound normal. And will often involve teaching you single kanji and sometimes even kana.

>> No.19033333
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Does every ESL sound like Bruce Willis in this thread?

>> No.19033391

No, but none of them have cat girl speech impediments

>> No.19033422

Neither do weebs that learn Jap through anime.

>> No.19033486

They definitely do

>> No.19033495

>when they don't realize the girl is not just a girl but also anime chinese
Normally it will just make you really rude or kind of a tranny, but speaking dialects that don't exist happens too.

>> No.19033497

Learning language through media doesn't make you retarded.
Proof: entire ESL community.
Synthesis: All americans speak like the movies
God I hate americans.

>> No.19033936

This is more or less the method I used.

>> No.19034065

If you dedicate your lifetime to Japanese you'll eventually be able to write like a native speaker

>> No.19034269

If you learned Japanese through cartoons and and comics and nothing else, how would you know whether or not people who did the same sound stupid?
In any case, as someone who did not do so, I can tell you that there is a stereotyped form of dialogue used in cartoons that is not used at all by normal Japanese people, and is actually extremely offensive. It's one of the few things that make me cringe. If you really learned Japanese through television, you probably sound incredibly stupid.
They have neither, because proper writing is done in a register and with a set of grammar that differs completely from that used in speech and includes elements from the classical language.

>> No.19034351

I learned English the same exact way I learned Japanese.
I might express myself in slightly strange ways, but other than that were is no way to tell me apart from a Native speaker.
I don't know why you keep pushing the same narrative when it has been demonstrated to not be true in any way.
>B-but hurrrr you say "nyan" att the end of every sentence durr...
Why would I do that?

>> No.19034368

>I might express myself in slightly strange ways, but other than that were is no way to tell me apart from a Native speaker.
English and Japanese are not the same, my dude. Members of the species known as the "lib" often talk like they were raised by television. No analogous phenomenon exists in Japan. This is the difference.

>> No.19034395
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So what you are saying is that learning grammar, language rhythm, how to conjugate and vocabulary from a medium that I can enjoy for be focus on for long periods of time will still leave me unable to read stuff like this?:
or this?

>> No.19034397

>I can enjoy for be focus on for long periods
I can enjoy and be focused on for long periods*

>> No.19034398

Yes, because you are not learning the language properly.

>> No.19034410

I learned Japanese from anime and do everything else in Jap.
How the fuck do you explain that? I haven't touched a textbook since I started anime only diet.

>> No.19034416

You think you are good, but you are not. It's that simple.

>> No.19034421
File: 117 KB, 735x831, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can gather from this is that you tried learning from textbooks, got piss bored and depressed because that's what you should expect, and then cope in my general direction over your failures.

>> No.19034426

Like I said, I got the N1 after less than two years of serious study.

>> No.19034433

>like anime
Are you aware that a lot of studios are outsourcing their shows? A shitload of them are being animated in China, South Korea, etc. An a lot of foreigners, mostly east and south east asians, are working in Japan as animators? I personally know one and he hates his live, working 6 days a week, from morning to night, for the wages of a waitress.

>> No.19034500

It's the same everywhere. Romanians in Europe work for 1200 in Dutch slaughterhouses.
Dutch 16 year olds in grocery stores get paid 1400.

>> No.19034505

Romania is part of Europe.

>> No.19034547

That's like saying that Mexico is part of America.

>> No.19034652

it is tho

>> No.19034679

Colloquially "America" stands for USA.
"Europe" stands for Western Europe.
Eastern European culture and living conditions are drastically different.

>> No.19034855

>working in Japan as animators
Doing grunt work as an animator is pretty different from being a successful writer, which is what this thread is about. How many anime scripts are written by non Japanese?

>> No.19035036

Katakana is ugly and ruins japanese.

>> No.19035916


>> No.19035955
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Is there a chart or some info on recommended light novels that are suitable for someone older than 18yo?

>> No.19035960

Just read VNs.
Those are pretty much always good.