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19024275 No.19024275 [Reply] [Original]

20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack is just around a corner. As a European who was 2 years old when they happened to boot I don't know much about the attack and its background. Are there any fiction books which are centered around 9/11? I'm looking for nonfiction recommendations as well particularly books which give an unbiased account of the attacks and books about ideology of Al-Qaeda to understand the mentality of the perpetrators?

>> No.19024304

We've left Afghanistan and Biden is our president. Everything bad happened after 9/11. When the twin towers fell, so too would the west. Please pray for everyone and everything you hold dear now anon.
— Joe

>> No.19024330

Bin Laden's letter to America is a good read. It contains no lies

>> No.19024338

Rubbish bin Laden glows.

>> No.19024403
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Apparently, I was watching 9/11 live on television even though I was too young to remember. Growing up, it was this sacred event no one explained because you were either assumed to already know or the memory was too painful to conjure up. My mother told me that when we traveled on an international flight in 2003, the tension and fear among the passengers was noticeable. Despite all the drama, to this day no one in America really understands why the attacks happened. "Terror"? Retaliation? My teachers used to explain away that the terrorists attacked us because they were jealous of our freedoms. Do our freedoms require us to have tentacles in every government and bomb children across the world? We sent 3000 Americans to die in Afghanistan for a futile cause. I don't know if you'll be able to find unbiased sources because of the sheer propaganda surrounding current events. But if you want a deep dive, you should probably start with Eisenhower's speech on the military-industrial complex

>> No.19024463
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>mfw i realize its 9/11 already in the poor parts of the world

>> No.19024506

Falling Man by Delillo
that Foer novel with the long title
Terrorist by Updike
The Good Life by McInerney

no one cares tripfag

>> No.19024533

>Despite all the drama, to this day no one in America really understands why the attacks happened.
One word: blowback.

>> No.19024540

Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert is the only 9/11 book you need. It is thoroughly researched and will make anyone doubt the official narrative.

>> No.19024552
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Scott Horton's great on American foreign policy.

>> No.19024645
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>> No.19024658

Okay, so 9/11 was horrible, but I still don’t think we needed to invade Afghanistan. We should have sent in some glowies to assassinate Bin Laden and other figures who did 9/11, and then left. Many American/NATO and Afghan lives would have been saved.

>> No.19024667

Of course not, Afghanistan wasn't even behind the attacks

>> No.19024673

yeah incidentally in those same parts of the world you don't need to run five figures worth of student's debt in order to complete a university degree

>> No.19024805

I was 21 years old and serving in the Australian Army. We got mustered onto the parade ground and read a speech by the General in command of Australian forces at the time. All leave got cancelled and we went to readiness. I remember thinking "oh shit I'm going to be sent to war and I'm going to die"
I'd only joined the army because it seemed better than working at McDonald's.

>> No.19024873

Incidentally this inspired my first attempt at writing.
I got a notebook and started keeping a diary thinking history would be interested in reading the thoughts of an Australian soldier in the war on terror.
I still have it somewhere.

>> No.19024882

The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright is a great non fiction on 9/11, highly recommend. To go the extra mile you can read his other books Thirteen days in september and the terror years.

>> No.19024890

The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11, for more on the attacks themselves.

>> No.19024963

make something of it mate

>> No.19025019

How would American lives be saved by killing Americans?

>> No.19025079
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>> No.19025125
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What are some good books on numerology?

>> No.19025151

because far less would die
we didn't even have to do that, the taliban offered to send Osama Bin Laden to a mutually agreed upon third party if evidence of his guilt was presented. If that didn't work out, then rather than invade they should have isolated Afghanistan and supported the anti taliban resistance from the inside (which is what they wanted), until the taliban government was already ready to be toppled on its own.

>> No.19025181

Afghanistan had nothing to do with it zoomer.

>> No.19025233

No one said it did, but Osama Bin Laden was inside Afghanistan.

>> No.19026589


>> No.19026712
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>> No.19026832

>the taliban offered to send Osama Bin Laden to a mutually agreed upon third party if evidence of his guilt was presented
Bin laden had already taken credit, and that was not enough "evidence." Afghanistan knew the troops were coming no matter what they did, so they used it as an opportunity to play politics.

>> No.19027847



>> No.19027879


>> No.19028102

Is it just schizo shit?

>> No.19028210
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>> No.19028297


>> No.19028465

Hunter S. Thompson's essay at the time:
>Boom! Boom! Just like that. The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country.
>Make no mistake about it: We are At War now ― with somebody ― and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives. It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy.
>This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed ― for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child-President, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now.
>He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won’t hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force. Good luck. He is in for a profoundly difficult job ― armed as he is with no credible Military Intelligence, no witnesses and only the ghost of Bin Laden to blame for the tragedy.

>> No.19028561

>Still believing jihadist attacks are based on foreign policy rather than religion

>> No.19028606


>> No.19028613

I think they should have destroyed every capital in the middle east from Tripoli to Islamabad. The US failed to exert power.

>> No.19028621

You're really stupid.

>> No.19028623

All these losers who died in the 9/11 attacks had no idea they would die a horrible death that day.

They probably followed the same boring routine they always did. Wake up, get ready, eat, go to work, hate every minute of it, go back home, watch tv, masturbate, go to sleep. And I'm sure there was some who wished they could read more classics or who wanted to read a certain book, but they put it off for another day. But that day never came.

The future isn't guaranteed. Don't put off a book that you can read today.

>> No.19028632

DUH they couldn't be trusted.

>> No.19028642

This. Western secularists can't wrap their head around religious war

>> No.19028667

>>Still believing foreign policy attacks are based on foreign policy rather than foreign policy as religion

>> No.19028675


>> No.19028714

>The US failed to exert power.
I dunno. People like to say "America was too gentle, if China ever invades they'll be far more cruel", but honestly, we have been pretty ruthless in our foreign policy actions in MENA. Abu Ghraib was quite messed up, and I'm sure there's lots of cases like it which we never hear of. We have been perfectly willing to drone people and ignore the civilian casualties. I'm not saying we should have been gentle: war is war and human rights and the like are violated in war all the time. But there comes a point where excess violence stops giving returns. America did exert hard power, that hasn't been our problem. Our problem was that we weren't willing to stay for the 50-60 more years it would take to truly have Afghanistan transition to a liberal democracy.

>> No.19028756

>still not knowing who funds the jihadists

>> No.19028889

Winning wars isn't about power.

>> No.19028978

implying there's a difference between foreign policy and religion in this context

>> No.19029084

>but honestly, we have been pretty ruthless in our foreign policy actions in MENA.

Hardly. Abu Ghraib is your example of ruthlessness LOL

>> No.19029092

>We have been perfectly willing to drone people and ignore the civilian casualties.

Civilian casualties due to drones strikes are not that high, and also, mainly because the targets surround themselves with innocents.

>> No.19029100


You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.19029105

Joe who?

>> No.19029108

Why don't you tell us...I bet you are going to say the USA, please prove me wrong though

>> No.19029355

i agree with you

>> No.19029438
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>> No.19029832

I really wish they would have built them back as they were.

>> No.19029899

Sure they could be, they just wanted to make certain there was not one of those pesky changes in government that seems to happen when the US shows up in the region. They play the victim so every leader in the region can show support, they were simply stating "fuck with our government and you will never find Bin Laden and his cronies." They are just exploiting the tools of western politics.

>> No.19029920

I mean Abu Ghraib was a pretty brutal thing to do. What more did you want?

>> No.19030245

Destroy ever capital city in the ME with dozens of nukes. Make it so that muslims worldwide would be afraid to even look at a Koran let alone open one. The nuclear bombs over Japan broke that society the same was needed in the middle east 10 fold. To show the world that is was the USA's way or no way, but they squandered that opportunity and here we are 20 years later with an emboldened China, Russia and muslims worldwide. They should have wrecked house is what I'm saying.

>> No.19030262

Uniting ~2 billion people in hatred of you is not exactly a wise move. Not to mention what you want would be one of the greatest human rights violations ever

>> No.19030269

Yeah kind of wished theyd done that so Russia would wipe America off the face of the planet.

>> No.19030278
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Based. There is evil in the world and America is a force for good. Praise Israel!

>> No.19030300

LOL there wouldn't be 2 billion. Also, fuck I don't see the Japs retaliating but somehow you are so sure muslims would.

>> No.19030310

>greatest human rights violations ever

LOL go and cry to Sweden or France or whatever other useless country you think would do something.

>> No.19030311

Freedom isn't free.
We do it free for Greater Israelis.

>> No.19030314

>Uniting ~2 billion people in hatred

Ummm they're already united in hatred so what's the difference?

>> No.19030321
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>> No.19030328
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>Not to mention what you want would be one of the greatest human rights violations ever

>> No.19030333

>Not to mention what you want would be one of the greatest human rights violations ever
It wouldn't be as bad as the holocaust

>> No.19030362

Probably because the Holohoax never happened

>> No.19030374

I really don't understand how people like you exist. How can one of the most well-documented periods in history be readily available for any who want to learn, and yet some of you still deny facts?

>> No.19030495
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>We should have sent in some glowies to assassinate Bin Laden and other figures who did 9/11, and then left.
This is literally what happened except Osama slipped away by the skin of his teeth, prompting you niggers to go full retard and launch a full-scale invasion.


>> No.19030505

I have no proof but blood memory says pic related is true

>> No.19030519
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Damn forgot pic

>> No.19030532
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>"So we tell the Americans as people," bin Laden said softly, "and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews. The continuation of tyranny will bring the fight to America, as Ramzi Yousef and others did. This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves."

From his interview with Miller in the late 1990's

>> No.19030656

They should have decimated the middle east and bombed them back to the 7th century like they want. America showed to much restrain tin the years post 9/11. God forbid we offend the French or Norwegians or Canadians.

>> No.19030663

why even give them a (you)?

>> No.19030695

>Okay, so 9/11 was horrible, but I still don’t think we needed to invade Afghanistan
I agree, we should have nuked them instead. Muslims were celebrating in our backyard that day, I saw and heard it myself.

>> No.19030808

>Not to mention what you want would be one of the greatest human rights violations ever
They killed civilians. They housed the group that organized and made it happen, which means the blood was on their hands. It wouldn't have been a human rights violation, but a duty, to retaliate.

This. Mercy isn't appreciated. If someone thinks they can walk over you, they will. That's why Japan got nuked. If Muslims hated the West even more afterwards, then so be it; every last one of them would have deserved to die then.

>> No.19030949

You tried and you failed.
And now you will be remembered forever as the country that never won a single war. You deserve everything that is happening to you because you were the biggest retards in history.

>> No.19031073

I genuinely don't think that my opinion is soi. I am not a pacifist and in war brutality is a fact of life, but you need to have some logic behind your violence. Doing something which would catapult your nation into the deepest depths of infamy with no real justification is stupid.

>> No.19031270

>with no real justification
You can't be serious.

>> No.19031316

Yes? The existence of an extremist group does not give the justification to nuke the entire Middle East.

>> No.19031364

>We should have sent in some glowies to assassinate Bin Laden
that's what they did but when they got close to him they mysteriously received orders to stand down

>> No.19031370


I always recommend Jarett Kobek's ATTA for this, it's a good novella tbqh with very clear burgerpunk themes. Atta sincerely and wrongfully hates American architecture, and this is presented as his principal motivation. Wish his master's thesis was accessible, there's a bit at the end which purports to be an extract, I wonder if Kobek managed to access the real document.

There's also a short story on Saddam's final hours in the compound and spider hole. IIRC the book was published just before Bin Laden was killed, but that episode would be an obvious third piece for Kobek to have written.

>> No.19031372


holy crackers someone reposted my dank OC

>> No.19031375
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>this entire post
fucking KEK

>> No.19031392

The whole religion is an extremist group. Islam is an extreme religion, pick a moderate Islamic country and look at commonly held beliefs there.

>> No.19031418


>> No.19031454

Ok lets look at Jordan:

70% of Jordanians believe Sharia should be the rule of law.

7 million people.

67% of those believe stoning should be punishment for adultery! Really moderate!

>> No.19031464


82% of Jordanians believe death should be the penalty for leaving Islam, yeah I see a lot catholics in western countries believing that

>> No.19031472

fair enough
thank you for bringing those statistics to me

>> No.19031473

Joe Mama!

>> No.19031476


>> No.19031479


>> No.19031526

Maybe Anon's Taliban Poetry is kinda related, I guess. Kek
Also, I don't know why but it makes the trannies mad which is a plus:

Formless giver of forms
I seek thy water
NOT the shape of the jug
Can you reveal
to me and to my brothers
Where lies the Truth?

The Pharaoh and his thirsty for blood;
he came from the city of lights
The king of tricks
Without root
he stole our Shangri-La

And our strange gifts
and our exploding drops
Surely, gave him a
rough weather

Until the twenty years' rain
from the people untame
finally, washed him away

Formless giver of forms
I seek thy water
NOT the shape of the jug
Can you reveal
to me and to my brothers
Where lies the Truth?

The Dancing Harlot and the dollar's hook;
Can I see it?
Is that a ruby on your belly?
Can I free it?
The outer place is something airy
shaky jezebels
defenestrated by their allies

Formless giver of forms
I seek thy water
NOT the shape of the jug
Can you reveal
to me and to my brothers
Where lies the Truth?

Behind the veil
My mellifluous child,
Silky is the way

>> No.19031547

>Do our freedoms require us to have tentacles in every government and bomb children across the world?
Based anon.

>> No.19031586

The Dancing Harlot and the dollar's hook;
Can I see it?
Is that a ruby on your belly?
Can I free it?
The outer place is something airy
shaky jezebels
defenestrated by their allies