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19004371 No.19004371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books that explain why people make homosexuality their identity?

>> No.19004381
File: 156 KB, 675x524, thinking3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because homosexuality is a political identity centered around approval of sodomy. You don't have to actually shove something up your ass to be a homosexual.

>> No.19004383

ok but i just asked why, this is just restating my question as a statement.

>> No.19004385
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> But you can't be gay if you have bog boobs!
It isn't that she can't, but that it is an even worst crime if that is the case.

>> No.19004387

On the contrary. You need to be able to take it in the ass if you want my respect as a homo. Anything less and you're just a larper

>> No.19004391

so if i fuck boys i'm actually a gay larper
so i'm hetero?

>> No.19004400
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>Sexual Utopia in Power by F. Roger Devlin
>Libido Dominadi by E. Michael Jones

These books do cover the subject but don't focus on that exclusively. I don't think there's a book that specifically deals with the connection between homosexuality and consumer capitalism. If not, there will be within the decade.

>> No.19004403

registration destroys the secret society

>> No.19004412

yes honey

>> No.19004415
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Books that explain why people make homophobia their identity?

>> No.19004416
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Straight people are also very wrapped up in how they cum my guy

>> No.19004422

lesbians can't even have sex and they are considered gay. Its just about approval of sodomy.

>> No.19004424
File: 12 KB, 259x195, marinetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you. i want to address the topic of cosmopolitan faggotry in my political manifesto. i don't actually dislike gays, but "gay culture" as it is now, and i'm sure many gay people may feel the same way.

pic related is how i want my homosexuals to be.
certainly not me
give me examples of this. thank you.

>> No.19004426
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>> No.19004468

where is the evidence for this

>> No.19004478
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>futurist speech to the english

>Do you remember the dismal, ridiculous condemnation of Oscar Wilde, which
Europe has never forgiven you for? Didn’t all your newspapers cry out then that it
was time to throw open every window, because the plague was over? . . .

>As for your twenty-year-old young men, almost all of them are homosexuals
for a time, which, after all, is absolutely respectable. This taste of theirs evolves
through a kind of intensification of the camaraderie and friendship found in athletic
sports in the years before they turn thirty, the time for work and good order, when
they show their heels to Sodom in order to marry a young woman whose gown is
shamelessly décolleté. Then they hasten to condemn the born invert severely, the
counterfeit man, the half-woman who fails to conform

i never actually read his work in full because i don't read translations. it just hit me in the fact that he was gay when i saw a hoi mod that had a marinetti focus tree

it was the gayest thing i read in my life.

>> No.19004498

Personally I think most sexual identity politics, including blm is just porn addiction.

>> No.19004523

>I think

>> No.19004538

Agreed, with the addendum about bioleninism.

Holy shit you're clever as fuck epic burn bro.

>> No.19004554

Modern anglos are mentally ill. I feel nothing but pity for them.

>> No.19004561

>including blm
all energy is sexual

>> No.19004584

>Anything less and you're just a larper
Have fun becoming a leper when you get aids faggot.

>> No.19004591

It's easy for women to act "tough" and project a bunch of attitude when no one is gonna hold them to account the way we do with men.
Imagine if a man was acting like this much of an asshole. He'd be socially ostracised. But this woman is both attractive and part of an "oppressed" minority so gets ~validated~ for it.

>> No.19004606

There are no neon-haired, sass-mouthed thots in Afghanistan. As the West becomes more East, their time here also draws to a close.

>> No.19004608

nobody believes in attractive lesbians

>> No.19004614

She looks like a cenobite

>> No.19004647

>all energy is sexual
Woahhhh. Deep insight bro. Please tell us more about how you spank it to cuck porn in your orgone box.

>> No.19004655


>> No.19004659

Yes. You are.

>> No.19004669

idk anon
almost like who you like is part of your identity

>> No.19004671


>> No.19004678

>almost like who you like is part of your identity
it literally isn't. in fact it has nothing to do with it at all

>> No.19004703

it is

>> No.19004707

no it's not. my identity does not have anything to do with the kind of people i like. my identity is how I think and my values.

>> No.19004807

You're almost right. Who you like/fuck is a facet of your identity. But it's not an identity in and of itself.

Modern NPCs believe it is, which is as ludicrous as identifying with categories like "pedestrian" or "grocery shopper". Utter impoverishment of the spirit.

>> No.19004817

no if i were a literal homosexual i would think the same things that i do now.

>> No.19004835

I don't see how you're disagreeing with me.

>> No.19004839

>thank you. i want to address the topic of cosmopolitan faggotry in my political manifesto.
I wanna read this political manifesto, anon (if it's reasonably short).
Will you publish it here?

>> No.19004846

>lesbians can't even have sex
What does it mean?

>> No.19004858

it's very simple and you don't need a book


>> No.19004866

>As the West becomes more East
There's no sign of this on the horizon.

>> No.19004875
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Books about why the Jews converted everyone to heterosexuality instead of trad homosexuality?

>> No.19004883

it will be around 200 or so pages, it will be dealing with what i think the primary issue is today (private banking) it will contain a statement of my views and my vision for europe along with a brief summery of the tragic events of the last century. there will also be polemics against certain "cultural trends" which I am critical of.

i won't be publishing it here. you will be reading it after the coup. i don't believe in mass movements. start paying attention not now, but in approx 5 years. be weary of the business cycle. stay safe and healthy

>> No.19004894

I mean, won't you even drop a link?
I'm fucking curious now about these "cultural trends".

>> No.19004905

dude you will know where to find it. i don't need 4chan to spread my diatribes. it'll be difficult NOT to hear about it. you will be talking about it, I guarantee it.

it will be the most interesting event of the decade.

>> No.19004925

I imagine for the same reasons that people increasingly turn to all sorts of alternative ideas and belief systems. We live in a vain and vapid society that tries to pretend humans are not spiritual creatures. Anomie and alienation turn people towards other ways of interpreting the world.

>> No.19004960
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>There's no sign of this on the horizon.

>> No.19005021
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The extreme narcissism of the virtue-signalling leftist can only survive within the hothouse of consumer-capitalist hegemony.

Funny enough, they themselves will be the first to announce that system is unsustainable.

>> No.19005024

maybe she actually believes in this stuff dude.

>> No.19005029


>> No.19005037
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>Still purposely mixing up socialists with liberals to pretend to be baffled.

>> No.19005040

maybe it's not narcissism but just someone with a shitty value system
vast majority of self proclaimed socialists think like that woman. they're also 9/10 social democrat.

>> No.19005074
File: 221 KB, 800x1112, Josip_Broz_Tito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern socialism IS liberalism in praxis.

Cultural Marxisim isn't a trope, a spook, or bugaboo. It's real, and the only political avenue "socialists" have left. The last real socialist died in 1980 and took its economic legacy to the grave with him.

>> No.19005090

>vast majority
>I know hundreds of thousands personally.

State socialists? They’re called social-democrats. Macron for one. Not a socialist. Bernie Sanders for another. Not a socialist. They’re not invited
>The trope of cultural Marxism is n’t…
Okay, g’night, white plight

>> No.19005102

>it will be the most interesting event of the decade.
Anon, you're gonna get killed.

>> No.19005113

>vast majority
>I know hundreds of thousands personally
i've met hundreds.
you are probably some form of authoritarian otherwise.

>> No.19005114
File: 490 KB, 740x1646, cultural marxism is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Macron for one. Not a socialist. Bernie Sanders for another. Not a socialist. They’re not invited
On that we are in perfect agreement.

>Okay, g’night
You can pretend all you want, but the gaslighting doesn't work anymore.

>> No.19005116
File: 44 KB, 309x450, 0b4d893489d0a867c9a2cd729d24d30c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe. I have faith.
if so it wont be the first time. I will just learn from my mistakes and try again.

>> No.19005122

>Cultural Marxisim isn't a trope, a spook, or bugaboo. It's real, and the only political avenue "socialists" have left.
So why is Coca-Cola and big business pushing "cultural marxism"?

Don't they know where their interests lie?
Are the high executives of multinationals THAT dumb?

>> No.19005127

>On that we are in perfect agreement.
Didn’t recognize Tito. Thought it was that nazi guy. Pardon.
Yeah, whatever about CM. I’m not effected by it. Probably another pentagon smokescreen


>> No.19005130

the funny part is that "cultural marxists" would be critiquing these very things if they were around.
adorno doesn't strike me as someone who would like the situation today.

>> No.19005145
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>So why is Coca-Cola and big business pushing "cultural marxism"?
Because it's their most effective ideological weapon against nationalism and economic socialism.

>I’m not effected by it.
That's like a fish claiming he's not affected by the water.

>> No.19005151
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>> No.19005153

>economic socialism.
so you want worker ownership over the means of production?

>> No.19005157

>Because it's their most effective ideological weapon against nationalism and economic socialism.
I mean, is Coca-Cola marxist/socialist or something?

>> No.19005163

>adorno doesn't strike me as someone who would like the situation today.
Yeaah, the guy hated big band jazz, right?

>> No.19005170


Tight control over private business by an ethnonationalist government which represents the interests of the working class will do as well.

>> No.19005175

the former is socialism, the latter is literally just a kind of liberalism.

>> No.19005180

It's cultural-marxist.

Cultural marxism was the sucessor to economic marxism, which the jews replaced it with when they discovered they couldn't get the actual working classes to adpot international marxism. The working class is naturally nationalist and socially conservative. Which is why they moved on to forced diversity and gay shit.

>> No.19005190
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>The working class is naturally nationalist and socially conservative.
>Which is why marxists moved on to forced diversity and gay shit.
you are aware that marxism does not repudiate the former?

>> No.19005205

>which the jews replaced it with when they discovered they couldn't get the actual working classes to adpot international marxism.
Why would the jews be interested in turning the whole world communist?
Aren't "they" the people who control the banking system?
Where is the profit?
Are they just plain evil?

>> No.19005209

Don't care. The desired result is the same: business serving the interests of the working class. The system that works depends on ethnic character and historical circumstance.

In prewar Germany the trade unions were ineffective vehicles run by non-Germans. So the NSDAP abolished them and replaced them with a national labor union, which actually worked and improved the conditions of the working class.

In Yugoslavia there was a mixed system. There were nationalized industries, and private ones where ownership of the companies was shared amongst the workers. And a few fully-private companies thrown into the mix.

The result was the same: workers with a lot of political power and economic autonomy. This is the actual end goal. Ideological purity is stupid.

Let's say you are in fact married to technical ownership of the means of production by the working class. You're going to need an authoritarian nationalist government to enforce that anyway.

>> No.19005211
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the jews play both sides
Jews. Write an article against this race that poisons everything by sticking its nose into everything without ever mixing with any other people. Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women. Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Demand its expulsion Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It’s not without cause that the Christians called them deicides. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. H. Heine, A. Weill, and others are nothing but secret spies ; Rothschild, Crémieux, Marx, Fould, wicked, bilious, envious, bitter, etc. etc. beings who hate us. The Jew must disappear by steel or by fusion or by expulsion. Tolerate the elderly who no longer have children. Work to be done – What the peoples of the Middle Ages hated instinctively I hate upon reflection and irrevocably. The hatred of the Jew like the hatred of the English should be our first article of political faith. Moreover, the abolition of Judaism will come with the abolition of other religions. Begin by not allocating funds to the clergy and leaving this to religious offerings. – And then, a short while later, abolish the religion.

>> No.19005217

the interests of employer and employee are directly opposed to one another. if one makes more money the other makes less and vice versa. class collaboration is a meme and a contradiction in terms.

>> No.19005226

>class collaboration is a meme and a contradiction in terms.
It's not if the classes care about things more important than money. Like the health of the nation, for example.
And I just provided two examples where your doctrinaire Marxist dichotomy was overcome in real terms.

But go ahead. Tell me about the socialist system that succeeds without authoritarian nationalism.

>> No.19005297

Good post.

>> No.19005299

>claims to be a Real Socialist (TM)
>doesn't recognize Tito
The absolute state of w*sterners

>> No.19005340
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In his defense, the populations of both the Western and Warsaw-pact blocs were lied to outrageously about Yugoslavia. And where they weren't lied to, they've been deliberately kept ignorant.

When I was a kid in 80s America my generational cohort was told Yugo was a client state of the USSR. I later met a Muscovite my age who learned in school that Tito was a puppet of NATO.

>> No.19005402

Why then the radical communists, the ones who wanna overthrown the government get called anti-semitical by literal zionist thinktanks?

>> No.19005465
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>jews denounce gentiles with their own ideas as antisemites

>> No.19005490

Jung. It’s enantiodromia after a period of repression, like letting go of a ball held underwater.

>> No.19005512

Ty. I luv jung.
I heard he worked for the oss too

>> No.19005583

>books that explain X
This is just a thinly veiled excuse to talk about some stupid youtube bullshit - this is not the board for it. Would that the jannies actually did their fucking job and scoured the board of imbecilic faggots like you.

>> No.19005601

If you actually wanted that you wouldn't be here.
If you actually got that you wouldn't be here.

>> No.19005606

Anon, I strongly urge you to go drown yourself in your toilet bowl.

>> No.19005624

i'll answer when you give me books that explain why people make heterosexuality their identity.

>> No.19005625

Homosexuality? Is that what the pedestants call themselves these days?
Fornicating with boys, and now shamelessly- what is the empire coming to.

>> No.19005633
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I read a good book about it

>> No.19005642

Libido Dominandi

>> No.19005657


>> No.19005660

excellent post

>> No.19005666
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>> No.19005679
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i believe you mean picrel

>> No.19005914

>So why is Coca-Cola and big business pushing "Cultural Marxism"
because it has everything to do with being a faggot or nigger. And almost nothing to do with class struggle. Its renders harmless those who may otherwise be a threat. So they promote it.

>> No.19005924

"queer" young girls who aren't dykes are the worst
basically straights but want to be diff'rent

>> No.19006213
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I haven't read this book but I like this philosophy professor's videos where he talks about (and critiques) woke-ism and its corollary, anti-wokeism of the Jordan Peterson variety as "two sides of the same coin," and he has videos critiquing both, but he's not really judgmental about it that much. He's influenced by Hegel, Daoism and Baudrillard:


It's not gender or sexuality per se that at the root of it, it's one manifestation of a whole culture or society in which:

>More and more, we present ourselves and encounter others through profiles. A profile shows us not as we are seen directly but how we are perceived by a broader public. As we observe how others observe us, we calibrate our self-presentation accordingly. Profile-based identity is evident everywhere from pop culture to politics, marketing to morality. But all too often critics simply denounce this alleged superficiality in defense of some supposedly pure ideal of authentic or sincere expression.

>This book argues that the profile marks an epochal shift in our concept of identity and demonstrates why that matters. You and Your Profile blends social theory, philosophy, and cultural critique to unfold an exploration of the way we have come to experience the world. Instead of polemicizing against the profile, Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio outline how it works, how we readily apply it in our daily lives, and how it shapes our values—personally, economically, and ethically. They develop a practical vocabulary of life in the digital age. Informed by the Daoist tradition, they suggest strategies for handling the pressure of social media by distancing oneself from one’s public face. A deft and wide-ranging consideration of our era’s identity crisis, this book provides vital clues on how to stay sane in a time of proliferating profiles.

Also we have developed this postmodern culture of "authentic fakes." Everyone is "genuinely pretending." Sincerity demands commitment to roles / profiles. The outside is real, and the inside must be backed up honestly, otherwise it's considered fake.

>> No.19006240

Maybe, and most-likely, it's both. It can be both, afterall.

>> No.19006276

daily reminder that lesbians don't exist

>> No.19006278
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Also you can see this developed with conventional heterosexual masculinity now with these straight-male "self-help" books or the Bronze Age Pervert or whatever. It's not enough to just be straight, it becomes part of your "profile," just like in a dating app and you have to "put some effort" into it for people to believe you're actually straight. It's very bizarre, but this is true for any identity, including gender identities.

Jordan Peterson is also a paradox because he champions himself as a defender of individual reason, but he's a moralizing figure (he'll cry while getting emotional during his talks) and is a performer at the same time, and he's very poised, and that's part of the attraction. It's not really any different from the woke people who are moralizing about their identities when you boil it down.

>> No.19006295

lmao zoomers really believe lesbians have sex? Is a woman fucking a horse when she rides it?

>> No.19006351

History of Sexuality vol 1 by Foucault

>> No.19006364
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I don't think the working class is so conservative. I think the working class is divided. Also, I think the differences between political parties in western countries has become more about how parties mobilize their voters, rather than specific policies -- which are largely the same neoliberal / pro-business policies. I don't think there's really a big difference between Macron and Le Pen, or between Trump and Biden.

I think it's rather that right-wing parties mobilize their voters with social conservatism, which is more of a conventional petit-bourgeois / middle-class preference if you really look at it (Trump's voters on average tended to make more money than Biden's voters, as in they tended to make more than $50,000 per year). And left-wing parties (or formerly left-wing parties) mobilize their voters with social liberalism, which reflects the lifestyles of urban professionals which took control of those parties since the 1990s with the shift to Blairism and Clintonism in Britain and America.

They also have privileged members of different minority groups as public "faces" of these parties, like Kamala Harris, so black women are "represented" in this symbolic way. Trump, too, was also mostly a symbolic president -- a public face, persona, and celebrity that conservative white people (in the main) in the U.S. could vicariously live through, and "express themselves" through. MAGA rallies were really just like Pride parades for a different group. But it's the same phenomena. This is the new opium of the masses.

People often vote "against" the other party more than "for" a party too, because there's no reason to really vote "for" these parties, since they don't really stand for anything -- instead they'll "protect" you from the other side. So, if you fear socially conservative people who will be bullies to you because of you're identity, you'll feel pressure to vote for the left-wing party, and if you fear the woke people who will bully you for being a white male, you'll feel pressure to vote for the right-wing party. And this antagonism is spread on social media with an endless firehose of bullshit, spam, and sensationalism. Your average redneck like my neighbor who voted for Trump (who's a nice guy in fact), or the trans women who hand me bags of food from the McDonald's drive-thru down the street, don't stand a chance against this social-media generated "culture war."

They can either swim in the tide or just drop out and ignore it.

The living standards for most people -- the majority -- in our countries are actually getting worse, though. That's also true for the majority of people in these minority groups who are seeing privileged members of their groups presented to them by the left-wing (or rather, "progressive" liberal) parties which have sold out. I think the entire establishment is objectively reactionary, and that goes just as much for the socially-conservative nationalist parties as well, but that's just my view.