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1899952 No.1899952 [Reply] [Original]

"The English language edition of all three volumes, with the first two volumes translated by Jay Rubin and the third by Philip Gabriel, will be released in North America and the United Kingdom on October 25, 2011"

why the fuck would they use different translators for different parts of the book? now the third one is going to feel totally disjointed.

also dat ~4 month off release date.
Murakami general.

>> No.1899956

>also dat ~4 month off release date.

Who cares, you have thousands of years of literature you haven't read yet and you're waiting for a japanese guy to release a book?

>> No.1899963

>Murakami general.
you mean emo weaboo bullshit general

>> No.1901657

I'm still looking forward to it.

>> No.1901677

>Haruki Murakami

The guy's got a massive hard-on for Western culture, don't know wtf you're talking about.

>> No.1901695


So am I. Everything I have heard about it sounds like good Murakami.

>> No.1901719

>mfw I remember somebody telling me that has already read the book and people agreeing

This book leaked or something?

>> No.1901880


>> No.1902011

I believe that one of the non-English translations has already been released.

Can't remember which language, though. Dutch, I think.

>> No.1902028

Aye, Dutch, have a Belgian friend who has read it. If I recall correctly, she was rather disappointed by it, especially when she compared it to Murakami's previous work.

>> No.1902050

Can't wait for the book. It's out in October, right?

As for the different translators thing, it really won't be that bad. Jay and Philip have translated different stories in Murakami's short story collections and there was never any disjointed feeling.
Aww, don't tell me that. I hope your friend isn't wrong. I mean, Murakami's in his 60's, so he doesn't have too much longer to write. He needs to blow us away at least once more.

>> No.1902054


He runs like a madman, he'll probably live to be 120 given the shape he's in.

>> No.1902060


The latest penguin classics edition of Proust's famously difficult to translate 'In Search of Lost Time' had each of the 7 volumes translated by a different writer and to be honest it's not really noticeable.

From what I remember of Jay Rubin's translations of other Murakami stuff though, they were pretty bad (or Murakami is actually just a fairly bad writer himself in a lot of places) so if anything the third volume will probs just slightly improve.

>> No.1902068

>One review described 1Q84 as a "complex and surreal narrative" which "shifts back and forth between tales of two characters, a man and a woman, who are searching for each other."

so it's literally every other Murakami book fucking ever then

>> No.1902105

Nope. Usually it's one person looking for something/someone. This is two.

You do have a point, but I think that's his strong point. It's like saying anything that Tolkein wrote was the same because of all of the walking.

That's true.

>> No.1902106


What did you expect?

>> No.1902117

i meant more the whole 'switching between two "surreal" stories' thing that seems to be the entire schtick of his best stuff

>> No.1902132

Like "Hard-boiled Wonderland"? That has to be one of my favorites from him.

>> No.1902137

I sort of wish they broke it up into at least 2 parts... I don't like hugefat books.

>> No.1902141

Well it's 3 books in total, just published into one here, probably for publishing cost and whatnot.

But you have a problem with big books?

>> No.1902145

yeah, they're heavy and awkward. Big books are fine when I'm home, but I'm often on the go so I like smaller books for their portability. If 1Q84 was broken up into volumes like the original, I could take it with me. I'll still get it, but I won't be able to read it during my travels. I'm not complaining about the length of books, just the physical size.

>> No.1902157

Oh, I get it. Well, I don't think it'll be too big. Apparently it's only in the 600 page range.

>> No.1902254


All 3 books together are 900 pages, possibly small print (although I dunno about that). I'm just sad the UK gets it in two editions.

>> No.1902261

Could you import it?

>> No.1902273


Yeah, but why bother? The US gets 2 editions as well, Japan, 3. I'm gonna wait until late October, and get both editions on the same day. Alpha as fuck. I'm gonna go into my local Waterstones, and give the Guy Behind The Counter an intense look as I buy them, as if to say...Yeah, I'm reading Murakami's new book, then go home and, well, read it. I feel pretty good about this.

>> No.1902277

Wait...I thought that all 3 were going to be released in one volume here in the US.

>> No.1903208

Jay Rubin's fucking crap. His translation of The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is missing some chapters. Other have been moved around.

>> No.1903226 [DELETED] 
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>yfw all the respectable translators stay the fuck away from Murakami's garbage

>> No.1904349


Yeah, I was mad over that.

>> No.1904365

How would compare Dance Dance Dance to his other works?

>> No.1904509

yeah that sucks, but it's the publishers fault

>> No.1904513

Wait what? I thought this also >>1902277 why the fuck would they make 3 books into the 2?

>> No.1904521

Jay Rubin is awesome. He's the one who knows Murakami the best personally, and communicates a lot when him when translating. The changes in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles were all agreed with Murakami. Don't be silly, sillies!

Anyway, I've read the two first volumes in Norwegian, and think it's great. I'll gladly answer any questions about the novel.