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/lit/ - Literature

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19005236 No.19005236 [Reply] [Original]

What do younger people read these days, and where do they read it? I'm talking in an age range from, let's say, 18 to 35. What and where do these people read, if they read at all?

>> No.19005244

whatever /lit/ memes me into

>> No.19005256
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manifestos and philosophy

>> No.19005269

>he doesn't know

>> No.19005273

Are you claiming that you're over 35 and that you just posted a picture of a cartoon drawing of a little girl on an online image board for teenagers? As unlikely as that seems, I assume that you actually are, because the only other reason I think someone could have for posting this thread is that they're a sperg who doesn't actually read, who doesn't meet people who read, and rarely interacts with people in his age group at all, and therefore decides to post time-wasting socially retarded questions... but no-one could be as pathetic as that, right?

>> No.19005291 [DELETED] 

The Greeks.

>> No.19005300

The Greeks at home in the tranquility of solitude.

>> No.19005751

Japanese light novels

>> No.19005782

I am 18 and I read Guenon(pbuh) at home or in the bus, on my way to high-school.

>> No.19005790

Lots of people read on the train around here. Last week, I saw someone read a Murakami novel (Hardboiled Wonderland).

>> No.19005852
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>I am 18 and I read Guenon(pbuh)

And I'm sure your the cool kid at school right? Now if you were reading Evola (Warrior cast master race), then you would be drowning in pussy

>> No.19005870

I also read Evola. During class I slapped my teacher in the face after she was yelling at me, as a kshatriya warrior I can't accept being dominated by a lunar being.

>> No.19005930

I'm 30 and honestly I don't think I fall in the same "young" category of 18 years old.
I read mostly classic literature and history. Sometimes philosophy and sci-fi/horror.

>> No.19005961

Normiefags read self-help books written by opportunistic gurus seeking to take advantage of directionless individuals created by our empty society.

Incels bury themselves in the pills and gender dynamics, spending obsene amounts of time reading research papers that state the obvious: Beauty>Ugliness.

Women read YA and female power fantasies split between dyke feminsts, Psycopathic alphas being tamed by frumpy "I'm nothing special"-girls and whatever the current mainstream flavor of LGBT currently is to score those snowflake points.

Jews and the non-Jews that are part of the elite, grown tired from railroading the cheap busty fake whores, and most likely the few gays, twinks and animals decided to dip their toes into occult together with the tried and true psychology.

Zoomers don't read outside of few outliers, who granted exist in all generational brackets.

Extremists of Gen-X to Millenials have gone into Greeks and Evola as a means to find a semblance of sanity in this insane world.

Most Shitskin muslims can't read, so they just listen to their Imam spit out bullshit that nobody bothers to double check, and those few that do are removed in a similar fashion to that one alt-right guy on twitter who keeps spewing out facts.

Ghetto Niggers can't also read because they're chimps, but there are a few outliers who have gone into anime, manga and decent literature - those individuals are honerably white people in black skin and should be treated as whites.

Pajeets are writing tons of bullshit with a few masterpieces nobody seems to notice. As for reading? Most of them are burried in practical stuff like math, physics and social dynamics.

Japs, Chinks and Russians I have no idea about.

>> No.19006111

These people read at home.

>> No.19006115

>those few that do are removed in a similar fashion to that one alt-right guy on twitter who keeps spewing out facts
Salmon Rushdie?