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19018980 No.19018980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a Christian alternative that rejects both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism?

>> No.19018989

Not Nazism

>> No.19019006
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Yes. Monarchy is the only legitimate government. Every other "ism" stemming from the Enlightenment is for autists or degenerates.

>> No.19019027

Firstly, find out what these terms mean.

Do you need me to tell you?

>> No.19019037

No, because I want the right definition

>> No.19019039

Populism was invented in ancient Rome, not the enlightenment. All the good ideas precede your kike prophet

>> No.19019043

Just go meet your maker already

>> No.19019053

>/lit/ - Religion & Politics

>> No.19019054

After you, Lil Tardy

>> No.19019057

Jesus wasn’t j*wish you pseud, stop reiterating j*wish talking points
I reject both however you want to define them imbecile

>> No.19019062

I’m asking for book recommendations that reject both and provide an alternative

>> No.19019067

Distributism is pretty close. Read Chesteron and Belloc. It's an economic philosophy heavily influenced by Catholic principles. It advocates for dissolution of banks, banning usury, prioritizing families, promoting small businesses, right to private property and land for every individual, a social safety net, and a sort of guild system consisting of groups made up of reps from various industries/sectors influencing economic decisions.

>> No.19019072

Jesus told you to give away all your shit and render unto Caesar. Why don't you just read THE book instead of asking for a sequel?

>> No.19019075

Not very Christmas of u

>> No.19019078

Sounds like you want to reject the Catholic Church and all of Jesus’ message from the NT.
Just do like Jefferson and snip snip away what you don’t like. The god in your head will smile. That’s literally how it works.

>> No.19019081

It’s a death cult, anon.

>> No.19019082

No one is going to implement this. Political theory is just theology without soteriology. All you get out of constructing your ideal worldly system is seething that you aren't in charge and that if you were things would be better. With theology, things never get better and none of your ambitions are tangible, but you are at least conscious of their intangibility.

>> No.19019088

One that doesn't target the best and brightest, either, apparently

>> No.19019093

Cope nazicuck. You’re nothing but an enlightenment child. You were just a continuation of the French Revolution and its attempt to destroy the church.

>> No.19019094

Because I already eat enough Little Caesars

>> No.19019096


I don't mean the social justice environmental movement of Francis.

>> No.19019100

>no we must continue fighting between these two economic systems that benefit jews you can reject both of them!!!
hope you get beheaded in front of your family by some Catholic
Traditional Catholics reject both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism.

>> No.19019105

Not a suicide cult. A cult that worships the god of an afterlife and rejects base reality.

>> No.19019110
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Why do pseuds oppose Christianity?

>Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you


>> No.19019113

Thanks for providing support for my claim, bud

>> No.19019119
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its called fascism

fascism is LITERALLY based on principles that were invented by intellectuals hired by the catholic church in i believe 1907 to come up with an alternative to capitalism and socialism

the people hired by the catholic church came up with corporatism, and corporatism was developed into a full ideology called fascism

>> No.19019122

>Catholics reject Jesus’ message
(That is, all that brotherly love and rejection of the rich man)
Capitalism stems from the very thing Catholicism advocates though. Raiding robbing and killing the non-believers and making everyone work till they die

>> No.19019123

Post your penis, anon. I want to see how much your neighborhood rabbi shaved off the top

>> No.19019129

>christians are materialists and have no god in heaven
>You aren’t bright.
Wew lad. Stop and think for a second before you post, buddy.

>> No.19019133

He's asking for Christian alternatives, not rebranded Judaism

>> No.19019134

>Rabbi wasn't a Jew

>> No.19019137

Roman Catholicism, they popularized the "Third Way". Retards as they are.

>> No.19019141

Christian Socialism

>> No.19019142

>It’s called capitalist socialism!
>EXCEPT IT ISNT REALLY SOCIALISM (we just insist on that in other threads. Shhhhhh. Don’t tell!)

>> No.19019143

Read my post here >>19019088

You aren't as smart as you think you are, bud, if you think I said anything like your larp

>> No.19019150
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>He doesn’t know

>> No.19019155

Typical christfag wishing for those who disagree with him to face gruesome punishment

>> No.19019161

I know that Roman Catholicism is Judaism Mark 2. They even molest kids and try to hide it!

>> No.19019162

>Jesus wasn’t j*wish you pseud, stop reiterating j*wish talking points
Jews hate jesus. But you claim they claim he was jewish? You are retarded. Obviously jesus was a jew as he was rebelling against judaism of his time.

>> No.19019167

It's ok, tho. As long as they talk to the rabbi - I mean preset about it in confession

>> No.19019168

sorry they didnt invent it, they just studied it and then endorsed it, and it was 1881 not 1907, not sure where i got that number from

>In 1881, Pope Leo XIII commissioned theologians and social thinkers to study corporatism and provide a definition for it. In 1884 in Freiburg, the commission declared that corporatism was a "system of social organization that has at its base the grouping of men according to the community of their natural interests and social functions, and as true and proper organs of the state they direct and coordinate labor and capital in matters of common interest". Corporatism is related to the sociological concept of structural functionalism

>Corporatism's popularity increased in the late 19th century and a corporatist internationale was formed in 1890, followed by the publishing of Rerum novarum by the Catholic Church that for the first time declared the Church's blessing to trade unions and recommended for organized labour to be recognized by politicians. Many corporatist unions in Europe were endorsed by the Catholic Church to challenge the anarchist, Marxist and other radical unions, with the corporatist unions being fairly conservative in comparison to their radical rivals.

>> No.19019173

we don’t reject his message by rejecting both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism.
as Pope Puis X said “Modernism is the heresy of all heresies”

>> No.19019176
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Here's my penis. You can look but can't touch, coz you damn well know I remain loyal to the Church, and she remains loyal to Christ our God, Who is our God, and pic rel is proof. Because the earth is flat.

>> No.19019177


>> No.19019178

Okay yeah. He’s asking for a whole other religion now or a type of Christianity?
I told him to just go and meet his maker.
Seriously, how weak does one have to be to do this?

OP, go read some history books, hun. Go.

>> No.19019183

well it was an extension of socialist thought, but it wasn't socialism in the sense that it wasn't aiming to create a state where workers collectively owned the means of production

>> No.19019184

Oh, you don't have a penis. Opinion discarded

>> No.19019185

>it's just catholics my brand of christerism isn't like that

>> No.19019192

Read the rerum novarum stupid fuck

>> No.19019194

Read the op for what he wants. If I could understand it, I'm sure you can. I doubt it, based on your contributions so far. Please prove me wrong though

>> No.19019199

The head of the great throne of blood and the liar of liars would say that, yes.

Jesus was a proto-socialist. His message was distorted of course. They always are. All his sort get their message twisted

>> No.19019204

>W-well your variety of Christianity did too

Are you sure I'm the one coping, retard?

>> No.19019211

>it wasn't aiming to create a state where workers collectively owned the means of production
So it wasn’t socialism. At all. In any way.

>> No.19019213

yeah we’ll kill you infidels get over it
>zogbot reiterating jewish talking points
don’t care

>> No.19019217

Sounds pretty Islam I'd you, al Kabong

>> No.19019221

I wonder what a “Christian alternative” means exactly. It can be take a couple of ways, you see.

>> No.19019222

Of not I'd

>> No.19019227

Read Divini Redemptoris you imbecile
>jesus was a socialist !!
holy shit go back to r*edit or t*k tok

>> No.19019228

I guess one way is "any number"

>> No.19019239

I said proto socialist, you moron.
You don’t even know what socialism is, or you don’t know what Jesus ever said. Don’t care.

>> No.19019243

no, infidel is a word long used by Catholics to describe non-Catholics. Don’t know when ragheads started copying Christians

>> No.19019250

well it depends on how you want to look at it i guess, the key issues and philosophical theories that are at the core of trade unionism and socialism are integral parts of fascism, its just that fascism seeks to provide immediate concrete solutions to to address these issues , whereas socialism seeks to tak the same issues and adress them by creating a grand utopian vision that promises to destroy and rebuild human civilization from the ground up and create a workers paradise out of the ruins, but, of course, inevitably ends in shitty discount fascism

basically, its socialism but better in literally every conceivable way

>> No.19019266

No it's you. You singled out one branch of Christianity as being Jewish. They are ALL from the same root.
You won't do shit. You only decided you were a christer fundamentalist three months ago anyway.

>> No.19019267

I know what you said, it is still however something a r*editor would say so go back

>> No.19019272

Salami to you, towelnuts

>> No.19019278

No. Catholicism is more Jewish than any other branch of Judaism 2: Christ Boogaloo. Feel free to pretend you're smart, though

>> No.19019279

>Christian Fundamentalist
Christian fundamentalists are Protestants you infidel, they will be killed just as you will

>> No.19019281

>basically, it’s corporatism but better in literally every conceivable way

>> No.19019287

Read one of them.
This is what a real /lit/izen would do.

>> No.19019296

it literally is corporatism, and it is essentially socialism but better in literally every way

>> No.19019298

all the same to me faggot infidel

>> No.19019299

It's fascinating watching Catholics acting like they are smarter than thpshd2ey are

>> No.19019305

At least you admit your ignorance

>> No.19019307
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What does even Catholicism mean?

>> No.19019313

protestanism, islam, judaism, atheism, anti-theism, paganism, progressive “Catholicism” are all heresies, what does it matter discerning between them, they’re all to be met with the same lethal force.

>> No.19019315

"Jews with a bigger persecution complex"

>> No.19019317

It's certainly the most "pagan," and all its rivals for the mantle of Israel-2 accuse it as such.
Killed by who? Not you that's for sure.

>> No.19019320

Yes the lethal force of Deez Nuts

>> No.19019324
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>all to be met with the same lethal force
By who? Not you of course.

>> No.19019325


>> No.19019328

His mom. She's Jewish

>> No.19019330

It's really time for election tourists to leave.

>> No.19019335
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How about without the hypocrisy, that is what the circumcised are disliked so much for. Their lies.

>> No.19019338

>alternative that rejects both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism?
Are you sure that you want this. You literally live in that system now (google it). It's not an alternative, it's reality.

>> No.19019341

>It's totes pagan bro despite being pro Israel

>> No.19019345

>You aren't honest, I am
Why do the most dishonest try to manipulate the truth

>> No.19019356

corporatism is capitalism

>> No.19019378

Because you envy the honest, because you call evil good, and good you call evil. You're spiteful towards dignity, humility, towards decency, towards virtue, because you're having a difficult time coping with your own inferiority. You're impiety and all other shortcomings are see through.

That's on you though.

We all individually reap what we've sown.

>> No.19019383

sure, its a form of capitalism that exists solely to viably address the problems of the working class that drive socialist movements by integrating aspects of socialist theory while maintaining private property, with the end result being that it does socialisms job better than socialism could ever hope to do

>> No.19019384

Do you have a retard definition for everything? God having a mother, cities and professions having tutelary "saints," the obvious dionysus/osiris death and rebirth story... obviously pagan in influence. Catholicism is the most pagan of the extant forms of Judaism

>> No.19019395

It’s state centralized capitalism
With a dictatorship that needed a war to feed it.

>> No.19019418

well no, what you are thinking of is Hitlers rapid public infrastructure spending and rearmament programs, the rapid pace of which is what required conquest to feed it. such policy is not actually ingrained in fascist doctrine and was a HIGHLY situational decision related to Hitlers personal plans and the specific weak economic and weak geopolitical situation Germany was in when he came to power

its a pretty common armature mistake though, so dont feel too bad

>> No.19019422

Dunno who's dumber

>> No.19019426

>such policy is not actually ingrained in fascist doctrine
It is ingrained in capitalist doctrine, so it is ingrained in dictatorial capitalism.

>> No.19019433

err, what? capitalism does not in any way demand that you go from having virtually no military to either the 1st or close 2nd most powerful military in the world over night, not even the more militaristic doctrines of fascism demand this. im getting serious vibes that you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.19019440

I take it back, you're just a pseud

>> No.19019445

The guy who thinks Catholicism is paganistic is

>> No.19019448

how am i a pseud exactly? because i dared to know more about this topic than you?

>> No.19019452

Those “vibes” are your shaky knees, son.
Capitalism is all about enslavement, forced labor, stealing and genocide. It’s a cancer and it makes people miserable. Amp it up under corperatism/neoliberalism/fascism and you get war and genocide etc. more so.
You people lie to yourselves on the regular that you piss yourself when you hear the truth

>> No.19019453

Well the only reason to take offense at that would be because it means it is less Judaic.

>> No.19019454

No because you somehow know less about it than i

>> No.19019461

Can’t you be you? Of course he’s a pseud

>> No.19019462

It's ok to admit your Jewish religion is, in fact, watered down Judaism faggot.

>> No.19019463

If either of you understood capitalism you'd be rich right now and bankrolling the politics of your choice. But you aren't; instead you are here being election tourists on an anime porn forum.

>> No.19019467

Well that admission was all I was looking for, as it had been claimed earlier ITT that was not the case.

>> No.19019468

that very clearly is not the case judging by what you have posted, but her id love to be proven wrong

wow, i am surely going to change my world view after reading a few generic bleeding heart leftist platitudes

you know what else capitalism and fascism can do? they can actually exist in real life, which is infinitely more than can be said about any of your oh so noble utopian leftist ideologies that can apparently do no wrong in this mortal plane

>> No.19019470

I've been on 4kids since 2010. I'm just here for shit posting

>> No.19019478

If you bothered to actually comprehend my one sentence post, I'm saying that Catholicism is watered down Judaism. The fact that Protestantism is a different variety of watered down Judaism is neither here nor there

>> No.19019480

Judaism is anti-biblical, it is anti-Christian, anti-God, in nature. Every last prophet of the OT and all the apostles of the NT, been condemned the jews for being apostates. For their behavior. Which you all exhibit.

Calling Roman Catholicism equates to pretending that they too hate Christ. The core concept of Judaism. The denial of Christ and Biblical truth... like you and virtually everyone else in ITT

You're just being another circumcised envious whore.

Denial of Christ = Judaism

That's a all jew is. An anti-christian

>> No.19019481

Based and fuck the Mickey

>> No.19019484
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>Sniggers at you. Walks away.

>> No.19019487

Why single out Catholicism if it is actually the most watered down? Much better examples to be found among the Protestants who do their deep dives into the OT and pretend it's written for them. Or even the Orthodox who go all in on the beard and outfit shtick.

>> No.19019493

Who's the most disgusting in terms of their behavior?

obviously anti-christians

anti-christians are the biggest jews there are

>> No.19019494

Christers literally stole the mosaic distinction from them and made it theirs such that the real inventors of it were thence classified as infidels. It's the most quintessentially abrahamoid thing about the whole project

>> No.19019495

>Why single out Catholicism if it is actually the most watered down?
Because it was brought up earlier

>> No.19019503

They wrote your books. Your messiah fulfills their prophecy. You give your children their names. You walk like a duck. Do I have to continue or do you have some more pilpul to trot out?

>> No.19019505

How does your hostility towards humility justify your animosity though?

>> No.19019508

How do you reconcile being an idiot with pretending to sound smart

>> No.19019520

>you should be more humble!!
I hope you're not the same guy who said everyone who disagrees with him must die, but if you are you deserve a medal for shitposting

>> No.19019526

I'm not that smart

>> No.19019539

I sound smart to you?

What does that say about you?

prolly ought to stfu and listen then

>> No.19019546

I would never say that. Temporal life and death is not the same as spiritual life and death. There's a fine line

>> No.19019547

I said that you pretend to sound smart, not that you were smart.

>> No.19019552

Aah yes, conveniently ignore the well over hundred million deaths resulting from straight up genocide to the failed attempts at collectivising labour within one single century alone, the list of failures which of course makes up the entire history of leftist ideals applied on the scale of a nation. As it turns out no one is perfect, but the only one here who is lying is you

>> No.19019553

The only original form of political and economical rule ever invented by Christianity is feudalism.
If you don't have any nobility among your ancestors, enjoy your serfdom.

>> No.19019554

If there's a fine line between the corporeal and the incorporeal no one alive has found it, and certainly not you.

>> No.19019558

Up next: this guy realizes that water is wet

>> No.19019559

>psst if you can get these peasants to go to church I'll tell them god made you their king
Most kino form of government really.

>> No.19019571

If you were to ask me, I wouldn't lie. For I know well that all human logic and reasoning is transcended by divinity regardless. We all fall short of the divine.

The only thing that separates me from you is, that I'm smart enough to repent for my insufficiency.

>> No.19019578

which one of St Paul's epistles are quoting now? Or are you referring to the Gospel?

>> No.19019582

European feudalism is more a product of Germanic tribal customs than Christianity. Christianity was mainly the icing on the cake.

>> No.19019589

I quoted my diary

>> No.19019596

Sure thing, bud

>> No.19019611

I apologize for making you feel small. Please forgive me?

>> No.19019612

>repent for my insufficiency
So God made you defective and it's a sin if you don't beg for forgiveness? This is worse customer support than Apple

>> No.19019618

>he thinks he made me feel small
You amuse me

>> No.19019628

God didn't make any of us defective. Our parents, and their injections and all that man made stuff did. God man Adam and Eve perfect. Everything that proceeded is man made. Children especially born out of adultery and idolatry are especially screwed up and doomed from the get-go.

>> No.19019643

Ah yes, the old cappy canard. Blame the victims for the statists crimes, then carpet propagandize the lot of them with lies about our past and nature

>> No.19019644

All the girls say so

>> No.19019653

>God never made anyone defective
>except bastards and practitioners of idolatry because fuck them

Idolatry I can understand, but why bastard kids

>> No.19019668

They're laughing at you, fruitcake

>> No.19019670

because fornicators get the rope

Although... looking around at all the many souls. I don't have all the answers. So I search the scriptures and the fathers.

>> No.19019676

That would mean that the bastards parents would get eternal damnation. Which, again, makes sense, but why punish the kid for their parents mistake?

>> No.19019714

The book of Wisdom talks about this, something along the lines that their kids only reflect the parents flaws

>But the children of adulterers shall not come to perfection, and the seed of the unlawful bed shall be rooted out. And if they live long, they shall be nothing regarded, and their last old age shall be without honor. And if they die quickly, they hall have no hope, nor speech of comfort in the day of trial. For dreadful are the ends of a wicked race
Wis 3. 16-19