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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 625 KB, 1728x2304, lit's Favorite Reads of the Summer 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18996614 No.18996614 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there pure denizens of the /lit/izens band. I've finally taken the tally and crunched the bunch into a chart for your consideration. The chart contains twenty-four of the most read books this past summer and is companioned by twelve randomly selected honorable mentions of books read by anons which are underappreciated or underread around these parts. Thank you to everybody who participated in this 'month's' poll.

Most Read:
1. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
2. Pnin - Vladimir Nabokov
3. Moby-Dick - Herman Melville
4. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
5. The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
6. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
7. Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
8. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
9. The Sound & The Fury - William Faulkner
10. A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
11. The Iliad - Homer
12. East of Eden - John Steinbeck
13. Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
14. Stoner - John Williams
15. Confessions - St. Augustine
16. Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev
17. The Odyssey - Homer
18. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
19. Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
20. Dubliners - James Joyce
21. Three Men in a Boat - Jerome K. Jerome
22. Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
23. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
24. Franny & Zooey - J.D. Salinger

Honorable Mentions:
1. An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter - Cesar Aira
2. The Voice of the Desert - Joseph Wood Krutch
3. Travels With Herodotus - Ryszard Kapucinski
4. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush - Eric Newby
5. Trout Fishing in America - Richard Brautigan
6. Pedro Paramo - Juan Rulfo
7. Lost Horizon - James Hilton
8. Perdido Street Station - China Mieville
9. New Impressions of Africa - Raymond Roussell
10. Pierre et Jean - Guy de Maupassant
11. The Impossible Climb - Mark Synnott
12. Hell's Angels - Hunter S. Thompson

The foggy nights are here
Beckoning the wanderer,
Cloaking the light's harshness
In softness tender to pain,
Enough moisture in the air
To hide the tears,
Enough mist in the night
To hide memories.
Children understand, and the lonely
Who hurt too much to say anything.

I love the foggy nights.
The shadows of strangers passing,
The obscurity that veils
Even a curious eye.
No need for words or even glances,
Only a walk with myself
When the bold are as obscure
As the timid,
When the neon lights are as soft
As the distant moon.

I will walk for a time,
The motion of my body
Quieting thought,
The stillness of the night
Healing the gaze of the sun.
I will be beautiful in the haze,
Silent as a forest
High above the foothills,
One with the secret force
That nourishes the lonely,
Who find special peace on foggy nights.

>> No.18996643

/lit/ has shit taste in books

>> No.18996644

Most /lit/ voters in this poll lied. Nobody reads Brothers Karamazov for pleasure or even out of some misguided sense of duty.

Borges is one of my favorite authors but I skipped over a lot of the stories in Ficciones because they weren't interesting. This poll is just a pissing contest.

>> No.18996648

t. cumtaster

>> No.18996651

Why is Fictions in Spanish but Don Quijote in English?

>> No.18996654

>Bookie snubbing Call of the Crocodile books again

This guy is corrupt and only puts in books he likes. I distinctly remember that thread and people were asking him to not snub F Gardener books.

>> No.18996664


>> No.18996666

Gardner is an animefag. They are discriminated against on this board

>> No.18996684


>> No.18996699

I think publishers didn't translate the title of Borges's book.

>> No.18996700

The book is often sold as “Ficciones” even in the English version

>> No.18996750

Quads of truth.

>> No.18996753

>lit only reads fiction

>> No.18996761

five of those books are not fiction (seven if you count Homer)

>> No.18996798
File: 35 KB, 314x500, call of the crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rigged. The most read book from the polls was this book. Disappointed to hear Bookie is one of the pseuds who shits on /WG./

>> No.18996821

To be truthful, The Brothers Karamazov received more legitimate votes than Gardner's book did in legitimate and illegitimate votes combined.

>> No.18996827

I haven't read all of the books selected but I liked most of the ones I have read. I don't think most people would rate these as their favourite books of all time, it's just that when you ask a large group about what they read recently you'll end up with lots of flavor of the month picks. Even if they aren't normally what you'd consider excellent. Ficciones, Pnin, Hesse, all good but definitely boosted by being talked about frequently over the summer. And I doubt most people here read more than maybe 15 or 20 books this summer, it leaves a limited pool of options for the people who just read whatevers popular here.

>> No.18996857

>legitimate and illegitimate votes combined.

And how do you determine that? I posted in the thread saying I voted for one of them. Because I remembered people making the exact same complaints last time. If your goal was to piss off /wg/ then goodjob. I'm not participating in these threads anymore.

>> No.18996864

If Bookie doesn't like a book he says the voters "Lied" if it gets too many votes. This has been going on for months.

>> No.18996880
File: 22 KB, 233x352, 1630901564343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally disingenuous.
Barely anyone read any of these books. There certainly weren't any threads.
Yet again post2016 /lit/ is making up erroneous lists too impress /r/books.

Quite frankly it's fucking embarrassing

>> No.18996892

I don't disagree with anything you said at all, I just think whoever polled the /lit/ users failed to take into account the fact that people on this board lie all the time about what books they've read.

>> No.18996924

Oh there were threads. But you're right about it being disingenuous. It plays out like this basically

>Moby Dick by /lit/, Call of the Crocodile and some other books by /wg/ authors start sweeping the polls. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing Jigoku and others in there too. You get the idea.
>Bookie doesn't like that self published anons from /wg/ are getting attention
>"Those votes were just lies. They don't count. Here's the real results." - Bookie
>The "Real" results are straight out of every generic "top books of all time" chart. Which he clearly put together in a quick attempt to save face.

Like the literal boy who cried wolf. I think this is like the 4th month in a row this has happened and more anons are calling him out on this bullshit.

>> No.18997016
File: 184 KB, 656x398, Call of The Pepedile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Shookie disregards what people actually vote for in order to appeal to le reddit tourists.

>> No.18997073

Yea L’Academie had a ton of votes as well. Yet no mention.

>> No.18997964

>the same books over and over again but in different charts and colours
Very useful

>> No.18998152
File: 200 KB, 750x1200, 8D68313C-A427-437A-9BAC-D5B90513C525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best book I read this summer
Unfortunately nobody else on /lit/ seems to have read it

>> No.18998185

>Nobody reads Brothers Karamazov for pleasure or even out of some misguided sense of duty.
What do people get out of making retarded lies like this?

>> No.18998321
File: 560 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210907-110113_Moon+ Reader Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well what are the chances. Im finding it so so

>> No.18998350

None of my books are among those, a shame. Read more Lloyd Alexander you niggers.

>> No.18998355
File: 22 KB, 680x538, 331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Don Quijote; always in the top 5

>> No.18998356

My a list with books that received three or less votes.

>> No.18998359

God you're such a psued

>> No.18998459

It is a bloody good manga

>> No.18998620

how the fuck is homer «non-fiction»?

>> No.18998712

Nice, keep up the good work.
>No Moby-Dick /lit/ annotated cover tho...

>> No.18998732

look closer

>> No.18999605


>> No.18999679

So, the usual. Thing is those works are classics and if you come here you probably come in contact with the charts and such. These lists will probably be pretty static, forever

>> No.18999736

I read it

>> No.18999758

I never make threads about books I'm reading, it feels weird and I don't want to get spoiled. After I finish them I participate.
I suppose many anons are the same, they lurk

>> No.18999886

>he thinks that because he's too retarded to appreciate good literature, everyone else must be lying about doing so

>> No.19000084

Finally got around to reading stoner a few weeks ago. /lit/ is right on this one. great read, theres a deep melancholy that hangs beautiful over the book and like i loved it. super cozy vibes

>> No.19000239

fuck, I strongly disagree but those quads don't lie

>> No.19000268


>> No.19000273

Cool. It took a little while getting used to the Guernsey dialect but was really sad to finish it because I had grown attached to old Ebenezer

>> No.19000301

I just got that book the other day! I’ll try and start it soon

>> No.19000423

Can we count on you to make the 2021 top 100?

>> No.19000427

>What do people get out of making retarded lies like this?
Sexual stimulation

>> No.19001736

If a ballot just has Call of the Crocodile in every slot, that's an illegitimate vote. If more than one ballot is submitted which are exactly the same, that's an illegitimate vote.

I have stated since this poll's inception that spam ballots and duplicate ballots will not be included in the final count. I'm sorry that no one wants to read your book, Frank. Don't take it out on me.

Actually picked up a copy of this one after seeing your vote, thanks for the recc anon.

There's always something interesting which pops up, and I always see anons voting for books which were honorably mentioned in the previous polls. So at the very least, some underread books are getting more exposure through these charts.

I'm certainly considering it. I'm just not sure what my protocol will be for it.

>> No.19001748

read mor

>> No.19001881

Cool I hope you anons enjoy it.

>> No.19001903
File: 62 KB, 715x557, 324C549A-CCB5-4540-A36A-4C5FADEAB548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookie confirmed psude. There are YouTube videos and hundreds if not a thousand posts about CotC a day on here. Same applies to Waldun. As others have mentioned you snubbed more books than just Call of the Crocodile so don’t pretend it’s all about that.

>> No.19001920

>Reject /wg/ authors
>bring down the wrath of anons in comments

Wtf was this guy expecting lmao. I know for a fact people actually read the /lit/ edition of Moby Dick, Croc, and R.C Waldun. This dude is so full of himself and meanspirited.

>> No.19001921

Read more what?

>> No.19001939

lists like these have always used meme filters, newfriend

>> No.19002077

These are hardly beach reads.

Where's James Patterson? Nora Roberts? Danielle Steel??

>> No.19002333
File: 38 KB, 1020x655, 8c1e7e447788bc6b4ad53d24d7eb6f15l-w845348093xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.19002597

Haven't you idiots - and you, half-Satan - learned yet that if you steal Gardner's books the crocodile will come for you?

>> No.19002723

They aren't even worth stealing. I only advocate it to people who have been tricked into reading them since being tricked into it or being paid seems to be the only way people read his dogshit.

>> No.19002943

I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed his latest books. F Gardner (PBUH) has improved significantly as an author.

>> No.19002973

Only difference between Bookie's list and the real results are that Bookie's is Reddit memes. Which is just mainstream shit. Whereas the real results had 4chan meme books like Call of the Crocodile and Waldun.

>> No.19002994

>There's always something interesting which pops up, and I always see anons voting for books which were honorably mentioned in the previous polls. So at the very least, some underread books are getting more exposure through these charts.
That's true. I'll probably pick up Cesar Aira's book, myself

>> No.19003011

>I'm sorry that no one wants to read your book, Frank. Don't take it out on me

If Gardener was shilling his own book he wouldn't just be shilling EXCLUSIVELY that one. He has new books out. This is so fucking retarded.

>> No.19003073

>If Gardener was shilling his own book he wouldn't just be shilling EXCLUSIVELY that one. He has new books out. This is so fucking retarded.
I'm looking at literally GARDNER PAID ADVERTISEMENTS right now on this page.

>> No.19003080

You're saying he's paying people to make all of these posts? Take your meds dude.

>> No.19003089

>Nobody reads Brothers Karamazov for pleasure
obvious bait

>> No.19003093

>You're saying he's paying people to make all of these posts? Take your meds dude.
Nope. I'm saying he became a meme because of paid propaganda.

>> No.19003115

so fucking boring. not to say these books aren't good, they obviously are, but it's the same shit on every chart.

there's no point in doing a chart at all unless it has some constraints on it that will actually turn up some new and interesting results e.g. best books published in 2021, best metaphysical mystery novels, best surfing horror novels etc.

>> No.19003148

I think there's value in these top read lists. But I said something along the same lines earlier, yea.
As for specificity, I dunno. I would like a top list for the past 20 years or something

>> No.19003153

It’s because Bookie keeps filtering out the actual voting results.

>> No.19003219

Gardner, it's not that hard to make 1000 posts a day if you have no life. Nobody is buying this. All your posts are the same format.
>Muh twists
>Muh crocodile
>Why would he only shill crocodile book???
>No no he is a meme
>[shill one of the latest books in unrelated thread]
>piggyback on Waldun threads
>Muh YouTube reviews (show me one video with more than 20 views)
>I didn't like the book, but here's the audiobook, and muh twists
>If you think he could make so many posts you're a schizo
Nobody wants to read your books, and the few (please tell me how few! I'd like to see the sales numbers if you're so confident that you have an organic audience!). Nobody wants to read your books, not even the newfags believe you're a meme. Even they can see you're just a sick sad man desperately trying to find relevance. Write a good book. Do something. But just stop this.

>> No.19003264

>Do something

He’s written like 10 books dude. How many have you written? I actually read CotC. Are you the guy who said he hates gardener cause he’s jealous of him? I saw your spams in /wg./ Your spamming is getting desperate. From a quick search there’s videos on YouTube with hundreds of views. Not sure what you’re on about.

>inb4 Gardener


>> No.19003307
File: 127 KB, 794x1080, Pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you i don't read.
I read this bad boy though

>> No.19003312
File: 770 KB, 1220x1993, E91F0511-A006-4F49-9B54-50E112F2ECDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you the guy who said he hates gardener cause he’s jealous of him?
No, I'm sick of spam, Gardner
These are the top two videos by the way. One video from two months ago with less than 200 views and the shitty audiobook. Past that the best you get is 50 views, and there are not many. You're not a meme, you were a novelty.

>> No.19003559
File: 75 KB, 750x738, 45918AFD-659C-4A45-A7CC-48CB52C2EF07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19003618

I love this pic

>> No.19003890

>75 replies
>40 posters
Confirmed, Gardner and Waldun are just seething rn

>> No.19004344

This is just a list of shit I've read 20 years ago or even longer! There is decent stuff being made, I'm reading a few of them currently.

>> No.19004825

>There is decent stuff being made, I'm reading a few of them currently.
Tell us about them

>> No.19004918
File: 594 KB, 2525x2525, Call of The Crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one here is one of the best among all of them.

>> No.19004923
File: 557 KB, 590x400, 5674675r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19004934


>> No.19004940

>There is decent stuff being made
>Tell us about them
Anon's Collected Taliban Poetry (Revised and Amplified Edition)

>> No.19005684

Then start threads posting recommendations of books you like to read. You won't get anywhere complaining on a Vietnamese breadmaking forum.

>> No.19005985

>/lit/ edition of Moby Dick
Don't associate that with the other spam, that's actually the product of /lit/ anons. I think OP just counted it as votes toward Moby-Dick, though I would've liked to see the /lit/ cover.

>> No.19006104

I did count votes for the /lit/-annotated Moby-Dick. Moby-Dick received 5 votes, but only two of those votes specified the /lit/ edition. I would've included the cover were I aware of it's existence.

>> No.19006194

>a farewell to arms
How do people manage to tolerate Hemmingway's retarded prose? I read a few pages before dropping it. He writes like a 2nd grader.

>> No.19006413

What're /lit/s favourite reads for Halloween?

>> No.19006454
File: 1.23 MB, 1764x2700, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19006475

How good is this edition in terms of lols? I've never read Moby Dick, I only know bits and pieces from lurking in here, and I'm tempted to buy this version.

>> No.19006819
File: 2.55 MB, 2850x3800, 20210731_122327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19006914

reddit galore

>> No.19007188
File: 62 KB, 287x475, BD261AEC-0B2F-4CEF-B10D-B950F235B74F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the bongs

>> No.19007351

I'm buying this

>> No.19008854

I thought it was about new books that had come out this year.

Instead its the same old shit that you have read in school two decades ago

>> No.19008931

>new books
lol wtf

>> No.19009382

>thinking this proves anything
google will autofill no matter how few times cotc has been searched retard

>> No.19009413
File: 259 KB, 1122x1325, hellofrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardner's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here: