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19022925 No.19022925 [Reply] [Original]

>read philosophy (specifically Descartes, Aquinas, and Galileo)
>reaffirmed faith in God
Anyone else?

>> No.19022931

>not a fraud
Friendly reminder that he got BTFO'd regarding comets

>> No.19022933

No. Go jump of a bridge.

>> No.19022936

>read the desert fathers
>realize they were scum
>read Julian and the Neoplatonists
>become polytheist

>> No.19022939
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Check out HEGEL. Wow!

>> No.19022946

Seethe harder

>> No.19022950

Socrates is my favourite polytheist philosopher, I love reading his texts!

>> No.19022955

I read Chrysostomos and just got the impression he was a complainy-pants. This is why I stick with the holy Bible.

>> No.19022961
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>read Guenon (pbuh)
>realize that there is a timeless metaphysical truth which expresses itself in various epochs and cultures according to the understanding of people living in those conditions

>> No.19022971
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>reading what you already agree with
Based midwit

>> No.19023022

>Read philosophy (Plato only)
>Become mind-only schizo
Anyone else?

>> No.19023061

Ho there, if you think the desert fathers are scum, just wait till you get to the other fathers (that you shall not call father)

>> No.19023222

It was for my philosophy course at college

>> No.19023273

Oh so you read excerpts from them, not even books. That's even better.

>> No.19023520

>read Julian and the Neoplatonists
so you just became a crypto-Christian?

>> No.19023550
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Crypto Christian????

>> No.19023661

Julians ideal was literally just Christianized polytheism. Read his actual beliefs and what he tried to promote. It literally sounds like Christian apologetics.

>> No.19023698

Jesus is just Jewish Dionysus anyway

>> No.19025444


>> No.19025471

>read Julian and the Neoplatonists
>become polytheist
Is this supposed to be bait?

>> No.19025830

>read /lit/
>reaffirms the absence of god
Anyone else?

>> No.19025893

>read philosophy
>read all the classics
>didnt learn a single thing i didnt already know
>total waste of time
>realise that people only read these to feel superiority over those who havent

waste of time

>> No.19026932

read Guenon

>> No.19026952

>reads three authors
>concludes that he now knows everything there is to know

Why do midwits do this?

>> No.19026956

>everywhere I look, the blind lead the blind
At least Jesus made mention of this

>> No.19026959

Too bad he was blind himself

>> No.19026968

Perhaps, but if there is some great truth, some great logic, some great logos, and such would care about humanity, would not he want to enlighten us directly?

>> No.19026982

You can get pretty much all of the wisdom from the Bible and much more and much better wisdom from any work written in any ancient civilization. I fail to see why anyone should pick the Bible over, say, the works of Seneca. In fact, the latter is much more preferable

>> No.19026998

but with christ, it's sort of too good to be true, in a way that almost couldn't be made up

>> No.19027000

Topwits only read authors with intelligent, well-thought out arguments. No need to waste time with midwit or halfwit authors who can't even define their terms properly. It's time that could be spent meditating on Being.

>> No.19027042

it's sort of too good to be true
>in a way that almost couldn't be made up
These two totally contradict each other. Also, if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Especially if someone claims to have survived his own death, promises to return very soon and you've been waiting for 2 millenia now

>> No.19027060

>Christianity is some nonsense belief cobbled together by some Jews 2000 years ago
>Christianity is intentionally the most perfect religion despite being false
How can both of these be true?

>> No.19027077

Christianity is perfect? Is this serious? A religion that needs to be forced onto people and needs a giant administrative organization that controls everything to semi-work, and then can still be undone by a few angry leftists with blue hair?

If that's your idea of perfection, I honestly don't want to know what you think 'imperfection' is

>> No.19027090

>it's sort of too good to be true
Is what >>19027042 said. I agree. Christianity is too good to be true. Why should I believe that the religion that is too good to be true to be a false religion created by some moronic bronze-age jews (not saying that I believe the early Christians to be such, but if there is no God, then they are)? If you have a problem with Christianity being true, take it up with >>19027042

>> No.19027103

>Why should I believe that the religion that is too good to be true to be a false religion created by some moronic bronze-age jews (not saying that I believe the early Christians to be such, but if there is no God, then they are)?
Because that's literally the point of the phrase 'too good to be true'? I mean, you are aware that people can lie, right? And that people can hold some of the dumbest beliefs possible?

Imean, we can go back to the stupid martyr bullshit excuse, but we never get an explanation why we then shouldn't believe the word of an Islamic terrorist

>> No.19027121

so a bunch of stupid jews 2000 years ago went against their mainstream religion and accidentally created the most perfect religion as a meme?

>> No.19027135

Again, where do you get the idea from that Christianity is perfect? Why would it need the threat of death for people to join it and obey it? There's pretty good reason why the most advanced parts of the world are secular, because secularism is just what happens when Abrahamic religion isn't allowed to force its beliefs onto others. We might as well just call secularism 'voluntary Abrahamism'. It becomes voluntary, and look, the churches empty themselves within a generation.

You're claiming all of this from the comfort of a modern, secularized life. Why don't you go to a country that's 90%+ Christian (there's plenty of those in Africa) and then explain why Christianity is perfect

>> No.19027155

>where do you get the idea from that Christianity is perfect
Christianity posits that all human beings are flawed, and that Jesus died for our flaws.

>> No.19027162
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>Read Plotinus
>Realize modernity is built off Kantianism and Kant was retroactively refuted by Plotinus
>Believe in God
It really is that easy

>> No.19027170

And slavery apparently isn't one of those flaws. Also, did dedication to our lord and saviour fix said flaws? If it did, why haven't Africa and South-America completely taken over America and Europe in terms of human development?

See, none of what you claim is connected to anything we can observe in the real world. It just exists in your own gullible imagination

>> No.19027192

Because Christianity is Judaized Neoplatonism. If anything Julian's opponents were the crypto-Platonists who literally stole stuff like Christ as the Logos from Philo.

>> No.19027216

Slavery is good and based. Sounds like you fell for the old liberalism meme

>> No.19027219

Christ as Logos comes from the Gospel of John which was written 270 years before Julian

>> No.19027227

Yeah and the Gospel of John got the idea from Philo, a Jewish Platonist. All Christianity is, is the Jewish tradition universalized by Platonism. So calling Julian and the Neoplatonists "crypto-Christians" is merely ironic.

>> No.19027236

This. Reading the church fathers makes you realize most of them were raging perverts.

For me? It's gonna have to be the Greeks and the gods. Simple as.

>> No.19027237
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Christianity is the legitimate heir to Neoplatonism. As a Christian Platonist I wear the label proudly, as one who has the fullness of the most powerful Philosophy the west has ever developed in perfect harmony with divine revelation from scripture.

>> No.19027239

>most of them were raging perverts
Anon I have bad news for you about the Greek gods

>> No.19027246

Well that's fine, as long as you're happy with using a pagan who lived centuries before Jesus as a religious authority, kek.

>> No.19027255

>religious authority
Incorrect. Philosophical authority yes, while recognizing the limits of human reason and that Holy Scripture supercedes anu philosophical musings. St Augustine was a Christian Platonist, as was Maximos the Confessor, Basil the Great, Dionysius the Areopagite, etc. It's actually not necessary at all to go to any of the pagan Neoplatonists since the best parts of their philosophy were Christianized while the parts that contradict scripture were removed and burned

>> No.19027260

Raging perverts > raging perverts + slave moralizers

If Zeus wants to fuck that qt farm girl then he just does it. If a church fathers wanted to do it you'll never hear the end of it.

>> No.19027263

Have sex

>> No.19027270

Plato was necessary for Christianity to exist. Immortality of the soul etc. was adopted by Christians from his philosophy. Philosophical authority means religious authority de facto.

>> No.19027296

It could be because of the pervasiveness of the American Religion, which may even be involved if you are not an American.

>> No.19027318

Immortality of the Soul can be proven from scripture as well. It was Gods providence that the Christian religion should take Platonism as its own

>> No.19027393

Scripture written after Plato and using him as an authority.

>> No.19027401

Modernitz isn't even built from Kantianism, that would be an improvement on what it is actually built from.

>> No.19027494
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>Plato was necessary for Christianity to exist.
He was needed to make Christianity sensible and appealing. Which of course means you can discard the foolish and unappealing aspects of Christianity(the Christian aspects) and retain the rest.

And then...You.... Are.... The...Polytheist!

>> No.19028507

>And slavery apparently isn't one of those flaws
What does that have to do with anything?
>did dedication to our lord and saviour fix said flaws
Not in this world, but in the next

>> No.19028537

>What does that have to do with anything?
You claim that Christianity is supposed to be perfect, yet it doesn't even condemn the most stereotypical kind of human primitivism and barbarism. What do you think that says about how 'perfect' Christianity is supposed to be?

>Not in this world, but in the next
How conveniently unfalsifiable. I bet there's also no way to figure out anything about this next world, but that it definitely exists, even though nothing indicates that it does. Oh, and of course that your religion is the only way you can get there, just like every other religion claims to be