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/lit/ - Literature

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19008367 No.19008367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ talks more about hating women than actually reading

>> No.19008369

Good morning I hate women.

>> No.19008372

I hate women so much its unreal

>> No.19008374

Good morning, I too, hate women

>> No.19008386

I love women so much its unreal

>> No.19008397

this song goes very hard

>> No.19008402

Love from Kazakhstan

>> No.19008415

Hating women is based, reading is cucked.

>> No.19008418
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I just realized all the beautiful boys and men who died in The Iliad was because of w*men
god i hate them so much bros

>> No.19008427
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>> No.19008494
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Hello friends, I hate women.

>> No.19008516

good literature thread faggot

>> No.19008517

I love women so much, it's unreal.

I want to touch them, squeeze them, smell them, lick them.

I want to look them deep into the eyes and connect with them emotionally, in a beautiful city, we both having our best clothes on, in the park, at midnight, after a fun evening at the bar with our friends.

Then at home it gets wild. W I L D !!

>> No.19008522

Yes YES I do hate women

>> No.19008528

Post2016/lit/ sucks

>> No.19008538

This, there's no actual novel discussion just shilling a different meme "philosopher" every month

>> No.19008542

someone should make a woman hate general just like fit has fat hate general and see how successful it gets

>> No.19008544
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Last night I met this career-oriented Asian girl who was below-average looking but then she started talking about how she couldn't understand emotional topics and failed a gender's studies class and she reminded me so much of my mother that I wanted to fuck her right there. Like her words gave me an erection when her appearance failed to. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.19008545

I love women and I also love books. Talking about women is often easier than talking about books. To talk about a book requires both parties having read the book. The last book I read was the neurology of consciousness by Tononi. Nobody I have met has read it. About 50% of the people I have met share my interest in women. This is how these things occur. Anyway OP, don't post Sargon, he's a grifter and a chubby weaky.

>> No.19008546
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Get rekt oldfag. You can't stop progress.

>> No.19008547

Women are cute
Women are soft
Women send my penis aloft

>> No.19008574

What a coincidence, I love women and have not read Tononi! I'm thinking of laxing my morals on fornication even though everything around me says that sex is better with someone you love.

>> No.19008593


Kafka does it best...

Miss FB. When I arrived at Brod's on 13 August, she was sitting at the table. I was not at all curious about who she was, but rather took her for granted at once. Bony, empty face that wore its emptiness openly. Bare throat. A blouse thrown on. Looked very domestic in her dress although, as it turned out, she by no means was. (I alienate myself from her a little by inspecting her so closely ...) Almost broken nose. Blonde, somewhat straight, unattractive hair, strong chin. As I was taking my seat I looked at her closely for the first time, by the time I was seated I already had an unshakeable opinion.

>> No.19008638

I get you bro.

A few weeks ago I had a beautiful women at work. a client. she had some trouble at work and was quite depressed and we got into small talk besindes the actual stuff she wanted to do at the company. She was 40 I think. So about 17 years older than me. At first I thought "ok, normal beautiful woman"

But when she told me about her views, when she gave me a glimpse of her suffering, and how she carries it with grace. I connected with her.

and my D just got haaaaaaaaaard. And felt th same. I would have given it to her, right then and there.


>> No.19008653

It's been 5 years it's time for you to move on

>> No.19008656

Women are vile
They have poison juices inside of them
Stay pure anon
Don’t let them corrupt you with their vile juices

>> No.19008672

Please leave us alone, nobody wants to hear your gay bullshit OP.

>> No.19008676

Vulnerability is sexy

>> No.19008679

It is, but don't let that stop you having sex with people you don't. My gf doesn't do most of the mad shit I've tried with other women, but because we are emotionally connected the sex stands out. A snare is that humans tend to become emotionally connected to people they keep shagging even if they have nothing in common.

Dont feel the need to read Tononi unless you really like the Neurology of Consciousness. It's academic and Belgian.

>> No.19008687

>beautiful woman

>> No.19008726

I went to a thanksgiving party with my brother and his wife and spent the entire ride home being teased because the grad student I thought was younger than me was actually a 40 year old chinese woman

>> No.19008735

Woman is incapable of being great, making something great, or working towards greatness.

>> No.19008742

most people on here are trannys or gays, aka the women hate. place sucks now

>> No.19008751

I love men so much, it's unreal.

I want to touch them, squeeze them, smell them, lick them.

I want to look them deep into the eyes and connect with them emotionally, in a beautiful city, we both having our best clothes on, in the park, at midnight, after a fun evening at the bar with our friends.

Then at home it gets wild. W I L D !!

>> No.19009153


>> No.19009158

If you don't hate women then that means you need to raise your intelligence.

>> No.19009166


>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.

>> No.19009229

> “a /pol/ack’s journey” infographic author discussions
>American political bait
>Why Liberalism Failed spam
>edgy philosophers, intellectual posturing
>people who think they’re unique because they’ve read Schmitt, even though he’s well known in academia
>no literature discussion, only sci fi and fantasy in one general
Waldun posters are unironically the best posters here

>> No.19009233

>i hate this place i wish it was more like sceptic youtube in 2008
same because i'm a gay fag too like you

>> No.19009253

There are basically no left wingers here except butters and some trannies who get chasen out by anti accfag, which is why I don’t mention them. I just want literature threads to be more commonplace

>> No.19009300

nah, it's time for you to go back

>> No.19009361
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>There are basically no left wingers here
Because this is the one place where they can't use social pressure to enforce their ideas. On their own merit, they fail.

>> No.19009370

but even when we get literature threads they're completely fandom-fied. dostoevsky vs. tolstoy, proust vs. joyce, nabokov vs. the world, etc. the same shit over and over, or it's this author is a woman so fuck her or that author is a jew so his work is a psyop and so on and so on; memes and catchphrases and calling each other kikes and trannies all the way down. and it's not even funny/original most of the time, like some other retarded boards can be. i don't get why you would sit here all fucking day and spam zero-effort shitposts

>> No.19009388

It's not going to happen kek

>> No.19009410

Then post a literature thread stinkyfacepoophead

>> No.19009411

I am left wing, I'm a socialist. I'm just also a fascist because I'm not a cryptoliberal.

>> No.19009459

My favorite is the people who ask for recommendations on far right books and thinkers. They never actually read the books, they rarely even read the whole Wikipedia articles. They pick out one or two facts, usually out of context and always without engaging with the text as a whole, and then cite them like they're experts on political theory. This happened a lot on the opposite side of the spectrum when this board was filled with far left posters too. Instead of providing a counterbalance to the overwhelmingly leftist takes, /pol/ posters came in and shit up this place even worse with posts seething with rage and conspiracy theories. There's no point in engaging with them. They don't even bother engaging with arguments, they just call everyone jewish or niggers depending on which group they're madder about at the time.

>> No.19009474

/pol/ is useful as a filter because anyone who is seriously upset by /pol/ instantly outs themselves as a newfag tourist fresh off the boat from reddit/twitter. Only newfags care enough about some other guy's opinion disagreeing with theirs to try to censor him and throw a hissyfit when they can't. Long explanations of how "/pol/ has ruined this site/board" are just whiny copeposts from tourists mad that they can't downvote here.

Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional. They respond to banter by digging in their heels and crying more. God bless /pol/ for filtering these tourists.

>> No.19009489

I've been on 4chan since I was 15 and I'm 33 now. /pol/ has definitely shit up 4chan with ramblings about psyops, bringing politics into everything, and blaming everyone but themselves for their shitty lives.

>> No.19009492

A woman passed me on the stairs today. I had to hold myself back from knocking her down the stairwell.

>> No.19009505

that's not /pol/ that's the western mind unravelling at an accelerating rate

>> No.19009508

>blaming the universal hyper politicization of the internet on /pol/
You'll cowards dont even post sneed

>> No.19009515

>muh censorship
>muh banter
the election tourist reveals himself

>> No.19009525

he sure does, careful you're going to miss the latest "contrapoints" video

>> No.19009535

>Women can only succeed because of college
>if women are equal, why did they have to ask men for the right to vote?

I'm open to more one-liner truths that shit all over feminists.

>> No.19009537

”banter” would require some form of cleverness or finesse or even just a hint of humor as you put it yourself. seething /pol/troons leave only steaming turds everywhere they go

>> No.19009545

>Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional. They respond to banter by digging in their heels and crying more. God bless /pol/ for filtering these tourists.

>> No.19009558

thanks for confirming

>> No.19009574

you're welcome, if you need any more help replying to copypasta in the future let me know

>> No.19009588

A women existed. This made me want to not have that happen anymore.

>> No.19009880
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Greetings from Bosnia

>> No.19010691

You're really dumb and won't find any emotional peace. Why hate senselessly.

>> No.19010705

What should I do instead? I can't handle woman's intense inability to be great. If I saw a truly great woman, great in the sense that the greatest men have been, I will abolish my hatred, but I have yet to see something like that.