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19026269 No.19026269 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with the ancient buddhist texts? Why did no one tell me this is an incel chud religion? Where's the peace and tolerance???

>> No.19026273

>anon falls for the sneaky psyop meme
How about you do some research instead of believing a meme is 100% factual because "it was posted on 4chan!".

>> No.19026358

Buddhism is just nihilism minus the angry drinking.

All a buddhist does to train you is make friends with you for 6 months until you let your guard down with him, and then as your teacher tells you everything you think is wrong until you're a quivering mess of nothing and calls that enlightenment.

It's like a religion about having an emotionally abusive dad tear you down until you don't believe in anything anymore and don't want to bother making it change.

>> No.19026367

How do they gather the willpower to stay focused on their breath for hours on end if its all meaningless? I can barely do it for 10 seconds

>> No.19026373


>> No.19026427

>It's like a religion about having an emotionally abusive dad tear you down
Please don't project your abrahamoid insecurities upon the dharma.

>> No.19026873
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>> No.19027177

rule nr 1: when someone tells you that buddhism is "atheist" or "nihilist", ignore that poster, he knows nothing about buddhism

>> No.19027242

Literally every mythology of the past had stories and passages of similar nature about women.
It's almost like those were common knowledge across all cultures and the world has only been trying to convince itself otherwise since 40 years ago.

>> No.19027289

you stop existing --> you stop suffering

>> No.19027343

most of those are poorly translated quotes, the rest are just taken out of context

>> No.19027375

Come on now, a lot of classic Buddhist texts do have misogynistic remarks. I remember the Dalai Lama was giving a Kalachakra initiation a few years ago and he paused while reading the text to apologize for the misogyny in it.

>> No.19027382

Women are like the antithesis of Buddhism. Lusty, emotional unstable prone to outbursts, lazy, vindictive, entitled, and lacking in moral scruples.

>> No.19027388
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>> No.19027432

For me, it's the Lotus Sutra.

>> No.19027436


>> No.19027437

That’s why they’re attracted to Buddhism.
Women are actually unhappy being overemotional and sometimes they desperately want a stern hand to hold and secure them.

>> No.19027480
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For me, it’s the Heart Sutra

>> No.19027481

Don't do this. Reading the original Buddhist texts will radicalize you even more

>> No.19027539
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me too

>> No.19028990

Spoken like a true christcuck

>> No.19029704
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Yeah this is obviously an abrahamoid take, not like historically buddhist societies (China, India, SEA) have massive complexes about parental figures

>> No.19029720

Who is the abusive dad here: a. Buddha, who teaches the path to enlightenment, or b. that God who creates faulty beings and punishes them for not worshipping him?

>> No.19029784

How do trads cope with Christianity being the most femoid religion? It literally spread through converting women and slaves because the Bible promised them equality.

>> No.19029793

The only people who “angrily drink” are mentally weak losers who need a coping me mechanism

>> No.19029800

trads agree

>> No.19029833
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>people desperately seething that modernity took their would-be wives away want to bring back a feminine religion
It makes sense in a way

>> No.19029839
File: 550 KB, 978x1019, 1628961292546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why all the apostles were women

>> No.19029857

Victoria's Secret is run by men. Does that make its product masculine?

>> No.19029910

> who is the abusive dad here: *retard misunderstanding*
God doesnt punish, the flawed creatures fell by choice and now suffer due to ignorance, except God wants us back in Heaven instead of annihilated.
theosis and nirvana are opposites in that sense
And the fact remains that buddhist societies lead to rigid retarded family structures
> inb4 "better than the west lelel"
Yeah, that's not the only other option
> NOOOOOOOO but that doesn't fit my dishonest understanding of the source material!!!
stfu and act according to your nihilism already

>> No.19029929

Do Victoria's Secret CEOs use Victoria's Secret products?

>> No.19029949

>God doesnt punish, the flawed creatures fell by choice and now suffer due to ignorance, except God wants us back in Heaven instead of annihilated.
Why create this situation? This is something we'd do to lab rats. Why is the Absolute Being and Creator of the Universe doing experimental trials to see which rats hate the world enough to love him?

>> No.19030279

You think the Apostles followed or believed in anything resembling Christianity?

>> No.19030299

kek I like some parts of Buddhism but this is pretty true

>> No.19030473


It's a situation that the typical functioning family passes to its children. I will give a quick rundown of the Orthodox perspective since that is what I am familiar with. I don't know all the terminology in English so I will approximate with less-than-perfect terms. (I am also not an internet LARPer since I was born into it)

In their essence humans have a subset of the divine qualities, and therefore they are distinct and lesser from God. God created this situation for the same reason that people have children, for companionship and a benevolent desire to give a good life. And God raised unfallen humanity as a parent would raise a child.
By their free will, humans rebelled, and fell into their current state, and as a result their essence became tarnished. Free will was endowed despite the downsides (the possibility for this to happen at all) because the only alternative would have been to create automata, and that would negate the abovementioned reasons for creating sentient creatures.
As a function of the fall, in order for humans to return to their original state, they must grow closer to God, and return to their original divine qualities as intended, and perhaps grow beyond. Then they are in true communion with Him, this is the state of Theosis.
We suffer because the fall has rendered Man & Earth (created for Man) into a warped reflection of the intended order. Those who are departed but not in Heaven suffer, to a greater or lesser extent, essentially because they are in the presence of God and the Saints while being unsuited for this. Mortality has created a situation where Earth is a temporary crucible, this was not the plan.

If well-meaning and loving parents give rise to a rebellious antinatalist Redditor who is spiteful and prideful, despite being given the world, then it is perfectly clear why this child would be suffering no matter if he is on his own or if he is forced to live with his parents again.

>> No.19030610

Threads like this make it glaringly clear virgin rage is what turned this website into a far-right shithole. All other aspects of it - racism, white supremacy, religious extremism and so on - are just adjacent elements, and were adopted because they usually oppose the group of liberal ideologies feminism is part of.

>> No.19030689


>> No.19030696

Fuck off tranny

>> No.19030699

I have had many lots of sex and I hate women and I am right wing. Your hypothesis is disproved.

>> No.19030746

Yeah better to read the modern translations right? Lmao
Imagine not thinking a philosophy developed in a strongly patriarchal society won't explicitly exclude women
That's how it was back then you whitewashing faggot

>> No.19030761

I'm a newfag but even I know that this website was always filled with virgins.

>> No.19030890

>god is basically just my dad
Yeah we know. But he's also not your dad, he's supposed to have created everything. So if he made man and gave man the option to rebel against him, for which he would then punish man, as well as the option to return to him, for which he would then reward man, this merely confirms that it is an abusive relationship, like a scientist torturing rats to test a hypothesis.

>> No.19031337

That's exactly the point, they created fertile ground for extremist ideologies to take root.

>> No.19031591

It is not an abusive relationship, it is a dependent relationship. But these are very obviously not synonymous terms. The lesser being dependent on the greater is a normal and ordinary thing.
God made man, and man can rebel, and man suffers through rebellion because man is dependent on this relationship. Is this to be blamed on God? In fact, everything God creates is mandated to be defined by its relationship with Him in a similar way, because He is the Absolute, the ultimate source of causality. You're blatantly wrong, the fact that he is an overarching cosmic benchmark exactly makes him the Father of everything. Can God create something not defined through Him? That would be nothingness, and has nothing to do with acts of creation.
God isn't torturing rats, He's herding cats with endless patience.
> "Why did you make me exist when you knew I might have a hard time? Why do I need you?? REEEEEE I can't stand it and you shouldn't have done that!!!"
This is literally your logic. And you're trying to say that I have daddy issues and that I'm using childish arguments? My family was good and dependable, anon.

>> No.19031608

You missed the one that goes something like
>My teachings will last 1000 years, but if women are allowed to learn them they will last 500 years. -The Fucking Buddha
But this part is really important:
>so to be despised is the being who becomes dominated by the power of a woman
That means all wankers. Buddha believed men need to be held to the same standard of chastity as they wish women be held to. But the thing is, men are more capable of freeing themselves from "the power of the senses."

>> No.19031616

Retard look at the actual sources for the quotes.

>> No.19031627


The difference being in 2009 they were just virgins. In 2016 they became incels. Two completely different breeds.

>> No.19031645

>Two completely different breeds.

>> No.19031656

Incels are a militant domestic terrorist organization. According to the government.

>> No.19031659

>wow, it's another thread with trannies and incels flinging shit

>> No.19031678

>According to the government.
oh NO that means they must be bad!!

>> No.19031679

Virgins were just sad anons who either never tried with women or always had bad luck. They never had any hatred towards women. Just replaced 3d with 2d.
Incels on the other hand hate everything about life and have to run everything through the blackpill.

>> No.19031684

not an argument

>> No.19031691

The only thing wrong with being incel is that it's involuntary. Celibacy is praiseworthy. If incels are hateful, it's because they watch pornography and masturbate and it makes them neurotic. Other than for that, they would be well adjusted and probably marry off in short order.

>> No.19031697

i thought masturbation was healthy tho, not very sex positive of u

>> No.19031713

you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.19031770

>I may be a 40 year old virgin, but I’m not an incel because I don’t hate women!
Holy mother of cope
Wow, it’s a CIA narrative, so it must be true! Black people kill a million times more people per year than incels do, why don’t they get labeled a domestic threat?

>> No.19031782

>why don’t they get labeled a domestic threat?
because they mostly only kill other niggers. from time to time they also do mass shootings at clubs while doing a drive by on the opps, but once again, mostly other niggers, ya huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

>> No.19031794

>"Why did you make me exist when you knew I might have a hard time? Why do I need you?? REEEEEE I can't stand it and you shouldn't have done that!!!"
That's not my view, that's the consequence of your view of a supreme being having made everyone and then told them they need to obey him or else. I don't believe in your god, so I don't believe existence is like this at all. But if he were real that would effectively be what he is doing. I wouldn't want to deal with someone like that in real life, let alone worship him as a god. It's asshole behavior, psychological abuse, torturing animals, etc.

>> No.19031868

But that view still applies without God around. Are you an antinatalist?

>> No.19031886

When people talk about incels they usually refer to the misogynist kind, not all literal "involuntary celibates"

>> No.19031935

>the view that god put us in jail for fun still applies without god
Are you retarded? It is only if he exists as the first cause of all things that he is liable for having made defective beings he knew would choose to break his rules and be subjected to his punishments.

>> No.19031941

>By their free will, humans rebelled
I don't think falling for a trap they had no way to know the full implications of and that God apparently gladly allowed to be set up in his garden counts as rebelling of your own free will. Even if it did, I just can't reconcile the idea of a benevolent god with one who chose to punish every single descendent of those first human beings even though they had nothing to do with the apple thing in the first place. Now go on and post some mental gymnastics that justify all of the above.

>> No.19031942

Was CWC an incel or a virgin?

>> No.19031953

He's a transcel.

>> No.19031956

Your parents put you in this torture chamber and now you have to seethe here with the rest of us

>> No.19031963

Corded Ware Culture was the opposite of a virgin.

>> No.19031967

Because they’re coping. Either they’re incels in denial or they’re normies trying to find a politically correct way to make fun of people for being virgins.

>> No.19031976

My parents never said that I have to follow their will forever or face eternal punishment? My parents aren't members of a clerical hierarchy that teaches those things in order to manipulate people? It's obviously not the same situation at all.

>> No.19031984

Holy shit this thread is full of queers
> umm I just can't see why a good deity who also made literally everything would enforce the rules he made??
Thanks to weak Christians now all religious people have to put up with your gay womanly rhetoric

>> No.19031994
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why doesnt he just create a world where the standards cannot be broken?
cope seethe dilate

>> No.19031998

>Thanks to weak Christians now all religious people have to put up
Yeah it's almost as if enough of you don't believe your own shit and were just using it to enforce social behaviors. It's as if you can't admit that God is dead (except on Good Friday).

>> No.19032016

if you're fine with this piece of shit world and being stuck here purely because a god wasn't the one who did it, then you are a terminal libertarian retard who should simply be killed
there is also a clerical hierarchy that manipulates people into putting up with it. it's the establishment and it runs an extractive society which tortures the unlucky masses for eternity
you fucking blind moron

>> No.19032023

Clearly he likes it when lesser beings struggle to obey his commands, so he created a world with both freedom and evil.

>> No.19032043

Whyever that is, I bet he knows better than you, cumbrain
such a question is irrelevant in any case because the current world is like that

You complain about Christians being evil and controlling when if they had any moral sense they would kill you as soon as you revealed your dipshit ideas. Allowing spiteful people to pollute the moral ecosystem with their personal dysfunctional hatred of authority and rules is indicative of evil and lax morality, that's what Christians are really guilty of

>> No.19032045

why does he have preferences if he lacks nothing

>> No.19032050

>if you're fine with this piece of shit world and being stuck here purely because a god wasn't the one who did it
Ok got it you are still a low-comprehension retard and it wouldn't matter what I said or didn't say. If god is not to blame for unpleasant experiences or the retribution of actions that doesn't imply one is "fine with" it. But it is of course unsurprising that your theological convictions are stalked by a seething ressentiment against your station in life that rears its head immediately if God is dispelled.

>> No.19032054

>it's moral to eliminate people you disagree with
>but god loves you and made you
Ok buddy, please get on the next flight to Kabul

>> No.19032056

I don't have theological convictions, I'm not retarded
maybe you have me mixed up for some one else

>> No.19032057

You're christian and know nothing of love and forgiveness, the two basic ideas of christianity.

>> No.19032068
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Ok well two different christers now ITT have apparently said I should die for disagreeing with them

>> No.19032079

Was this not clear? I am Muslim you fucking kafir hahahaha Kabul is our triumph over your sickness and there will be more to come

>> No.19032093

Because he lacks nothing, he must not lack a will.

>> No.19032096
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really? Got more cute hijabi pics? I GOTTA COOM

>> No.19032104

You just wait. In 2023, President Harris will nuke you in the name of avenging womens' rights violations.

>> No.19032106

Why does he will flawed creatures to jump through hoops if he lacks nothing? Is he bored?

>> No.19032132

Nice persecution complex. Do you believe the average person sees a virgin who is a regular guy for the most part, and another one who says there is nothing wrong with raping women (inb4 strawman, you know it's not), in the same light?

>> No.19032240

Incel means involuntarily celibate. If you are a virgin and do not want to be, you are an incel. End of story.

>> No.19032244

I don't have to do that research, countless trustworthy scholars made those points in their books.

>> No.19032246

Incels are the slave moralists of the 21st century

>> No.19032257

Fuck off, Nietzsche nigger. You fags are almost as bad as Christ cucks.

>> No.19032846

>Imagine not thinking a philosophy developed in a strongly patriarchal society won't explicitly exclude women

So the Buddha was able to transcend the very forces that keep us attached to reality, but wasn't able to see beyond the prejudices of his culture?

>> No.19032878

You missed the point completely and I don't feel like wasting my time on the usual /r9k/ thread shitting the catalog. Suffice to say, language is descriptive, not prescriptive, not matter how much this concept makes pseudo intellectuals seethe.

>> No.19033383

neither, he saw a hooker.

>> No.19033392

it's the opposite. Women being evil is objective reality and every religion as well as every philosophical system states as such. Only the freemasonic Satanism of the 18th century onward preaches equality of sexes. It's more like you're the one who can't see beyond the prejudices of your culture.

>> No.19033505

>prejudices of his culture
Try prejudices of every culture.

>> No.19033559

Orthodox view isn't that Original Sin is something all humans are punished for and Christ pays a sacrificial cost for, that's Catholic/Prot theology.
It is not a "sins of the father" situation, it is that fallen humans naturally beget fallen children.

>> No.19033567

It is of no surprise that a lonely coomer wouldn't understand such a simple idea that has already been stated in the thread. Would you rather play with dolls all your life or actually experience the company of others?

>> No.19033577

Buddhism is life denying, therefore nihilist. "Enlightenment" is not something that exists outside of you. All the lessons to be had are found on this earth.

>> No.19033579

If you are a virgin and do not want to be then you have two options:
>stop being such an insufferable autist and go get some easy pussy
>keep being an insufferable autist and go get an escort or something
being an incel is only the result of not choosing, it is a state caused by inaction and a preference to wallow in self-pity

>> No.19034016

It's morally wrong to be religious.

>> No.19034071
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I know exactly what you're talking about. I have been told that this is mostly something that happens with Buddhists in the west. People who turn to eastern religions are mostly just toxic, busted people looking to fill some hole in themselves with things that sound exotic and profound. Whatever they turn to they turn it into a cult, so it's not really unique to Buddhism.

>> No.19034298

I'm tired of you fuckers doing these shit bait threads, fuck you.

>> No.19034934


>> No.19035062
File: 205 KB, 800x1178, R.328582a3e6d22e8cd556fca177bc2f67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better real freedom through truth, then false freedom through lies.

Disenchantment and dispassion lead to a peace more profound than attachment ever could.

Or whatever, im sure youll live forever and get all the things you want.

>> No.19035177
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>The country dominated by a woman is to be despised. And so to be despised is the being who becomes dominated by the power of a woman.
Fucking based. All simps get the rope.

>> No.19035403

>buddha has no master, meditates and enlightens himself
>the asian bugmen institute 3000 years of sclerotic ancestor worship in his name
>noo you have to theorycel eternally or it's not real buddhism

>> No.19035417

This actually made me think, basically Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad. Every prophet worth his salt was totally original, why is that?
Is everyone else cargo culting, trying to copy them so that they become enlightened beings themselves and they cant see that the inner journey is profoundly personal?

>> No.19035444

Nihilism =/= life denial.

>> No.19035674

Didn't Gautama have multiple masters at different points of his life but he ended up not staying with their teachings and finding his own path?
He didn't just sprout out of nothing, he had a spiritual journey through different practices until he found enlightenment

>> No.19035702

>Suffice to say, language is descriptive, not prescriptive
That’s just a cope people use so they can use words however they want without regard for the actual meaning of them. Words like “incel” and “fascist” have actual meanings that meaning isn’t “people I don’t like.”

>> No.19035741

>he's never heard of Huayan, Chan, Zen, etc.

>> No.19035744

yes retard

>> No.19035750

Words do not have "actual" meanings; they have provisionally agreed upon meanings which drift over time since all the original speakers die and play telephone with their heirs.

>> No.19035818

Nope. I’m right, you’re wrong.

>> No.19035825

Although this is true you cannot honestly deny that words are also manipulated/abused by people with an agenda to try to deliberately change their meaning to suit their goals.

>> No.19035832

Idk about the others but zen has the right spirit to it, miles ahead of the rest ,

>> No.19035900

>words are also manipulated/abused by people with an agenda to try to deliberately change their meaning to suit their goals
This is the entire history of words. You're setting up a good and evil here but it's just people saying what suits them
Zen is Japanese Chan. Chan was influenced by Huayan. Chan is just the Chinese translation of jñana/dhyana. So in any event it goes back to the OG stuff.

>> No.19036601

I think the words yes, no, and bird all have universal meanings that are absolutes.

I mean the only difference is like what if we got into a blade runner like future and we started argueing if synthetic birds are the same as real ones or if we had an entirely synthetic environment would people start argueing if a man made bird is not the same thing as a real bird because we would never know if our behavioural programming was exactly the same or if we decided to make improvements on birds would genetically engineered/cyborg bird really be birds?

I mean I never played Half Life 1 but I played Black Mesa and I felt like it was a great way to give a 2010s game the feel of a late 90s game with quality of life improvements and overall great artistic vision to a degree that I feel like ive experienced the master piece of Half Life 1 without actually playing the real thing and with no desire to.

To me its the arguement that hyper reality is better than authenticity the autentic version would always be a downgrade to me.

In a sense if the spirit of the word or the work continues within a modern framework that is objectively better then autistically holding onto anachronistic versions of ideas is stupid and even worse a waste of time to get current day people to study it just to satisfy your ego or you living in the past.

A good word should be like videogame that gets patched every so often and the new players and the old players can appreciate the original game's vision but are happy with the current iteration.

Like I think all these idiots who study dead languages or make a pride learning many languages are fucking assholes because they waste their time learning stupid bullshit no one cares about and has no real practical application as you are stuck in frivolous pursuits to prove you are special. I mean I think Latin died as a language for a good reason because theres no "The" in Latin which is kind of retarded.

Often times but not always theres a good reason why things change or die because in reality everything is evolution and modern Italian is just the result of ancient Latin evolving for 2000 years.

No one cares if you know Latin and its better to just translate everything using AI.

My point being is getting caught up in semantics or being autistically obsessed with old concepts is in most cases a bad idea and really stupid.

I mean we live in such tyranical/orwellion times right now that I think learning a language like Latin or studying languages or argueing about words is a waste of time.

I do think however that perhaps we should stop blacks and jews from getting power over the English language because they are barbarians and not humans.

>> No.19036645

Using a word to describe what you think the word means is different than going out of your way to use a word in a manner nobody other than yourself uses it to try to muddy the waters with respect to future users of the word are different. If i start a campaign to call cats dogs while knowing full well that this isn't what people use the word dog to describe is not the same as, e.g. calling a cat a dog since I thought 'dog' was the word for a small, pointy-eared, whiskerer mammal that meows.

>> No.19036707

Fuck me, I'm phoneposting and forgot how I started that first sentence and repeated myself at the end of it.
>Latin doesn't have definite articles! So dumb! I'm glad French, Spanish, Italian, etc. were invented as improvements.
I was trying to follow what you were saying to give you the benefit of the doubt but I stopped reading your post as soon as you revealed you are a complete numbskull and have no clue what you're talking about. The other anon at least has a good point, although he's being obtuse. What you posted was just garbage.

>> No.19036774

>I think the words yes, no, and bird all have universal meanings that are absolutes.
So according to you it's what's meant by the word that is universal. That's not the word itself. A bird would still be a bird then even if you didn't know the English word for it, which is just arbitrary grunting.

>> No.19036796

Why don't you say what you mean instead of using cats and dogs as a metaphor? Obviously it isn't the case that people are renaming animals, though probably a thousand years from now everyone will have slightly different terms for cats and dogs than now. I presume you are upset that words referring to more abstract concepts are evolving faster than the words for cat and dog, and this "issue" lives rent-free in your head and you worry about it constantly enough to bring it up in a low-quality /lit/ thread whose OP was shitposting about Buddhism.

>> No.19036944

>Obviously it isn't the case that people are renaming animals, though probably a thousand years from now everyone will have slightly different terms for cats and dogs than now.
Yes, obviously. you're ignoring my point.
>words referring to more abstract concepts are evolving faster than the words for cat and dog
This is side-stepping the my point. Of course words evolve, but not all "evolutions" are equal. There's a stark difference between the divergence in the words terrific and terrible, compared to the change from communism meaning a "movement advocating for collective public ownership of production" to "any time a the state funds something". If the words communism, fascism, etc. no longer describe what they used to, what words have taken their role? Those ideas still exist, or don't they?
>and this "issue" lives rent-free in your head and you worry about it constantly enough to bring it up in a low-quality /lit/ thread
Which issue is that?
>OP was shitposting about Buddhism
Don't care, I didn't start this tangent that has appeared ITT.

>> No.19036972

>If the words communism, fascism, etc. no longer describe what they used to, what words have taken their role? Those ideas still exist, or don't they?
Ah yes the immortal truths of political theory, unmoved by time, fixed in their definition like the noetic forms of the divine Plato.

>> No.19037051

These words are used more often as pejoratives than to describe political theories, this is the point. The first object and the word describing it have diverged where the word describes a second object. What's the new word to describe the first object? If meanings of words are changed very rapidly you can run into the situation where the people using them become divided between users of the old way and users of the new way if this shift isn't uniform. This can cause miscommunication between these two groups, hampering their ability to understand one another. That can and does happen naturally, but the second order effects of changes in vocabulary may be desired by one active party or another. The difference is the intent.

>> No.19038159

the amount of autism in this thread

>> No.19038194

>the second order effects of changes in vocabulary may be desired by one active party or another. The difference is the intent.
But again, that's where language comes from in the first place, the intent to name, describe, discourse on things. People you don't like evidently have this power of naming to greater effect than you do, for a variety of social and technical reasons. You're not going to be able to freeze language.

>> No.19038364

This is a good synthesis. Different groups using the same will have different effects on that particular language. Some of these changes are spontaneous and some are thought out. Maybe my perspective wasn't coming across clearly, but what I mean to say is that not every change "just happens", some vocabulary can be implanted and with various forms of media bombarding speakers more than ever before, these become channels to direct the evolution of language.
I'm now realising that this chain of replies is about the change in the word incel. To those who were first introduced to the word as "involuntary celibate" it still holds that meaning, but what you say is true in that to those initially exposed to this word in the context of news stories covering "angry virgins" then that's what it will mean to them. I think it's still fair for the former to claim that the word incel is misused and "educate" others on what it means but time will tell; the definition hasn't crystallized yet and it is still open for debate. My position is that incel still mostly is means "someone who is a virgin but not due to a deliberate choice to stay celibate" and that the word is used more for the connotation that the word carries, although I see some anons ITT have a different perspective since they are newfags from reddit.

>> No.19038426

Autism is for life.