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19019789 No.19019789 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy books now or wait, /lit/?

>> No.19019797

debt isn't real if you just never pay it

>> No.19019800

Every administration since Clinton has been a fucking mess. I’m so tired of incompetent leaders and the retarded general population that votes for them.

>> No.19020450

Make that Ford and even that is pushing it. For the specific topic of OP, every administration after Taft has been in on debtmaxing.

>> No.19020476


>> No.19021120

Get an eready and hope there's no EMP. You could spend tens of thousands of dollars on building a library or you could spend like $400 to buy a handful of ereaders and load each of them with 10,000 pirated books. Instant library (with copies) for a fraction of the price. That said, you're really banking on having access to some kind of power and not getting BTFO by the aforementioned EMP.

>> No.19021193

This is just one of those occasional debt ceiling bugaboos where the republicans threaten to not raise it and than do... even if this ends up being the exception there's no reason the treasury couldn't just mint a really big coin with a large face value and deposit it at the fed to meet any payments if it had to but of course that'd be to funny of an option for us to watch play out
If you're really a paranoiac and fear hyperinflation demand for books in that context wouldn't even be high, you could trade actually useful stuff at a very inflated price against books

>For the specific topic of OP, every administration after Taft has been in on debtmaxing
That's wrong, the Clinton administration was on the path to eliminating all T-Bills globally but luckily Bush made everyone even more dependent upon the US Fed lol

>> No.19021378

>every administration after Taft has been in on debtmaxing
We’re never gonna be able to pay it off are we

>> No.19021393

>Just print more money!

>> No.19021404

lmao no, even if we were able to get a decent administration in office (impossible since the average voter is so retarded they should be euthanized) we have too much debt to ever pay off at this point

>> No.19021409

So how will this end? Us becoming Greece?

>> No.19021414

With the eventual collapse of the American empire. It probably won't happen for a few centuries, but it's definitely coming.

>> No.19021415

Buy all the YA books you can. People WILL need toilet paper substitutes.

>> No.19021485


>> No.19021539

Easy solution to such a situation:

1. Increase the global population.
2. Increase taxation.

Problem solved.

>> No.19021631

>Increase taxation
Fuck that, the only people who pay taxes are the middle class. I’m tired of funding the lifestyles of both the rich and the poor while they destroy the country.

>> No.19021711


>> No.19021783

This entire system is unsustainable in the longterm and dysgenic to boot.

>> No.19021931
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1) Store all the digital books you have on MicroSD
2) Make 10 copies
3) Buy 10 ebook readers
4) Buy 10 Solar USB re-chargers
5) …..wait for the Apocalypse
6) Be the most educated Raider ever

>> No.19021945

There is little difficulty in "paying it off". They can just print their way out. Or use equivalent but slightly more elaborated monetary policy of shekel shuffling that shills will pretend is totally not like printing.
You just have to convince the plebs that the transfer of (real) property towards the receivers of the policy is a good thing. After the shitshow of the last few years I think most people will just buy anything told by authorities so they might get away with it. They only have to throw a big bone to negroes in the redistribution plan, something for the zogbots, excuse me veterans, and claim it will delay the climate doomsday, and the majority of the country will support it.

>> No.19021948
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Yeah, but the moment you default nobody sells shit to you. Maybe if you suck tiny Chinese cock like the Sudacas, but even then your life will be pretty bad, and there's the obvious cocksucking.

>> No.19022325

Exactly, if the government temporarily can't sell more bonds for some technical legal reason they can still meet all payment obligations.

>we have too much debt to ever pay off at this point
Literally falsifiable. Everyone could sell their bonds if they want at a big discount destroying the global economy or the Fed could just bail out the retards.

Greece borrows in Euros which are issued by the ECB, America borrows dollars from China/Japan/etc to "fund" spending which are created by past federal government spending. Totally different, Greece can actually run out of Euros if the ECB wants to "discipline" them but the Fed can't stop the American government from spending more.

>> No.19023007

Buy them so you can burn them for heat in the winter